  • Dark Design
  • None
  • The Dark Design was a medical condition that certain Time Lords suffered from when they went mad. When this occurred, the Time Lord began to suffer from a storm across the surface of their brains. Those that suffered from this condition on Gallifrey were hidden away in institutions. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) Many inventive and brilliant Time Lords become corrupt and insane, which caused the condition of the Dark Design. Sufferers included Rassilon (AUDIO: Zagreus), Omega (TV: The Three Doctors), Morbius (TV:The Brain of Morbius) and Borusa (TV: The Five Doctors).
dcterms:subject ID
  • 2.0
  • 2.0
  • Yes
Related Quests
Nearest LS
  • 90.400000
Level Restrictions
  • 140
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • 93.800000
Nearest Town
  • Eastwatch
  • None
  • The Dark Design was a medical condition that certain Time Lords suffered from when they went mad. When this occurred, the Time Lord began to suffer from a storm across the surface of their brains. Those that suffered from this condition on Gallifrey were hidden away in institutions. (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) Many inventive and brilliant Time Lords become corrupt and insane, which caused the condition of the Dark Design. Sufferers included Rassilon (AUDIO: Zagreus), Omega (TV: The Three Doctors), Morbius (TV:The Brain of Morbius) and Borusa (TV: The Five Doctors). When Omega fought the Third Doctor in the anti-matter universe, he said he fought with the "dark side of his mind" and he was insane. This may have been the Dark Design. (TV: The Three Doctors)