  • Kaad
  • Kaad is an old city, built long before the War of the Wizards, and one that has recently revived the worship of Ashra and Vuh, as the result of successfully defending itself against the army of Sargon the Elimite, with the help of the local Tanglewood Goblin tribe and the people of Ekaad, who were the city's original inhabitants. It had previously suffered the ravages of Sargon's hate when he unleashed a virulent plague upon it, though this was halted by Gereth Yaztromo before it could claim the lives of the entire populace.
  • Kaad is an old city, built long before the War of the Wizards, and one that has recently revived the worship of Ashra and Vuh, as the result of successfully defending itself against the army of Sargon the Elimite, with the help of the local Tanglewood Goblin tribe and the people of Ekaad, who were the city's original inhabitants. It had previously suffered the ravages of Sargon's hate when he unleashed a virulent plague upon it, though this was halted by Gereth Yaztromo before it could claim the lives of the entire populace.