  • Quiz
  • Quiz
  • Quiz
  • Quiz
  • Quiz
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • File:Quiz Doom Patrol v2 27 BB thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Il Quiz (Plurale: quiz) è un'arma di distrazione di massa molto presente nelle televisioni di tutto il globo, specialmente in quella italiana dove presenzia in tutti i canali.
  • ... Is no longer red!
  • A. A nasty surprise. B. A chance to show off your brains. C. A quiz
  • Quizzes are quizzes, duh.
  • |} Quiz (also known as "The Quiz") is the sixteenth episode of the second series of the CBBC series "Story of Tracy Beaker" which was first broadcast on 28 August 2003.
  • She was created by Professor Souichi Tomoe from the fusion of a Daimon Egg and a book where she attacks a girl named Asako Misaki for her Pure Heart Crystal. She even manages to revive past monsters Garoben, Murid, Oniwabandana, Ryuax, and Haikyun.
  • "Quiz" (クイズー Kuizū) is an archetype used by Pierre L'Supérieure in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime.
  • Auf der Dofus-Hauptseite wird von Zeit zu Zeit ein Quiz, Rätsel oder sonstiges Gewinnspiel angeboten, bei dem es meistens Ingame-Preise zu gewinnen gibt, manchmal auch Abo's oder Fan-Artikel. Hier eine (nicht vollständige Auswahl):
  • Quiz was once with the Sith, but after losing the man she loved she left to seek help from the Jedi and in turn decided to try and join themFamily Enya her little sister
  • Comment avez-vous trouvez ce quiz ? Trop facile Facile Mi-Facile Mi-Dur Difficile Trop difficile |}
  • In jedem Banjo-Kazooie Spiel gibt es am Ende des Spieles ein Quiz.
  • Way to use the itnreent to help people solve problems! Way to use the itnreent to help people solve problems!
  • The Quiz is a DC supervillain. She fights the Doom Patrol and is a member of the Brotherhood of Dada.
  • Chris: W poprzednim odcinku Totalnej Porażki 2! Uczestnicy musieli wytrzymać jak najdłużej w upalnym pokoju. Wygrały Zabójcze Żarówy, a Trzeszczące Makiety wywaliły Jejcka. Jakie będzie dzisiaj zadanie? Która drużyna wygra, a która przegra? Dowiecie się tego oglądając Totalną...Porażke...2! Chris: Dzisiejszym zadaniem będzie quiz. Będe zadawał pytania związane z Totalną Porażką. Będzie osiem pytań. Maxiliusz: Łatwizna. Chris: Pierwsze pytanie dla Kary. Kto jako trzeci wyleciał w 1 sezonie? Kara: Chyba Hark. Maxiliusz: W 6 odcinku. Beti: Hary. Kenny: Wrzeszczące Susły? Kenny: Niech to. Hark: Nie wiem.
  • So you think you know enough of AQWorlds? Come get the test! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What must you be to become an AQWorlds player? Place them in order. A - Be a Guardian, Star Captain or DragonLord. B - Verify that your a Guardian, Star Fighter or DragonLord C - Login D - Create an aaccount 1)BCDA 2)DACB 3)ADCB 4)ADBC ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What company created AQWorlds? 1) Battleon 2) AdventureQuest 1) 10 4
  • Ein Quiz (engl.) ist ein als Frage- oder Ratespiel ausgegebenes Herrschaftsinstrument der privilegierten Eliten, in dessen Verlauf Denksportaufgaben und Wissensfragen möglichst so beantwortet werden müssen wie der Fragesteller es als "richtig" ausgibt. Es ist ein Denksport, der Menschen vom echten politischen Denken abhalten soll. "Wer fragt führt", weiß jeder Versicherungsvertreter oder Scientologe. Ist man mit dem Beantworten von aberwitzigem Blödsinn beschäftigt, fragt man nicht kritisch nach, warum etwa die 9Live-Verantwortlichen nicht schon lange im Knast sitzen.
  • Quizzes, or a quiz, is a type of game used on ROBLOX, formerly dominating the front page along side tycoons. Quizzes usually make the player stand on a button and get asked a question (e.g, What is 27 plus 27?) before saying the correct answer by using the chat bar, and so it continues until the player reaches the end of the Quiz and is rewarded. Quizzes also come in type of different varieties such as, "Guess That Color!" or "Guess That ROBLOXian!"
  • Do you think YOU know Left Behind? Take a quiz! BOOK 1: THE VANISHINGS Who was Vicki Bryne's best friend? A) Janie McCanyon B) Shelly Brown C) Jackie Browne D) Shelby Hansop BOOK 2: SECOND CHANCE Who gets saved FIRST? A) Lionel B) Judd C) Lionel and Judd at the same time D) Vicki BOOK 3: THROUGH THE FLAMES What was the name of the person who killed Andre? A) Lionel B) Jack C) Melinda D) LeRoy BOOK 4: FACING THE FUTURE Who is supposed to be the Antichrist? A) Leon B) Peter C) Nicolae D) Fulcire BOOK 5 NICOLAE HIGH Who does Judd and Vicki meet on the first day? A)Bob and Tom B) Mark and Joe C) John and Mark D) Nobody B) GC
  • 2
  • green
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  • Jedi
Full Name
  • Quiz
  • Professor Souichi Tomoe
  • 19
  • White
  • Quiz 250px|center
  • File:The_Quiz_001.png
  • 2003-08-28
  • Kuizū
  • Pierre L'Supérieure with "Quiz Monkey" and "Quiz Sphinx"
  • omb
  • en
  • 85.0
  • Alias
  • 5.600000
  • S
  • s
  • [[w:c:sovq:QuizQ
  • A template for creating single choice quizzes
  • 2017-11-17
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  • --04-01
  • Sister
Ja Name
  • クイズー
  • Naboo
Image File
  • Quiz.png
  • Female
  • importArticles;
  • 1.0
  • Réponse: Ténébreux , Lumineux , Éclaireux , Mousseux , Aqueux , Brûleux .
  • Réponse: Durant cet évent, il a fallu avoir 10 000 bonbons verts en 2 semaines.
  • Réponse: Faux, l'unité qui porte ce nombre n'a pourtant rien avoir avec le diable car il s'agit de Dieu Garnan .
  • DreamBurst
  • ErisQuoSum
  • Givra-schnaps
  • Réponse: Le Raid est un ensemble de missions spéciales que nous faisons en coopération avec d'autres joueurs.
  • Hosho
  • Réponse: Il en existe 4 type : Métal,Bijou,Lutin et Mermions
  • Réponse: Charlemin
  • Réponse: A Cordelica dans le palais impérial.
  • Réponse: Excalibur.
  • Réponse: Roi lumineu de Noël.
  • Réponse: L’arène compte 100 rang, le nom du dernier est « Thanatos » , il faudra cumuler 4 200 000pts pour pouvoir y accéder. Il y en a beaucoup qu'ils l'ont déjà atteint, la limite étant à 4 200 499pts.
  • Réponse: L'unité distribuée était un Poisson-goule Pilaf, avec le type: Rex
  • Réponse: Le type: Rex, c'est un type qui a tous les bonus de chaque type .
  • Réponse: Type :Briseur. Mifune ne donne qu’un coup durant son SBB, mais sa puissance en Briseur et avec de bonnes sphères lui procure une attaque de plus de 150 000 dégâts sur un ennemi avec le set-up approprié.
  • Réponse: Les Chroniques du futurs sont des prévisions d’une future mise à jour. C’est une liste exhaustive créée par Gumi pour informer les joueurs de ce qui les attend.
  • Réponse: Non, c'est une exclusivité de la version européenne ! C'est donc la seule version disposant d’une unité pouvant faire changer le type.
  • Réponse: Le niveau max à ce jour est : 999. Avant cette MAJ le niveau max était limité à 500 .
  • Réponse:La suite de cette phrase est : ranimer les morts. pour Résurrection
  • Réponse: Le fils de Jade et de Jason s'appelle: Amadeus .
  • Réponse: Les 6 héros élémentaux sont : *Divin Galant *Reine Stya *Gros bras Némia *Zeln foudroyant *Héroïne Alma *Ombre Oboro
  • Réponse: La récompense est Orbe céleste, Ses effets ne sont pas des moindres pour le dernier palier car elle donne : +100% à toutes les stats +50% dégâts étincelle et +50% de dégâts sur les coups critique.
  • Réponse: Altri est considéré comme le père de tous les arbres, ce serait donc le 1er Arbre.
  • Réponse: Vrai, cette idole n'est plus jamais ressortie, elle ne peut être gagné que durant un événement de noël il n'est donc pas possible de l'avoir durant le Donjon du Week-end.
  • Réponse: Oui, depuis mi-Octobre 2016 l'explonouille peut évoluer en Empereur Boom.
  • Réponse: La logique des nombres suit jusqu'à 402, l'unité suivante à pour nombre 415, il s'agit d'Homusubi.
  • Réponse: Faux... et Vrai! Hé oui, certaine unités privilégie le type "Oracle" car elle n'ont ni attaque, ni défense digne d'une quelconque utilité. Bien que pour 99% des unités leur meilleur type soient Anima et Briseur .
  • Réponse: Faux, la dernière est la version Chinoise, il ne sont que à l’unité Rineth Cristal de phosphore.
  • Réponse: Il en existe 4 qui sont: *Grande Gaïa *Les Failles *Ishgria *Elgaïa.
  • Réponse: La personne qui a dit cela fût AlphaMoon, l'Histoire a gravé à jamais son absurdité! Si vous le croisez, jugez-le et rappelez-lui son erreur ! * #PrayAlphaMoon
  • Réponse: Le Raid permet de gagner des médailles, de débloquer certaines unités, avoir des gemmes quand vous changez de Classe de Raid.
  • Rob Gittins and Gary Parker
  • Delyth Thomas
Dub name
  • Ryuax
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • So you think you know enough of AQWorlds? Come get the test! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What must you be to become an AQWorlds player? Place them in order. A - Be a Guardian, Star Captain or DragonLord. B - Verify that your a Guardian, Star Fighter or DragonLord C - Login D - Create an aaccount 1)BCDA 2)DACB 3)ADCB 4)ADBC ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What company created AQWorlds? 1) Battleon 2) AdventureQuest 3) Artix Entertaiment 4) Artix Entertainer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the ____ game created. 1) first 2) sixth 3) nineth 4) one thousand one hundred and eighty-second ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which villian has been realeased? 1) Drakonann from AdventureQuest 2) Xan from DragonFable 3) Sila from AdventureQuest 4) Sepulchure from DragonFable ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which games are combined to create AQWorlds? A - ZardWars B - MapleStory C - AdventureQuest D - Club Penguin E - DragonFable F - MechQuest G - ArchKnight 1) A,B,C,D & G 2) G,F,E,C & A 3) C,E & F 4) F,G,E,A & B ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many towns are there in AQWorlds? 1) 10 2) 1182 3) 6 4) 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which town is the Capital of AQWorlds? 1) SwordHaven 2) Battleon 3) Hork Battlefork 4) Cemetary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Give me an info on all monsters. 1) All monsters have same XP 2) All monsters have same Gold 3) All monsters are Skeletons 4) All monsters give same XP & Gold ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which of the areas can be found in AdventureQuest and AQWorlds? 1) Battleon 2) The Farm 3) Guardian Tower 4) Cemetary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which of areas can you usually find the PC ( Playing Character ) of Artix? 1) Battleon 2) Guardian Tower 3) Cemetary 4) SwordHaven ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which monster is the most powerful of all? 1) Jack Splar 2) General Porkon 3) Skeletal Minion 4) Skeltal Boss / Skeletal Commander 5) Big Jack Sprat ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This info has not been posted. Only in this answer sheet at the back! So enjoy unknown info - we know the info! Hahaha! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is the Test Player? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who has entered Bridge-8092121708127219812727908? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many Sewers are there? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which of the three cobined to become AQWorlds games have not been to AQWorlds? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section A 4 3 2 4 3 3 1 4 3 3 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section B Skeleton Viking Epheel 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 MechQuest ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • File:Quiz Doom Patrol v2 27 BB thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Il Quiz (Plurale: quiz) è un'arma di distrazione di massa molto presente nelle televisioni di tutto il globo, specialmente in quella italiana dove presenzia in tutti i canali.
  • ... Is no longer red!
  • A. A nasty surprise. B. A chance to show off your brains. C. A quiz
  • Quizzes are quizzes, duh.
  • |} Quiz (also known as "The Quiz") is the sixteenth episode of the second series of the CBBC series "Story of Tracy Beaker" which was first broadcast on 28 August 2003.
  • Chris: W poprzednim odcinku Totalnej Porażki 2! Uczestnicy musieli wytrzymać jak najdłużej w upalnym pokoju. Wygrały Zabójcze Żarówy, a Trzeszczące Makiety wywaliły Jejcka. Jakie będzie dzisiaj zadanie? Która drużyna wygra, a która przegra? Dowiecie się tego oglądając Totalną...Porażke...2! Chris: Dzisiejszym zadaniem będzie quiz. Będe zadawał pytania związane z Totalną Porażką. Będzie osiem pytań. Maxiliusz: Łatwizna. Chris: Pierwsze pytanie dla Kary. Kto jako trzeci wyleciał w 1 sezonie? Kara: Chyba Hark. Chris: Zła odpowiedź. To był Kajt. Wyleciał przez to że z tobą przegrał. Teraz pytanie dla Maxiliusza. W którym odcinku wyleciał Majkel w pierwszym sezonie? Maxiliusz: W 6 odcinku. Chris: Dobrze 1 punkt dla Trzeszczących Makiet. Kolejne pytanie dla Beti. Kto wyleciał pierwszy w tym sezonie? Beti: Hary. Chris: Dobrze. Teraz pytanie dla Kennego. Jaka drużyna wygrał w 8 odcinku? Kenny: Wrzeszczące Susły? Chris: Źle. W 8 odcinku drużyny się skończyły. Kenny: Niech to. Chris: Jest remis 1 do 1. Kolejne pytanie dla Sary. Kto wygrał pierwszy sezon? Sara: Łatwizna. Jejck. Chris: Dobrze. Teraz pytanie dla Xawiera. W ktorym zadaniu 1 sezonu wyleciałeś? Xawier: Pierwszym. Chris: Dobrze. Teraz jest remis 2 do 2. Kolejne pytanie dla Harka. Która drużyna wygrała w 2 odcinku drugiego sezonu? Hark: Nie wiem. Chris: W tamtym odcinku wygrały Zabójcze Żarówy. Teraz pytanie dla Zeina. Ile już osób wyleciało w tym sezonie? Zein: 7 osób. Chris: Dobrze. Quiz wygrały Trzeszczące Makiety. Zabójcze Żarówy widzimy się na ceremoni. Sara: Kara. Kara: Sara. Beti: Kara. Kajt: Sara. Chris: Batony dostają Beti, Kajt i Hark. Sara czy Kara? Kara czy Sara? A ostatniego batona dostaje... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ...Sara! Sara: Tak! Kara: Co? Wywaliliście mnie?! Zabije was! Chris: Co się stanie w kolejnym odcinku? Kto wygra , a kto przegra? Dowiecie się tego w kolejnym odcinku Totalnej...Porażki...2!
  • She was created by Professor Souichi Tomoe from the fusion of a Daimon Egg and a book where she attacks a girl named Asako Misaki for her Pure Heart Crystal. She even manages to revive past monsters Garoben, Murid, Oniwabandana, Ryuax, and Haikyun.
  • "Quiz" (クイズー Kuizū) is an archetype used by Pierre L'Supérieure in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime.
  • Auf der Dofus-Hauptseite wird von Zeit zu Zeit ein Quiz, Rätsel oder sonstiges Gewinnspiel angeboten, bei dem es meistens Ingame-Preise zu gewinnen gibt, manchmal auch Abo's oder Fan-Artikel. Hier eine (nicht vollständige Auswahl):
  • Do you think YOU know Left Behind? Take a quiz! BOOK 1: THE VANISHINGS Who was Vicki Bryne's best friend? A) Janie McCanyon B) Shelly Brown C) Jackie Browne D) Shelby Hansop BOOK 2: SECOND CHANCE Who gets saved FIRST? A) Lionel B) Judd C) Lionel and Judd at the same time D) Vicki BOOK 3: THROUGH THE FLAMES What was the name of the person who killed Andre? A) Lionel B) Jack C) Melinda D) LeRoy BOOK 4: FACING THE FUTURE Who is supposed to be the Antichrist? A) Leon B) Peter C) Nicolae D) Fulcire BOOK 5 NICOLAE HIGH Who does Judd and Vicki meet on the first day? A)Bob and Tom B) Mark and Joe C) John and Mark D) Nobody BOOK 6: THE UNDERGROUND What was the name of the secret newspaper? A) The Underground B) Bible Talk C) Vicki's Paper D) The UNDERGROUND News BOOK 7: BUSTED! Who does Vicki meet at the detention center? A)Jeanie B) Janie C) Jesse D) Jackie BOOK 8: DEATH STRIKE How does Bruce die? A) By a coma B) Because of the war C) a fire D) he was shot BOOK 9: THE SEARCH What happens to Ryan? A) he dies B) he goes back home C) He gets kidnapped D) He falls in love BOOK 10 ON THE RUN Who are they on the run FROM? A) Nicolae B) GC C) Ryan D) Leon BOOK 11: INTO THE STORM What storm is supposed to happen? A) tornado B) hurricane C) earthquake D) comets BOOK 12: Earthquake! What is the earthquake called? A) ummm.... earthquake! B) The Deathly Shake C) The Rumble of the Lamb D) Wrath of the Lamb Book 13: The Showdown How does Ryan die? A) The earthquake B) from his injuries C) hits by a comet D) he gets crushed BOOK 14: Judgment Day Who figures out they like each other? A) Judd and Vicki B) Shelly and Conrad C) Mark and Vicki D) Shelly and Lionel BOOK 15: BATTLING THE COMMANDER What is the commander's name? A) Blackna B) Blancka C) Black D)Brome BOOK 16: FIRE FROM HEAVEN What is John's frend's name? A) Frank B) Lionel C) Carl D) Joe- Bob BOOK 17: TERROR IN THE STADIUM What does Nicolae's water turn into? A) Nothing B) Blood C) snakes D) Fruit punch BOOK 18: DARKENING SKIES Who does Judd meet? A) Nada B) NAY NAY C) Meemie D) The Huff-blobs BOOK 19: ATTACK OF APOLLYON What does "Apollyon" and "Abbaddon" mean? A) Damager B) destroyer C) devil D) Locusts BOOK 20: A DANGEROUS PLAN Who is Judd's girlfriend? A) Vicki B) Shelly C) Janie D) Nada BOOK 21: SECRETS OF NEW BABYLON Who is Nada's brother? A) Kasim B) She doesn't have one C) Kaleb D) Nezeri BOOK 22: ESCAPE FROM NEW BABYLON Who flies Judd and the others out of New Babylon? A) Lionel B) Westin C) Taylor D) Mac BOOK 23: HORSEMEN OF TERROR PART A Shelly and Conrad fall in love. A) True B) False PART B Nada dies. A) True B) False BOOK 24: UPLINK FROM THE UNDERGROUND What does Vicki say her name was when she "uplinked"? A) Connie B) Vicki B. C) Jackie D) Vicki D. BOOK 25: DEATH AT THE GALA What gets destroyed? A) the schoolhouse B) the campsite C) New Babylon D) Petra BOOK 26: THE BEAST ARISES What is the MAJOR event that happened in this book? A) Nicolae dies B) Westin becomes a believer C) Leon makes lightning D) Nicolae has his own statue BOOK 27: WILDFIRE! What does the fire BARELY miss? A) The campsite B) the town C) Lake Geneva D) a GC post BOOK 28: THE MARK OF THE BEAST What is Nicolea's "number"? A) 555 B) 123 C) 766 D) 666 BOOK 29: BREAKOUT! What CUTE guy does Vicki meet? A) Jim Dekker B) Chad Harris C) Judd Thompson Jr. D) Colin Dial BOOK 30: MURDER IN THE HOLY PLACE Who do they capture in this book? A) Pete B) Natalie C) Maggie D) Vicki BOOK 31: ESCAPE TO MASADA What kind of tatoo did Manny have on his face? A) The number 666 B) Carpathia's face C) an x D) an o BOOK 32: WAR OF THE DRAGON Who is the dragon? A) Tsion B) Nicolae C) Leon D) Fulcire BOOK 33: ATTACK ON PETRA What is the name of Sam's journal thing? A) Sam's Notebook B) Sam's Diary C) Petra Diaries D) Tsion's Messages BOOK 34: BOUNTY HUNTERS What was Lionel in his dream? A) Kangeroo B) Himself C) JUdd D) a cat BOOK 35: RISE OF THE FALSE MESSIAHS Who was the person Judd met with the mark of the beast? A) Nada B) Nicolae C) Chang D) Joel BOOK 36: OMNIOUS CHOICES WHat is Cheryl's baby's name? A) Ryan Tiffinay B) Rayford Steele C) Ryan Victor D) Raymie Velez BOOK 37: HEATWAVE What is the chapter called when Judd proposes to Vicki? A) Night Moves B) Night Dance C) Proposal D) Vicki's Surprise
  • Quiz was once with the Sith, but after losing the man she loved she left to seek help from the Jedi and in turn decided to try and join themFamily Enya her little sister
  • Comment avez-vous trouvez ce quiz ? Trop facile Facile Mi-Facile Mi-Dur Difficile Trop difficile |}
  • In jedem Banjo-Kazooie Spiel gibt es am Ende des Spieles ein Quiz.
  • Way to use the itnreent to help people solve problems! Way to use the itnreent to help people solve problems!
  • Quizzes, or a quiz, is a type of game used on ROBLOX, formerly dominating the front page along side tycoons. Quizzes usually make the player stand on a button and get asked a question (e.g, What is 27 plus 27?) before saying the correct answer by using the chat bar, and so it continues until the player reaches the end of the Quiz and is rewarded. Quizzes have shown problems for several users. For example, Whitelisted chat players cannot answer the questions due to some words not whitelisted and other users dislike quizzes which involve questions about ROBLOX that they don't know the answer to due to the lack of experience on the site. This was extremely harder for whitelisted people back then, where they had to use Safe Chat when it existed. Quizzes were usually hated back then as well, as they think it is a waste of time. Sometimes, a player gets stuck on a question. The minority of the people try to look the character up, and usually find the answer if they're lucky. Otherwise, the player has two options when stuck on a question: wait until the next person comes and hope that player knows the answer, or quit the game. Sometimes, they blame it on the creator itself for making the quiz (almost) impossible. Quizzes also come in type of different varieties such as, "Guess That Color!" or "Guess That ROBLOXian!"
  • The Quiz is a DC supervillain. She fights the Doom Patrol and is a member of the Brotherhood of Dada.
  • Ein Quiz (engl.) ist ein als Frage- oder Ratespiel ausgegebenes Herrschaftsinstrument der privilegierten Eliten, in dessen Verlauf Denksportaufgaben und Wissensfragen möglichst so beantwortet werden müssen wie der Fragesteller es als "richtig" ausgibt. Es ist ein Denksport, der Menschen vom echten politischen Denken abhalten soll. "Wer fragt führt", weiß jeder Versicherungsvertreter oder Scientologe. Ist man mit dem Beantworten von aberwitzigem Blödsinn beschäftigt, fragt man nicht kritisch nach, warum etwa die 9Live-Verantwortlichen nicht schon lange im Knast sitzen. Etymologisch ist der Begriff vom lateinischen Qui es?= „Wer bist du/Was guckst du/Stress, Alder?“ entlehnt oder von einem irischer Theaterdirektor namens Daly 1791 künstlich kreiert worden. Mit solchen Dingen muss man sich beschäftigen, sie könnten den Unterschied zwischen der Million und bösem Absturz bei Günther Jauch bedeuten.
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