  • Laozi
  • Laozi
  • According to Chinese tradition, Laozi lived in the 6th century BCE. Historians variously contend that Laozi is a synthesis of multiple historical figures, that he is a mythical figure, or that he actually lived in the 5th-4th century BCE, concurrent with the Hundred Schools of Thought and Warring States Period. A central figure in Chinese culture, both nobility and common people claim Laozi in their lineage. Throughout history, Laozi's work has been embraced by various anti-authoritarian movements.
  • Laozi (chino: 老子, "Viejo Maestro"), también llamado Lao Tsé, Lao Tzu o Lao Tsi, una figura cuya existencia histórica se debate, es uno de los filósofos más relevantes de la civilización china. La tradición china establece que vivió en el siglo VI adC, pero muchos eruditos modernos argumentan que puede haber vivido aproximadamente en el siglo IV adC, durante el período de las Cien escuelas del pensamiento y los Reinos Combatientes. Se le atribuye haber escrito el Dao De Jing o Tao Te Ching (道德經), obra esencial del taoísmo. De acuerdo con este libro, Dao o Tao ("el Camino") puede verse como el cambio permanente y éste es la verdad universal.
  • Laozi (xines 老子) ia es un person importante en la filosofia xines ci ia scrive la clasica dauiste Dao de jing, e es reconoseda como la fundor de Dauisme. Ma la esiste istorial de Laozi no es serta. Seguente la tradition xines, el ia vive en la sentenio ses AEC, la eda de "Inverno e Autono," ma multe scolores moderne considera la sentenio cuatro AEC, la eda de "Sento Scolas de Pensa e Sivilias Bela," plu probable.
  • Not much is known about Laozi's early life. An undernourished orphan of Chinese descent, hungry, penniless and constantly the target of racist assaults, he spent the majority of his time alone. This experience was believed to have principal impact on Laozi's formulation of foodosophy later, in which both contemplation and emptiness are prominently featured.
  • 210
  • Xina
  • The Six Sacred Stones
  • The Five Greatest Warriors
  • Deceased
  • El libro del Tao
  • Libro del curso y de la virtud
  • Tao Te Ching: Los libros del Tao
  • Lao Zi
  • Lao-Tze
  • Lao-Tzu
  • Lao Zi
  • Laozi
  • Philosopher
  • ISBN 9788420453026
  • ISBN 9788478444274
  • ISBN 9788481648355
  • Laozi
  • 1978
  • 1998
  • 2006
  • China
  • traducción directa del chino por Iñaki Preciado Idoeta. Madrid: Editorial Trotta
  • traducción directa del chino por Iñaki Preciado Idoeta, Premio Nacional a la mejor traducción 1979. Agotado. Madrid: Alfaguara
  • traducción del chino y edición Anne-Hélène Suárez Girard. Colección: El Árbol del Paraíso 15. Madrid: Ediciones Siruela
  • Filosofiste
  • Not much is known about Laozi's early life. An undernourished orphan of Chinese descent, hungry, penniless and constantly the target of racist assaults, he spent the majority of his time alone. This experience was believed to have principal impact on Laozi's formulation of foodosophy later, in which both contemplation and emptiness are prominently featured. Laozi met Madame Christina Dior (or 'CD', as Laozi was fond of calling her, and since Laozi was 'Your Father', CD was obviously Your Mom) in his twenties. At that time he had already formed many great ideas about delicacies, but being a destitute man all he could afford everyday was shark fin soup, the commonest and cheapest food in Amsterdam at that time. CD, being the plump daughter of an aristocrat, drastically improved Laozi's financial and hence culinary situation. It came as no surprise that Laozi grew unmistakably round under CD, all the while venturing into new forms of eating and perfecting his devouring skills. It was at this time that Laozi developed a special liking for Chinese food, generally considered the worst food in the world at the time (the best was British food).
  • According to Chinese tradition, Laozi lived in the 6th century BCE. Historians variously contend that Laozi is a synthesis of multiple historical figures, that he is a mythical figure, or that he actually lived in the 5th-4th century BCE, concurrent with the Hundred Schools of Thought and Warring States Period. A central figure in Chinese culture, both nobility and common people claim Laozi in their lineage. Throughout history, Laozi's work has been embraced by various anti-authoritarian movements.
  • Laozi (chino: 老子, "Viejo Maestro"), también llamado Lao Tsé, Lao Tzu o Lao Tsi, una figura cuya existencia histórica se debate, es uno de los filósofos más relevantes de la civilización china. La tradición china establece que vivió en el siglo VI adC, pero muchos eruditos modernos argumentan que puede haber vivido aproximadamente en el siglo IV adC, durante el período de las Cien escuelas del pensamiento y los Reinos Combatientes. Se le atribuye haber escrito el Dao De Jing o Tao Te Ching (道德經), obra esencial del taoísmo. De acuerdo con este libro, Dao o Tao ("el Camino") puede verse como el cambio permanente y éste es la verdad universal.
  • Laozi (xines 老子) ia es un person importante en la filosofia xines ci ia scrive la clasica dauiste Dao de jing, e es reconoseda como la fundor de Dauisme. Ma la esiste istorial de Laozi no es serta. Seguente la tradition xines, el ia vive en la sentenio ses AEC, la eda de "Inverno e Autono," ma multe scolores moderne considera la sentenio cuatro AEC, la eda de "Sento Scolas de Pensa e Sivilias Bela," plu probable. Seguente la costum dauiste, es diseda ce Confuzi ia studia con Laozi e ia aprende multe de el. En la dauisme relijios, Laozi es respetada como un nonmortal, clamada Tàixàng Lǎodjūn (太上老君).
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