  • Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster
  • Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster is a fast food restaurant located on Foodcourtia . It is owned and administrated by the Irken Frylord Sizz-Lorr. After ruining Operation Impending Doom, Zim was sentenced to work at this restaurant for the rest of his life. The soft drinks served at the restaurant appear to be extremely corrosive, with even small spills burning holes in the floor, which were ultimately Zim's responsibility to repair. Coincidentally, another green blob of similar appearance is a member of the Resisty. There is a possibility that their species may be related.
  • Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster
Known residents
  • Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster is a fast food restaurant located on Foodcourtia . It is owned and administrated by the Irken Frylord Sizz-Lorr. After ruining Operation Impending Doom, Zim was sentenced to work at this restaurant for the rest of his life. Like many items one might find in fast food restaurants on Earth, much of the food in Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster is fried in white-hot grease. Notably, the grease utilized on Foodcourtia, unlike the greases found in many prevalent Earth foods such as pizza and bacon, does not seem to invoke any allergic reaction upon contact with Irken skin. It is likely that, as it is owned and facilitated by Irkens, the restaurant only serves foods which are unlikely to cause a reaction. Zim is even seen eating some of the food sold there, with no adverse effects. Some items sold at the Flavor Monster include "moose-shminkies", "fried doody-doo", "live plooka", a sort of unidentified hamburger, and "Vort dogs", which appear to be a form of sausage. The soft drinks served at the restaurant appear to be extremely corrosive, with even small spills burning holes in the floor, which were ultimately Zim's responsibility to repair. The restaurant is frequented by a deluge of picky customers on a daily basis, who complain often, due to the many inevitable problems with their complex and difficult food orders. Additionally, many of them seem to enjoy making messes, simply for the sake of giving the Service Drones a hard time (as Zim learned the hard way during his initial sentence). The business merely becomes even more rapid and chaotic during the Foodening. After Zim escaped his banishment right before Operation Impending Doom II, the exit was equipped with a Vortian 'Splodey System, that was programmed to recognize Zim's bio-signature; in the event that he attempted to escape the restaurant, the system would cause him to spontaneously expand and explode. Nevertheless, Zim managed to escape intact. The mascot for Shloogorgh's Flavor Monster is a small green blob named Shloogorgh. During his second capture, Sizz-Lorr ordered Zim to put on a "happy Shloogorgh" costume to "fill the customers with joy". Coincidentally, another green blob of similar appearance is a member of the Resisty. There is a possibility that their species may be related. The restaurant and all others around it seem to serve as the basis for the Irken Field in Nicktoons: MLB.