  • S'redit
  • S'redit
  • S'redit sind Tiere aus dem Seanchanischen Kaiserreich, obwohl Valan Luca die phantasievolle Behauptung machte, dass sie aus Shara seien.
  • S'redit are an animal from the Seanchan Empire, though Valan Luca made fanciful claims that they were from Shara. S'redit are extremely large, with wrinkled gray skin, big ears, and long snouts that reach the ground. The adults also have huge curving tusks. In another age, they would be called elephants. S'redit are also used by the Seanchan as work horses and for war, such as the invasion in Falme.
  • S'redit are an animal from the Seanchan Empire, though Valan Luca made fanciful claims that they were from Shara. S'redit are extremely large, with wrinkled gray skin, big ears, and long snouts that reach the ground. The adults also have huge curving tusks. In another age, they would be called elephants. On the mainland, Valan Luca has named them "boar-horses," for interest and ease of pronunciation. He has three of them in his traveling show: Mer, a bull, Sanit, a cow or female, and Nerin a new-born calf. They are cared for by a Seanchan woman named Cerandin who had once served as a handler in the Court of the Nine Moons. She uses a heavy hooked goad in training. S'redit are also used by the Seanchan as work horses and for war, such as the invasion in Falme.
  • S'redit sind Tiere aus dem Seanchanischen Kaiserreich, obwohl Valan Luca die phantasievolle Behauptung machte, dass sie aus Shara seien.