  • Tom Bombadil
  • Tom Bombadil
  • Tom Bombadil
  • Tom Bombadil
  • Tom Bombadil
  • Frodo and his companions journied to the Barrow-Downs after this hospitality, where Frodo's companions are again lost (probably taken while he slept) and Baggins had no choice but to seek them out in the fog of the wight-haunted downs. Along the way Frodo encountered Barrow-Wights, ghost-like creatures that clawed at him. In the final Barrow-Down Frodo found his friends and the Westernesse Dagger, which he used to fight the Old Barrow-Wight itself. The Old Barrow-Wight was much stronger than the others and spewed deadly mist at Frodo. Eventually, Tom Bombadil found them again, and he intervened by killing the Old Barrow-Wight with a powerful spell before guiding the hobbits on to the town of their destination, Bree.
  • Tom is remarkably powerful in the game, as his default attack pushes back all enemy units, whether they are infantry, animals, or even Cave Trolls.
  • Tom Bombadil is a supporting character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in Tolkien's high fantasy epic The Lord of the Rings, published in 1954 and 1955. In the first volume, The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo Baggins and company meet Bombadil in the Old Forest. He also appears in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, a book of verse first published in 1962, purporting to be a selection of Hobbit poems, two of which concern Bombadil.
  • Tom Bombadil è il Messere (nessuno ha mai capito che cazzo si possa intendere per messere) ed è un personaggio di fondamentale importanza de Il Signore degli Anelli di Tolkien che non è mai apparso in nessuno dei film.
  • Tom Bombadil was the first being to ever inhabit Middle-earth. He resided in the Old Forest in the former kingdom of Arnor. What exactly he was is a bit of a mystery, but the One Ring had no effect on him, and he had little interest in it. Gandalf recognized Bombadil as a powerful force, but not as reliable for keeping the Ring safe.
  • Tom Bombadil was named after an aborigine in The Lord of the Rings.
  • Tom Bombadil – jedna z najbardziej tajemniczych istot w Śródziemiu, nienależąca do żadnej znanej rasy. Jego żoną jest Złota Jagoda.
  • Tom Bombadil was a Maiar of the Ainur who lived throughout the ages of Middle-earth. He was also a good friend of Gandalf and Radagast.
  • The oldest Being in Endor, nobody knows what exactly Tom Bombadil is. There are many claims, but the most likely ones are easily narrowed down. Some say that he was the first Ainu to enter Ea, originally the chief of Yavanna's people, a powerful Earth Spirit and Yavanna made him the caretaker of the Wild Wood that once covered most of Middle-earth, but his wardship had since taken on an unplanned character. As the years passed, Master Tom had become increasingly rooted to the land, and his spirit was now tied to the ever-shrinking Forest. Thus, much of his original Ainu character had gradually disappeared. His contact to Yavanna had waned, and he saw less and less of his friend Orome. Others say that he was either a unique Ainu that embodied part of Arda, a spirit of Arda so to speak, or h
  • Tom Bombadil ist etwas größer und dicklicher als ein Hobbit, aber nicht groß genug, um ein Mensch zu sein. Er trägt einen alten, schäbigen Hut mit einem hohen Hutkopf und einer langen blauen Feder, einen blauen Mantel, dazu einen grünen Gürtel, lederne Hosen und hohe, gelbe Stiefel. Sein Gesicht ist „rot wie ein reifer Apfel, aber zerknittert von hundert Lachfalten“, er hat blaue Augen und einen langen braunen Bart. Blau ist seine Lieblingsfarbe. Tom Bombadil singt außerdem sehr gerne und oft. Eines seiner Lieder lautet folgendermaßen:thumb|Tom Bombadil singt und tanzt
  • Tom Bombadil is a character from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Since he was skipped over in the Movies, there appears to be very little badfic involving him. Some information has lead many people to think that Tom may in fact be an incarnation of Eru Ilúvatar, the creator of Arda, including his ability to hold the One Ring of Power and think of it as just a pretty shiny that he would probably lose down the back of the couch. There's also his Elven name, Iarwain Ben-adar, which loosely translates to "oldest and fatherless." Tom Bombadil is his Bucklandish name; to the Dwarves, he is Forn; to the Northern Men, Orald. He is the eldest being in Middle-earth, that's a fact. Whether he is an incarnation of Eru or just a Maia is a mystery.
  • An avowed women-hater, Bombadil is a popular member of the John Birch Society. Accordingly, Tom spends his days giving right-wing conservation speeches and opposing illegal Mexican immigration. He also has an unsuccessful history of trying to mate with global warming. For further supplementation of his income, Tom has donned a sou'wester hat and played the serious dramatic roles of: * Captain Highliner of fish stick fame * the brief-lived logo and mascot of the New York Islanders * the killer in I Know What You Did Last Summer.
  • Tom Bombadil was the first user to ever have a nickname dubbed by Icon: Tombolo. 'Bolo claims that this is the sole reason for his decent status on the board, which is untrue. We love him for his constant unfinshed projects -- Bring Back the CYOA Save My Composer Royal Rumble of DOOM!!! -- and his... uh... enthusiastic behavior. Much like the Tom Bombadil of Lord of the Rings fame, our Tombom currently resides in a forest where very few people venture. He lives there with his wife (not Icon, he turned him down) and rescures hobbits from trees. Also, listens to J-Pop.
  • Tom Bombadil, conosciuto dagli Elfi col nome di Iarwain Ben-adar (in Sindarin, "il Vecchissimo e Senza Padre"), è un personaggio particolare della Terra di Mezzo che vive fin da quando Arda venne creata.
  • Tom Bombadil was an enigmatic figure that lived throughout the history of Arda. He was known by the Elves as Iarwain Ben-adar ("Oldest and Fatherless" in Sindarin), who dwelt in the valley of the river Withywindle, east of the Shire.
  • Maschio
  • y
Lata życia
  • Nieznane
Attack Type
  • AoE
  • Mężczyzna
Row 4 info
  • Nieznana
Row 1 info
Inne imiona
  • Iarwain Ben-adar, Forn, Orald
  • Tom Bombadil 2.jpg
  • Sconosciuta, probabilmente è uno degli spiriti ancestrali di Arda
  • Immortale
Row 4 title
  • time period
  • Più di un Hobbit, meno di un Uomo
  • Iarwain Ben-adar, Orald, Forn
  • Canto, potentissima magia
Row 2 info
  • Valarin; Westron; Nandorin; Animal Speech; Tree-Speech
Row 1 title
  • Home
Row 5 info
  • Male
Row 2 title
  • Language
  • 150.0
  • y
  • Sconosciuta, si suppone all'alba della creazione di Arda e prima della venuta di Melkor
Row 5 title
  • Gender
  • x
Row 3 info
  • Ainur; Spirits of Arda
Row 3 title
  • People
Box Title
  • Tom Bombadil
  • N/A
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Tom Bombadil
  • Unit Interferer
  • Brown
  • Brownish-gray
  • Harry Wellerchew
  • [[LOTR:Harry Wellerchew
  • Tom Bombadil
  • Tom Bombadil portrayed by '''[[LOTR:Harry Wellerchew
  • Bree-land
  • Iarwain Ben-adar, Orald, Forn
  • Iarwain Ben-adar, Orald, Forn, Moss gatherer
  • 5
  • None
  • Elderest
Image size
  • 180
  • Ancient Being of Middle-earth
  • Old Forest
  • N/A
  • Old ForestMAPP
Image File
  • Tom_bombadil.jpg
  • Male
  • Unknown, possibly immortal
  • Remained in Middle-earth during the [[LOTR:Fourth Age
  • Unknown
  • Istari
  • 10001
  • Unknown, before the coming of Melkor
  • The House of Tom Bombadil
Kolor włosów
  • Brązowy
  • 32.65
  • Il Messere della Vecchia Foresta
colore capelli
  • Bruni
colore occhi
  • Blu
  • 57.33
Kolor oczu
  • Niebieski
Power Used To Summon
  • 'Tom Bombadil '
  • Tom Bombadil, conosciuto dagli Elfi col nome di Iarwain Ben-adar (in Sindarin, "il Vecchissimo e Senza Padre"), è un personaggio particolare della Terra di Mezzo che vive fin da quando Arda venne creata. Le sue origini sono misteriose e sono frutto di discussione tra i fan e gli esperti di studi tolkeniani, anche se l'autore non ha mai dato spiegazioni specifiche. Si sa che è una delle creature magiche più potenti della Terra di Mezzo, tanto che neppure l'Unico Anello ha effetti su di lui e sembra anzi in grado di piegarlo alla sua volontà senza per questo cadere sotto il suo malefico influsso. Egli vive assieme alla sua compagna Baccador in una casa nelle profondità della Vecchia Foresta a est della Contea, poco oltre il Fiume Brandivino. Qui egli trascorre le sue giornate spensierate gironzolando per la foresta, cantando le sue canzoni e raccogliendo fiori per Baccador. Quando fu radunato a Gran Burrone il Consiglio per decidere cosa fare dell'Unico Anello si discusse sull'opportunità di affidarglielo affinché lo custodisse per sempre, tuttavia l'ipotesi fu subito scartata da Gandalf in quanto Tom è completamente disinteressato agli accadimenti del mondo e ciò l'avrebbe reso un pessimo guardiano, poiché avrebbe potuto dimenticarsi dell'artefatto o addirittura gettarlo via.
  • Frodo and his companions journied to the Barrow-Downs after this hospitality, where Frodo's companions are again lost (probably taken while he slept) and Baggins had no choice but to seek them out in the fog of the wight-haunted downs. Along the way Frodo encountered Barrow-Wights, ghost-like creatures that clawed at him. In the final Barrow-Down Frodo found his friends and the Westernesse Dagger, which he used to fight the Old Barrow-Wight itself. The Old Barrow-Wight was much stronger than the others and spewed deadly mist at Frodo. Eventually, Tom Bombadil found them again, and he intervened by killing the Old Barrow-Wight with a powerful spell before guiding the hobbits on to the town of their destination, Bree.
  • Tom is remarkably powerful in the game, as his default attack pushes back all enemy units, whether they are infantry, animals, or even Cave Trolls.
  • Tom Bombadil is a supporting character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in Tolkien's high fantasy epic The Lord of the Rings, published in 1954 and 1955. In the first volume, The Fellowship of the Ring, Frodo Baggins and company meet Bombadil in the Old Forest. He also appears in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, a book of verse first published in 1962, purporting to be a selection of Hobbit poems, two of which concern Bombadil.
  • Tom Bombadil è il Messere (nessuno ha mai capito che cazzo si possa intendere per messere) ed è un personaggio di fondamentale importanza de Il Signore degli Anelli di Tolkien che non è mai apparso in nessuno dei film.
  • Tom Bombadil was an enigmatic figure that lived throughout the history of Arda. He was known by the Elves as Iarwain Ben-adar ("Oldest and Fatherless" in Sindarin), who dwelt in the valley of the river Withywindle, east of the Shire. A mysterious being, Tom lived in the depths of the Old Forest, close to the Barrow Downs. His lands were not particularly extensive, but within his domain his power over virtually everything in it was extraordinary. Tom was a paradoxical creature, one moment defeating ancient forces with hardly an effort, the next capering and singing nonsensical songs. He lived with his wife Goldberry, "Daughter of the River," far from any other settlement. Although seemingly benevolent, he took no stance against the Dark Lords.
  • Tom Bombadil was the first being to ever inhabit Middle-earth. He resided in the Old Forest in the former kingdom of Arnor. What exactly he was is a bit of a mystery, but the One Ring had no effect on him, and he had little interest in it. Gandalf recognized Bombadil as a powerful force, but not as reliable for keeping the Ring safe.
  • An avowed women-hater, Bombadil is a popular member of the John Birch Society. Accordingly, Tom spends his days giving right-wing conservation speeches and opposing illegal Mexican immigration. He also has an unsuccessful history of trying to mate with global warming. In the 1920s Tom became addicted to day spas, spending 30 or more days in one sequentially. Upon their finding out that his credit was no good, and having no worldly possessions beyond his clothes and pluck, Bombadil's credit rating was destroyed by the end of the decade. Fortunately Black Tuesday intervened, and his disservice was wiped out. Tom bounced around the countryside, singing songs for soup and eventually earned a Morale Officer position in the state of Maine courtesy of Roosevelt's New Deal. For further supplementation of his income, Tom has donned a sou'wester hat and played the serious dramatic roles of: * Captain Highliner of fish stick fame * the brief-lived logo and mascot of the New York Islanders * the killer in I Know What You Did Last Summer.
  • The oldest Being in Endor, nobody knows what exactly Tom Bombadil is. There are many claims, but the most likely ones are easily narrowed down. Some say that he was the first Ainu to enter Ea, originally the chief of Yavanna's people, a powerful Earth Spirit and Yavanna made him the caretaker of the Wild Wood that once covered most of Middle-earth, but his wardship had since taken on an unplanned character. As the years passed, Master Tom had become increasingly rooted to the land, and his spirit was now tied to the ever-shrinking Forest. Thus, much of his original Ainu character had gradually disappeared. His contact to Yavanna had waned, and he saw less and less of his friend Orome. Others say that he was either a unique Ainu that embodied part of Arda, a spirit of Arda so to speak, or he was not even an Ainu at all, but an Avatar of the great forest of Eriador and the landscape that came with it, and probably the first sentient being to ever exist o Middle-Earth, and as it was destroyed by Numenorean settlers, Tom Bombadil basically had to restrict the brunt of his power in the Old Forest in particular, for some reason. It is still possible that even as a non-Maia or even a non-Ainur, he might have been chief among Yavanna's people in some way, but due to his tendency to speak, albeit apparently unintentionally due to his unique perspective, in riddles, not much can be confirmed about Tom Bombadil. What is confirmed about Tom Bombadil is that he was married to Water Spirit Goldberry, however, and enjoyed strong relations with both the Ents (S. "Onodrim") and Elves of the woods. By the late Third Age, little remained of Tom's once-glorious forest domain. Only the small enclave in central Eriador reflected the original nature of its essence. This evolution paralleled the maturation of Middle-earth and the waning of the old ways associated with the Elder Days. Tom Bombadil, the embodiment of ancient Endor, had retreated from the world accordingly, his spirit following the path of his beloved wood. Within the confines of the Old Forest, Tom Bombadil's power was absolute. His soul, married to the land, was as strong as the earth he represented. No spells could harm him; no charms could seduce him. Master Tom went his own way, singing and dancing according to the ageless rhythm of the Wild Wood. Innocent, he knew little of the nature of Evil, and cared less about events outside his ward. Tom did not suffer malice or injustice well, however, and he was never above intervening in order to aid a creature in need. The Oldest One lived in a quaint cottage nestled in the upper Dingle Valley, not far from where River Withywindle tumbled into the eastern reaches of the Old Forest Valley. There, he resided with Goldberry, the beautiful daughter of the River Woman. Tom's spirit was tied to its fana and, like the Balrogs and fallen Wizards, he had lost the ability to shun his form. Although he could merge with the wind or trees, his powers were but a faint suggestion of his original incarnation.
  • Tom Bombadil was the first user to ever have a nickname dubbed by Icon: Tombolo. 'Bolo claims that this is the sole reason for his decent status on the board, which is untrue. We love him for his constant unfinshed projects -- Bring Back the CYOA Save My Composer Royal Rumble of DOOM!!! -- and his... uh... enthusiastic behavior. Much like the Tom Bombadil of Lord of the Rings fame, our Tombom currently resides in a forest where very few people venture. He lives there with his wife (not Icon, he turned him down) and rescures hobbits from trees. Also, listens to J-Pop. He is known to be way cooler than his rival, stingers135, despite having just Lost the Game. Other hobbies include stealing, hosting imba mafia games, leading, creating obscure Mercenaries that nobody will use, and stealing. Remember, No Lynch is a good lynch.
  • Tom Bombadil ist etwas größer und dicklicher als ein Hobbit, aber nicht groß genug, um ein Mensch zu sein. Er trägt einen alten, schäbigen Hut mit einem hohen Hutkopf und einer langen blauen Feder, einen blauen Mantel, dazu einen grünen Gürtel, lederne Hosen und hohe, gelbe Stiefel. Sein Gesicht ist „rot wie ein reifer Apfel, aber zerknittert von hundert Lachfalten“, er hat blaue Augen und einen langen braunen Bart. Blau ist seine Lieblingsfarbe. Er besitzt ein Pony namens Dickes Plumpel. Seine Frau ist Goldbeere, die Tochter der Flussfrau vom Weißwindel. Beide leben von Produkten der Natur wie Honig, Beeren und Quellwasser. Als friedliebende und hilfsbereite Wesen sind sie für Reisende ein günstiger Anlaufpunkt. Im Herrn der Ringe rettet er Merry und Pippin aus den Fängen des Alten Weidenmanns und lädt die Hobbits in sein Haus am Ufer der Weidenwinde ein. Dort bewirten Goldbeere und Tom Bombadil sie fürstlich und schicken sie anschließend gut vorbereitet auf ihre weitere Reise. Wenig später, als die Grabunholde in den Hügelgräbern das Leben der Hobbits bedrohen, rettet Tom Bombadil sie ein zweites Mal und begleitet sie bis zur Großen Oststraße. Tom Bombadil singt außerdem sehr gerne und oft. Eines seiner Lieder lautet folgendermaßen:thumb|Tom Bombadil singt und tanzt „Dong – long! Dongelong! Läute laute lillo! Wenn – wann, Weidenmann! Bimmel bammel billo! Tom Bom! Toller Tom! Tom Bombadillo!“ Laut Gandalf sei Tom Bombadil übrigens der Letzte, der von Saurons möglicher Herrschaft eingenommen würde.
  • Tom Bombadil was named after an aborigine in The Lord of the Rings.
  • Tom Bombadil is a character from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Since he was skipped over in the Movies, there appears to be very little badfic involving him. Some information has lead many people to think that Tom may in fact be an incarnation of Eru Ilúvatar, the creator of Arda, including his ability to hold the One Ring of Power and think of it as just a pretty shiny that he would probably lose down the back of the couch. There's also his Elven name, Iarwain Ben-adar, which loosely translates to "oldest and fatherless." Tom Bombadil is his Bucklandish name; to the Dwarves, he is Forn; to the Northern Men, Orald. He is the eldest being in Middle-earth, that's a fact. Whether he is an incarnation of Eru or just a Maia is a mystery. For more information, see his page on the Tolkien Gateway.
  • Tom Bombadil – jedna z najbardziej tajemniczych istot w Śródziemiu, nienależąca do żadnej znanej rasy. Jego żoną jest Złota Jagoda.
  • Tom Bombadil was a Maiar of the Ainur who lived throughout the ages of Middle-earth. He was also a good friend of Gandalf and Radagast.
is sposo of
is objective-2-description of
is Characters of
is Spouse of
is Małżonek of
is Inhabitants of
is NPC of
is objective-5-description of