  • 149
  • 149
  • 149
  • 149
  • 149
  • 149
  • Trotz Diana Eingreifen eskaliert der Streit zwischen Julian und Tim. Tim packt entnervt seine Sachen und will verschwinden. Schließlich finden Julian und Diana ihn am Grab der Eltern. Ben bekommt auf seine Frage, warum sich seine Mutter und Mike getrennt haben nur fadenscheinige Begründungen. Doch schließlich bekommt er Wind von Mikes Fehltritt und stellt ihn wütend zur Rede. Axel verschafft sich in Form von Annette ein Alibi, um nicht mit seiner Intrige gegen Ingo in Verbindung gebracht zu werden. Schließlich ereilen ihn doch Skrupel und er versucht, Schlimmeres zu verhindern. Doch die Mails mit dem kompromittierenden Foto sind schon verschickt...
  • El ciento cuarenta y nueve (149) es el número natural que sigue al 148 y precede al 150. Categoría:Números
  • Number 149 is an item on The List.
  • [[Plik:A308-149.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 10 na linii 149 na ul. Kaliskiego]] 149 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Grotów na Osiedle Górczewska. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa KleszczowaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Kleszczowa.
  • #149 is the one-hundred forty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • The number 149 can refer to: * Puzzle Number Cycle from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box * Puzzle Strange Symbols from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future * Puzzle Marble Thirds from Professor Layton and the Last Specter * Puzzle From Right to Left from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask * Puzzle Exit on the Left from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
  • Carolyn returns home and angrily slams the door; she tells Victoria of her trip to Burke's and that his speech sounded rehearsed. Burke didn't sound or act like himself. Carolyn admits that she threw herself at him and demanded declarations of love, much to Victoria's disapproval. Carolyn's upset that Burke didn't hurt her with his rejection. She vows a vague revenge, then tells Victoria that Burke's in love with Laura. Maggie gets off work and tries to fix Sam dinner; he's still not feeling well. Sam and Maggie discuss the freak accident which resulted in the burning of a canvas from across the room without burning its cover. Sam says the other painting is about to go up in flames, too... he's been seeing it in his mind all day.
  • 149
  • Josette_and_the_painting.jpg
  • 1967-01-12
  • 146
  • From Right to Left
  • Number Cycle
  • 1967
  • Exit on the Left
  • Incomplete
  • 1
  • 1967-01-19
Character Name
  • List Number 149
  • 8
  • Ds145kin.jpg
  • Marble Thirds
  • Screwed up Joy's baby...
  • red
  • 149
  • Strange Symbols
  • 149
  • Trotz Diana Eingreifen eskaliert der Streit zwischen Julian und Tim. Tim packt entnervt seine Sachen und will verschwinden. Schließlich finden Julian und Diana ihn am Grab der Eltern. Ben bekommt auf seine Frage, warum sich seine Mutter und Mike getrennt haben nur fadenscheinige Begründungen. Doch schließlich bekommt er Wind von Mikes Fehltritt und stellt ihn wütend zur Rede. Axel verschafft sich in Form von Annette ein Alibi, um nicht mit seiner Intrige gegen Ingo in Verbindung gebracht zu werden. Schließlich ereilen ihn doch Skrupel und er versucht, Schlimmeres zu verhindern. Doch die Mails mit dem kompromittierenden Foto sind schon verschickt...
  • El ciento cuarenta y nueve (149) es el número natural que sigue al 148 y precede al 150. Categoría:Números
  • Number 149 is an item on The List.
  • Carolyn returns home and angrily slams the door; she tells Victoria of her trip to Burke's and that his speech sounded rehearsed. Burke didn't sound or act like himself. Carolyn admits that she threw herself at him and demanded declarations of love, much to Victoria's disapproval. Carolyn's upset that Burke didn't hurt her with his rejection. She vows a vague revenge, then tells Victoria that Burke's in love with Laura. Maggie gets off work and tries to fix Sam dinner; he's still not feeling well. Sam and Maggie discuss the freak accident which resulted in the burning of a canvas from across the room without burning its cover. Sam says the other painting is about to go up in flames, too... he's been seeing it in his mind all day. Maggie tells Sam he needs to take it easy because he's suffering from anxiety. Sam has the urge to go to Collinwood, where he feels the unfinished first painting will be completed... something's going into that empty space. At that precise moment in David's room, the painting begins to glow with an unearthly light. Victoria tells Carolyn not to be so vindictive; Roger jumps to her defense. She tells him the happy news about her relationship with Burke being terminated. Carolyn and Roger speak of Laura and Burke. Carolyn's shocked by Roger's blase attitude, but Roger just says that Burke's up to his old tricks. In David's room, the ghost of Josette Collins appears and touches the painting. Victoria has sent David with Mrs. Johnson but it will cost Roger a set of toy soldiers. Roger's pleased that David's out of the house and not looking at the painting. Carolyn suggests Roger destroy it now; Victoria begs him not to because it would harm David. She admits her fear that she's responsible for the whole mess and relates the urge to take the portrait. Sam shows up at Collinwood, wanting to see Roger. He wants to know why Victoria didn't let him destroy the painting in the first place. He and Roger have a wry discussion about the portrait, which Sam insists on seeing. Roger blames Sam's ego; Sam can't explain why he wants to see the painting. Victoria enters David's room and is overcome with a strange sensation. She sees the painting and screams; where there was a blank spot in the painting, now ls David's face. Carolyn, Roger, and Sam rush to the scream. They meet Victoria running down the stairs; she shows them the finished painting. Standing next to Laura in flames is David, unmistakably David. Roger asks Sam what it means—he saw the painting just that morning and it wasn't finished. Sam doesn't know what it means. He points out that the painting is dry, so it couldn’t have been empty this morning. He describes the sensations that led him to Collinwood. Roger wants to know how a total representation of David's dream has come to fruition on canvas. Sam describes the power that led him to paint the portrait and come to Collinwood. He describes being used to communicate. Victoria admits she felt something strange in David's room, like someone had been in there. She describes the scent of jasmine, which she smelled "a few months ago" in the Old House after Josette appeared to her. Everyone wonders what David will do when he sees the painting. To prevent him from finding out, Roger throws the painting into the fire. As it begins to burn, screaming erupts from the canvas.
  • [[Plik:A308-149.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 10 na linii 149 na ul. Kaliskiego]] 149 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje na trasie z Grotów na Osiedle Górczewska. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa KleszczowaKategoria:Linie obsługiwane przez Zajezdnię Kleszczowa.
  • #149 is the one-hundred forty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • The number 149 can refer to: * Puzzle Number Cycle from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box * Puzzle Strange Symbols from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future * Puzzle Marble Thirds from Professor Layton and the Last Specter * Puzzle From Right to Left from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask * Puzzle Exit on the Left from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
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