  • Automaton Creation
  • User is able to create automatons: an ancient, artificially-constructed robot-like creatures that follow their creator's commands to the fullest. Automatons are considered to be the ancient mystical forerunners of robots. They usually appear to be a suit of metallic armor lacking functional internal organs & metabolism and immunity to almost all of the frailties that affect living organisms. Automatons are usually created by intelligent magic users. The user is able to craft automatons that follow their commands to the letter. This is an ability quite similar to crafting golems.
Row 1 info
  • Craft automatons
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability To:
Box Title
  • Automaton Creation
  • Hephaestus created the unstoppable automaton "The Annihilator".
  • 350
  • brown
  • User is able to create automatons: an ancient, artificially-constructed robot-like creatures that follow their creator's commands to the fullest. Automatons are considered to be the ancient mystical forerunners of robots. They usually appear to be a suit of metallic armor lacking functional internal organs & metabolism and immunity to almost all of the frailties that affect living organisms. Automatons are usually created by intelligent magic users. The user is able to craft automatons that follow their commands to the letter. This is an ability quite similar to crafting golems.