  • Comolyte System
  • The Comolyte System is a series of tunnels and caves that were established in the early Fourth Age by the Knights of the Gold Cross Order. They are named so because one of their comolytes discovered the entrance
  • The Comolyte System is a series of tunnels and caves that were established in the early Fourth Age by the Knights of the Gold Cross Order. They are named so because one of their comolytes discovered the entrance The story goes that when they were warring the goblin kingdom (in the holy-bandosian war), they were under so much pressure that they were forced to go into refuge in a small series of caves that had never seemed to have been used before (so they thought). As the the caves were very discreet and they were trapped there for months, they started expanding and improving the caves, and soon enough the caves were able to comfortably accommodate all the knights, as the knights were regaining their confidence, the goblins at last discovered one of the three entrances, and they came in and massacred most of the knights in their sleep, except for the two guards who were guarding the other two entrances and the few that were outside gathering or spying. After the attack, the Knights of the Gold Cross were all but defeated, but about twenty-three remained, and they had all been oathed into the order, and they came back to the tunnels and cleared out the bodies. But in their anger and grief, some of them abandoned their cause and ran away. Those escapees are believed to have later fomed the Temple Knights clan, but those who stayed went to the most southern cave in the system, which had been untouched by the goblins. And they stayed there, and hundreds of years later, their heirs still call this system their headquarters, and have sworn revenge against all bandos followers, and against the Temple Knights.