  • Kharkanas
  • Kharkanas [Khar-kaenas] was the Tiste Andii capital of the Hold of Darkness also given the honorific 'Wise Kharkanas'. It was bisected by the Dorssan Ryl river. Only one of royal Tiste Andii blood could make a true claim to the throne.
  • Kharkanas [Khar-kaenas] was the Tiste Andii capital of the Hold of Darkness also given the honorific 'Wise Kharkanas'. It was bisected by the Dorssan Ryl river. Only one of royal Tiste Andii blood could make a true claim to the throne. The throne room in the palace was reached via stairs. There was a marble banister at the top of the stairs. The room itself had several entrances and was dominated by black stone and black wood. The floor had a crimson and onyx mosaic. The throne was raised on a knee-high dais that was the stump of a blackwood tree, roots of which snaked down into the surrounding floor. The throne itself had been carved from the bole, a simple, almost ascetic chair. One side entrance had a pedestal to either side on which stood black lacquered amphora, one of which broke when flung by Sandalath Drukorlat in a fit of temper.