  • Hurdoc
  • Hurdoc was a male Human who was alive during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the war he worked as a merchant on the planet Nal Hutta, the adopted homeworld of Hutt species. On Hutta he owned a small stall in the market area of Jiguuna, an industrial town controlled by a Hutt crime lord named Suudaa Nem'ro. The stall consisted of a table covered with a cloth and crates of the goods he sold, which consisted of various types of heavy armor. As all merchants in Jiguuna were, Hurdoc was expected to pay some of his profits from his stall to one of Nem'ro's lieutenants at the crime lord's palace. Whilst at the stall the man wore armor himself and a blaster pistol on his hip. Hurdoc had blonde hair which he wore with a braid and included a moustache, brown ey
  • Right eye
  • Brown
  • Hurdoc
  • Pale
  • Hurdoc was a male Human who was alive during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. During the war he worked as a merchant on the planet Nal Hutta, the adopted homeworld of Hutt species. On Hutta he owned a small stall in the market area of Jiguuna, an industrial town controlled by a Hutt crime lord named Suudaa Nem'ro. The stall consisted of a table covered with a cloth and crates of the goods he sold, which consisted of various types of heavy armor. As all merchants in Jiguuna were, Hurdoc was expected to pay some of his profits from his stall to one of Nem'ro's lieutenants at the crime lord's palace. Whilst at the stall the man wore armor himself and a blaster pistol on his hip. Hurdoc had blonde hair which he wore with a braid and included a moustache, brown eyes and pale skin. His right eye had been replaced with a cybernetic implant sometime prior to 3643 BBY.