  • The World That Never Was
  • "Run. Run like you never have. The world is dying…" "But life must go on." •*•*• Pant, pant, pant. I run along the abandoned road, dodging the collapsed telephone poles and debris. I see our trench, and run even faster. I can't stay out here much longer. My oxygen is running dangerously low. I go to the wrought steel door and turn the big wheel/handle thing. I dodge inside and shut the door, pulling off my mask and putting on the gas mask. I breathe deeply for a few seconds before the light changes from red to green. All clear! I take off my goggles and the stabiliser mask and walk in to my little brother Timmy (He's 10). "Vanessa!" he says,"What did you get?" I spread all the things I collected on the table and count them. "Tape recording, pennies, old chest, diary… ah! Here, you can hav
  • "Run. Run like you never have. The world is dying…" "But life must go on." •*•*• Pant, pant, pant. I run along the abandoned road, dodging the collapsed telephone poles and debris. I see our trench, and run even faster. I can't stay out here much longer. My oxygen is running dangerously low. I go to the wrought steel door and turn the big wheel/handle thing. I dodge inside and shut the door, pulling off my mask and putting on the gas mask. I breathe deeply for a few seconds before the light changes from red to green. All clear! I take off my goggles and the stabiliser mask and walk in to my little brother Timmy (He's 10). "Vanessa!" he says,"What did you get?" I spread all the things I collected on the table and count them. "Tape recording, pennies, old chest, diary… ah! Here, you can have the flashlight!" I say. "Ooh! What's this?" he says, grabbing the tape recording and examining it. "Don't! Timmy, if you break that, I can't sell it. And that means no food for the rest of the week!" "Awww!" he moans. "Now, you'd better go to bed. We've got an early start tomorrow." I say "Stupid Vanessa. Always telling me what to do." he grumbles, getting into bed.