  • Greater Jordan
  • In a possible November 2421, Starfleet Headquarters was located in the city of San'a in Greater Jordan. (Bait and Switch: "Brother on Brother, Daughter on Mother") StarSword commented in a post on the Arc Forums accompanying the fanfic that this was meant to indicate that Jordan had expanded beyond its real-life borders to encompass Yemen and Mecca, due to the collapse of the Arabian peninsular nations following the abandonment of fossil fuels and the invasion of the Khanate.
  • In a possible November 2421, Starfleet Headquarters was located in the city of San'a in Greater Jordan. (Bait and Switch: "Brother on Brother, Daughter on Mother") StarSword commented in a post on the Arc Forums accompanying the fanfic that this was meant to indicate that Jordan had expanded beyond its real-life borders to encompass Yemen and Mecca, due to the collapse of the Arabian peninsular nations following the abandonment of fossil fuels and the invasion of the Khanate.