  • 427
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  • 427
  • El cuatrocientos veintisiete (427) es el número natural que sigue al 426 y precede al 428. Categoría:Números
  • The year 427 of the Gregorian calendar, or Year -1 in the Dushanist calendar, and was a common year starting on Saturday.
  • 427 was the designation of a group of three CR90 corvettes that served in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. They were part of the task force, led by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible, during Operation Strike Fear where they served as support for the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Warspite. While mustering in the Dellalt system they were identified as carrying military equipment by a Rebel reconnaissance mission flown by Keyan Farlander in a lone R-22 Spearhead.
  • 427 - The year 427 after the battle of Pondaron was named the "Year of Memory", when memories were lost and regained, and some old promises and old ruins remembered on some Segments of Myra. Read on: Year before: 426 - Year after: 428 - Myra - History
  • Victoria Winters' witch trial will begin this day. Peter Bradford comes to her jail cell to bring her the bad news. Peter is devastated to tell Victoria that her trial will begin today but to his surprise, she is relieved. She wants it to be over. Peter tells her that Josette Collins died the previous evening. Victoria is disappointed that the information given to Countess Natalie DuPres from the Collins family history book foretelling Josette's death was unable to prevent the tragedy. He has more bad news: Joshua Collins will not allow his wife Naomi to testify in behalf of Victoria. Peter and Victoria embrace before they leave for the courtroom.
  • Nachdem Oliver erfahren hat, dass es Juli in Stanford gut gefallen hat und dass sie bereit ist, das alles für ihn aufzugeben, wird er nachdenklich. Kann er zulassen, dass Juli ihre Zukunft wegen ihm einfach hinwirft? Vanessa hat zwar Verständnis für Deniz' Verpflichtungen, aber dennoch verletzt es sie, dass er seinen Job dem gemeinsamen Ausflug zur Eishockey-WM vorzieht. Als Deniz dann auch noch auf die Idee kommt, die Party in den Pool im Steinkamp-Zentrum zu verlegen, fühlt sich Vanessa auf ihrer eigenen Party völlig überflüssig. Selbstzweifel nagen zudem an ihr. Jenny verletzt die Affäre zwischen Lena und Maximilian. So ist sie bemüht, Lena möglichst von ihrem Bruder fernzuhalten. Aber Lena durchschaut sie und lässt Jenny kalt auflaufen. Zu allem Überfluss gerät Jenny auch noch durch ih
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  • El cuatrocientos veintisiete (427) es el número natural que sigue al 426 y precede al 428. Categoría:Números
  • Victoria Winters' witch trial will begin this day. Peter Bradford comes to her jail cell to bring her the bad news. Peter is devastated to tell Victoria that her trial will begin today but to his surprise, she is relieved. She wants it to be over. Peter tells her that Josette Collins died the previous evening. Victoria is disappointed that the information given to Countess Natalie DuPres from the Collins family history book foretelling Josette's death was unable to prevent the tragedy. He has more bad news: Joshua Collins will not allow his wife Naomi to testify in behalf of Victoria. Peter and Victoria embrace before they leave for the courtroom. Victoria pleads innocent to the charge of witchcraft. Reverend Trask gives her one last chance to denounce her master, the Prince of Darkness. Abigail Collins testifies that the reign of terror began when Victoria first arrived at the Old House. Abigail is excused after her testimony so that Peter can question Reverend Trask about the exorcism he performed at the Old House. His testimony is interrupted by a shouting match between Abigail and Victoria. Natalie DuPres testifies that Victoria predicted the events that preceded the death of Josette. They were written in the Collins family history book which the countess once possessed. Natalie accuses Victoria of stealing the book from her room while she was still in her jail cell. Because she was in two places at one time, Trask believes this proves her guilt. Peter admits that he let Victoria leave her jail cell to retrieve the history book. While defending Peter, Victoria cries that she has hurt enough people. Trask gleefully claims that Victoria's plea is an admission of guilt. Back in her jail cell, Peter and Victoria discuss what to do about the history book. Victoria says Ben Stokes said he knows that she is not the witch. Peter suspects that there is something that Ben is not able to tell them. He leaves to talk to Ben.
  • The year 427 of the Gregorian calendar, or Year -1 in the Dushanist calendar, and was a common year starting on Saturday.
  • 427 was the designation of a group of three CR90 corvettes that served in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. They were part of the task force, led by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible, during Operation Strike Fear where they served as support for the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Warspite. While mustering in the Dellalt system they were identified as carrying military equipment by a Rebel reconnaissance mission flown by Keyan Farlander in a lone R-22 Spearhead.
  • 427 - The year 427 after the battle of Pondaron was named the "Year of Memory", when memories were lost and regained, and some old promises and old ruins remembered on some Segments of Myra. Read on: Year before: 426 - Year after: 428 - Myra - History
  • Nachdem Oliver erfahren hat, dass es Juli in Stanford gut gefallen hat und dass sie bereit ist, das alles für ihn aufzugeben, wird er nachdenklich. Kann er zulassen, dass Juli ihre Zukunft wegen ihm einfach hinwirft? Vanessa hat zwar Verständnis für Deniz' Verpflichtungen, aber dennoch verletzt es sie, dass er seinen Job dem gemeinsamen Ausflug zur Eishockey-WM vorzieht. Als Deniz dann auch noch auf die Idee kommt, die Party in den Pool im Steinkamp-Zentrum zu verlegen, fühlt sich Vanessa auf ihrer eigenen Party völlig überflüssig. Selbstzweifel nagen zudem an ihr. Jenny verletzt die Affäre zwischen Lena und Maximilian. So ist sie bemüht, Lena möglichst von ihrem Bruder fernzuhalten. Aber Lena durchschaut sie und lässt Jenny kalt auflaufen. Zu allem Überfluss gerät Jenny auch noch durch ihre schlechten Leistungen und der anstehenden Deutschen Meisterschaft unter Druck. In der angespannten Situation verliert sie ausgerechnet vor Lena die Fassung...
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