  • Gargapuri
  • Gargapuri was a character who appeared in the Smurfs cartoon show season 9 episode ‘Curried Smurfs’. He was a cheat in ancient India who, under the pretense of being a fakir (or holy man), frequently caught ordinary animals and disguised them as rare and special ones, intending to sell them off for a handsome price to his king Rajah to add to his private zoo. Being inept though, he always failed to fool Rajah who would then send him away empty-handed. Then one day, he captured three of the timelost Smurfs - Brainy, Greedy and Smurfette - and presented them to Rajah for reward. Rajah believed him this time as he could easily see the Smurfs were genuine; however the king rewarded him in bricks painted gold. When he discovered he had been cheated, an enraged Gargapuri went back to Rajah’s pal
  • Evil
  • Season 9
Voice Actor
  • Unknown
  • Cartoon Show
  • Male
  • Human
  • Gargapuri was a character who appeared in the Smurfs cartoon show season 9 episode ‘Curried Smurfs’. He was a cheat in ancient India who, under the pretense of being a fakir (or holy man), frequently caught ordinary animals and disguised them as rare and special ones, intending to sell them off for a handsome price to his king Rajah to add to his private zoo. Being inept though, he always failed to fool Rajah who would then send him away empty-handed. Then one day, he captured three of the timelost Smurfs - Brainy, Greedy and Smurfette - and presented them to Rajah for reward. Rajah believed him this time as he could easily see the Smurfs were genuine; however the king rewarded him in bricks painted gold. When he discovered he had been cheated, an enraged Gargapuri went back to Rajah’s palace to take back the Smurfs, only to be blamed by Rajah for freeing all the other animals in his zoo, unaware it was actually Wild Smurf and Grandpa Smurf who were responsible. As a result, Gargapuri was locked up in an animal cage by Rajah and his guards, who then got locked up themselves in a cage by the very animals the king had confined. Gargapuri was probably one of Gargamel's ancestors.