  • Malawi
  • Malawi
  • Malawi
  • Malawi
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Malawi, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
  • Malawi (official name: the Republic of Malawi) is a country located in the southeastern part of Africa. Formerly, it was known as Nyasaland. It shares its borders with Tanzania and Mozambique. Its population of 12,884,000 (2005) and area of 118,484 km² makes it a densely populated country with density population of 109/km².
  • Malawi was a landlocked country in eastern Africa, bordering Mozambique to the south, Tanzania to the north and Zambia to the west. ("Day 9: 3:00pm-4:00pm")
  • Christians make up 80% of the population of Malawi, the most poular denominations being the Roman Catholic Church and Presbyterianism. Islam is followed by 13% of the population, the majority of Malawi's Muslims being Sunni. Atheists make up 4% of Malawi's population. MKinority religions in Malawi include Judaism, the Rastafari movement, Hinduism and the Baha'i Faith. Less than 0.1% of Malawi's people are Buddhists.
  • Malawi (pron.: /məˈlɑːwi/; Chichewa [malaβi]), officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. The capital is Lilongwe. It is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • Le Malawi est un pays se trouvant sur le continent africain.
  • Said to be from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Malawi]] malawi, flames, after the appearance of the sunrise over Lake Malawi; also possibly from Maravi, the name of an early Malawi tribe
  • Girls in Malawi frequntly don't get good chances. Many are forced to leave School and Marry when they're very young,
  • Malawi is a southern Highsun ethel. The revetown Lilongwe is on the edge of a damp, low-wethot Highland loftlay with bland warm summers and mild winters. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • Malawi jest jak Czechy. Mały, bez dostępu do morza, a jednak sobie radzi. Tye że z trzeciego świata. Dominuje tu piasek. Większość ludzi nigdy nie widziała śniegu. 24% powierzchni kraju stanowią wulkany, które wybuchają średnio raz w miesiącu. Malawi oferuje dużą różnorodność krajobrazów, od pustyni piaszczystych do pustyni żwirowych.
  • <default>Malawi</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Malawi (ang. Malawi) — małe państwo w południowej Afryce, którego stolicą jest Lilongwe. Malawi posiadało własną drużynę quidditcha, która na Mistrzostwach Świata w Quidditchu w 1998 została mistrzem świata wygrywając w finale z Senegalem.
  • Malawi is a country in Africa. Lilongwe is the capital, and Blantyre is the largest city. There are 3 ice rinks in Malawi ,but no ice hockey activities exist today, however in 1978 a 4 team championship was played with the Ribadoui Royals winning, and Hassana finishing 2nd .
  • The Republic of Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) is a democratic, densely populated country located in southeastern Africa. It is bordered by Zambia to the north-west, Tanzania to the north and Mozambique, which surrounds it on the east, south and west.
  • An unusual sponsor of solar cooking in Malawi is the non-profit organization, Peace Child International. One of its programs called Be the Change (BTC) challenges young people to make a difference in their communities. In Malawi the youth action work focuses on solar cooking. One young man proposed to his colleagues that they make and sell solar cookers as a BTC project. With a very small budget, they did all planning and implementation of the project. By 2001,the group has been able to provide 50 village families with solar cookers in 9 different villages. The group has reached out for support from organizations in Germany and Austria, and has also been aided in locating reflective materials by a Malawian business, Universal Industries. (Source: Solar Cooker Review, November 2001)
  • Malawi is a densely populated country in the southeast of Africa. It is well known for its reproductive capacity and provides over 12% of the world's foster kids and adoptees. The most famous of these kids is Jesus, who was adopted from Malawi by the Madonna.
  • Petit pays d'Afrique australe ayant une forme bizarrement tordue. Bien qu'il n'ait pas de débouché sur la mer, le Malawi possède tout de même quelques plages au bord du lac Éponyme, mais il faut avouer que ce n'est pas le meilleur spot de surf au monde.
  • The flag of Malawi was adopted on July 6, 1964. The rising sun represents the dawn of hope and freedom for the continent of Africa (when the flag was created, countries in Africa were just beginning to be granted independence). The black represents the people of the continent, the red symbolizes the martyrs of African freedom, and the green represents nature. The flag resembles the pan-African designed by Marcus Garvey's UNIA, with the red and black bands reversed and a red sun in the top. It also resembles the Biafra Flag of the now-defunct Republic of Biafra.
  • The history of Malawi is vast, and is somewhat appealing to historians. Historical digs conducted at Lilongwe have revealed that the first ever rapist, orphan, and AIDs-victim all originated from Malawi. Many leading archeologists expect to discover the origins of stupidity from further expeditions in the future.
  • Established in 1891, the British protectorate of Nyasaland became the independent nation of Malawi in 1964. After three decades of one-party rule under President Hastings Kamuzu BANDA the country held multiparty elections in 1994, under a provisional constitution that came into full effect the following year. Current President Bingu wa MUTHARIKA, elected in May 2004 after a failed attempt by the previous president to amend the constitution to permit another term, struggled to assert his authority against his predecessor and subsequently started his own party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in 2005. As president, MUTHARIKA has overseen economic improvement but because of political deadlock in the legislature, his minority party has been unable to pass significant legislation, and an
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  • 89
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  • 122
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  • 15028757
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  • Unemployment
Row 1 info
  • Lilongwe
  • republika
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Row 4 title
  • Population
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  • taki to trzeci świat, że stolicy nie mają
  • Malawi
  • wierzenia ludowe
  • Pottermore
Row 2 info
  • Mozambique 1,569 km, Tanzania 475 km, Zambia 837 km
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  • 1.578826728E9
Row 1 title
  • Capital
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  • 2.746
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  • Borders
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  • Life expectancy
Row 10 info
  • 132
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  • Population growth
  • trawa
  • Malawi.png
Row 3 info
  • multiparty democracy
Row 3 title
  • Government type
Row 7 info
  • NA%
  • parę milionów osób, co dorabia sobie na saksach w fabrykach miedzi w Zambii
  • 2
Box Title
  • Country summary
  • Pays
  • Malawi
  • Chichewa 57.2% , Chinyanja 12.8%, Chiyao 10.1%, Chitumbuka 9.5%, Chisena 2.7%, Chilomwe 2.4%, Chitonga 1.7%, other 3.6%
  • Presidential system, Unitary republic
  • Kwacha
Ethnic Groups
  • Chewa, Nyanja, Tumbuko, Yao, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian, European
  • Information
  • 1964-07-06
  • Malawi
  • 40.0
  • 150
National flag
  • Flag of Malawi.png
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre
  • This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Malawi, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-
  • Malawi (official name: the Republic of Malawi) is a country located in the southeastern part of Africa. Formerly, it was known as Nyasaland. It shares its borders with Tanzania and Mozambique. Its population of 12,884,000 (2005) and area of 118,484 km² makes it a densely populated country with density population of 109/km².
  • Established in 1891, the British protectorate of Nyasaland became the independent nation of Malawi in 1964. After three decades of one-party rule under President Hastings Kamuzu BANDA the country held multiparty elections in 1994, under a provisional constitution that came into full effect the following year. Current President Bingu wa MUTHARIKA, elected in May 2004 after a failed attempt by the previous president to amend the constitution to permit another term, struggled to assert his authority against his predecessor and subsequently started his own party, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in 2005. As president, MUTHARIKA has overseen economic improvement but because of political deadlock in the legislature, his minority party has been unable to pass significant legislation, and anti-corruption measures have stalled. Population growth, increasing pressure on agricultural lands, corruption, and the spread of HIV/AIDS pose major problems for Malawi. MUTHARIKA was reelected to a second term in May 2009.
  • Malawi was a landlocked country in eastern Africa, bordering Mozambique to the south, Tanzania to the north and Zambia to the west. ("Day 9: 3:00pm-4:00pm")
  • Christians make up 80% of the population of Malawi, the most poular denominations being the Roman Catholic Church and Presbyterianism. Islam is followed by 13% of the population, the majority of Malawi's Muslims being Sunni. Atheists make up 4% of Malawi's population. MKinority religions in Malawi include Judaism, the Rastafari movement, Hinduism and the Baha'i Faith. Less than 0.1% of Malawi's people are Buddhists.
  • The flag of Malawi was adopted on July 6, 1964. The rising sun represents the dawn of hope and freedom for the continent of Africa (when the flag was created, countries in Africa were just beginning to be granted independence). The black represents the people of the continent, the red symbolizes the martyrs of African freedom, and the green represents nature. The flag resembles the pan-African designed by Marcus Garvey's UNIA, with the red and black bands reversed and a red sun in the top. It also resembles the Biafra Flag of the now-defunct Republic of Biafra. The colours of the flag are defined using British Standard colours:
  • Malawi is a densely populated country in the southeast of Africa. It is well known for its reproductive capacity and provides over 12% of the world's foster kids and adoptees. The most famous of these kids is Jesus, who was adopted from Malawi by the Madonna. Most Malawinians speak English or Malawinian, while a small percentage of nomadic tribes in the southern regions still speak Chihuahuan. The origin of the name "Malawi" is unclear, though it is held to be derived from the Malawinian "Mating like the locust" or the Chihuahuan "Let's get the fuck out of here". It may also have been named after malaria, the national disease of Malawi.
  • Malawi (pron.: /məˈlɑːwi/; Chichewa [malaβi]), officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. The capital is Lilongwe. It is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • Le Malawi est un pays se trouvant sur le continent africain.
  • Petit pays d'Afrique australe ayant une forme bizarrement tordue. Bien qu'il n'ait pas de débouché sur la mer, le Malawi possède tout de même quelques plages au bord du lac Éponyme, mais il faut avouer que ce n'est pas le meilleur spot de surf au monde. Il y a plusieurs théories sur l'étymologie du nom du Malawi. L'hypothèse la plus répandue est que les Malaouis serait originaires de la vallée du Mala dans la chaîne de l'Himalaya et qu'ils se seraient déplacés jusqu'au rives du lac qui a pris leur nom parce qu'ils se pelaient les miches dans leurs montagnes. Néanmoins, cette théorie est contestée par un nombre grandissants d'ethnologues qui remarquent que les habitants du Malawi ressemblent autant à des Tibétains qu'une chanson de William Sheller ressemble à du Heavy Métal. « La province autonome du Malawi est indiscutablement Chinoise tant sur le plan historique que culturel » ~ Jiang Zemin à propos du Malawi D'aucuns suggèrent que Malàouïe signifie otite en langue Yaou et que ce nom aurait été donné au lac suite à une recrudescence des cas d'inflammation du conduit auditif au XIIe siècle liés à la pollution des eaux par les usines chimiques.
  • Said to be from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Malawi]] malawi, flames, after the appearance of the sunrise over Lake Malawi; also possibly from Maravi, the name of an early Malawi tribe
  • Girls in Malawi frequntly don't get good chances. Many are forced to leave School and Marry when they're very young,
  • Malawi is a southern Highsun ethel. The revetown Lilongwe is on the edge of a damp, low-wethot Highland loftlay with bland warm summers and mild winters. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • Malawi jest jak Czechy. Mały, bez dostępu do morza, a jednak sobie radzi. Tye że z trzeciego świata. Dominuje tu piasek. Większość ludzi nigdy nie widziała śniegu. 24% powierzchni kraju stanowią wulkany, które wybuchają średnio raz w miesiącu. Malawi oferuje dużą różnorodność krajobrazów, od pustyni piaszczystych do pustyni żwirowych.
  • The history of Malawi is vast, and is somewhat appealing to historians. Historical digs conducted at Lilongwe have revealed that the first ever rapist, orphan, and AIDs-victim all originated from Malawi. Many leading archeologists expect to discover the origins of stupidity from further expeditions in the future. David Livingrock first discovered Malawi in 1859. He called it Nyasaland, which cryptically means Adolf Hitler in the local language. Livingrock established the first settlements in the country, none of which were very good, and with the help of the locals built Mt.Mulanje. British colonial rule was enforced using a mixture of violence, goodwill, and free ice cream, and persisted well into the following year. Between the period 1940-1960, several small rebellions took place in an attempt to overthrow British rule. The British lost only a single officer in the fighting, though over 10,000 native African rebels were slaughtered. Despite this, the movements leader, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, called the rebellions a "resounding success". Eventually, Kamuzu Banda raised enough support, particularly amongst Nazis-sympathists, Americans, and other strange people, to mount a serious offence against the British. A million men were raised and equiped with the latest high-tech weapons, including spears and foam daggers. They managed to barely overcome the dozen men stationed at the British Government building, though with sizeable losses of their own. Kamuzu Banda took over the government of Nyasaland in 1964, and was appointed dictator for life. He revolutionised the country by changing its name. He is known most of all for eating all the salt in Lake Malawi and founding the concept of HIV. Banda's government enforced strict policies; no one had a vote and free speech was non-existent. It was all very democratic. In 1993, Kamuzu Banda died after being exposed to a bit of democratic government. His successor, Bakili Muluzi, became president in 1994, and helped propel Malawi absolutely nowhere. In the most recent democratic elections, in 2004, Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika was elected new president, and has so far been as unproductive as all his predecessors.
  • An unusual sponsor of solar cooking in Malawi is the non-profit organization, Peace Child International. One of its programs called Be the Change (BTC) challenges young people to make a difference in their communities. In Malawi the youth action work focuses on solar cooking. One young man proposed to his colleagues that they make and sell solar cookers as a BTC project. With a very small budget, they did all planning and implementation of the project. By 2001,the group has been able to provide 50 village families with solar cookers in 9 different villages. The group has reached out for support from organizations in Germany and Austria, and has also been aided in locating reflective materials by a Malawian business, Universal Industries. (Source: Solar Cooker Review, November 2001) A quite different type program in Malawi was reported on at the [[Kimberly meetings]] in South Africa in 2000. The country has excellent solar insolation and severe deforestation in some areas. The Department of Energy Affairs has established a Renewable Energy Program, which intends to promote a range of renewable devices, including solar cookers. Using box cookers sold through a micro-financing scheme, the project intends to establish distribution centers across the country. A private business, the Zako Solar Cookers Industry is the principle manufacturer of ovens, and nongovernmental organizations are assisting in the distribution. To begin, a national planning workshop was held. Various stakeholders came together to divide up the tasks involved in presenting a series of demonstrations on energy saving measures. Participatory principles were stressed and a choice of optional renewable energy modes offered to people. The foci of the project included both arresting environmental degradation and the reduction of poverty. Information presented at Kimberly described the program at a very early stage. Follow up to ascertain results of the project had not yet been accomplished. This project, started by governmental initiative, is an important development in Africa where the bulk of solar cooking work has been done through non-governmental organizations, many from outside the continent (Kimberly, p. 67).
  • <default>Malawi</default> Lokalizacja Rok powstania Właściciel Mieszkańcy Rola Przynależność Malawi (ang. Malawi) — małe państwo w południowej Afryce, którego stolicą jest Lilongwe. Malawi posiadało własną drużynę quidditcha, która na Mistrzostwach Świata w Quidditchu w 1998 została mistrzem świata wygrywając w finale z Senegalem.
  • Malawi is a country in Africa. Lilongwe is the capital, and Blantyre is the largest city. There are 3 ice rinks in Malawi ,but no ice hockey activities exist today, however in 1978 a 4 team championship was played with the Ribadoui Royals winning, and Hassana finishing 2nd .
  • The Republic of Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) is a democratic, densely populated country located in southeastern Africa. It is bordered by Zambia to the north-west, Tanzania to the north and Mozambique, which surrounds it on the east, south and west.
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