  • Battle With DinoGamer
  • At the beginning of Mega Man X4, the player chooses to play either as X or Zero. Unlike future games in the Mega Man X series, the player is committed to the choice throughout the game (i.e., he/she cannot switch to the other character at any time). Well, the evil Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa developed a dinosaur monster named DinoGamer as part of their evil plan to destroy the Power Rangers! DinoGamer was very powerful! He was an evil transformer controlled by Zedd and Rita! DinoGamer was in Angel Grove Park terrorizing the citizens of Angel Grove! Zordon and Alpha 5 summoned the Power Rangers to the Command Center! The Rangers had to find a way to stop DinoGamer! The Rangers teleported to Angel Grove Park and summoned the Thunder MegaFalconzord! A fierce battle began! With a swing of his m
  • At the beginning of Mega Man X4, the player chooses to play either as X or Zero. Unlike future games in the Mega Man X series, the player is committed to the choice throughout the game (i.e., he/she cannot switch to the other character at any time). Well, the evil Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa developed a dinosaur monster named DinoGamer as part of their evil plan to destroy the Power Rangers! DinoGamer was very powerful! He was an evil transformer controlled by Zedd and Rita! DinoGamer was in Angel Grove Park terrorizing the citizens of Angel Grove! Zordon and Alpha 5 summoned the Power Rangers to the Command Center! The Rangers had to find a way to stop DinoGamer! The Rangers teleported to Angel Grove Park and summoned the Thunder MegaFalconzord! A fierce battle began! With a swing of his mighty sword, the Thunder MegaFalconzord destroyed DinoGamer! Angel Grove was safe once again! Thanks, Rangers!!!