  • Eggmorphing
  • While the mechanics of the process are unknown, essentially it involves the Xenomorph cocooning a victim and subsequently converting them into a new Egg containing a Facehugger. Notably, the victim does not need to be alive for this process to be successful — deceased matter is equally viable, as was the case with Samuel Brett. Typically, a second, live victim would be cocooned alongside the Eggmorphing subject, thereby providing a viable host for the Facehugger, once it has developed.
  • While the mechanics of the process are unknown, essentially it involves the Xenomorph cocooning a victim and subsequently converting them into a new Egg containing a Facehugger. Notably, the victim does not need to be alive for this process to be successful — deceased matter is equally viable, as was the case with Samuel Brett. Typically, a second, live victim would be cocooned alongside the Eggmorphing subject, thereby providing a viable host for the Facehugger, once it has developed.