  • Frankland
  • Frankland is a man who lives in Lafter Hall in Dartmoor, England not far from Baskerville House and the village of Fernworthy. A strict devotee of British law, he was constantly suing his neighbours to both the benefit and detriment of the village.
  • Frankland or Frankrike (France in Frankish) is a land in western Eveland, its revetown being Paris. The land is hemmed by Belgland, Theechland, Swissland and Welshland in the east, and by Spain in the southwest. It is hemmed by seas to the northwest. About 60 micklered live in Frankland, most of whom speak Frankish. Most indwellers live in towns. Frankland is in the Evelandish Band. Frankland was a kingdom until the French Overthrowing in 1789, in which the folk of the land sought their freedom from overwielding and areless kings. Then, a lawmoot was shaped.
  • Retired
  • Frankland
  • Male
  • Frankland is a man who lives in Lafter Hall in Dartmoor, England not far from Baskerville House and the village of Fernworthy. A strict devotee of British law, he was constantly suing his neighbours to both the benefit and detriment of the village.
  • Frankland or Frankrike (France in Frankish) is a land in western Eveland, its revetown being Paris. The land is hemmed by Belgland, Theechland, Swissland and Welshland in the east, and by Spain in the southwest. It is hemmed by seas to the northwest. About 60 micklered live in Frankland, most of whom speak Frankish. Most indwellers live in towns. Frankland is in the Evelandish Band. Most of northern Frankland is on low-lying land stretching from the West of rick all the way to Russland. Two high snowfall berg-reaches mark its edges: the Alps and the Pyrenees. Woods bedeck many lone deals of Frankland; while much land is brooked for earthtilling and winemaking, cheeses, breadwheat, and outer deals of towns often have bulkbuildship. 4 main riths are: the Seine, the Garonne, the Loire, and the Rhône. Its eretide begins a few yearhundreds before C.E., with the Celtish folkstocks that dwellt in the Seine and Rhône outflow dales. The Roman Anweald came to steer the land after being won by Julius Caesar. After some hundreds of years of Roman reve, Olddutch folkstocks overthrew the Romers and built their own kingdoms, while giving their name to the land. It wasn't until the time of the Frankish Kingdom and the coming of Carl the Great that the bedrock for today's ethel would be set. Carl the Great broadened the kingdom and made an anweald out of it, overcoming all those who stood in his path. However, at his death, his landgains were split into three kingdoms. The one farthest west would mealfully become the Frankland of our time. Throughout the Middle Elds, the kings of Frankland sought wield over all the Frankish folk. By the H16th, Frankland had arisen as a fayed thede, one which become the great thede in the H17th and H18th. Among the bremest kings were Phillippe Auguste, Phillip le bel, St Louis, and Francois I. One of the greatest kings of Frankland was Louis the 14th, who said the well-known words, 'L'état c'est moi' (I am the rick). Among his many deeds were the making of the redehall of Versailles and the growth of the might of the French rick. Indeed, Louis 14 set out the way of things until the coming of the Overthrowing in 1789, when the hapless king Louis 16 would meet his end at the hands of the gainrisers. Frankland was a kingdom until the French Overthrowing in 1789, in which the folk of the land sought their freedom from overwielding and areless kings. Then, a lawmoot was shaped. However, Napoleon wrested leadership from all others and led Frankland into a great gouth that ended in its landfyrd being overwhelmed in Frankland, though Napoleon was still upheld by many as a folk winner for a toll of outstanding struggles and strikes that he led in the war and beforehand. After Napoleon, Frankland would go through many wends before today's fifth folkdom, which began in 1958. The Franks bore heavy losses in both world wars, with their land being overtaken by the Theedish in World War II. The land was freed by the wyemen of the Fayed Kingdom and the Banded Folkdoms. Today, Frankland is a wealthy theed that plays a big deedwork in the Evelandish Moot. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
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