  • Genovesan Assassins
  • The Genovesans are professional assassins, using a variety of weapons and methods to bring about their victims' demise. They prefer stay out of sight and kill their target from a hidden position, when the target is vulnerable. They wear distinctive, tight-fitting black leather and dull purple capes, along with wide-brimmed, feathered hats of the same dull purple. These cloaks allow them to blend in with the colors of the city.
  • The Genovesans are professional assassins, using a variety of weapons and methods to bring about their victims' demise. They prefer stay out of sight and kill their target from a hidden position, when the target is vulnerable. They wear distinctive, tight-fitting black leather and dull purple capes, along with wide-brimmed, feathered hats of the same dull purple. These cloaks allow them to blend in with the colors of the city. Typical of mercenaries, their only loyalty is to money, and by extension to the highest bidder. They are resilient to torture and other methods of extracting information; Halt described them as "notoriously closemouthed". However, they are afraid of suffering by their own weapons, particularly their poisons. Both Will and Horace exploited this weakness on different occasions. The Genovesan Assassins are also expert tactical thinkers and are experienced in the art of ambushes. They are also presumably experienced at interrogation, torture, and general information extraction.