  • I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull
  • The I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull (short for "I Would Have Been Your Daddy, But The Ugly Dog Beat Me To The Fence And Now I Am Somehow Stuck Capitalizing The First Letter of Every Word I Say Like A Bitch With Menthols" Skull) is a skull that Master Chief gets after jumping through many Hula Hoops. All that could have been skipped as a Grunt just appears out of nowhere a few seconds after the Arbiter stabs Truth, carrying a skull, no matter how many times you jump over a holographic halo. The conversation with the Grunt can be seen below: <The stinky Chief rips off his backpack.>
  • The I Would Have Been Your Daddy Skull (short for "I Would Have Been Your Daddy, But The Ugly Dog Beat Me To The Fence And Now I Am Somehow Stuck Capitalizing The First Letter of Every Word I Say Like A Bitch With Menthols" Skull) is a skull that Master Chief gets after jumping through many Hula Hoops. All that could have been skipped as a Grunt just appears out of nowhere a few seconds after the Arbiter stabs Truth, carrying a skull, no matter how many times you jump over a holographic halo. The conversation with the Grunt can be seen below: * Grunt: Ahahaha! He think he need to jumps through those rings but I'm the one who has it!" * Chief, exhausted from jumping so much: "Hey." * Grunt: "Ha! I had the skull the whole time! You didn't have to go through that crap." * Chief: "So?" (picks up skull and proceeds to leave) * Grunt: "No!" (starts jumping in front of Chief, annoying) "Be sad! You didn't have to pay me! You could've just killed me and taken it!" <The stinky Chief rips off his backpack.> * Chief: "Say the Flipyap thing and THEN I'll cry." * Grunt, beginning to suffocate: "But I'm Yapflip, his brother! Why would I..." (takes breath) "You...killed Flip...yap. Or... Yapflip..." (dies) * Other grunt: "This time it was Yapflip." <Arbiter takes the skull and bashes the grunt with it.>