  • Orphan Matron Battlewail
  • Este personaje aparece durante la semana de los niños en el valle del honor en la ciudad de orgrimmar y te dará un silbato con un huerfano para que puedas completar los logros correspondientes; esta es su consigna: There are costs with war, ... ones often overlooked. Those costs are the orphans - children who have lost their parents to the far-too-numerous conflicts that rage across Azeroth. Those children who have no one else to turn to often come here to live until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
  • Este personaje aparece durante la semana de los niños en el valle del honor en la ciudad de orgrimmar y te dará un silbato con un huerfano para que puedas completar los logros correspondientes; esta es su consigna: There are costs with war, ... ones often overlooked. Those costs are the orphans - children who have lost their parents to the far-too-numerous conflicts that rage across Azeroth. Those children who have no one else to turn to often come here to live until they are old enough to fend for themselves. One week out of the year during the Spring, the Horde takes time to give something back to these innocents. This time is called Children's Week. Categoría:Ampliar Categoría:AÑADIR PLANTILLA Categoría:Poner imágenes Categoría:Esbozos