  • Juliana O'Donnell
  • Juliana O'Donnell
  • Juliana O'Donnell
  • Juliana O'Donnell ist eine menschliche Geologin und lebt bis zum Angriff des Kristallwesens 2336 in der Föderationskolonie auf Omicron Theta. Dort lernt sie auch Dr. Noonien Soong kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Da ihre Mutter nicht mit dieser Beziehung einverstanden ist, heiraten sie heimlich auf Mavala IV.
  • Juliana O'Donnell was a female Human scientist in the 24th century. Born in 2303, O'Donnell lived at the Omicron Theta colony. She met Doctor Noonian Soong on the colony, and the two fell in love. However, her mother disapproved of their relationship due to the age gap, so they met in secret. They boarded the SS Wisconsin in 2328 to get married in secret on Mavala IV. Though they had no biological children, she considered each of the Soong-type androids like children. The okudagram of Juliana's medical records indicate that she was 67 years old in 2370. (TNG: "Inheritance" )
  • 2338
  • Juliana Tainer
  • Deceased
Marital Status
  • None
  • Female
  • 2303
  • Juliana O'Donnell ist eine menschliche Geologin und lebt bis zum Angriff des Kristallwesens 2336 in der Föderationskolonie auf Omicron Theta. Dort lernt sie auch Dr. Noonien Soong kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Da ihre Mutter nicht mit dieser Beziehung einverstanden ist, heiraten sie heimlich auf Mavala IV. Juliana assistiert ihrem Mann beim Bau einiger Androiden, wie Data und Lore. Als das Kristallwesen im Jahr 2336 die Kolonie angreift, kann das Ehepaar zwar in Richtung Terlina-System entkommen, doch Juliana wird beim Angriff schwer verletzt und fällt ins Koma. Den Tod seiner Ehefrau vor Augen baut Dr. Soong einen Androiden mit ihrem Aussehen und überträgt ihr Gedächtnis auf diesen. Nach ihrem Tod aktiviert Soong den Androiden und lässt diesen fortan im Glauben, Juliana O'Donnell zu sein, weiterleben. (TNG: )
  • Juliana O'Donnell was a female Human scientist in the 24th century. Born in 2303, O'Donnell lived at the Omicron Theta colony. She met Doctor Noonian Soong on the colony, and the two fell in love. However, her mother disapproved of their relationship due to the age gap, so they met in secret. They boarded the SS Wisconsin in 2328 to get married in secret on Mavala IV. Though they had no biological children, she considered each of the Soong-type androids like children. O'Donnell assisted Soong in his work on artificial lifeforms, and helped create the android Data, as well as his four predecessors, including Lore and B-4. When creating Data, Juliana was responsible for giving Data the capability to later play music and paint, as well as other creative outlets, feeling that he deserved a chance to express himself even if he lacked the emotional capacity to explore that side of himself. When the Crystalline Entity attacked the colony in 2338, the Soongs fled the planet, leaving Data and his "brother", Lore, behind. The two made their way to the Terlina system; however, Juliana was seriously injured in the attack, and fell into a coma. In a last attempt to preserve her memory, Soong built a new android, one indistinguishable from a Human, and transferred his wife's memories into it, using a synaptic scanning technique. Following Juliana's death, Soong activated the android, who remained unaware of her new state of being. (TNG: "Inheritance" ) The okudagram of Juliana's medical records indicate that she was 67 years old in 2370. (TNG: "Inheritance" )
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