  • Jurkadir
  • The Jurkadir was an ancient Mandalorian war dance, dating back to the time of the Taung. Its name translated into "Threaten" in Galactic Basic Standard and was used, initially, to intimdate enemies before battle. By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, however, the reputation of the Mandalorians themselves accomplished this, and so the Jurkadir became ceremonial, used chiefly when two clans met each other in order to establish a basis of mutual respect.
  • The Jurkadir was an ancient Mandalorian war dance, dating back to the time of the Taung. Its name translated into "Threaten" in Galactic Basic Standard and was used, initially, to intimdate enemies before battle. By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, however, the reputation of the Mandalorians themselves accomplished this, and so the Jurkadir became ceremonial, used chiefly when two clans met each other in order to establish a basis of mutual respect.