  • Jedi Shadows
  • The Jedi Shadows are a group of Jedi devoted to fighting galactic oppressors and wielders of the Dark Side. Originally based from Dantooine, they have since based themselves on the Forest Moon of Endor, and allied themselves to the Night Jedi and Ewoks of Bright Tree Village.
  • The Jedi Shadows are a covert branch of the Jedi Order. Restored in 18 ABY by Grandmaster Adam Sage and Master Ember Rekali, the Shadows' history nevertheless stretches back many thousands of years. Their purpose is to hunt down things associated with the Dark Side of the Force, generally artifacts and locations. They then either destroy their targets or bring them back to the Jedi Temple at Ossus for cataloging and encasement in nullification resin. Jedi Shadows frequently employ stealth and significant combat training, and are expected to resist the lure of powerful Dark Side relics. In extreme cases, Force Light can be used to cleanse the taint from an artifact or location, but this is a rare technique among Jedi Masters. The Shadows' duties may also involve the hunting of Darksiders, e
  • Jedi Shadows
  • Unknown
  • 18
  • Canon
  • The Jedi Shadows are a group of Jedi devoted to fighting galactic oppressors and wielders of the Dark Side. Originally based from Dantooine, they have since based themselves on the Forest Moon of Endor, and allied themselves to the Night Jedi and Ewoks of Bright Tree Village. Leadership of the Shadows has changed three times since its founding by Grandmaster Shinta. Following Shinta's death, Jedi Master Dash Vos became leader of the Shadows and appointed Jedi Master Chris McDonald as second-in-command. Chris took over for a short time in Dash's absence before his return to Dantooine. A year later, Zalor Anneri became the newest Shadow after being taken as Chris' Apprentice. Over the next 6 months, Zalor's friends, Evan Azzameen, Asha Tailarani, Sayra Nur, and Tanara Ajahn all joined the Shadows, followed by Zalor's mother, Jedi Master Erris Anneri and Yodakin Jedi Master Vilor. After moving their base of operations off Dantooine and to Endor, the Jedi Shadows found themselves plagued by war against two Sith Lords: Dash's brother, Loki Burik, and Falleen Sith Lord Darth Zulataan. Following Dash's death at the hands of Loki, Chris and Vilor took up cooperative leadership of the Shadows. After Zulataan's first major defeat above the moon, Chris mobilized his fleet and took them across the galaxy, tracking down and eliminating Zulataan's remaining scattered forces, leaving Vilor as Grand Master of the Shadows. 2 years later, Chris returned to Endor with his fleet and became the new Head of Security and Master Guardian of the Shadows. Vilor became Master Sentinel and Erris became Master Consular and Healer.
  • The Jedi Shadows are a covert branch of the Jedi Order. Restored in 18 ABY by Grandmaster Adam Sage and Master Ember Rekali, the Shadows' history nevertheless stretches back many thousands of years. Their purpose is to hunt down things associated with the Dark Side of the Force, generally artifacts and locations. They then either destroy their targets or bring them back to the Jedi Temple at Ossus for cataloging and encasement in nullification resin. Jedi Shadows frequently employ stealth and significant combat training, and are expected to resist the lure of powerful Dark Side relics. In extreme cases, Force Light can be used to cleanse the taint from an artifact or location, but this is a rare technique among Jedi Masters. The Shadows' duties may also involve the hunting of Darksiders, especially fallen Jedi.
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