  • Timmy, Go By Yourself
  • Kim came in her room, but what she didn't know is that someone is watching her in her closet. Kim lay down on her bed, cuddling her pillows, "Oh, Ron, you're so soft. I just want to…" Suddenly, a boy, with brown hair with a shiny red hat, blue eyes, buck teeth, and wearing a shiny red pumkin costume came out of the closet, scaring her, "Boo!" "Timmy!" Kim yelled, glaring at him, as he laughed, "I scared you, I scared you! I'm Ron, kiss me, I'm Ron, woo." "Mom and Dad told you to stay out of my room!" Kim yelled. "Not this year, Timmy," Kim crossed her arms. "Mom said you have to," said Timmy.
  • Kim came in her room, but what she didn't know is that someone is watching her in her closet. Kim lay down on her bed, cuddling her pillows, "Oh, Ron, you're so soft. I just want to…" Suddenly, a boy, with brown hair with a shiny red hat, blue eyes, buck teeth, and wearing a shiny red pumkin costume came out of the closet, scaring her, "Boo!" "Timmy!" Kim yelled, glaring at him, as he laughed, "I scared you, I scared you! I'm Ron, kiss me, I'm Ron, woo." "Mom and Dad told you to stay out of my room!" Kim yelled. "Don't be such a crab," Timmy ruffled her hair and began to jump on her bed, "Guess what? You're gonna take me trick-or-treating." "Not this year, Timmy," Kim crossed her arms. "Mom said you have to," said Timmy. "Well, she can take you!" Kim began to walk away, but Timmy grabbed her sleeve, "She and Dad are going to a party at Town Hall." "Well, you're 10! Go by yourself!" Kim began to play with the drums.