  • Mighty Whitey/Playing With
  • Basic Trope: White people can do anything better than non white people. * Straight: A white guy, coming from a city, becomes better at fishing with a spear within a week, than a Native American, who has been fishing with a spear his entire life. * Exaggerated: A white guy, coming from a city, manages to become better at fishing with a spear, shooting with a bow, riding a horse, wrestling bears, etc, than any other member of the native tribe, and is quickly appointed chief. All within a few days. * Justified: The Native American was the village idiot, and the white guy had spear fishing as one of his hobbies. * The white guy is a Determinator who works his way to success and acceptace by the fully-developed, sympathetic non-white characters. * Inverted: A Native American
  • Basic Trope: White people can do anything better than non white people. * Straight: A white guy, coming from a city, becomes better at fishing with a spear within a week, than a Native American, who has been fishing with a spear his entire life. * Exaggerated: A white guy, coming from a city, manages to become better at fishing with a spear, shooting with a bow, riding a horse, wrestling bears, etc, than any other member of the native tribe, and is quickly appointed chief. All within a few days. * Justified: The Native American was the village idiot, and the white guy had spear fishing as one of his hobbies. * The white guy is a Determinator who works his way to success and acceptace by the fully-developed, sympathetic non-white characters. * Inverted: A Native American goes to a city and becomes a better pilot/programmer/rock musician than anyone else. * Subverted: The white guy looks like he have mastered the technique, but he never manages to outdo the Native American. * It turns out that, in fact, both are Native Americans or both are white -- it's just that only one looks it. * The white guy starts out as The Chosen One, or so we think. In the end, the Black Best Friend ends up pulling a Big Damn Heroes on him. * Double Subverted: The white guy, realizing that his technique is flawed, uses some of his "street smarts" and ends up blasting the Native American out the water. * Parodied: ??? * Deconstructed: The white guy becomes better at fishing with a spear but is filled with guilt because the Native American spent his entire life spear fishing and is still inferior in skill. * The white guy only achieves success after a lot of hard work, and the non-white characters never fully trust him. * Or, the white guy achieves success but loses his way and becomes alienated from society because of it. * Being so much better than the natives gives the white guy Delusions of Grandeur: causing his Start of Darkness. * Reconstructed: The white guy is better at everything than all of the non-white characters because the film was meant to accurately portray thoughts of the time. * Zig Zagged: The white guy looks like he's mastered the art of spear-fishing... but the natives are still better... so the white guy draws on his unique experiences and does become better than everyone else... but he still fails miserably at everything else the non-white characters consider normal... but the skills he has and they don't eventually win him some respect... as the local Bunny Ears Lawyer. * Averted: The white guy is not especially better at anything than the Native American. * There are no white characters or no non-white characters in the cast. * Enforced: "The White guy must be portrayed as superior to non-Whites, else we'll be accused of Political Correctness Gone Mad." * Lampshaded: "Of course I can do that better than you stupid savages. Nothing's impossible for a white guy!" * Defied: The comparative abilities of the characters have absolutely nothing to do with race. * Discussed: "Hey, a white guy is trying to learn our ways. How many days do you think it'll take for him to be the best of us?" * Conversed: "Look, a movie with a white guy in a non-white setting. You just know he'll be the best at everything and end up saving all the non-white people." You know, without the Mighty Whitey spaces between the letters on this page they'd be meaningless.