  • Unity Day/Transcript
  • What?
  • 100.0
  • Yes.
  • Are you sure?
  • Chancellor on deck.
  • Damn!
  • No!
  • What's that?
  • Where?
  • I'll be fine.
  • Go!
  • It is.
  • Oh.
  • Let's take a walk.
  • You ruined everything.
  • Okay.
  • What does that mean?
  • Clarke-
  • All right.
  • The Unity Day story gives people hope, though, and peace came out of that violence.
  • So, what are you gonna do when the guard come down and commandeer Monty's still?
  • Sir, the Exodus ship is fully charged, and they've begun their launch protocol.
  • In peace, may you leave the shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again.
  • Well, if we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now. You didn't have to trust the Grounders. You just had to trust me.
  • I could ask you the same thing. I could also ask how long you've known he speaks English, but I won't. You blew this when your people were hunting us. You saved our lives. I have to believe there's more like you.
  • Hmm. That's intense. Sure you know what you're doing?
  • Okay. Okay. I'll- I'll get my pack, and I'll meet you at the gate.
  • And because of the attacks, they're sending mostly soldiers, the people that enforce our laws. The Ark is about survival at any cost, and they'll kill people who fall out of line. When those people get down here if they feel threatened, they will start a war, and I don't want that. Neither do you, and I think that's why you blew that horn. Once the soldiers get here, it will be too late, and we'll have no power to stop them, but if they see that we're at peace, then maybe we have a chance to stay that way.
  • I hope there are no hard feelings about me taking the Council seat.
  • Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again! Hey! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty? Monty! There you go.
  • Take the Exodus ship. We should have built a bigger bomb.
  • Okay, boys and girls. Play time's over. Back to work. Let's get this ship ready to launch.
  • We are going to the ground, but not all of us are. There are two thousand, two hundred and thirty-seven people on this Ark, and there are only enough dropships to carry seven hundred.
  • You were seen planting the bomb, Ridley. You killed six people.
  • He's interrogating the bomber. Sir. Power's out in Prison station.
  • Where have you been, Diana? Why did you leave the pageant early?
  • Less than fifty percent, ma'am. They're all upstairs on the passenger deck.
  • The Grounder saved Octavia's life, and Bellamy brought him back here and tortured him.
  • Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead.
  • It's just a scratch. Unh! Okay. Run! Don't stop till you get behind your walls. Go! Take her!
  • What do you know? Her highness can actually party. I like it.
  • The guard, yes, but also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war.
  • The flares? No. That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea-
  • I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together in peace.
  • It won't launch when the door's open, that's correct?
  • Unity Day is a lie. The Ark only came together after the thirteenth station was blown out of the sky. Just not the version of history we like to tell each other at parties.
  • They suspect it was you. The way I see it, we got two choices. Stay and fight, in which case maybe we win if we can get enough workers to join us.
  • A meeting? I don't understand. With who? How?
  • Abby!
  • Abby?
  • All right. You bring your leader, I'll bring mine.
  • And if we don't, what's the second choice?
  • And you're sounding more and more like Bellamy.
  • Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?
  • Ark Station, please come in. We need you.
  • Well, that's why I'm here. I need you to follow us, be our backup.
  • Best Unity Day ever.
  • Better start a dud pile.
  • Better?
  • Both of you shut up. Keep your eyes open.
  • Build another.
  • But I'm going to the ground!
  • Can our engineers get it ready?
  • Can we do it from our side?
  • Check.
  • Clarke's with Finn, isn't she?
  • Clarke, get down!
  • Clarke.
  • Complete the sweep- and secure the hatches.
  • Daddy?
  • Diana, don't do this.
  • Diana, open the door!
  • Diana.
  • Doctor Griffin, we need your help over here.
  • Does Finn know about this?
  • Don't tell me you don't like Unity Day.
  • Finn, get back! Go, go!
  • Finn, tell me why. Hey. Don't.
  • Finn?! Lincoln, wait, wait! He's my friend.
  • For starters, no more killing.
  • Tell me. Who helped you? I know you didn't act alone.
  • All right. It's clear back here. Sir, the dropship's clear. We did a full security sweep.
  • Get her out of here.
  • Get him to medical now!
  • Give me some bullets that work.
  • Grounder Princess looks pissed.
  • Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?
  • Happy Unity Day. Pass it around.
  • Having fun yet, princess?
  • He turned himself in.
  • He was protecting himself.
  • He'll warn Jaha.
  • He's cutting his remarks short.
  • Hello, Abby.
  • Hey! What are you doing?
  • Hey. We said no weapons.
  • Hey. I need to talk to you.
  • Hey. It's time to do better.
  • Hey. Save me some.
  • How did Bellamy get you to help?
  • How long until launch?
  • How many of our people are on board?
  • How's that gonna happen?
  • I am?
  • I could use more than one.
  • I don't have the power to call a truce.
  • I don't remember it. Excuse me.
  • I don't see anything.
  • I don't trust either of you.
  • I don't. But if we go, we have to bring backup.
  • I got my pry bar in! Somebody get me a jack!
  • I got the jack!
  • I got this.
  • I guess we know how he got away.
  • I know what I'm doing.
  • I mean, I hit him in the head.
  • I saved you! You're welcome.
  • I set up a meeting with the Grounders.
  • I stabbed you.
  • I think you lost this.
  • I trust him, Clarke.
  • I was told there wouldn't be.
  • I will if you let the doors close.
  • I'll find her.
  • I'll go and find your daddy. Jaha, are you okay?
  • I'll have my fun when the Grounders come.
  • I'm Anya.
  • I'm coming with you.
  • I'm just trying to keep us alive.
  • I'm nothing like you.
  • I'm serious.
  • It's already done.
  • It's not important.
  • It's not ready.
  • It's too late now.
  • It's true.
  • Jasper, you're coming with me.
  • Search all the decks. Throw anyone not loyal to us out of the service hatches and back into the Ark. Lieutenant, you may give the order.
  • I told you we couldn't trust the Grounders. I was right.
  • And we tortured you. If the two of us can get along, then maybe there's hope. Learn from history instead of repeating it, right?
  • Kane! Find out who did this.
  • Keep trying!
  • You do that, and double the guard at the dropship. I'm putting the Ark on lockdown!
  • Launch!
  • Leave him. He's gonna die in here anyway.
  • Let him go! He's made his choice.
  • Like I said, best Unity Day ever.
  • Lincoln! No!
  • Make sure everything's cleared out.
  • Making bullets on Unity Day.
  • Marcus!
  • Marcus. I'm sorry. Vera was an amazing spirit.
  • Mom, I have a job to do.
  • Mom, mom, mom.
  • My name is Lincoln.
  • Nearly all here.
  • Never mind. Hope you know what you're doing.
  • No hard feelings about anything at all today.
  • No, no, no. They haven't decoupled!
  • No. It's not happening.
  • No. Not your brother.
  • Nope. Just Finn.
  • Can you think of a better way to stop the bloodshed?
  • Oh my God! Lincoln! You've been hit!
  • Oh, no. No. This is bad.
  • Oh, whoa!
  • Or we could try talking to them.
  • Our princess has that effect.
  • She goes alone.
  • She left before the blast.
  • She's taking the Exodus ship.
  • Shut up.
  • So am I. At least they're good for something.
  • So there's casualties either way.
  • So what makes you think he did it?
  • So, what the hell are you doing here?
  • Someone's coming.
  • Sorry. Did something happen?
  • Stay where we can find you.
  • Take the Exodus ship now.
  • Tell me about the cargo.
  • The Exodus ship? Your mom's early.
  • The Grounders don't know it's Unity Day.
  • Then cause disruptions.
  • Then get the damn door open.
  • There goes the power. That's our cue.
  • There's Grounders in the trees.
  • There's a lot of that going around.
  • They tell me you'll be on the first Exodus ship.
  • They wouldn't be the first to try.
  • They're gonna shoot! Clarke, run! Run!
  • This is our ship now.
  • Two minutes.
  • Unh!
  • Unity Day.
  • Upper levels clear? Okay.
  • Wait a second. He spoke to you?
  • Wait. Look. Oh, my God. Horses!
  • Wait. Too fast. No parachute? Something's wrong.
  • We are not missing that launch window!
  • We have seen the true soul of our people.
  • We need triage supplies now!
  • We should get Clarke.
  • We'll make a warrior out of you yet.
  • We've lost the main power generator.
  • Well, we all got each other now, right?
  • What do you need them for?
  • What is she talking about?
  • What the hell are you talking about?
  • What's Octavia doing here?
  • What's happened?
  • What, Bellamy? He'll never go for this.
  • Where's Abby? Send her through!
  • Where's Councilor Sydney?
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell are you doing?
  • Whoo! All right.
  • Why are you defending him?
  • Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?
  • Why does everyone keep asking me-
  • Will you take the tree down for me?
  • Without further ado, I present the story of us.
  • You didn't see him, Finn. It didn't matter what we did to him. He was ready to let you die.
  • Yeah, but did there need to be violence at all?
  • Yeah. I recognize him.
  • Yeah. I told you no guns!
  • Yeah. Okay. So do you by the way.
  • Yeah. With the guns that the guard bring down.
  • Yes I am.
  • Yes, but it takes hours, and they're not waiting!
  • Yes, sir! Assume flight positions.
  • Yes. I'm overseeing security on the ground.
  • Yes. The Earth is survivable.
  • You always are, so talk.
  • You don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot!
  • You got anything to say?
  • You're not gonna get this one.
  • Your boyfriend's being an idiot.
  • Your name is Clarke?
  • But enough from me. You are all here for the pageant anyway, right?
  • Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up.
  • They seem to prefer stabbing. Violence is the only thing those people understand.
  • Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the Grounder is out there.
  • Where am I gonna go, Kane? Be careful. Ridley's dangerous.
  • You know, they could say the same thing about us. If we keep going on this way, we'll never stop digging graves.
  • Because you think that impaling people on spears is code for "let's be friends"? Have you lost your damn mind?
  • Finn's set up a meeting with the Grounders. I'm leaving to go talk to them.
  • He is still lying to your face. There aren't enough dropships to get everyone to the ground.
  • That hardly matters now. This Exodus ship belongs to all of you. You're the future of the human race, and today, I'm going to lead you home.
  • No reason? The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground.
  • Sorry for bringing up Clarke earlier. That was awkward.
  • So that's how you set this up. You helped him escape, didn't you?
  • I'm checking the gunpowder in these rounds so that if the Grounders try to kill us all maybe we can get a few shots off beforehand.
  • My friends, this is a historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year, on the ground.
  • If we want to live in peace Finn, we can't live in peace with people who've done nothing but kill us.
  • They'll probably gut you, string you up as a warning.
  • It means the dropship's still tied into all of our major systems. Power, water, air. If it launches, the Ark will be crippled, and everyone left on board will die.
  • I know you're upset about what happened at Section Seventeen.
  • I need you to come with me, but I can't tell you why okay?
  • No way. We're not bringing guns. Those weren't the terms, and if we're gonna do this, we got to give it a fair shot.
  • Well, thank God I did, or I'd be dead right now. I guess we're both lucky.
  • Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us, that they'll respect the terms you and I agree on?
  • Grounders. By now, he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob. Relax. I got security covered. Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one.
  • Then bring me to someone who does. Hey, look. The rest of our people are coming down here. The first ship lands in two days.
  • You really want a war? Because at this rate, that's what's coming. Look. I know it's a long shot, but this is our world now, and I think we can do better than the first time around. I trust him.
  • Should have been seven. Jaha's lucky he cut his speech short.
  • Then have more than one. Clarke, the Exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it.
  • Hey. No one's a better mechanic, all right, but this stuff requires a chemist. How'd you do in chemistry class? Hmm. Ahh. Well, the fates are smiling upon you, my friend. I was great in chemistry. Hmm. Oh! Nope. Oh, it's gassed off. Pretty sure the acidic smell means that the gunpowder's degraded.
  • I won't be because you brought this on yourself, Jaha. You promised the people truth, and all you gave them were lies!
  • We didn't know anyone was here. We thought the ground was uninhabited.
  • You shut up, Miller. No one's forcing you to watch.
  • Finn doesn't need to know, and, Bellamy, bring guns.
  • Seal the doors, begin the launch protocol. We're t-minus five and counting.
  • Well, at least come to the departure ceremony. You could give the traveler's blessing. Think of it as a good-bye gift for your mother.
  • I was just with the Grounder that we had in the dropship. His name is Lincoln.
  • I lost my wife. You're damn right I'm upset, but this is about more than the culling. Workers all over the Ark are tired of getting screwed. It's our kids you sent to die on Earth and who's on the first dropship? Not us. Over and over Jaha and the rest of you on the Council betray our trust. Today is your reckoning.
  • You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn.
  • I see your point. That's why we need to put an end to all of this.
  • Hey. The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant.
  • I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested. By the Earth, by the secrets it holds, and most of all by each other.
  • Diana, please! You don't want to be remembered like this!
  • It's a mutiny. Diana Sydney. She's- She's diverting power.
  • Trust me, we will figure this out. We will survive, we always do! Go! Come on!
  • I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun.
  • For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence, hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth.
  • Sir. This was a coup. Councilors Cole, Kaplan, Muir, and Fuji are dead. If you hadn't cut your speech short-
  • If you're planning on shooting anything, you better think twice. I haven't checked those yet.
  • It'll get cold. With the lockdown, even if they find a way to isolate the lesser populated stations, people will die.
  • You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him. These are all acts of war.
  • Lincoln said there are more of you coming down, warriors.
  • To our sons and daughters on Earth listening to this message, we will see you soon. The first Exodus ship will launch in under sixty hours, carrying you the reinforcements that you need, so stay strong. Help is on the way.
  • Sitrep forthcoming, ma'am. We should be ready for launch momentarily.
  • Wait. We could use a doctor on the ground. Come with us. You owe Jaha no loyalty. He's killed your husband and betrayed you. You're just like us. Think of your daughter, Abby. You can see Clarke again today.
  • You're invaders. Your ship landed in our territory.
  • To charge the batteries on a ship that size without causing a disruption to The Ark takes time.
  • Lift the lock down and evacuate those stations. Where's Kane?
  • I think it might be worth a shot. I mean, we do have to live with these people.
  • Hey, hey! There you are! All right. Listen. We're playing drunk ball. I bet Monroe my team's gonna win the Unity Day title. That's for you. I know you Zero-G mechs have crazy hand-eye skills, so, huh? What do you think? Must be better than whatever you're doing.
  • Marcus. I'm so sorry. We need to get you out of here.
  • You need now that, you know, you almost blew one off?
  • This launch should be delayed at least until you've questioned the terrorist that set that bomb. I put word out to my people and just heard back. His name is Cuyler Ridley. He's a mechanic who lost his wife in the culling.
  • I'd love it if you were right about this, but did you ever consider it might be a trap?
  • All right. You ready? Oh. No. Wait. I have done this before, I promise. What is it?
  • I should be in medical, not packing first-aid supplies.
  • Oh! Hey. Let me have a look at that. [looks at Finn's stab wound] [sighs] Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you.
  • We can't. It's already pressurized, and we can only open it from the inside.
  • You don't know jack. You still think this is just about the Chancellor.
  • Sir, we have to go right now! Everybody out! Get back behind the containment doors. Go, go, go! Please, sir.
  • The injured have been taken care of, and we can do nothing for the dead.
  • I promise I will do everything I can to convince them to honor the terms that we set.
  • You know, when my parents get here, they can mix us up some new gunpowder. My dad's gonna flip for this scrap metal. "My kingdom for a soda can." Heh. That's what he always used to say. How about you? Got any family?
  • You can't trust him. More than one thousand people, most of them workers like you, are gonna be left behind to die. You can still save yourself.
  • Long ago when the Earth was on fire, through space all alone. Then one day, Mir floated by Shenzhen, and they realized life would be better together. The other stations saw this, and they wanted to be together, too. When all the stations were formed, they called themselves-
  • You had me shot! You detonated a bomb in a public meeting, killing six innocent people, and now you want to kill everyone on this space station to satisfy your ego?
  • You handled yourself well in the cave with the Grounder.
  • What? No. We didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason.
  • Oh, nothing. I helped him with his speech. He's leaving the best part out.
  • I'm not sure, but we've lost power to multiple stations. Farm, Hydra, Mecha. Now we can vent in breathable air, but the temperature in those stations is falling fast. People are gonna freeze to death.
  • That's right. You'll be able to see your daughter soon.
  • Let's go. With the Grounder escaping, we should expect retaliation.
  • If you fire the first shot, those people coming down won't bother negotiating. Our technology- They will wipe you out.
  • I understand. You started a war that you don't know how to end.
  • I volunteered. We have to be ready to fight, right?
  • I told you. It happened very fast. I'm not even sure that Doctor Griffin was inside at the time. I'm sorry.