  • The Butterfly Ethic
  • You knew it was coming. First there was Big Love, then Sister Wives, and now The Butterfly Ethic. The story of a psychic in a polygamist cult who decides to go back in time to fix his childhood. Unfortunately, his personality, along with everything save for a handful of memories, are lost in the future. It's now up to Martin to find the right path and set the future straight. Warning: Story contains severe Deliberate Values Dissonance. The unfinished story can be read here
  • You knew it was coming. First there was Big Love, then Sister Wives, and now The Butterfly Ethic. The story of a psychic in a polygamist cult who decides to go back in time to fix his childhood. Unfortunately, his personality, along with everything save for a handful of memories, are lost in the future. It's now up to Martin to find the right path and set the future straight. Warning: Story contains severe Deliberate Values Dissonance. The unfinished story can be read here * Arcadia: Pineview. * Captive Date: Christophe brings Claudia on one of these * Church Militant: The book features two, the Deserenes and the Danites. * Gosh Dang It to Heck: Justified, seeing as most of the characters are Mormons and the book takes place in Utah. * The Heavy: The Wizard isn't even close to the Big Bad, yet he's the one who drives the plot from the hero's point of view. * Hello, Nurse!: Maybelle * Loads and Loads of Characters: The co-op alone has 3,000 members, most of them are given names. * Mark of Shame: The black alchemist tries to invoke this trope on Martin, but Martin doesn't get the "shame" part. * Mishmash Museum: The school visits one for a field trip. * Peggy Sue: Martin invokes this trope at the beginning * Stock Scream: Giovanni gives one after he is thrown by Mayhem