  • Global Change Data and Information System
  • The Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS) is the set of individual agency data and information systems that support global change research supplemented by a minimal amount of crosscutting new infrastructure, and made interoperable by the use of standards, common approaches, technology sharing, and data policy coordination. The GCDIS user community extends from global change researchers to other researchers, policy makers, educators, private industry, and private citizens. Through the GCDIS, these users are able to learn about the existence and location of relevant data and information resources, have key holding available in useful forms, and be assured of their quality and continued availability.
  • The Global Change Data and Information System (GCDIS) is the set of individual agency data and information systems that support global change research supplemented by a minimal amount of crosscutting new infrastructure, and made interoperable by the use of standards, common approaches, technology sharing, and data policy coordination. The GCDIS user community extends from global change researchers to other researchers, policy makers, educators, private industry, and private citizens. Through the GCDIS, these users are able to learn about the existence and location of relevant data and information resources, have key holding available in useful forms, and be assured of their quality and continued availability.