  • Equaylity
  • Equaylity is a concept where all Dan Quayles are created equal, and the equaylity enjoyed by Quayles places them on a plane of existence higher than even other fellow Americans. Unfortunately for the rest of the world but fortunately for him, there is only one Dan Quayle in the history of creation (all 6000 or so years of it) and he probably does exist on a higher plane of existence. It is not to be confused with equality.
  • Equaylity is a concept where all Dan Quayles are created equal, and the equaylity enjoyed by Quayles places them on a plane of existence higher than even other fellow Americans. Unfortunately for the rest of the world but fortunately for him, there is only one Dan Quayle in the history of creation (all 6000 or so years of it) and he probably does exist on a higher plane of existence. It is not to be confused with equality.