  • Nonsense
  • Nonsense
  • N O N S E N S E is a guild created June, 2011 by Jill E Bean for Sven Goaldstealer. Coming up with a name was a challenge but N O N S E N S E was finally accepted. Sven Goldstealer was the Guild Master originally, however, he passed that responsibility on to Ann Arkey during the time of trying to obtain a name for the guild. Ann then moved to a different guild and returned the guild to Sven's capable hands.
  • The contents of this site. For example: "!" a man says to you one day. "?" you ask. "!?" he replies. "?!" you respond. "!??!" the man declares. "?!!?" you wonder aloud. "!??!?!!?" he inquires. "?!!?!??!" you inform him. "!??!?!!??!!?!??!" he demands. "?!!?!??!!??!?!!?" you retaliate. "!??!?!!??!!?!??!?!!?!??!!??!?!!?" he explains. "?!!?!??!!??!?!!?!??!?!!??!!?!??!" you comment. You get the sky-shaped gorilla.
  • Un nonsense è un'espressione (parola, frase o altro) che appare priva di significato tanto che, in senso più ampio, il concetto stesso di nonsense consiste nel capovolgimento della realtà allo scopo di creare effetti surreali e/o umoristici. Dal momento che questo articolo è facente parte di Nonciclopedia, un'enciclopedia umoristica e priva di senso, questo articolo dovrebbe esprimere esattamente il senso stesso del concetto di nonsense, in modo da essere senza senso nel contesto in cui esso si trova, ovvero Nonciclopedia, e ciò è di vitale importanza dal momento che il nonsense segue una logica ben precisa e disciplinata. Ma, dal momento che ciò non ci interessa minimamente, faremo come cazzo ci pare.
  • Nonsense is the 130th level in Chip's Challenge 2. It was created by Joshua Bone.
  • Nonsense is a oneshot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Villain.
  • If you've ever needed a compass to tell which way the wind shines, then you are already well informed about nonsense. Nonsense is an early 20th Century literary technique, which employs enlightening witticisms, vivid analogies, overblown metaphors and well-placed digits of pi in order to convey a sense of wistful romantic nostalgia and pizza within 20 minutes or your money back. It also tosses in some nouns and adjectives and really Spongebob, that's got to be your stupidest idea ever. For any given value of X, nonsense is the stating of random statements in a sentence. Carrying over the 6, nonsense is a common theme in Uncyclopedian literature, mainly due to severe lack of webpage ingredients. Isolating for Y, we see that the graph forms a parabola, assuming that the origin passes through
  • 130
  • Family
  • Cunning
  • Truthful
chips available
  • 0
Storyline Number
  • I
Next Quest Type
  • Sworn Sword
Last fic
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Current fic
  • Nonsense
  • Doesn't make sense, does it?
  • Liadain
chips required
  • 0
  • 2011-11-11
  • World North of Wall.jpg
  • Complete
  • 2
  • Nonsense
  • Ask whether Liadain has ever heard of something called the Greenseer's Glass.
  • Tell her that your [lord/lady] believes White Walkers are real and [he/she] wants to stop them.
  • While breaking ice to draw water, Liadain turns to Jorgen. "So, what's a soft southern boy doing here anyway? You're no Crow. Did raiders get you?"
  • Say you're the ward of a cruel [lord/lady]. You must find the Greenseer's Glass or [he/she] will kill you.
  • Liadain bursts out laughing. "An important quest? What're you, the hero of the Andals? Only thing people come north to find is ice and women."
  • Ask Liadain if she would be willing to help you on an important quest.
  • Liadain nods vaguely. "Aye, some of Mance's men told tales. Some nonsense about the White Walkers, no?" She stops. "That's why you're here?"
  • Agree with her -- White Walkers are nonsense and [Your Character] is crazy.
  • Romance/Humor
  • City
  • Superstitions
bold time
  • 93
bold score
  • 66930
  • red
  • 10
  • Liadain
  • Forging Bonds
  • 1
  • 100
  • Them As Got Away
  • M
  • M/M, N/C, oral, anal, lemon
  • 90.0
  • Christophe/Stan/Kyle
  • margin-top:0px; padding: 0 4px 0 4px;
  • N O N S E N S E is a guild created June, 2011 by Jill E Bean for Sven Goaldstealer. Coming up with a name was a challenge but N O N S E N S E was finally accepted. Sven Goldstealer was the Guild Master originally, however, he passed that responsibility on to Ann Arkey during the time of trying to obtain a name for the guild. Ann then moved to a different guild and returned the guild to Sven's capable hands.
  • The contents of this site. For example: "!" a man says to you one day. "?" you ask. "!?" he replies. "?!" you respond. "!??!" the man declares. "?!!?" you wonder aloud. "!??!?!!?" he inquires. "?!!?!??!" you inform him. "!??!?!!??!!?!??!" he demands. "?!!?!??!!??!?!!?" you retaliate. "!??!?!!??!!?!??!?!!?!??!!??!?!!?" he explains. "?!!?!??!!??!?!!?!??!?!!??!!?!??!" you comment. You get the sky-shaped gorilla.
  • Un nonsense è un'espressione (parola, frase o altro) che appare priva di significato tanto che, in senso più ampio, il concetto stesso di nonsense consiste nel capovolgimento della realtà allo scopo di creare effetti surreali e/o umoristici. Dal momento che questo articolo è facente parte di Nonciclopedia, un'enciclopedia umoristica e priva di senso, questo articolo dovrebbe esprimere esattamente il senso stesso del concetto di nonsense, in modo da essere senza senso nel contesto in cui esso si trova, ovvero Nonciclopedia, e ciò è di vitale importanza dal momento che il nonsense segue una logica ben precisa e disciplinata. Ma, dal momento che ciò non ci interessa minimamente, faremo come cazzo ci pare.
  • If you've ever needed a compass to tell which way the wind shines, then you are already well informed about nonsense. Nonsense is an early 20th Century literary technique, which employs enlightening witticisms, vivid analogies, overblown metaphors and well-placed digits of pi in order to convey a sense of wistful romantic nostalgia and pizza within 20 minutes or your money back. It also tosses in some nouns and adjectives and really Spongebob, that's got to be your stupidest idea ever. For any given value of X, nonsense is the stating of random statements in a sentence. Carrying over the 6, nonsense is a common theme in Uncyclopedian literature, mainly due to severe lack of webpage ingredients. Isolating for Y, we see that the graph forms a parabola, assuming that the origin passes through point (5, -3). Discontently, nonsense has evil thoughts relating to the circumference of a parabola. Throughout the story, Jessica washes her dog using her car as a sponge. This foreshadows the coming washing of her dog with a car as her sponge, leading ultimately to the washing of her dog as a sponge. The story reaches the climax when Jessica washes her sponge. Overall, the sponge and the car symbolize the deep hatred within humanity, and Jessica symbolizes a cake. Furthermore, all nonsensical works are designed just for yodelling inside triangle corners of the Teletubbies, and are put away by CD covers in order to erradicate the costumer support of Iceland. Also, nobody has ever jumped into a flying carpet that didn't belong to any keyboard along the tunnel. Clearly, nonsensical works continue to be popular amongst adolescents. The Jungian implications for this are vast and did your mom.
  • Nonsense is the 130th level in Chip's Challenge 2. It was created by Joshua Bone.
  • Nonsense is a oneshot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Villain.
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