  • 獨木舟
  • The outrigger canoes are wooden dugouts with wooden outriggers that are used in the waters around Island. They are large enough to comfortably hold at least six people and contain enough oars for that many. First seen in "[[|]]", one of the canoes was used by Kate, Sawyer, and Karl to escape Hydra Island. Karl later utilized the outrigger to travel to the survivors' beach camp to warn them Ben was planning to attack them earlier than expected. Charlie and Desmond also took the craft for their mission to the Looking Glass station. (3x21)
  • 獨木舟,英文稱kayak,日文稱「カヤック」,屬於以人力作為動力的一種小船。 與皮划艇(或稱印地安獨木舟,Canoe)最大差別為運槳方式; 現代獨木舟為單柄雙葉槳,Canoe是單柄單葉槳;一般獨木舟為兩側輪流划槳,Canoe多為單邊划槳。 現代獨木舟可以依照地形與船體使用功能性區分為幾個大類(各種船體的特徵與特性將另行分論): 一、休閒舟(Recreation):休閒舟多使用於水波平穩且景色優美之平靜安全水域。由於水域少有強側風與風浪,因此舟體構造不需要特別針對風浪設計。一般可分為充氣式、平台式、湖泊舟。 二、激流用獨木舟(whitewater):可區分為激流獨木舟(riverrunning)、花式獨木舟(playboat)、充氣式獨木舟(inflatable)。舟體的特性必須能對抗強水流沖擊而不易翻覆並能耐撞擊(溪流中的石頭)。激流獨木舟顧名思義,多用於湍急之河川,目的在於對抗或利用激流來進行運動(也有用激流獨木舟在海濱做surfing的玩法);過程刺激,且所需要之技巧與體能都很高。是適合進階的獨木舟玩家。
  • One on Hydra beach, two docked at the main Island
  • 3
  • Ajirasurvivors&canoes.jpg
  • Dockedcanoe.jpg
  • Outrigger
  • 180
  • left
  • right
  • Locke and Ben dock the outrigger they were using, next to Frank and Sun's outrigger, on the main Island.
  • Survivors inspect the canoes.
  • Charlie jumps from the outrigger to the Looking Glass.
  • Karl rushes to the beach camp to warn the survivors.
  • The outrigger canoes are wooden dugouts with wooden outriggers that are used in the waters around Island. They are large enough to comfortably hold at least six people and contain enough oars for that many. First seen in "[[|]]", one of the canoes was used by Kate, Sawyer, and Karl to escape Hydra Island. Alex told Kate and Sawyer she had a boat to help them escape Hydra Island, but she would only let them use it if they rescued her boyfriend, Karl, first. After they rescued Karl and returned to the beach, they were accosted by Pickett, who was shot by Juliet. Juliet then said she would let Kate, Sawyer and Karl go, but that Alex must stay behind, claiming they both knew her father would never let Karl live unless she stayed on the second island. Alex said goodbye to Karl before the three left for the main island. (3x07) Karl later utilized the outrigger to travel to the survivors' beach camp to warn them Ben was planning to attack them earlier than expected. Charlie and Desmond also took the craft for their mission to the Looking Glass station. (3x21) The outrigger was used by Desmond to return to the beach to inform the group of Charlie's fate and his message. (4x01) Bernard and Jin went fishing in the outrigger and discussed married life. (4x07) Ben was aware of three canoes close to the Hydra Island beach after Flight 316 crashed there. Frank Lapidus and Sun left in one of them during the first night. (5x09) (Somewhere during that time the Man in Black, pretending to be the resurrected John Locke, arrived on Hydra Island, probably in an outrigger from the main island.) Locke and Ben took the second of the three canoes to travel to the main Island, where they docked it in front of the first one, before meeting up with Sun and Frank at the Barracks. Frank left the Barracks some time later, presumably using one of the two docked canoes. (5x12) After subduing Frank, Ilana's group paddled a canoe to the main Island, bringing with them Frank again and a giant metal crate from the cargo of the plane. (5x16) A pair of outriggers were found at the abandoned beach camp on the main Island by the timeshifted Sawyer, Locke, Faraday, Charlotte, Miles, and Juliet. Inside one of the canoes, Sawyer found a water bottle with an Ajira Airways label on it. When they realized the Zodiac was missing, the party took one of the canoes to travel to the Orchid; soon thereafter, paddlers in the other canoe pursued them and shot at them. They skipped through time again before the other boat could catch up and the attackers could be identified. (5x04) On a reconnaissance mission, Sawyer used an outrigger canoe to go to Hydra Island and back to the Island. (6x08) The Man in Black then took it with Sayid to Hydra Island again, to confront Charles Widmore and reclaim Jin. (6x10) Later, Jack woke up in one of the outrigger canoes to find that Sayid and the Man in Black had brought him to Hydra Island. (6x14)
  • 獨木舟,英文稱kayak,日文稱「カヤック」,屬於以人力作為動力的一種小船。 與皮划艇(或稱印地安獨木舟,Canoe)最大差別為運槳方式; 現代獨木舟為單柄雙葉槳,Canoe是單柄單葉槳;一般獨木舟為兩側輪流划槳,Canoe多為單邊划槳。 現代獨木舟可以依照地形與船體使用功能性區分為幾個大類(各種船體的特徵與特性將另行分論): 一、休閒舟(Recreation):休閒舟多使用於水波平穩且景色優美之平靜安全水域。由於水域少有強側風與風浪,因此舟體構造不需要特別針對風浪設計。一般可分為充氣式、平台式、湖泊舟。 二、激流用獨木舟(whitewater):可區分為激流獨木舟(riverrunning)、花式獨木舟(playboat)、充氣式獨木舟(inflatable)。舟體的特性必須能對抗強水流沖擊而不易翻覆並能耐撞擊(溪流中的石頭)。激流獨木舟顧名思義,多用於湍急之河川,目的在於對抗或利用激流來進行運動(也有用激流獨木舟在海濱做surfing的玩法);過程刺激,且所需要之技巧與體能都很高。是適合進階的獨木舟玩家。 三、海洋型獨木舟(seayak):由於於海洋航行時,多會遇到碎浪、長浪等,因此船體必須有破浪、導流的設計,通常船頭造型都有尖角式船首,船身有龍骨設計,以便在船底設計導流設計(溝、槽)。加以於海面航行常常是長時間航行,船體除座艙外,還有前艙、後艙等設計,可供放置長期航行所必須之物體長度也長於其他種類的獨木舟,長度常在三米以上;一般來說,船身越長,航速越快。材質方面,有塑膠、FRP、碳纖維、手工木製等。舟體可分為敞艙式(平台舟)、充氣式、座艙式,且皆有單人、雙人座艙之分別。
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