  • The Fight For The Hidden Mist!
  • Madara and Danzo face the two shinobi and start to laugh. "You'll quickly become destroyed.. Like the village!" Danzo smirked. Madara formed a hand sign and signaled Danzo. "With this, we can wipe them out and extract the Six Tails.." Danzo gathered up air and stood next to Madara."Fire Release: Blaze Wave!" Suddenly, a great barrage of wind enhanced flames began to chase towards Maijinn and Kaio.
  • Madara and Danzo face the two shinobi and start to laugh. "You'll quickly become destroyed.. Like the village!" Danzo smirked. Madara formed a hand sign and signaled Danzo. "With this, we can wipe them out and extract the Six Tails.." Danzo gathered up air and stood next to Madara."Fire Release: Blaze Wave!" Suddenly, a great barrage of wind enhanced flames began to chase towards Maijinn and Kaio.