  • The Legions of Hell
  • Demons. Abominations. Monsters. Fallen Angels. Door-To-Door salesmen. There is a place where they go to, and a place from which they spring. Simply calling it Another Dimension doesn't do it justice. They are legion, for their numbers are many, and their powers are diverse. However, if Good Hurts Evil, one wonders why the heroes don't just "accidentally" let a nun, monk, priest, child, angel, or other nice being walk in and 'crash the gate shut with a resounding bang and atomized, no, disintegrated the great forces of evil.' Examples of The Legions of Hell include:
  • Demons. Abominations. Monsters. Fallen Angels. Door-To-Door salesmen. There is a place where they go to, and a place from which they spring. Simply calling it Another Dimension doesn't do it justice. They are legion, for their numbers are many, and their powers are diverse. Sometimes Mooks of Satan or a God of Evil (who -- depending on the setting and/or the author's worldview -- may or may not be the same person/thing), and residing in Fire and Brimstone Hell (or the real deal). There may or may not be heavenly equivalents, and either one can be treated in a Crystal Dragon Jesus manner. Heck, if they're in a Hentai work, they may even have tentacles. The Shinto version of the afterlife is markedly different from the Christian version; thus, in Anime not influenced by western notions of Hell and demons, Hell acts more Chaotic Neutral than evil regardless of how it looks, especially the classic Buddhist and Chinese versions. Demons will be more like administrators than tormentors, often taken to the extreme. However, if Good Hurts Evil, one wonders why the heroes don't just "accidentally" let a nun, monk, priest, child, angel, or other nice being walk in and 'crash the gate shut with a resounding bang and atomized, no, disintegrated the great forces of evil.' See also: Bonus Level of Hell, for guys slightly higher on the infernal totem-pole see Demon Lords and Archdevils. For the non-demonic version: Alien Invasion. Examples of The Legions of Hell include: