  • Coruscant subway
  • The Coruscant subway was a system of underground railways on Coruscant. During the Battle of Coruscant, General Grievous and some IG-100 MagnaGuards chased Shaak Ti, Roron Corobb, Foul Moudama and Palpatine through the subways in an attempt to kidnap the Supreme Chancellor. The ensuing pursuit damaged a window and possibly a train, when a MagnaGuard droid was thrown in front of it. At this time, entrance to the subway cost each passenger two Republic credits.
  • The Coruscant subway was a system of underground railways on Coruscant. During the Battle of Coruscant, General Grievous and some IG-100 MagnaGuards chased Shaak Ti, Roron Corobb, Foul Moudama and Palpatine through the subways in an attempt to kidnap the Supreme Chancellor. The ensuing pursuit damaged a window and possibly a train, when a MagnaGuard droid was thrown in front of it. At this time, entrance to the subway cost each passenger two Republic credits.