  • Cottonmouth
  • Cottonmouth
  • Cottonmouth
  • Cottonmouth is the setting of Manhunt 2, a game released by Rockstar Games, the company behind the Grand Theft Auto series. It is most likely based on Tampa, Florida but this is unknown. It is mused that Cottonmouth would exist in the same fictional world as the 3D and HD Universes, because of overlaps and references within them. Cottonmouth is much more modern, cleaner and safer than Carcer City, with skyscrapers in the area of Downtown, as well as domiciled houses and blocks.
  • The Cottonmouth was a shoulder launched anti-aircraft missile used by the United States Army infantry in the 2030s.
  • Cottonmouth was an evil magical snake who lived in Wormwood Scrubs, a section of Swamp Dreary. Cottonmouth served the evil wizard Wormwood, who ordered the snake to kidnap Madame Why so Wormwood could drain all of her magic powers into himself. Luckily, the Batz teamed up with Foxfire and the Ghostbusters to rescue Madame.
  • Supervillain who caused the Cottonmouth Incident.
  • A Cobra Air vehicle This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Cornell Stokes, also known as Cottonmouth, was the owner of Harlem's Paradise, a nightclub within New York City. His criminal ongoings began to unravel due to a failed gun sale, causing him to track down those responsible and becoming Luke Cage's enemy. Due to Cage's actions, Cottonmouth's entire organisation was put at risk due to the threat of Diamondback taking over while he lost his money. Despite all of Cottonmouth's best efforts to keep the business running, he soon enraged his cousin Mariah Dillard who eventually murdered him and took over his criminal empire.
  • Cottonmouth is a Marvel Comics character and supervillain who appeared in Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers, and in the Netflix show Luke Cage, played by Mahershala Ali. He is a crime boss who implanted himself with cybernetic limbs that give him superhuman strength, invulnerability, and sharp metal teeth that can cut through anything, which he uses as a supervillain. He has a wide variety of poisons and chemicals at his disposal.
  • thumb|Bogata dzielnica w Cottonmouth Cottonmouth – miasto, w którym rozgrywa się akcja gry Manhunt 2. Nazwa miasta nie jest wspomniana w grze, ale widnieje ona na policyjnym Mavericku z serii Grand Theft Auto i na plakacie w jednym z poziomów. Cottonmouth prawdopodobnie znajduje się na Florydzie, tak samo jak Vice City, ponieważ policyjny helikopter ma ten sam kolor, co policyjny helikopter w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, samochody Stinger i Admiral mają tablice rejestracyjne typowe dla Florydy i w kilku częściach miasta można zobaczyć palmy. Cottonmouth jest bezpieczniejszy i bardziej nowoczesny niż Carcer City.
  • Cornell Stokes wuchs bei seiner Großmutter Mama Mable, seiner Cousine Mariah Dillard und seinem Onkel Pete auf, nachdem er als Säugling auf deren Türschwelle abgelegt worden war. Er war ein sensibler, kreatviver Junge, der nichts lieber tat, als den ganzen Tag Klavier zu spielen und von einer Karriere als Musiker träumte. Während Pete ihn dabei zu unterstützen versuchte, ließ sich Mama Mable auf keine Diskussionen ein: Cornell musste seiner Verantwortung für den kriminellen Familienclan nachkommen. Er geriet also schnell auf die schiefe Bahn und drehte gemeinsam mit Pop regelmäßig krumme Dinger. Nachdem er bei einem Kampf drei Zähne verloren hatte, bekam er den Spitznamen "Cottonmouth". Als er eines Tages in Ruhe Klavier übt, konfrontiert Mama Mable im Wohnzimmer der Familie einen anderen
  • Cottonmouth is a supervillain in the Marvel comics. Little is known of Cottonmouth's history before he joined the team of professional criminals known as the Serpent Society, though it is known that he was criminally active in the southern United States. Cottonmouth was one of the charter members of the group, and of the Serpents he played one of the most active parts in the assassination of M.O.D.O.K., using his fangs to bite him. Cottonmouth stayed with the Society when its leadership was again taken over, this time by King Cobra, and has remained with them ever since.
  • y
  • Bad
  • 27
  • To dominate all of Harlem
TV Series
  • Luke Cage
New Header
  • Burchell Clemens; Burchell Clemens from Avengers vs X-Men Vol 1 0.JPG
  • Cornell Stokes; Cornell Stokes from Power Man Vol 1 19 002.gif
  • Luke Cage disrupting his criminal activities, being called the name 'Cottonmouth'
  • 328
  • 558
  • 749
  • Giftable
  • Gangster, Bar-Besitzer
  • 205.0
  • y
  • 779
  • 780
  • 781
  • 2007-11-20
  • 2015-11-30
  • Disabled
  • 54
  • 45
  • Money, guns, violence, music, his criminal empire in Harlem
  • Deceased
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • Cottonmouth
  • [Heavy]
  • [Light]
  • [Standard]
  • Alternative
  • Animals
  • Aggressive
  • 200
  • 1970
  • Rich suburban district, Cottonmouth
  • Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers
  • Luke Cage
  • Killed by Mariah Dillard after an argument.
  • Cottonmouth
  • Charlie Mack
  • Cornell Cottonmouth
  • Luke Cage, Misty Knight, the Avengers
Image size
  • 300
Real Name
  • Cornell Stokes
  • Cottonmouth
  • Sharp metal teeth, invulnerable, superhuman strength
  • Harlem, New York
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Cottonmouth
  • Rare
  • Unknown
  • Nightclub owner, crime lord
  • Mariah Dillard , his uncle Pete, Mama Mabel
  • Reptile
  • Cornell Stokes
  • Hernan 'Shades' Alvarez, Mariah Dillard, Willis 'Diamondback' Stryker
  • Male
  • "Everybody wants to be king."
  • Cottonmouth.jpg
  • Cornell Stokes wuchs bei seiner Großmutter Mama Mable, seiner Cousine Mariah Dillard und seinem Onkel Pete auf, nachdem er als Säugling auf deren Türschwelle abgelegt worden war. Er war ein sensibler, kreatviver Junge, der nichts lieber tat, als den ganzen Tag Klavier zu spielen und von einer Karriere als Musiker träumte. Während Pete ihn dabei zu unterstützen versuchte, ließ sich Mama Mable auf keine Diskussionen ein: Cornell musste seiner Verantwortung für den kriminellen Familienclan nachkommen. Er geriet also schnell auf die schiefe Bahn und drehte gemeinsam mit Pop regelmäßig krumme Dinger. Nachdem er bei einem Kampf drei Zähne verloren hatte, bekam er den Spitznamen "Cottonmouth". Als er eines Tages in Ruhe Klavier übt, konfrontiert Mama Mable im Wohnzimmer der Familie einen anderen Teenager, der gegen ihre klaren Anweisungen mit Drogen gehandelt hat. Sie schneidet ihm zur Strafe einen Finger ab und schickt Pete und Cornell dann in den Keller, wo sie den jungen Mann umbringen. Cornell kehrt traumatisiert und voller Blut nach oben zurück, wo Mable ihn stolz umarmt. Als Cornell fünfzehn Jahre alt ist, bringt Mama Mable ihn dazu, Pete zu erschießen, nachdem dieser sie hintergangen und außerdem Mariah sexuell missbraucht hatte.
  • Cottonmouth is the setting of Manhunt 2, a game released by Rockstar Games, the company behind the Grand Theft Auto series. It is most likely based on Tampa, Florida but this is unknown. It is mused that Cottonmouth would exist in the same fictional world as the 3D and HD Universes, because of overlaps and references within them. Cottonmouth is much more modern, cleaner and safer than Carcer City, with skyscrapers in the area of Downtown, as well as domiciled houses and blocks.
  • The Cottonmouth was a shoulder launched anti-aircraft missile used by the United States Army infantry in the 2030s.
  • Cottonmouth was an evil magical snake who lived in Wormwood Scrubs, a section of Swamp Dreary. Cottonmouth served the evil wizard Wormwood, who ordered the snake to kidnap Madame Why so Wormwood could drain all of her magic powers into himself. Luckily, the Batz teamed up with Foxfire and the Ghostbusters to rescue Madame.
  • Supervillain who caused the Cottonmouth Incident.
  • A Cobra Air vehicle This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Cornell Stokes, also known as Cottonmouth, was the owner of Harlem's Paradise, a nightclub within New York City. His criminal ongoings began to unravel due to a failed gun sale, causing him to track down those responsible and becoming Luke Cage's enemy. Due to Cage's actions, Cottonmouth's entire organisation was put at risk due to the threat of Diamondback taking over while he lost his money. Despite all of Cottonmouth's best efforts to keep the business running, he soon enraged his cousin Mariah Dillard who eventually murdered him and took over his criminal empire.
  • Cottonmouth is a supervillain in the Marvel comics. Little is known of Cottonmouth's history before he joined the team of professional criminals known as the Serpent Society, though it is known that he was criminally active in the southern United States. Cottonmouth was one of the charter members of the group, and of the Serpents he played one of the most active parts in the assassination of M.O.D.O.K., using his fangs to bite him. When the terrorist Viper took control of the Society by force, Cottonmouth at first remained loyal to its leader Sidewinder, but when Viper poisoned him, he submitted to her will, and tried to bite his teammate Diamondback when she tried to rescue him. Cottonmouth stayed with the Society when its leadership was again taken over, this time by King Cobra, and has remained with them ever since. Deadpool shot and killed him while Cottonmouth and the Society attacked Marcus Johnson.
  • Cottonmouth is a Marvel Comics character and supervillain who appeared in Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers, and in the Netflix show Luke Cage, played by Mahershala Ali. He is a crime boss who implanted himself with cybernetic limbs that give him superhuman strength, invulnerability, and sharp metal teeth that can cut through anything, which he uses as a supervillain. He has a wide variety of poisons and chemicals at his disposal.
  • thumb|Bogata dzielnica w Cottonmouth Cottonmouth – miasto, w którym rozgrywa się akcja gry Manhunt 2. Nazwa miasta nie jest wspomniana w grze, ale widnieje ona na policyjnym Mavericku z serii Grand Theft Auto i na plakacie w jednym z poziomów. Cottonmouth prawdopodobnie znajduje się na Florydzie, tak samo jak Vice City, ponieważ policyjny helikopter ma ten sam kolor, co policyjny helikopter w Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, samochody Stinger i Admiral mają tablice rejestracyjne typowe dla Florydy i w kilku częściach miasta można zobaczyć palmy. Cottonmouth jest bezpieczniejszy i bardziej nowoczesny niż Carcer City. Niektóre miejscówki w Cottonmouth są podobne do miejscówek w miastach uniwersum 3D: * Dzielnica Czerwonych Świateł jest podobna do tej z Liberty City. * System kanałów jest podobny do tego z Los Santos. * Downtown Cottonmouth jest podobny do Bedford Point i Torrington w Liberty City oraz Downtown w Vice City. * Niektóre bogate dzielnice w Cottonmouth przypominają dzielnice Prickle Pine i Rockshore West w Las Venturas.
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