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  • FAQ
  • FAQ
  • Faq
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  • Write the first section of your article here. Remember to include links to other pages on the wiki.
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) may refer to: * Monster Truck Madness FAQ * Monster Truck Madness 2 FAQ
  • A wiki is a collection of interconnected links and photos. Anyone can edit wikis, allowing them to grow faster than if any one organization created it. For point of reference, Wikipedia is not only the world's largest encyclopedia (at nearly 800,000 articles), it is also the cheapest (cost to use/edit Wikipedia: zero).
  • Please feel free to edit this page and ask your question. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Die neue Software von Seolytics scheint wriclikh top zu sein. Nervig ist vielleicht blodf die zwangvolle Anmeldung. Ein schneller Free-Test gefiele mir besser. Vielleicht kommt das aber spe4ter noch.
  • Al was actually planning to do a video for “Couch Potato” (his parody of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”). But unfortunately, even though Eminem was okay with Al having the parody on his album, for some strange reason he denied permission for Al to make a music video for the song. Since Al was already in pre-production on the video and also had to put together his AL-TV special and gear up for a 3-month concert tour, he didn’t have the time to switch gears and do a video for a different song. Al did put together a couple of makeshift videos for AL-TV (including one for the song “Bob” which was a dead-on parody of Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” from the Don’t Look Back documentary), but those were low-budget quickies that were intended to be exclusive to the VH1 special.
  • Warhammer Online: Age of ReckoningはMythicが開発・製作しているPC用のMMORPGです。 * Realm vs Realmって何なの?PvPみたいなもの? Realm vs Realmとは大規模な、勢力単位で戦うPvPです。簡単に言えば大人数で戦争をする事。 * 日本語版は出るの?日本でのサービスは? 日本語版は出るという情報は(今のところ)ありません。運が良ければ日本語で会話・UIを表示できるアドオンなどが出てくるかもしれません。 * 日本からプレーできるの? 現在IPチェックで日本からの接続を弾く仕組みは無いので日本からでも北アメリカ、オーストラリアにあるサーバーへ接続して遊べます。 * 体験版はあるの? 公式サイトやFileplanetから体験版クライアントが落とせるようですが、 どうやら強制的に過疎鯖に飛ばされるらしいので、 2chの質問スレでメアド出して招待してもらうのが無難かと思われます。
  • A: GW Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia for everything related to The George Washington University. The goal of GW Wiki is to create a helpful, unbiased online guide for prospective applicants, accepted students, current students, and alumni and other fans of GW.
  • Below is a list of frequently asked questions which will be updated as time goes by. Please read below if you're a newcomer before asking in support chat in the game.
  • (Or, information from WikiRPS to explain the context of WikiRPSplus) Please refrain from freely editing WikiRPS Preserved Information unless it is also changed on the original FAQ to help alleviate some confusion. For this purpose, I also request that you not edit the other FAQ just to edit this FAQ. Ask where your modified information can go. Thank you. --Minozake 09:38, 15 November 2008 (UTC) TODO: update "Ask" with a list of all the admins once some are recruited.
  • My LEGO FAQ is a section of the My LEGO Network Help Section, designed for users' Frequently Asked Questions. Some answers are answered there, so it is recommended to go there if experiencing any inconvenience. There are tips on how to play the My LEGO Network, as well as questions about friends, Modules and other things which you may find on My LEGO Network.
  • That's not even 10 miunets well spent! That's not even 10 miunets well spent!
  • This is a guide that will help you understand how to edit the Dead Rising Wiki. We really advise you to read it. It will cover pretty much every thing important.
  • This is the unoffical FAQ for Skyrates. The offical Website's Manual is rather out of date, so the wiki has created an Alternative. The offical tutorial is still a good starting point, and the ingame tutorial/help button will help you with the most common tasks.
  • Got questions? You may find the answers here. If you don't see your question here, then you may want to try one of the following: * Search for it, using the search box at the left side of the page. * Ask it at the Help Desk. Please be sure to follow the guidelines of that page.
  • Critical Mass is a mass participatory event with no leaders or fixed agendas. However the broad aim is to celebrate cycling and sustainable transport, and to give cyclists safety in numbers. See also the Critical Mass article and What is Critical Mass?.
  • See also tips and Common Issues. This is the copy of distributed faq which is incomplete. Updated Apr 2009. If have a question, then the mailing list is our preferred communication channel, but you can ask it at Your voice page.
  • Brian Aker explains: I've been wondering for a long time about the changes to MySQL after 4.1. I believe there is a large market of users who never wanted them, and never cared for them. I also wanted to question the foundations of what we built. Do users want wrong data? How often is the query cache really valuable? If everyone just has a root user with all privs, why carry the baggage of the ACL code? etc.
  • Verilog has a standard dump format called VCD that is used to dump the state of the design as it simulates. Use the $dumpfile directive to create a file that contains the dumped waveforms. Use the $dumpvars directive to define the scope of the dump. The example below dumps everything in and below the test module. Example: // Do this in your test bench initial begin $dumpfile("test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,test); end Once you have the dump file you can use a wave form viewer like GTKWAVE or dinotrace or Wave VCD viewer
  • Kamp - Hvordan foregår det? Hvem skyder først? Hvad gør skjoldene? Noobbeskyttelse - Hvad er det? Update - Hvornår opdateres point, og hvad sker der ellers under update? el:FAQ [[en:]] fr: hr: ko: pl: sv: tr:
  • Frequently asked questions by prospective or current players.
  • Non. Tu non es romanus. Tu es crassus americanus. * Cui Latina? Lingua Latina est omnium pulcherrima lingua. * Debeo ego gero bracas? Solummodo in publica. * Cur adsum hic? Ades hic quia vis versari hic. * Sunt graves interrogationes hae? Non.
  • Questions often asked of Matt and the Critical Role Cast.
  • This is a Frequently Asked Questions page for Gang Garrison 2.
  • This is the FAQ. It answers frequently asked, or common questions.
  • Feel free to add questions and subdivisions to this section.
  • This is a very basic FAQ and we hope to expand it with your help!
  • Until there are more frequently asked questions, the bulk of this page is devoted to an edited version of Gold Joinee Gresham's Big Shiny Guide to All Things Joinee. If you have any questions, click on 'Discussion' above, and then add a question.
  • Welcome to the FAQ. You can use the menu below to navigate between topics.
  • A: Try the Neighbors page.
  • Acronym of Frequently Asked Questions
  • Alles rund um THC erklärungen usw
  • Asegúrate también de leer las normas y ayuda
  • Below is a list of common questions.
  • Currently not and it is not in the works.
  • Często zadawane pytania:
  • Derp. To be filled out.
  • FAQ (frequenly asked questions)
  • Feel free to add to the site's FAQ
  • Frequently Asked Question
  • This page is dedicated for new players to ask questions to experienced players about the Empire Earth game. Please look at the Common FAQ section before posting your question as it might be answered there already. For experienced players, please help us to answer any questions and if any question is commonly asked, please add it to the Common FAQs section.
  • Go back to Main Page
  • Archiverdict aims to become a standard, up-to-the-minute reference guide to research archives and their holdings. Typically, such information is exchanged via (often exclusive) word-of-mouth networks, or through fixed and less flexible media, such as printed works or mailing lists. Ideally, this wiki will help to democratize access to knowledge about archives, to sidestep restrictive measures of those who control certain archives, and to help researchers avoid duplicating discoveries.
  • This page is dedicated to all FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Warframe. __TOC__
  • See also the Frequently Encountered Issues page.
  • See the post I wrote about this matter here.
  • Who is Billy Bob? Answer:A redneck!
  • You must have 7lvl to enter to the city
  • Zur Hauptseite - Hilfe
  • Unter deinem Anarchy-Online Verzeichniss (normalerweise unter c:\programme\Anarchy-Online\) findest du folgende Verzeichnissstruktur: \cd-image extures\planetmap\. In dieses kopierst du die heruntergeladene Karte. Die Karte besteht aus einem Verzeichniss in welchem mindest eine .txt und eine .bin Datei existieren.
  • Frequently asked questions for "Z/X -Zillions of enemy X-" trading card game.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Catégorie:FAQ
  • from November 3rd 2015
  • Une foire aux questions (FAQ) est disponible au format PDF ICI
  • Exteel is an online 3rd person shooter where players take giant customized mechs into combat to compete for supremacy against other players. The game features easily accessible gameplay and a blend of high-speed tactics and team-based strategy. The mechs are highly customizable, and can select from a large arsenal of deadly weapons. Mechs can also select special maneuvers that allow them to deliver devastating attack combinations inspired by the wildest Hong Kong cinema action.
  • This page is some questions and answers about Godzhell.
  • This FAQ is created and maintained by MechaFanboy and Bma at the Gamefaqs Board. This page is protected to avoid the proliferation of multiple versions of the FAQ. If you have a suggestion, please make it in the Discussion section. The FAQ is posted here by permission from the authors, MechaFanboy and Bma. It may be removed after it is hosted permanently on Gamefaq. FAQ version 1.0 Credit for the Guide goes to MechaFanBoy, I [Bma] simply finished off the guide for him.
  • Сайт, содержащий ответы на наиболее часто задаваемые вопросы:
  • Freecivはクライアント/サーバーシステムを採用している。といっても、そんなの気にする必要はない。最新のバージョン使っているなら、ゲームを始めると、サーバーは自動的に立ち上がるからね。(旧いバージョンを入れている人は新しいものに乗り換えてね。) Freecivの画面が起ちあがったら、ボタンがいくつか縦に並んで出てくる。とりあえず新しいゲームの開始を押してくれ。 そしたらゲームセッティング画面にかわり、右下に開始がでるから、それを迷わず押してくれ。More Game Optionsはもう少し君が大きくなってから試してくれ、それは大人のためのものだ。 次の画面で、右下に出るOKを押せばゲームスタートだ。 ゲームをやっている途中でわからないことが出てきたら、メニューの右端にあるヘルプを押してくれ。学ばねば死あるのみだ。 それでは、新世界での君の繁栄と幸運を祈る。
  • This page is for questions pertaining to Oh My Goddess (the manga, the OAV, the TV series, or anything else). Also, feel free to ask questions related to this site in particular. If you have a question, click on the edit tab and add it below. If you have an answer to a question that's already here, please do likewise. Note to people answering questions: Feel free to answer questions that already have answers to them. If the answer is a matter of opinion (as opposed to a factual answer), then enclose it in a block and separate it from other opinions.
  • It is a mobile Card Collection Game (CCG) available on iOS and Android created by Nubee, a company situated in Tokyo, Japan. It was recently acquired by MyNet with the official new appearing in-game on January 25, 2016.
  • PIE Network Wiki Home > Latest News (Our story to date)> FAQ > About the PIE Network> Official PIE Network Community> PIE Talk Get involved, start playing. Learn how
  • Welcome to the MySims Wiki FAQ! Do you have a question regarding MySims? Edit this page, add a correct subsection (===Question===) and the answer under it. If you don't want to use the FAQ, you can contact an admin. If your question regards editing the Wiki, please look in Wikia Help, as this FAQ is only for the games. If you feel an answer is wrong, edit the page. Although, please be very, very sure that your information is correct, or your edit will be reversed.
  • Another PvP aspect in Earthrise will be guild rivalries. Guilds will be able to declare war on each other and fight for power and resources. Such wars will be prohibited in the security zones, but will not be punished in the other territories. There must be a good reason for PvP players to risk everything to make a kill.
  • The US Constitution says, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." There was a move toward impeaching Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before he resigned. Michael Mukasey is heading the same way. The current idea is to Impeach Dick Cheney First, so that he cannot succeed Bush.
  • The following is the current PokéWars! FAQ. For further information about this document, see History of the FAQ.
  • Die Reaper sind klar von den großen Alten aus dem von dem amerikanischen Schriftsteller H.P. Lovecraft erdachten Cthulhu-Mythos inspiriert. Genau wie die Reaper sind die großen Alten eine unbekannte Alien Spezies die über nahezu unbegrenzte Macht verfügt und in den Tiefen des Alls lauert. Auch die Indoktrination findet ihre Grundlage im Cthulhu-Mythos, die großen Alten sind genau wie die Reaper in der Lage Lebewesen geistig und körperlich in Husk (im Cthulhu-Mythos Fishmen oder Deep One genannt) zu verwandeln.
  • 使用DonKat的步驟如下: 1. * 下載 2. * 安裝 3. * 啟動 註:詳細的提問,能使我們了解您所遇到的難題。
  • One minute your character is going about their daily lives or wherever you decide to bring them from and the next they're in or around the town of Canyon Ridge. It's simple, really. Deceased characters are not allowed. For example: you could bring Sirius Black from Harry Potter from before he falls through the veil, but not after.
  • This is the place where you should put any questions that are considered to be "frequent". You can base your work in the of the Forum. I've only migrated parts of the old page () because most of those questions are already covered in Quest pages, and most of the deleted questions are not popular anymore. Scarbrowtalk 00:21, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
  • - Type ::vote in-game, fill out the security code click vote on the page provided and your box's should come automatic, if not type ::voted. - Change your password by typing ::changepass in the in-game chat. If for some reason this does not work, please fill out a support ticket or contact an admin who may be able to change your password for you. If your using an Ipk client, ::changepass won't work, you need to download the Apk client Here.
  • 위키아는 위키 커뮤니티로 미디어위키에서 돌아갑니다. 위키아 산하의 위키들은 모두 위키아 사(社)가 주관하고 있습니다. 누구나 자유롭게 위키아의 위키 생성 정책과 사용 계약에 따라 새로운 위키를 시작하실 수 있습니다. 위키아:소개를 참조하세요.
  • FAQ ist ein Akronym, das gelegentlich über einem lustigen Frage-Antwort-Spielchen auftaucht, welches seinerseits einem Manual anhängt. Der Vorteil ist, dass bei diesem Quiz die Antwort gleich mitgeliefert wird. Zumindest, wenn man sich die Mühe macht, es überhaupt zu lesen anstatt gleich die Dame vom Callcenter zu beschimpfen.
  • Gehe oben links auf das Anmelde-Button gibt deine Daten ein und du bist registiert.
  • Because you should demultiplex your source files into elementary streams.
  • This page contains a list of all common questions about Pokémon Essentials. If you couldn't find an answer to your question in the articles, check below.
  • FOnline est un mod multijoueur entièrement gratuit pour Fallout 2 développé par des russes, qui reprend également les cartes de Fallout 1 en plus que son système graphique, son moteur de jeu et son système d'évolution. Vous pouvez en savoir plus en lisant la présentation officielle de FOnline de Fallout 3 Nuclear.
  • Q: Why can't I use the arrow keys to scroll through the folder collections? A: In Alpine, Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N are the default keys to navigate folder collections. To use the arrow keys for this, as was standard in Pine, go to the Configuration screen and check "Disable Save Input History". Q: Does Alpine work with local Maildir mail stores? A: The version of Alpine distributed by the University of Washington does not support local Maildir. However, patches exist to enable Alpine to support Maildir.
  • Este artículo trata de responder a las preguntas más comunes sobre WarcraftWiki. Iremos añadiendo más preguntas mientras surjan. Si tienes una duda y no está aquí, por favor, regístrate en nuestro foro y siéntete libre de preguntar lo que quieras (siempre que cumplas las normas)
  • Wiki is a type of software that allows users to edit web pages. See WhatIsWiki for further details.
  • This is a list of most Frequently Asked Questions about SA:MP and CrazyBob's Cops and Robbers (CnR) in general. In this guide, GTA:SA refers to the single player elements of the game that already exist, whereas SA:MP refers to the multiplayer modification. This is still work in progress mainly because there are several items outdated.
  • Similar to Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King; DQM: Joker focuses on parties of monsters. If you have ever played the Monster Arena side-quest in the PS2 game then you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. The minor differences are, like in Dragon Quest VIII your monsters receive skills which they can apply to skills that give them techniques or stat boosts. You’re limited to a team of three however you can have up to three substitute monsters.
  • You can unlock new skills by leveling up your player. When you level up you add points to Agility, Wisdom, Intelligent, Strength and Constitution. Click on the 'skills' menu on the bottom right hand corner and you'll see how many points you need to get the skill
  • Don't have anything yet. If you have a question, post it here.
  • Brian Aker spiega: Per molto tempo mi sono interrogato sulle modifiche introdotte con MySQL 4.1. Credo che ci sia una grande fetta di utenti che non li ha mai voluti e non si è mai interessata ad essi. Inoltre volevo esaminare le fondamenta di ciò che abbiamo costruito. Gli utenti vogliono dei dati sbagliati? Quanto spesso la cache delle query serve? Se tutti hanno un utente root con tutti i privilegi, perchè portarsi dietro tutto il codice dell'ACL? etc.
  • see WikiSocial Aims but basically we want to create a next generation social network based on Wikia.
  • Det finns mängder av liberaler i Sverige som inte har funnit sin hemvist i partipolitiken, men som ändå vill engagera sig för att utvecka den liberala politiken. Ett liberalt parti är ett forum för alla oss där vi kan skriva oss samman om och diskutera framtidens liberala politik. Sedan är det upp till den politiker som väljs till de beslutande församlingarna att använda politiken som finns i Ett liberalt parti på det sätt de anser lämpligt.
  • wird aus Werbemitteln finanziert. In Zukunft wird deshalb auch Werbung auf unseren Seiten auftauchen. Das ist gut so, und das ist auch nötig. Anders wäre es nicht möglich, dass wir diese großartige Gelegenheit erhalten, alles Wissenswerte über Boppard für alle kostenlos zusammenzutragen. Deshalb bitte ich auch darum, die Werbung nicht nur zu tolerieren, sondern durch fleißiges Anklicken der Werbung auch zum Erhalt dieses Projekts beizutragen.
  • Recommended: Use Google - click below on link and type searched phrase betwen quotation marks (" and "): * Lunia Wiki: - for example: "Stone of Lava" * Ijji Forum: - for example: Lunia "Stone of Lava" * MyMMMOGames Forum: - for example: Lunia "Stone of Lava" "Stone of Lava" = searched phrase Recommended: * Search items with quest, box & alchemy related info
  • FAQ is the sixteenth episode of Red vs. Blue: Season 11 and 241st episode overall. It aired on October 14th, 2013.
  • FAQ – spis odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane przez ludzi pytania. Odpowiedzi te są pisane w niezrozumiałym języku, przez co większość internautów zamiast zaglądać do FAQ, dręczy administratorów tymi samymi pytaniami. W Polsce słowo FAQ funkcjonuje jako przekleństwo. Poniżej, dla ludzi, którzy nie wiedzą o co chodzi, zamieszczamy, jako przykład, FAQ zaczerpnięty ze strony Microsoftu.
  • Det finns många stockholmare som inte har funnit sin hemvist i partipolitiken, men som har stora kunskaper om staden och som vill engagera sig för att utveckla politiken. Här kan ni påverka skrivelser innan de läggs, bidra med kloka synpunkter på remissvar, och lägga egna förslag till initiativ. Förslagen kommer sedan att behandlas i samband med att initiativens slutliga utformning görs. Vi kan inte garantera att alla förslag kommer att läggas. Däremot är det säkert att alla förslag är välkomna och kommer att läsas.
  • What is Evolutionary Spirituality? * Main Page * Evolutionary Spirituality Theory and Practice
  • A: 1 AP for every 3 minutes (180 seconds). Q:How do I change my class? A: Go to Class and tap the button that says whatever class you want to change to. Changing classes are completely free and revertible!
  • If you're reading this, then you are an editor and an important part of the Browncoat Wiki! If you see a problem on one of the pages, or something that needs to be fleshed out, etc., then you can fix it! Take a look at the tutorial on the Central Wikia if you are new to editing a wiki. For further questions, a list of all help pages for this wiki can be found at . Also, an extensive list of Wikitext formatting can be found at the following link: Wikitext Examples
  • To put on the Keenspace site! Eventually! Put up questions that we've gotten through the OOC threads, or anything that would help explain the comic to a new reader.
  • MMORPG (줄여서 MMO)는 대중 다참여 온라인 역활 게임의 약자이다. 이들 게임은 인터넷을 통하며 같은 게임서버에 수백 수천명이 참여한다.
  • 世界地図を参考に。
  • Q. Are you involved with the games/Publishers etc? Q. How do I create a character, using the Template? A. Visit this Page please, on Creating/Editing a character.
  • (Information taken directly from the first page of the Traitor Game Discussion Thread.) How do I sign up? There is currently a game in progress. You must wait for the next set of sign-ups. Image:Wiki-large.png
  • Features of this site: * It's FREE * NO registration required * Anybody can edit / contribute * It's VERY useful * It has content for experienced and inexperienced toastmasters * It even has TIMING LIGHTS * It's user-friendly * It's YOURS.
  • There are several FAQ categories available: * FAQ general questions - General questions * FAQ installation - Questions regarding installation / configuration, system requirements, etc. * FAQ gameplay - Regular gameplay and game commands questions * FAQ troubleshooting - Questions regarding server crashes, problems, etc. * FAQ development - Questions regarding development of PvPGN, e.g. downloading the source, setting up compilers, etc.
  • Here we List out different questions asked to us by college going students, and possible and given answers.
  • OpenArena is an open-source content package for Quake III Arena licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2), effectively creating a free stand-alone game. You do not need Quake III Arena to play this game.
  • Акроним от Frequently Asked Questions. Означает Частые Вопросы (ЧаВо). Применяется для обозначения статей представленных в виде Вопрос-Ответ. Категория:Сокращения
  • Welcome to the N.O.W. Frequently Asked Questions page! Here you can find answers to some common questions asked. If your question wasn't answered here, contact a staff member and direct your question to them.
  • FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . --- --- --- FAQ --- --- ---. Q: What kind of 'Epic Story' is this MMORPG supposed to have? (one the Player is part of...) A: This isnt "Lord of the Rings" (and even Lord of the Rings Onlines "epic plot" is only indirectly related to the books' story). Rapture ITSELF is Epic and the Players of the MMPORPG get to see alot more of its wonders than those little excursions we made in the Solo games. The Epic story would be Rapture rising from its alleged ashes and the catastrophe that befell it. . Q: Why isn't Rapture now "a Dark Wet Tomb" ???? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- . . .
  • What is Elite Mafia? It is a text-based, online, multiplayer game about the criminal Mafia organisations. Also known as PBBG's. Main Page- The page you will always see first. It tells the story about the game and reveals something about your goal. It also reveals the “bosses of bosses” called admins and mods wich are basically the people that keep the game running smooth. Players Online- This basically shows you the online players in the last 10 minutes although you can also see what players where online on various other times. Blue - These are Admins, they run the game
  • Here are some questions and answers > The expedition is going ahead. Thanks for putting it on the website. You > mentioned having my site as the kayaking destination for echocamp, just to > let you know, I'm not running trips for people, just now I just do the trips > on my own. Just in case you were thinking about advertising that I run > trips. More like groupings to hook up. Like outdoor festival, if you know about it, you like to learn new area and try new routes, come and join us. Something good will happen.
  • This is a legal issue so, can be confusing. These two articles (particularly the second) may be useful in clarifying the differences between trademark and copyright: * Legalities 31: Creating brand images for your client — who owns what rights? * Legalities # 29: Infringing Cartoon Characters The standard for trademark infringement is called "confusingly similar." The standard for copyright infringement is called "substantially similar." In regards to cartoon and/or comic book/strip characters, visual representation must also be taken into account. Other links:
  • Besonders häufige und nervige Fragen werden hier beantwortet. * Darf ich im Sand oder auf Wiese einen ganzen Bonuswurf setzen? Ja, aber es muss trotzdem die Einschränkung durch die Geländeart beachtet werden. Im Sand darf z. B. nur geschossen werden. * Darf ich im Sand oder auf Wiese einen halben Bonuswurf setzen? Nein, da ein ganzer Bonuswurf immer einem normalen Zug entspricht. D. h. im Sand muss man immer schießen, egal, was man macht * Sind Auspuffe und andere Stangen Teil der Karosserie, d. h. muss man aussetzen? * to be continued...
  • Jeśli w okienku Aurora log pojawia się następujący komunikat o błędzie: Invalid .set file. Cannot read TILE0/Model entry. to spróbuj następującego rozwiązania: * Utwórz nowy plik modułu: menu Module -> New Module (.adv). * Wybierz obszar: * menu View -> Utility Windows -> Resources Explorer (skrót: CTRL+R); * w oknie przeglądania zasobów (Resources Explorer) rozwiń całą gałąź: data -> Meshes -> Locations -> G31 (lub wybierz inny, dowolny obszar) Mam nadzieję, że ta wskazówka pomoże Ci bezproblemowo utworzyć nowy obszar w module.
  • Unfortunately there is not much good documentation on swapspace that is meaningful on today's hardware. As the discrepancy between ram speed and hard drive speed becomes greater each year, the old rule of 2*ramsize is just plain wrong. This was in the old days because the addr space was directly mapped into the first half of the double RAM sized swap, giving an easy translation formula; only the space >> RAM size was usuable as additional space. Since most of your ram will be filled with cache, you don't need a huge swapspace, just enough to cope with transient periods of pressure.
  • 如果你想要询问或回答的问题没有出现在FAQ的以下这些页面上,请将之加到FAQ中的合适位置。或者你可以访问 FAQ Work Page. Codex 志愿者会将你的贡献整合到适当的位置。 如果你有问题尚未被解答,请访问WordPress Support Forum ,寻求专家的帮助。 FAQ About WordPress :Information and resources about WordPress including history, features, semantics, glossary, and information to help you determine whether or not WordPress is the blogging tool for you. FAQ New To WordPress :对于WordPress新手常见问题的解答,帮助你开始搭建你的WordPress网站。 FAQ Installation : Answers to questions involving installation, advanced installation, using FTP, MySQL, PHP, importing from other blog software, and upgrading WordPress FAQ Troubleshooting :Answers to questions about troubleshooting and problem-solving your WordPress site including passwords, database errors and issues, sending referrers errors, and more. FAQ Working with
  • Freeciv est un système client/serveur. Mais dans la plupart des cas, il n'y a pas besoin de s'en préoccuper ; quand un jeu est lancé, un serveur démarre automatiquement. Aussi, à moins d'utiliser une ancienne version du client Freeciv, tout ce qu'il y a à faire est de lancer le client. Double-cliquez sur l'exécutable du client Freeciv ou tapez civclient dans un terminal (une console). Une fois le jeu en cours, vous pouvez trouver des informations dans le menu Aide. Si vous n'avez jamais joué à un jeu comme Civilization, vous voudrez sans doute consulter l'aide dans Jouer.
  • FAQ (Frequently Agitated Queers) is a cult of highly neurotic homosexual monks who travel the Internet with the divine belief that they can answer any question before it is asked. Unfortunately, they are fucking morons. The FAQ cult was originally created by Sir Richard Stallman in 1909 after the Bolshevik Revolution as a way to hide illegal drug and child trafficking behind a pretense of spreading valuable information to the proletariat. By taking money not only from the underworld, but also from government disinformation brokers, the FAQs were able to become very wealthy very quickly, as the rest of the USSR began to slide slowly into the tenth level of hell known as Oprah Winfrey's Ass Crack. It is important to note that at this point in the cult's history there were no pretenses of re
  • The Cygwin tools are ports of the popular GNU development tools for Microsoft Windows. They run thanks to the Cygwin library which provides the UNIX system calls and environment these programs expect. With these tools installed, it is possible to write Win32 console or GUI applications that make use of the standard Microsoft Win32 API and/or the Cygwin API. As a result, it is possible to easily port many significant Unix programs without the need for extensive changes to the source code. This includes configuring and building most of the available GNU software (including the packages included with the Cygwin development tools themselves). Even if the development tools are of little to no use to you, you may have interest in the many standard Unix utilities provided with the package. They c
  • Stones is in-game currency. Runes are like points you can re-deem for things. Like upgrades, special items, etc. Oh.. you know Hybrid Creatures, going on quests, battling, waring, and oh did I mention total world domination? :o lol Play and find out. ;) The game itself is very unique and has a lot to off for the bored mind. ;) Only 2. If you have more people in your household that want to play the game that person must message me and all the mods. That way I or a mod will not freeze any of the extra accounts. Preferably yes. So to make sure it does not look like it is all by the same player.
  • Please check the Habitica blog and Habitica's social media for information about whether there is currently an outage: * * * For more information about what to do if there is an outage, please read Habitica Outage Instructions.My question is not answered below - what do I do? The fastest way to find an answer is often to search the wiki for a relevant keyword. For example, enter "quests" or "party" or "pets" into the search box at the top of this page. You're likely to find all the information you could want. (If you don't find it at once, you can try an advanced search.)
  • Freeciv ist ein Client-Server-System. Um ein Spiel zu beginnen, Computerspieler zu generieren usw. müssen Sie das Freeciv Server Programm starten. Um als menschlicher Spieler daran teilzunehmen, müssen Sie das Freeciv Client Programm starten und mit einem Server verbinden. So ist es: selbst wenn Sie ganz allein spielen wollen, müssen Sie zwei verschiedene Programme starten. Nachdem das Spiel gestartet ist, finden Sie ausführliche Hilfe im Hilfe-Menü. Für die Server-Befehle müssen Sie auf die Kommandozeile zurückgreifen. Der /help-Befehl führt Sie zu den Einzelheiten.
  • Time travel has a lot of associated risks, the most important and oft-neglected one is that time-travel is not space-travel. If you build a stationary time machine and jump to an hour in the future, you will find yourself floating oxygen-less in the place the earth was an hour ago.
  • Freeciv - клиент-серверная система. Но в большинстве случаев об этом можно не беспокоиться: сервер запускается автоматически, когда вы начинаете новую игру. Поэтому, если вы не используете старые версии клиента Freeciv, достаточно запустить клиентское приложение. Сделайте это двойным щелчком на исполняемом файле freeciv-gtk2 eсли набрав freeciv-gtk2 в терминале (в случае клиента gtk2). Когда клиент стартует, выберите start new game. Установите настройки игры (настройки по умолчанию подходят для одиночной игры начинающего игрока) и нажмите кнопкуstart.
  • Do I need a Kindle to buy/read Kindle books? No. You can read Kindle books (purchased from Amazon's Kindle store on): iPhone/iPod Touch (iTunes link) Windows XP/Vista/7 Mac OS X Blackberry Android Linux (using WINE and the Windows Kindle for PC app) Done [Shift+Enter] Can I read books from other online stores on a Kindle? Some booksellers sell ebooks without any DRM at all, allowing them to be read on any device. There are also websites that maintain collections of public domain works as free downloads. Directory of DRM-free ebook websites Will I have whispernet coverage in (place)? Natively: Audio files:
  • Salve, prima di cominciare a giocare è importante conoscere le regole del gioco, del forum e i Termini e Condizioni di Utilizzo. Quindi siete invitati a prendere visione dei link sottoriportati: Regolamento di gioco Regolamento del Forum Termini e Condizioni d'utilizzo Il non rispetto delle regole può causare la sospensione dal gioco/forum per un tempo determinato o indeterminato. Thread importanti da leggere: Il chiama e i ban Manutenzione ai server In Metin2 interagirete con tanti altri giocatori, quindi nello stesso momento in cui non rispettate i regolamenti state danneggiando gli altri giocatori.
  • 1. Q - What is the Academic Publishing Wiki? * A - If you are new to wiki, start here. The Academic Publishing Wiki is an online community making use of the wiki interface for peer review and publishing of articles. 2. Q - As an author, why should I use the Academic Publishing Wiki? * A - Two main advantages for authors who select wiki publishing over traditional publishing are transparency of the peer review process and the existence of flexible options for authoring living articles. 3. Q - How do I get started? * A - There are three steps in wiki publishing. You can start here.
  • NOTE: This is maintained by the DND:TA community and not by WOTC or the DND:TA Development Staff. If you want the official DND:TA FAQ please visit the link on the facebook application. This site exists to provide additional information for new users. * What happened to DND:TA? It's not on Facebook anymore. On May 27th 2010, at 11pm PST, WotC/Hasbro put an end to their "promotional" game, Dungeons and Dragons : Tiny Adventures. They left this message on the game's main page which is not accessible anymore : * What is a d20? It is a die used to generate numbers from 1 to 20 * Immediately at 11?
  • Cicada 3301 is the name of either the internet puzzles, beginning in january of 2012, 2013 and 2014, or the name of its' organizers. The puzzles themselves can be followed along from their respective articles on the Main Page in the what happened section. They involve cryptographic and steganographic techniques with a theme of esoteric readings. As to the question of who's organizing and publishing these puzzles... We dont know. All we have are two documents that allegedly came from fellowship members and 3301. We have no evidence for or against their authenticity. Leaked email (sent in 2012):
  • This is Version 1 of Warcrabs, so no one has submitted any questions about the game yet. However, we have anticipated a couple that people might ask. If you have more, send them to: What if I don’t have a ruler that measures in inches? Warcrabs was invented in America, where we use crazy but poetic measurements like “feet” and “pounds.” If you are in a country that uses a more rational system, you have three options. Can crabs drive little toy cars? If the car has an engine and a crab can fit inside, go for it.
  • (Note that the bulk of this article is over eight months old. During that time many of the bugs reported here have been corrected. --Bachstar 09:29, 20 April 2009 (UTC)) * Why doesn't my mission info update when I killed a Weaned Rendor? * The counter is bugged, it does not display. You can go on with the mission, though. You will be notified when it is done. (bug fixed.) * Where are the Javings Located? * Near ruins of Silan / shattered ruins * How many javings do I have to kill? it does not say so... * 10. The counter is bugged for this one, as well. (bug fixed.) * Can I abandon a mission? * Not on Silan. * Can I reread the mission text? * No, so pay attention the first time. * Where are the Weeny Ragus? * Hunting grounds north
  • Q:Who founded this Wiki? A:LazerPlayer did Q:Why can't I edit some pages, do I have a bug/problem? A:No, Admins can protect pages so they don't get edited unless in need. Q:Why am I blocked? A:Because you violated the RULES, the rules can be read in the main page here, however, if you were blocked for no reason, please post a complain on my Message Wall, and I'll be sure to check the error. Q:How long am I blocked? A:It can vary, if you have repeated issues your ban can last up from 6 months to 1 year, but if its your first time blocked, it can be from 1 to 3 days. Q:I want to be an Admin!
  • oder besser gesagt... noch offene Fragen * Wohin kommen die Toten, nachdem die Totbringer sie geholt haben, schliesslich ist das unrein bin hinten gegen. * Sollte man beim Spielen von normalen Menschen nicht Unglücks/unreinheits/Tabupunkte verteilen, wenn sich einer befleckt, um das zu verdeutlichen? Kann nur durch die Reinigung der Freud/Lebensbringer abgebaut werden. * Wohin mit dem Regenwasser? Gehen die Mauern bis in die Erde (ich finde ja), dann kanns ja schlecht abfließen. Dann müsste jedoch das Abwasser irgendwie abfließen. Vielleicht doch irgend nen Abfluss. * Wie ist die Religion genauer beschaffen. Muss man Opfer bringen, Dienste leisten? Was denkt man über Ahnengeister, Naturphänomene, Himmelskörper, Erschaffungsmythen. * Gibt es bestimmte Feste die überall
  • The following is a set of Frequently Asked Questions or a FAQ. Q: What is Star Trek Online? A: Star Trek Online is an MMOG from Cryptic Studios set in the Star Trek Universe. Q: What is a MMOG? A: An MMOG is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game. These are usually MMORPGs Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. Star Trek Online contains many elements from the Role Playing Game genre, but it also includes elements like first person shooter content while on away missions. It is one of the top Free to Play MMO's available. Q: What era is the game set in? A: Star Trek Online takes place 30 years after Star Trek Nemesis, as a time of unprecedented peace in the galaxy suddenly comes to a close. Q: Will I be able to command my own ship? A: Yes, all players will be able to command a personal sh
  • Q: What are the character attribution points? A: Each character has six kind of essential attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception and Luck. Strength Strength is related with the character´s physical attacks and their hit ratios. 1 point of strength=0.5 point of physical attack Constitution Constitution is related with the character´s health points, physical defence and health points recovery (repair). 1 point of constitution=10 health points+2 points of physical defence. Dexterity 1 point of dexterity= 0. 25point of physical attack+ 0.05% violent attack ratio Perception
  • The Site Is this real? No. This is a collaborative writing website. What is the Foundation ? We are the last bastion of security in a world where natural laws rapidly break down. We are here to protect humanity from the things that go bump in the night, from people who wield power beyond mortal understanding. We are here to make the world a safer place. We are the holders of wonders, and the crafters of dreams. We are why the world continues. In the short form, we're a creative writing site, devoted towards horror.
  • Freeciv is a client/server system. But in most cases you don't have to worry about this; the server is run automatically for you when you start a new game. So unless you're using one of the older Freeciv client programs all you have to do is run the client. Do this by double-clicking on the freeciv-gtk2 executable program or by typing freeciv-gtk2 in a terminal (in the case of the gtk2 client). Once the client starts, select start new game. Now edit your game settings (the defaults should be fine for a beginner-level single-player game) and press the start button.
  • 太陽熱調理器には基本的なものとしてどんなものがありますか? 3種類の基本的な調理器があります: Box cookers (箱型調理器) このタイプの良いところは、じっくりと、しかも大量に調理することができることです。このタイプの変形として、表面を太陽に傾けることができるものや反射板の数が違うものもあります。 Panel cookers (パネル型調理器) このタイプは、最近フランスのRoger Bernardの手によってとてもよくなりました。この仕様では、種々のフラットパネルが、プラステチックバッグのなかのなべ、またはガラスのボウルの下にあるなべに太陽光線を集めます。このタイプの良いところは、わずかな費用で、しかも1時間かそこらで組み立てられることです。ケニアでは、Kakuma Refugee Camp project (カクマ難民収容所プロジェクト)のために1個2USドルで製造されています。 Parabolic cookers (パラボラ型調理器) このタイプは通常凹面ディスクを用いて光線をなべの底に集めます。 このタイプの良いところは普通のレンジとほとんど同じ時間で調理ができあがることです。短所は、組み立てが複雑なこと、太陽の動きを追うように絶えず注意していなければならないこと、正しく使用しないとやけどや眼を傷めることがあることです。これらの短所のうちの幾つかは最近 Dr. Dieter Seifert's design によって改良されてきています。 最初に太陽熱調理器を作ったのは誰ですか?
  • Wakfu é um Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) que se passa em um universo de fantasia medieval criado pela Ankama Games. Sobretudo, um MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) é um jogo. Milhares de jogadores conectam a este jogo por computador para acessar este mundo amplo. Neste mundo, composto de ilhas, florestas, e cidades habitadas por criaturas, eles podem tanto se juntar e criar equipes ou confrontar outros jogadores. As atividades no jogo incluem caçar criaturas, explorar Dungeons, praticar uma profissão e criar uma guilda. Windows®, Mac OS®, Linux.
  • Freeciv es un sistema cliente/servidor. En la mayoría de los casos usted no tiene que preocuparse de esto, el servidor arranca automáticamente cuando empieza la partida. A menos que ejecute una versión antigua de Freeciv, lo único que tiene que hacer es ejecutar el cliente. Pulse dos veces sobre el programa civclient o escriba civclient en un terminal o línea de comandos. Ua vez ejecutado, seleccione nueva partida. Ahora puede editar las opciones de partida ( las opciones por defecto van bien para iniciados para partida individual) y pulse comenzar.
  • Table of Contents: 1. Controlling (Turbo)Lifts 1. How do these turbolifts work? 2. The lift command doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? 2. Space Flying and Space Travel 1. How do I fly? 2. Why can't I seem to land? 3. Ships are so expensive! How can I get around if I don't own a ship? 3. The Force, Forcers, and Jedi 1. How do I know if my character has the Force? 2. What does it take to be a Jedi? 3. If I butter up the imms real good, will they give me a Jedi character? 4. I'm getting conflicting information about how I can get a Jedi character. Which answer is the right one? 4. Faction Questions 1. Is it safe for me to go to an opposing faction's planet? 2. Which faction sh
  • 11
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  • 2013-10-14
  • Diskussion:ActiveX
  • Wikipedia:Hamster
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  • FAQ
  • DoppelTicksSizes.jpg
  • Phodopus sungorus - Hamsterkraftwerk.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
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  • Write the first section of your article here. Remember to include links to other pages on the wiki.
  • (Note that the bulk of this article is over eight months old. During that time many of the bugs reported here have been corrected. --Bachstar 09:29, 20 April 2009 (UTC)) * Why doesn't my mission info update when I killed a Weaned Rendor? * The counter is bugged, it does not display. You can go on with the mission, though. You will be notified when it is done. (bug fixed.) * Where are the Javings Located? * Near ruins of Silan / shattered ruins * How many javings do I have to kill? it does not say so... * 10. The counter is bugged for this one, as well. (bug fixed.) * Can I abandon a mission? * Not on Silan. * Can I reread the mission text? * No, so pay attention the first time. * Where are the Weeny Ragus? * Hunting grounds north east corner of Silan. * I can't find a team for the Silan mission! * For Birth of a Magician #2, it is not strictly needed to have a team, although advised. Note that the kills in a team are per person. * Where can I find Fine Zun Amber? * South east of camp, right on the edge. Under the 'E' of Karavan Embassy in the map. * Where is the Caprice Seed? * Behind Chiang the Strong on his hill. * Where can I get ranged weapons? * There are no ranged weapons on Silan. You may get them on the mainland. * What level should I be to go to the mainland * There is no lower bound and currently there is no level cap on Silan. Before Silan, it was not uncommon for players to go to mainland at levels 1/1/1/1. **Some cities may be harder for low level players, but it is perfectly possible to survive and progress. With Silan as starter land, take your time, enjoy the missions, learn the basics. It is quite variable, but lvl 20-30 in fight or elemental is a good guideline.. Some players have left silan after lvl 60 in some branches. * How do I go to the mainland? * Talk to Chiang the Strong and select the mission.
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) may refer to: * Monster Truck Madness FAQ * Monster Truck Madness 2 FAQ
  • A wiki is a collection of interconnected links and photos. Anyone can edit wikis, allowing them to grow faster than if any one organization created it. For point of reference, Wikipedia is not only the world's largest encyclopedia (at nearly 800,000 articles), it is also the cheapest (cost to use/edit Wikipedia: zero).
  • Please feel free to edit this page and ask your question. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Freeciv est un système client/serveur. Mais dans la plupart des cas, il n'y a pas besoin de s'en préoccuper ; quand un jeu est lancé, un serveur démarre automatiquement. Aussi, à moins d'utiliser une ancienne version du client Freeciv, tout ce qu'il y a à faire est de lancer le client. Double-cliquez sur l'exécutable du client Freeciv ou tapez civclient dans un terminal (une console). Une fois que le client démarre, sélectionnez Commencer une nouvelle partie. Puis, éditez les préférences du jeu (bien qu'au niveau débutant et en jeu solo les configurations par défaut devraient s'avérer correctes), et pressez le bouton commencer. Une fois le jeu en cours, vous pouvez trouver des informations dans le menu Aide. Si vous n'avez jamais joué à un jeu comme Civilization, vous voudrez sans doute consulter l'aide dans Jouer. Vous pouvez encore changer les préférences du jeu grâce au menu Options du serveur dans Jeu. Tapez /help dans la ligne de discussion (ou dans en ligne de commande du serveur) pour obtenir plus d'informations quant aux commandes du serveur. Des explications détaillées pour jouer à Freeciv sont aussi présentes dans le fichier README distribué avec le code source, et sur le manuel en ligne disponible sur ce site. Le manuel couvre à la fois le client et le serveur, mais ne correspondra pas forcément à la version que vous utilisez. Il est disponible en plusieurs langues et peut être télécharger pour une utilisation locale.
  • Die neue Software von Seolytics scheint wriclikh top zu sein. Nervig ist vielleicht blodf die zwangvolle Anmeldung. Ein schneller Free-Test gefiele mir besser. Vielleicht kommt das aber spe4ter noch.
  • Q:Who founded this Wiki? A:LazerPlayer did Q:Why can't I edit some pages, do I have a bug/problem? A:No, Admins can protect pages so they don't get edited unless in need. Q:Why am I blocked? A:Because you violated the RULES, the rules can be read in the main page here, however, if you were blocked for no reason, please post a complain on my Message Wall, and I'll be sure to check the error. Q:How long am I blocked? A:It can vary, if you have repeated issues your ban can last up from 6 months to 1 year, but if its your first time blocked, it can be from 1 to 3 days. Q:Can the Admins of this Wiki see our info once we register? A:Absulotely NOT, the Wiki STAFF are the only people who can see the info, but they don't mess with them, they store it with them so if there are further problems, they can help you. Q:I want to be an Admin! A:You can post a request on my message wall, I'll see your contributions and I'll get back to you, be advised that if you haven't contributed to this Wiki you can't be an Admin here. Q:If I become an Admin, what must I do? A:You must keep an eye on the Wiki for any vandals. Admins who don't log in for 2 months will have there rights reverted and will be a normal user again. Q:What if an Admin is abusive? A:You MUST send a complaint to my message wall, Immediately. I will be sure to block, delete the contributions and revert the rights of that user. Q:What if the complainer doesn't have evidence? A:The complainer must have evidence or they will be ignored.
  • Al was actually planning to do a video for “Couch Potato” (his parody of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”). But unfortunately, even though Eminem was okay with Al having the parody on his album, for some strange reason he denied permission for Al to make a music video for the song. Since Al was already in pre-production on the video and also had to put together his AL-TV special and gear up for a 3-month concert tour, he didn’t have the time to switch gears and do a video for a different song. Al did put together a couple of makeshift videos for AL-TV (including one for the song “Bob” which was a dead-on parody of Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” from the Don’t Look Back documentary), but those were low-budget quickies that were intended to be exclusive to the VH1 special.
  • Warhammer Online: Age of ReckoningはMythicが開発・製作しているPC用のMMORPGです。 * Realm vs Realmって何なの?PvPみたいなもの? Realm vs Realmとは大規模な、勢力単位で戦うPvPです。簡単に言えば大人数で戦争をする事。 * 日本語版は出るの?日本でのサービスは? 日本語版は出るという情報は(今のところ)ありません。運が良ければ日本語で会話・UIを表示できるアドオンなどが出てくるかもしれません。 * 日本からプレーできるの? 現在IPチェックで日本からの接続を弾く仕組みは無いので日本からでも北アメリカ、オーストラリアにあるサーバーへ接続して遊べます。 * 体験版はあるの? 公式サイトやFileplanetから体験版クライアントが落とせるようですが、 どうやら強制的に過疎鯖に飛ばされるらしいので、 2chの質問スレでメアド出して招待してもらうのが無難かと思われます。
  • A: GW Wiki is a collaborative encyclopedia for everything related to The George Washington University. The goal of GW Wiki is to create a helpful, unbiased online guide for prospective applicants, accepted students, current students, and alumni and other fans of GW.
  • Below is a list of frequently asked questions which will be updated as time goes by. Please read below if you're a newcomer before asking in support chat in the game.
  • (Or, information from WikiRPS to explain the context of WikiRPSplus) Please refrain from freely editing WikiRPS Preserved Information unless it is also changed on the original FAQ to help alleviate some confusion. For this purpose, I also request that you not edit the other FAQ just to edit this FAQ. Ask where your modified information can go. Thank you. --Minozake 09:38, 15 November 2008 (UTC) TODO: update "Ask" with a list of all the admins once some are recruited.
  • 太陽熱調理器には基本的なものとしてどんなものがありますか? 3種類の基本的な調理器があります: Box cookers (箱型調理器) このタイプの良いところは、じっくりと、しかも大量に調理することができることです。このタイプの変形として、表面を太陽に傾けることができるものや反射板の数が違うものもあります。 Panel cookers (パネル型調理器) このタイプは、最近フランスのRoger Bernardの手によってとてもよくなりました。この仕様では、種々のフラットパネルが、プラステチックバッグのなかのなべ、またはガラスのボウルの下にあるなべに太陽光線を集めます。このタイプの良いところは、わずかな費用で、しかも1時間かそこらで組み立てられることです。ケニアでは、Kakuma Refugee Camp project (カクマ難民収容所プロジェクト)のために1個2USドルで製造されています。 Parabolic cookers (パラボラ型調理器) このタイプは通常凹面ディスクを用いて光線をなべの底に集めます。 このタイプの良いところは普通のレンジとほとんど同じ時間で調理ができあがることです。短所は、組み立てが複雑なこと、太陽の動きを追うように絶えず注意していなければならないこと、正しく使用しないとやけどや眼を傷めることがあることです。これらの短所のうちの幾つかは最近 Dr. Dieter Seifert's design によって改良されてきています。 最初に太陽熱調理器を作ったのは誰ですか? 私達が知っているかぎり最初に太陽熱調理器を発明したのは、スイスの動植物学者のHorace de Saussure で、1767年もの早い時期に太陽熱調理器を実験しています。これについてさらにくわしい情報が欲しい人は this article を見てください。 太陽熱調理器がもっともよく使われている所はどこですか? 信頼の置ける報告では、インドおよび中国の両国でそれぞれ100,000 の調理器が使用されているといいます。私達は、世界のほとんどの国が太陽熱調理器のプロジェクトを実施していることを承知しています。Solar Cookers International (世界太陽熱調理器協会)は最近 CooKit を使用して breakthrough in Kenya プロジェクトを立ち上げました。 ケニアでは今、5000 を超える家族が太陽熱調理器を使っています。 太陽熱調理器ではどのくらい温度があがりますか? オーブンの温度計を、もしなべが「感じる」とすればちょうど同じくらいの目盛を示すだろうと思われる、日の当たる場所に置きます。箱型調理器およびパネル調理器では、主として使われている反射板の数や大きさによって得られる温度は違ってきます。通常、反射板が一つしかない箱型調理器では、食材が仕上がるころ、だいたい最高150ー C (300ー F) に達します。しかし、調理に必ずしも高い温度が必要であるとも限りません。 通常調理するときには、だいたい90ー C (200ー F)前後に保たれればうまくできあがります。 高温では大量の調理ができ、早く仕上がり、ちょっとした時間で調理ができますが、普通、人々は他の仕事をしながら調理をすることが多く、低温ならば調理の場から離れることができるため、低温で調理をするほうが好きな人が多いのです。反射板が一つしかない箱型調理器では、料理が煮上がってしまってもそのまま焦げないで保温され続けます。食材のなかの水分が蒸発しない限り、どんな食材でも 100ー C (212ー F) 以上にはならないということを忘れないでください。普通のレンジ用の料理の本が指示している高温は、ただ便利さのためだけであり、急速にこんがりと焼き上げる場合など特殊な目的の場合を除いては必要ないのです。 料理ができあがるまでにどのくらいの時間がかかりますか? 経験から言って、反射板が一つしかない箱型調理器では、普通のオーブンよりもできあがるまでに約2倍の時間がかかると思ってください。しかし、この調理器では実際焼くという調理法はできないのですから、調理中みている必要やかき混ぜる必要がありません。それぞれのなべに異なる食材を入れ、調理器の上に置いておくだけでよいのです。その日遅く戻ってくると料理は完全に仕上がっていて、食べるときまで温かく保温されています。 パネル型調理器は、他に比べて少量(普通なべ1個)しか調理できません。しかし、他よりも少し早く調理することができます。このタイプの調理器を使うときは、食材を均一に熱するためには時々かき混ぜる必要があると報告している人もあります。 パラボラ型調理器で調理するのは、普通の一口バーナーのレンジで調理するのとまったく変わりません。太陽熱を直接なべの底に集めることができるため、なべの温度が上がり、迅速に調理することができます。しかし、食材が焦げるかもしれません。ですから、なべをかき混ぜ、注意深く見守る必要があります。 調理器の反射板を太陽の動きに合わせなければなりませんか? 豆を煮ふくめるときは5時間かかりますからそうしなければなりませんが、それ以外では、後部反射板が一個付いている箱型調理器なら太陽の動きに合わせる必要はありません。パネル調理器は、側面に反射板が付いているためになべが陰になることがあり、箱型調理器よりもしばしば太陽の動きに合わせなければなりません。パラボラ型調理器は焦点を合わせ続けるのがもっとも難しいです。パラボラ型調理器は、焦点距離によっては10分から30分おきに太陽の動きに合わせる必要があります。 「本物」の材料、例えばベニヤ板やガラスで箱型調理器を組み立てるほうがよいですか。それともボール紙で十分ですか。 雨のときも戸外に出しっぱなしにできる調理器が必要でない限り、ボール紙の調理器で十分です。ボール紙のほうが調理もしやすいし、同じように保温できます。私達は、10年以上変わらず同じボール紙の箱型調理器を使っている人を知っています。 鏡のほうがよく反射しますか? 鏡は、もっと簡単な材料、例えばアルミホイルなどよりも反射力は強いですが、値段が高いし、割れやすいので、鏡を使って得られる利点は大きくないでしょう。 調理器の壁を黒く塗ると効率があがりますか? オーブンがさらに熱くなるのではないかと考えて壁を黒く塗りたがる人もあります。しかし、壁がさらに熱くなったとしても食材の温度をもっと上げる必要はないのです。それよりも、内壁をアルミホイールで覆って光線が黒いなべか黒いトレイの底に当たるように光線を反射させるほうがよいと思います。底のトレイはなべと接触しているので、トレイが集めた熱は簡単になべに伝導します。 どのような塗料を使ったらよいでしょう? 先進国ならば、「乾燥時に不毒性」とラベルにある普通の黒のスプレイペイントが手に入ると思います。手に入らなければ、黒のテンペラペイントで十分です。 窓にはプラスチックよりもガラスのほうがよいですか? ガラスのほうがプラスチックよりも10%効率がよいとの報告が一般的です。ガラスは、風の強い日には風でばたばたしないし、調理器からでる熱を逃がさないので、優れています。しかし、プラスチックのほうが壊れにくい上に、輸送が簡単で、また大変よく機能するのでよく推薦されています。オーブン用調理バッグは、性能がよく、簡単に手に入るプラスチックフィルムです。グロスリーストアで売っていますし、1バッグあたりUS1ドル 以下です。他のプラスチックでもO.K.です。プレキシガラス(アクリル酸ガラスの一種)でもうまくいきます。 もっとも効率がよいなべはどれですか? 理想を言えば、黒く、軽く、調理する食材よりも少し大きい底の浅いなべを使いたいとお思いでしょう。金属製のなべは調理に最適です。光るアルミ製のなべは開発途上国ではよく使われているものですが、黒く塗るか、すすで黒くするとよいでしょう。鋳物の鉄製なべもよいのですが、食材を加熱しようとするとなべにも余分に熱が取られてしまいます。そのため、条件が良くないところでは適さないでしょう。 どんな断熱材が最適ですか? 断熱するのなら、種々の材料を使って箱型調理器の壁を断熱することができます。ガラス繊維や発泡スチロール剤は、熱を加えるといやなにおいのガスを出すので、普通は勧められません。綿、ウール、羽根のような天然素材、あるいはねじった新聞紙でさえ用が足ります。しかし、多くの人は壁の中には何もつめないで空にしたままにし、その代わり空気の整流装置として壁の内側にフォイルを張ったボール紙を置くようにしています。このほうが、調理器が軽くなるし理に叶っているように思います。箱型調理器ではガラスやプラスチックから熱が失われるのであって壁からではありません。ですから、壁のいろいろな個所の効率が少しよくなったからといって、全体の温度や調理力にはあまり影響しないのです。 太陽熱調理器の効率を上げるためにハイテク材を使うほうがよいですか? そうしてもよいでしょう。でも大切なことを忘れていませんか?ハイテク材が手に入る人は太陽熱調理器を使わずともガスや電気で調理することができるのです。今日でも世界では、辺地に住む何百万人もの人々が毎日煙に悩まされながら焚き火で調理をしています。毎日何時間も歩いて燃料の木を探さなければならないのです。都市に住む貧しい住民は木が手に入りませんから収入の半分近くを調理用の燃料費に使わざるを得ないのです。このような人々がハイテク材の調理器など持てるわけがありません。もし人々のために有益なサービスを提供したいと思うなら、今ある調理器を簡単に改善してできることを考えたり、どのようにしたら簡単に手に入る材料で調理器を作ることができるかを研究してください。 太陽熱調理器で水を殺菌できますか? はい。3タイプ全部の調理器が水を沸騰させることができます。しかし、余り知られていないことですが、安全な飲料水をつくるには殺菌しなくとも低温滅菌すればよいのです。低温滅菌するには65ー C (150ー F) で、たった20分間加熱すればよいのです。こうすれば人間の病気を引き起こす全ての病原体を殺すことができ、しかも水を沸騰させるための余分のエネルギーを使わずにすみます。「水を沸騰させなさい」と言われるのは、多くの地域で温度計が簡単に手に入らないので、沸騰させることで温度計の代わりをしているのです。 Dale Andreatta 博士が Summary of Water Pasteurization Techniques (水の低温滅菌技術の要約)という大変有益な記事を書いています。他の参照記事も Solar Cooking Archive の Documents に出ています。 密閉殺菌保存食を作るとき太陽熱箱型調理器が使えますか 密閉殺菌保存食を作るとき太陽熱箱型調理器が使えますか 密閉殺菌保存食を作るとき太陽熱箱型調理器が使えますか? はい。でも果物だけです! 野菜や肉の密閉殺菌保存食を作るには圧力が必要ですから、太陽熱調理器では作ってはいけません! 密閉殺菌保存食つくりの情報は here にあります。 太陽熱調理器がそんなによいのなら、どうして皆が使っていないのですか? 太陽熱調理器が普及するには多くの環境が整っていることが必要です。なによりもまず、世界の大多数の人が太陽熱で調理ができることさえ知らないのです。このことが分かると、どこでも、特に、燃料を集めるのが大変困難な地域や煙に悩まされながら調理しなければならない所では大歓迎されます。貧しい人々が継続的に太陽熱で調理できるようにするためには、多くの環境整備が必要なのです。このプロジェクトが最も成功した地域では、必要性が大きかった、天候が最適だった、 太陽熱調理への移行に長期間取り組める推進者がいたことなどが要因として挙げられます。Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya (ケニアのカムラ難民収容所)で Solar Cookers International が行った例を見てください。 ボール紙で箱型調理器を作ると火がつきませんか? いいえ。 紙は 451ー F にならないと燃えません。この調理器ではそんなに温度が上がらないのです。 一年のどのくらいの期間これで調理ができますか? 熱帯地域や米国南部地域では天候によっては一年中調理ができます。カナダのような最北の地では、最寒期3ヵ月を除いて晴天の日であればいつでも調理できます。 新しい調理器が手に入ったら最初になにを調理すべきなのでしょうか? 最初に試してみるのには少量の米を炊くのががよいと思います。米は調理するのに簡単である上に、炊きあがる前と後ではとても違って見えますから調理できたかどうかよく分かります。鶏肉や魚も調理しやすいものです。 cooking hints (調理のヒント)や cooking times (調理時間)を見てください。 325°F 165°C 太陽熱箱型調理器の温度 212°F 100°C 水の沸騰点 180°F 82°C 食材の調理温度 160°F 71°C 食材の低温滅菌温度 150°F 65°C 水の低温滅菌温度 120°F 49°C ほとんどの菌が生存できない温度 72°F 22°C 室温 私の調理器はたった250-Fしか温度が上がりません。レシピーで350-Fあるいは450-Fもの温度が必要と書いてあるのですが大丈夫ですか。? 250ー F 度あればどんな種類の料理にも十分です。水は212ー F (100ー C)以上にならないことを忘れないでください。ですから、調理中の食材に水分があれば、食材も 212ー F (100ー C)以上にならないのです。普通の料理の本では、短時間で調理をするためやこんがりと焼くために高い温度が必要と書いてあります。ほとんどの太陽熱調理器ではただ時間がかかるだけのことです。けれども、太陽光線がなべのふたに直接あたるので、食材は通常のオーブンと同じようにこんがりとできあがります。 調理中に、太陽の方向に雲があるとどうなりますか? 1時間に20分、日があたっていれば調理は続きます(箱型調理器を使用した場合)。しかし、本当に曇りになりそうな日は肉を調理しながらそこを離れることは勧められません。食材の安全性についての情報は、 here を見てください。しかし、その日のお天気が確実によいだろうと思われるときは、どんな食材でもO.K.で、朝、なべに食材を入れて調理器を南に向けておくと、一日の終わりに家に帰りついた頃には食材は仕上がっているでしょう。 オンラインでどんな情報源が手に入りますか? Solar Cookers International (国際太陽熱調理器協会)が World Wide Web 上で Solar Cooking Archive を作っています。 を見てください。そこには、illustrated construction plans (図解組み立てプラン)、 photographs (写真)、 documents (文献)、 international directory (世界の太陽熱調理推進者の住所氏名)があります。また、年3回発行のニュースレター Solar Cooker Review も見ることができます。 さらに、Barbara Kerr 著のすばらしい著作 The Expanding World of Solar Box Cooking (箱型太陽熱調理器の広がる世界)というのもあります。here をクリックすると、オンラインで音の出る沢山のプログラムを聞くことができます。 Eメールによる、Solarcooking-L(太陽熱料理法-L)に ついてのディスカッション・グループに参加するには: Solarcooking-L(太陽熱料理法-L)に参加ご希望の方は下記のリンクをクリックし、あなたのEメールプログラムを送信してください。 登録を取りしたい場合には、下記のリンクをクリックし、あなたのEメールプログラムを送信してください。 View the Discussion Archives(現在までのディスカッションの閲覧) この FAQ にコメントや何か付け加えたいことがあれば、 の Tom Sponheim 宛てに送ってください。
  • My LEGO FAQ is a section of the My LEGO Network Help Section, designed for users' Frequently Asked Questions. Some answers are answered there, so it is recommended to go there if experiencing any inconvenience. There are tips on how to play the My LEGO Network, as well as questions about friends, Modules and other things which you may find on My LEGO Network.
  • Freeciv ist ein Client-Server-System. Um ein Spiel zu beginnen, Computerspieler zu generieren usw. müssen Sie das Freeciv Server Programm starten. Um als menschlicher Spieler daran teilzunehmen, müssen Sie das Freeciv Client Programm starten und mit einem Server verbinden. So ist es: selbst wenn Sie ganz allein spielen wollen, müssen Sie zwei verschiedene Programme starten. Auf Unix-artigen Systemen besitzt der Superuser (root) spezielle Privilegien, zum Zweck der Systemadministration. Freeciv lässt sich nicht als root ausführen, aber in einigen Umgebungen (z.B. KDE) sehen Sie die Fehlermeldung vielleicht nicht, wenn Sie es dennoch versuchen. Achten Sie darauf, den Freeciv Client, den Freeciv Server, und Ihre Grafische Benutzeroberfläche, zum Beispiel KDE, als normaler Benutzer und nicht als root auszuführen. Einzelheiten finden Sie in diesem Fehlerbericht. Nachdem der Client gestartet ist, finden Sie in dessen Hilfe-Menü weitere Informationen. Um die Server-Befehle kennenzulernen, tippen Sie help in der Kommandozeile des Servers. Lesen Sie auch die README Datei von Freeciv und das Onlinehandbuch. Wenn Sie MS Windows benutzen, lesen Sie die Freeciv für MS Windows Seite. Beachten Sie, dass es zwei Windows Portierungen gibt; die eine benötigt Cygwin und einen X-Server, die andere ist nativ. Wenn Sie die Amiga-Version benutzen, lesen Sie die dort mitgelieferten Anweisungen. Nachdem das Spiel gestartet ist, finden Sie ausführliche Hilfe im Hilfe-Menü. Für die Server-Befehle müssen Sie auf die Kommandozeile zurückgreifen. Der /help-Befehl führt Sie zu den Einzelheiten. Es gibt einige grafische Frontends, um den Server zu steuern, aber keines davon wird bisher mit Freeciv verteilt. [ Das Verzeichnis der Freeciv gewidmeten Software] enthält vielleicht etwas, was Ihnen gefällt. Ausführliche Erklärungen, wie Freeciv gespielt wird, finden sich in der README-Datei, die mit dem Quellcode verteilt wird, und im Onlinehandbuch, das Sie auch downloaden können.
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  • That's not even 10 miunets well spent! That's not even 10 miunets well spent!
  • This is a guide that will help you understand how to edit the Dead Rising Wiki. We really advise you to read it. It will cover pretty much every thing important.
  • This is the unoffical FAQ for Skyrates. The offical Website's Manual is rather out of date, so the wiki has created an Alternative. The offical tutorial is still a good starting point, and the ingame tutorial/help button will help you with the most common tasks.
  • Got questions? You may find the answers here. If you don't see your question here, then you may want to try one of the following: * Search for it, using the search box at the left side of the page. * Ask it at the Help Desk. Please be sure to follow the guidelines of that page.
  • Wakfu é um Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) que se passa em um universo de fantasia medieval criado pela Ankama Games. Sobretudo, um MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) é um jogo. Milhares de jogadores conectam a este jogo por computador para acessar este mundo amplo. Neste mundo, composto de ilhas, florestas, e cidades habitadas por criaturas, eles podem tanto se juntar e criar equipes ou confrontar outros jogadores. As atividades no jogo incluem caçar criaturas, explorar Dungeons, praticar uma profissão e criar uma guilda. Certamente, você deve ter uma conexão com a Internet para poder jogar. Isto é essencial para fazer o download e jogar Wakfu. As primeiras horas do jogo podem ser jogadas sozinho. O jogador aprenderá as características específicas de seu personagem, quando entrará totalmente na história de Wakfu. Uma vez que o jogador tenha sido introduzido ao sistema de combate e às spells, ele poderá começar a aventura junto com outros jogadores. O sistema de combate de Wakfu é chamado turn-based (baseado em turnos). Isto tem os mecanismos de jogo que favorecem as ações e táticas. Você encontrará lá todos os padrões de um MMORPG tático que se tornaram populares com DOFUS. Por exemplo, os ladrões ágeis podem manipular armadilhas e fechaduras, magos podem brincar com o tempo… A evolução do seu personagem será baseada nas ações que você fará. Cada ação o conduzirá a ganhar pontos de experiência. Para algumas ações você necessitará de força. Quanto mais ações deste tipo você faz (por exemplo, cortar uma árvore requer força) mais forte você ficará. Quanto mais forte, mais você é capaz de usar spells ou fazer ações que requerem força. Todas as 12 classes de DOFUS estarão disponíveis em Wakfu, com design e spells novas. Adicionalmente, outras classes aparecerão no decorrer do jogo. O modo de PvP (jogador contra o jogador) será uma parte integral de Wakfu. A data oficial do lançamento de Wakfu será comunicada em breve. A data do primeiro beta-test deve ser lançada em julho de 2007. Windows®, Mac OS®, Linux. Como em DOFUS, Wakfu terá uma área livre (f2p), completamente representativa do conteúdo do jogo. O modo pagante incluirá um sistema da subscrição (p2p) e de vendas de artigos virtuais. Para ser um jogador de teste, primeiramente você deve se registrar. Os jogadores de teste provavelmente serão selecionados de forma aleatória entre os usuários registrados, assim apenas se inscrever não é o suficiente! Não há nenhuma maneira de aumentar suas chances de ser escolhido, então certifique-se de pendurar uma ferradura sobre seu computador e prendê-la firmemente ao pé do seu Wabbit da sorte! Por enquanto, o jogo está programado para se abrir ao mundo em 2008. Sua subscrição para Dofus dá acesso ao jogo Dofus , e apenas a Dofus. A subscrição para Wakfu será específico para Wakfu. Não, o tempo de subscrição de Dofus não pode ser transferido para Wakfu. Transferências de personagens de Dofus para Wakfu não serão possíveis. * Processador: Pentium 1Ghz * Memória: 256 MB * Placa de vídeo: Compatível com Directx8 (Geforce 3 +) * Espaço livre no disco rígido: 100MB+ * Internet: RCT * Sistema operacional: Windows 98 + , Mac OS X, Linux Pronuncia-se "ouack" (rima com “smack”) - "fou" (rima com “shoe”). Lembre-se que a pronúncia em francês é bem similar a em português. De acordo com Dave X (programador da base de dados de Wakfu) e com Nicolas Devos (escritor do cenário de Wakfu), o nome é uma combinação de WUSHU, um termo para artes marciais chinesas, e de KUNGFU, um outro tipo de arte marcial chinesa. (Corrigindo nosso amigo, Wushu e Kung fu são a mesma coisa, o wushu apenas tem como diferença o fato de ser o nome dado ao combate de duas pessoas utilizando tecnicas de kung fu em torneios.) Sim, todas as raças terão os gêneros masculino e feminino. Continuem prestando atenção no site oficial para ver mais imagens das classes como desdobramento do mistério de Wakfu!
  • Critical Mass is a mass participatory event with no leaders or fixed agendas. However the broad aim is to celebrate cycling and sustainable transport, and to give cyclists safety in numbers. See also the Critical Mass article and What is Critical Mass?.
  • See also tips and Common Issues. This is the copy of distributed faq which is incomplete. Updated Apr 2009. If have a question, then the mailing list is our preferred communication channel, but you can ask it at Your voice page.
  • Q: What are the character attribution points? A: Each character has six kind of essential attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception and Luck. Strength Strength is related with the character´s physical attacks and their hit ratios. 1 point of strength=0.5 point of physical attack Constitution Constitution is related with the character´s health points, physical defence and health points recovery (repair). 1 point of constitution=10 health points+2 points of physical defence. Dexterity Dexterity is related with the character´s physical attacks, dodging ability and violent attack ratio. 1 point of dexterity= 0. 25point of physical attack+ 0.05% violent attack ratio Intelligence Intelligence is related with the character´s magic attacks, MP and MP regeneration 1 INT = 0.25 magic attack+20 MP Perception Perception is related with the character´s magic attacks 1 point of perception=1 point of magic attack Luck Luck is related with the character´s violent attack and fortune point 1 point of luck= 0.1% critical attack=1 fortune point Level Level mainly decides a player ’ s power, whether it is strong or weak Element Element mainly decides a character´s attack and defence Q: How does a character level up? A: When a player obtains enough experience that player will level up automatically. Q: How does a character add attribution points? A: After a player has leveled up, attribution points will automatically be added by the system according to that character’s class. Q: What is level resistance ? A: If the disparity between attacker and defender’s levels is large; this feature will cause extra damage to the enemy. Q: How does a character increase accuracy (Hit Rate)? A: Along with a character’s own rank promotion; when he or she kills a similarly ranked monster, then the effect will be that the hit rate is reduced. Example: A level 10 character that has 10 hit rating has an 80% chance to hit a level 10 monster. If the same character is a level 20 and still has a 10 hit rating; his/her chance to hit the level 20 monsters would be lower. Q: How to get maximum experience from monsters? A: The character should kill monsters that are equal to their level to get full experience points from the kill; anything lower will give the character reduced experience points. Q: How to get experience points from monsters? A: The experience points from monster will go to the first player who attacks it, but if other players also attack it, then the first player will get less experience points. Q: How does a character acquire skills ? A: In Secret Online, players can only get skills by completing skill quests and get the skill scroll based on his/her level. Q: What are the perquisites for learning a new skill? A: The character needs the skill scroll in order to learn the skill. Players should click the right-key on the mouse to open the skill score and the scroll will be consumed. Some skills also require other skills as perquisites. Players need to check the skill tree to see if they meet all the perquisites. Q: How does a player raise his/her skill level? A: To raise a skill’s rank, players need to use the skill to gain experience points. The skill needs to be practiced to increase a character’s rank. Players should move the skill to the graphical user interface in the top right-hand corner (the practice skill frame). When a player kills the monster and completes the quest; the skill will be practiced. When the skill practice frame's experience progress bar fills up completely, then this skill is upgraded. If a player wants to practice other skills, he/she needs to move the related skill chart to the skill practice frame. Q: How does a character inflict more damage? A: The back of the monster is its weak point when it comes to attacking and therefore players can cause 30% more damage by attacking from behind. Q: What is the critical strike? A: When fighting, both players and monsters can get critical hits for an additional 50% damage and this method will add damage bonus points for striking the back of a monster. Q: What are accuracy (hit rate) and evasion ? A: Both characters and monsters have the hit rating and the evasion system. The higher the hit rating, the easier it becomes to hit the enemy. When evasion is higher, it is easier to dodge an enemy's attack. The hit rating and the evasion system affect the rank penalty. Q: What are attack types and resistance? A: Attacks can either be physical in nature or elemental. Elemental attacks include ice, fire, electric and poison. Players can increase their physical defense and the corresponding elemental resistance to reduce the damage from the corresponding attack type. The defense and the resistance affect the rank penalty. Q: What are in-combat and out-of-combat modes? A: If a character is fighting a monster that character will be unable to regenerate health and mana. A short while after a fight, the character automatically returns to a non-combat state and will regenerate naturally. Q: What is an off-hand weapon penalty? A: Some classes can be equipped with two weapons, but the off-hand weapon will inflict less damage than the main-hand one. Q: What are equipment qualities? A: Equipment quality is divided into the following: The common item (gray), the basic equipment (white), the fine equipment (green) and the rare equipment (blue color) .The high quality equipment is generally dropped by some high-grades or the ferocious bosses. Q: What are the equipment type s? A: Equipment types are divided into the following categories: Weapons, chest pieces, leggings, shoulder pads, helmets, bracers, belts, shoes, shields, rings, and necklaces And the weapon category is further divided into the following: Warrior: swords, knifes and axes Assassin: Fist edge and daggers Wizard: Staffs The occupation equipment cannot have mixed uses. Q: What are the monsters’ strength levels? A: Monsters are divided into five types according to the intensity of the monster. Ordinary monsters are quite weak and generally players can easily kill them. The secondary monsters generally exist in the countryside. Secondary monsters are moderately difficult to kill. Strong monsters are rare and are equal to bosses. They tend to have a high-level of health and are very difficult to kill, but the reward is also much more than killing lower-level monsters. The unique monsters can only can be found in monster lairs and the reward is much higher. The fabled monsters only appear in fables. The difficulty of killing a fabled monster is so high that a single player cannot kill it and requires a team to destroy it. The reward for killing a fabled monster is the highest possible reward available. Q: What is an Aggro radius? A: Each monster has its own aggro radius. When in it’s an aggro radius, players are able to attack other players. Some monster's aggro radius is unusually small; while others are extremely large. Q: What are Monster camps? A: In the world of “Secret Online”; the majority of monsters have their camps. All monsters in a particular camp have somewhat similar characteristics. Q: Do monsters have skills? A: The majority of monsters have several skills. Often these skills can reverse the outcome of a battle. When monsters use their skills and what how they use them is one of the keys to their success during a battle. Q: What is “Loot”? A: After defeating a monster there is a chance for the monster to drop loot. Loot can be equipment, materials, potions, etc. If a player is lucky, there may be high-quality gear that drops too. Q: How does a player select the NPC and the monster ? A: Players can use the mouse to choose the character and the monster and also can press the “Tab” key to select other players. Players can press the “ESC” key to cancel their choice. Q: What is health/magic regeneration? A: Every 3 seconds, if not in combat, players will regenerate health and mana depending on their class. Q: What is the “Secret Online” calendar? A: The world of “Secret Online” is one that changes and grows. There is a time function setting in the game that gives players special quests on different dates. The first day of opening a server is the first day. Q: What are the festivals ? A: A festival is an important content addition to the world of “Secret Online”. The festival activity needs more players to be considered complete. More rewards are given out on these special days. Q: What does it mean when you login to your account and are told that you are already online? A: This means that your account is already logged into the game. Log-out and then log in again. If the problem persists, contact support. Q: How do you use the map for questing? A: When quests ask you to kill some monsters; the map will indicate the direction where you can find the monsters. Q: What is the difference between the food and potions ? A: Food restores your character’s health gradually and some food restoration will vanish under the battle condition. Potion restoration is immediate and you will not be interrupted by an attack. There is a cool down between uses though. Q: If the game crashes, what do I do? Try the following: Install the sound effect driver Install the motherboard driver Install the latest graphics driver If all fails, post it in the bug/technical section and wait for somebody to answer your question.
  • Brian Aker explains: I've been wondering for a long time about the changes to MySQL after 4.1. I believe there is a large market of users who never wanted them, and never cared for them. I also wanted to question the foundations of what we built. Do users want wrong data? How often is the query cache really valuable? If everyone just has a root user with all privs, why carry the baggage of the ACL code? etc.
  • What is Elite Mafia? It is a text-based, online, multiplayer game about the criminal Mafia organisations. Also known as PBBG's. Main Page- The page you will always see first. It tells the story about the game and reveals something about your goal. It also reveals the “bosses of bosses” called admins and mods wich are basically the people that keep the game running smooth. Updates- The page to watch a list of past and present updates on the game. The most recent update scrolls below the quick stats. Want to know what’s up? Check this page from time to time and find out what our great mods and admins are working on. Players Online- This basically shows you the online players in the last 10 minutes although you can also see what players where online on various other times. Blue - These are Admins, they run the game Red - These are Moderators Ask them questions Green - These are Cleaners - They look after the forums Bold - Family Bosses Italic - Family RHM Strike-Through - Dead Elite Times- The games newspaper where you can find all the rumors about the game and it’s players. Aks the editor if you want to add something to the paper FAQ- “Frequently asked Questions” what you need to know to play and what your a currenlty reading. Profile- You can modify your personal information. Change your picture, music, password or quote. Countries- This shows who owns what in each country. There are different types of casinos for people to own. None - Takeover If no-one owns the property it will say that. Just click “takeover” to get it. However, taking over a casino will not be free because you need to buy them from th state. Prices are as follows: Name Take Over Price Dice $50,000 Race Track $50,000 Slot Machine $100,000 Roulette $200,000 Airport $500,000 Bullet Factory $1,000,000 Airport- This is where you can fly from country to country. You can have different amounts of waiting lengths depending on what type of plane you own. The cost of a ticked is set by the owner. If you think the ticket is to expensive, you can try to “sneak into the plane” but if you fail it will cost you 0,5% of your money. Buy- This is where you can buy your planes, protection and weapons. The more expensive something is, the more powerful it is. Sell- This is where you can sell the things you have bought for ½ (or ¼) of the price you paid for it. Kill- This is where you will kill people in the game! Your first step is to buy yourself a gun in the “buy” section. After that, you need to supply yourself with some bullets for sale in the bullet factories. Next you will need to search the person you are trying to kill. I will cost $1,000 per hour, per country. Once the target is found, you will receive a message about the where-abouts of your target and you will need to travel to that location and kill him/her. The amount of bullets depends on your gun, your rank, the victims defence and the victims rank. Be carefull! If you fail to kill someone, backfire is likely to take a lot of your health or to even kill you! Hitlist- A list loved and feared by many. The people on it are worth a lot of money, because if you kill one of them you will get the money they are on for. The amount of money you get together with the reason why they are on the list are stated. You can also hitlist someone you want dead although everybody is able to buy him/her of. You can either choose to have your identity hidden or to have your identity known to all. A normal hitlist will cost you $10,000 (apart from the money your hitlisting someone for) while a hidden identity costs $1,000,000. Attempts- It shows the last 10 attempts you made on another players life and the last 10 attempts players made on your life. The pub- Buy food/drinks for your fellow players here. Some are positive, some negative. You have to be Durg Dealer or higher to use the bar. Items and prices are as follows: Item description price Beer helps the other person rank $750,000 Slap-up Meal Helps the recievers health go backup $500,000 Rotten fish Lowers the recievers health $400,000 Drive- Allows you to drive to city’s within the country your currently in. You do need a car with 0% damage from your garage! Family- If your not in a family, you can create one here. But you have to be at least durg dealer and it will not be cheap. There can only be one family in every city so be fast! If your in a family this is the place to see what’s in the family bank, wich things your family owns, how much money you get everyday and the online players in your family. Search for Players- Search for players and family’s in here and check their profiles. Banned users- The blacklist of players. It shows the players that are banned by mods/admins wth the reason why. Ask yourself if you need to worry about getting on... Just play fair and your fine. Donate/Points- The page to buy points. When coded, points will get you exclusive equipment like special weapons and Defence and various other, very helpfull things! Jail- View who is in jail in your country and see why they are in and for how long. You could try to bust them but if you fail, you’ll get locked away yourself! Send Bullets- Send bullets to other players. But beware: 5% of the bullets you send will be deducted from the amount you send! Play games!- This will be the place where you can play fun games when you get bored. Try and beat the highscores and call yourself a game-king! Crimes- The place to commit various crimes. There are a lot of crimes and your skill will go up doing them! Every crime, failed or not, will get your rank up and when you succeed you will revieve money. But beware, the cops will not hesitate to put you behind bars if you fail them. Car theft- Fancy stealing yourself a hot new ride? Go give it a shot! If you steal one, it will be put in your garage where you can send it to any country you want and sell it there. You can only steal cars once every 300 seconds! Extortion- A risky way to make money fast. I allows you to steal some of the on hand money of a random fellow player. The player has to be the same rank as you and it is possible he/she will find out you did it. You can only extort once every 10 minutes. Bullet Factory- Planning on killing your enemy? You will need some bullets and this is the place to get them! A bullet factory is owned by a player and will produce 1000 bullets every half hour. If the owner doesn’t have the cash on hand to produce bullets every half hour it will be dropped. The price per bullet is set by the owner. Organized Crime- Round up 4 friends and commit the ultimate crime! Positions are leader, Weapons Expert, Explosives Expert and Driver. If everyone is ready, you press the Commit! button and the crime will be done. You will recieve a message with info on the crime and the amount of money you get out of it. Organized Crimes are also a great way to rank up but who knows what happends when it fails? Drug Dealer- Buy/sell drugs here. Prices vary for every country so try and figure out a good drugrun wich makes you loads of money. The amount of drugs you are allowed to cary gets higher with each rank gained. Electrical goods- Buy/sell electrical products here. As with Drugs, prices vary for every country. Garage- The list of the cars you stole. You can ship the cars to other country’s from here and sell them when they arrive. Inbox- The mailbox containing all your new and old messages. Simply klick the message to read them. Send message- Want to talk to someone or ask something? Send a message to any player you want about basically everything you want. Saved messages- If you choose to save a message from your inbox, it will be saved here. You can read it any time you want. Forum- The newly improved, off-site forum for elite-mafia. Discuss in-game stuff as well as other stuff with the other players here. A subscription is needed! Family forum- The forum for your family. Everything in it is set by the family leader and his RHM. Roulette- Disabled due to a bug Dice- Casino game using 2 Dice. To win you must role 10 or more on 2 dice, If you role 10 or more you will win 4x the amount you bet! The maximum bet is set by the owner, if you win all the owners money the casino is yours! Race Track- Want to bet on your favorite color? Then this is the place for you! 6 cars race eachother respectively called Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Pink and Black. You can only bet on 1 car at a time and if your car wins you will get big prices! This event will be managed by a fellow player who decides the maxbet, go win his/her money and take over! Slots- The Machines everyone knows... Just put in a number, pull the handle and pray. You win when you get 3 of the same pics. Will you be the big winner of the poor guy to lose all his money? Go find out! Russian Roulette- A dangerous, fast, dirty game of luck. Load up a gun with up to 6 bullets and press the shoot button. The more bullets you put into the gun, the more chance you have dieing... Yes dieing! If you lose in a game of Russian Roulette you will die and the mods/admins will not revive you. On the other hand, winning means you will walk away as a rich (lucky to be alive) man. Will you risk starting over for money? It’s up to you but don’t say we haven’t warned you! Bank- The place to store your money as well as give out money to fellow players. Storeing money gives you 5% intrest when 24 hours of storage have passed. It is ofcourse possible to withdraw some or all fo your money during the 24 hours. Sending someone money is a great way to share wealth but beware... 7.5% interest will be deducted from the amount that you have send them! Inheritance- Did you die and did you lose all your money? Get some of it back here. Put in your old username and the password and you will collect 40% of your dead accounts money (up to 4 million). You can only collect 1 will on every account. Personal Businesses- Businesses are a good source of income for yourself. There are no requirements to become an owner of a business, apart from having the money to buy it. A Peronal Business gives you an amount of money everyday depending on how much it costs. Here’s a list of Businesses, the price and the money per day: Shoe Shine Stall - Costs $1,000,000 and gives you $100,000 a day Market Stall - Costs $5,000,000 and gives you $500,000 a day Corner Shop - Costs $10,000,000 and gives you $1,000,000 a day Bar - Costs $15,000,000 and gives you $1,500,000 a day Estate Agents - Costs $20,000,000 and gives you $2,000,000 a day Retail Company - Costs $25,000,000 and gives you $2,500,000 a day Ammo Factory - Costs $30,000,000 and gives you $3,000,000 a day If you want a new business just sell your old one and just buy a new one! Your stats- A place you will be visiting very often. It shows everything about your own statistics including the rank bar, your total money, your banked money, your rank, your killing-rank, your bullets, your gun, your defence, your plane, the country your currently in, the family your currently in, the family boss, the money in the family bank, how much you contributed to your familybank, your health and various time limits... Hospital- Got shot and lost health? Get over here and heal yourself quickly. It will cost you a lot of money but I could make the diffrence between life and death. There are 2 kinds of healing: The cheaper NHS costing $100,000 per percent of health and the expensive Private Healthcare costing $500,000 per percent of health. For 1% of NHS healing you will be logged out for 60 minutes while Private Haling will only log you out for 5 minutes per percent. Statistics- A page showing all kinds of usefull information on the game. View the last 25 kills, the most recent signups, the list of crews with their respective leaders and RHM’s, the 6 bullet factory’s with their owners, the price per bullet and the amount of bullets and so much more. Check it out and keep yourself updated. Logout- Have to go for whatever reason? Klick this button and klick ‘yes’ to log out. Ofcourse you will be right back, won’t you? This concludes the FAQ as it is today. Do you still have questions? Ask the mods/admins and they will help you as good as they can. This FAQ will be updated when needed. Anything we missed in the FAQ or is there in any other way something wrong with it? Message DonCorona or any of the other mods/admins online and it will be changed. Thank you for reading. Written by DonCorona with great help from MafiasFinest
  • Verilog has a standard dump format called VCD that is used to dump the state of the design as it simulates. Use the $dumpfile directive to create a file that contains the dumped waveforms. Use the $dumpvars directive to define the scope of the dump. The example below dumps everything in and below the test module. Example: // Do this in your test bench initial begin $dumpfile("test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,test); end Once you have the dump file you can use a wave form viewer like GTKWAVE or dinotrace or Wave VCD viewer
  • Kamp - Hvordan foregår det? Hvem skyder først? Hvad gør skjoldene? Noobbeskyttelse - Hvad er det? Update - Hvornår opdateres point, og hvad sker der ellers under update? el:FAQ [[en:]] fr: hr: ko: pl: sv: tr:
  • Frequently asked questions by prospective or current players.
  • Non. Tu non es romanus. Tu es crassus americanus. * Cui Latina? Lingua Latina est omnium pulcherrima lingua. * Debeo ego gero bracas? Solummodo in publica. * Cur adsum hic? Ades hic quia vis versari hic. * Sunt graves interrogationes hae? Non.
  • Questions often asked of Matt and the Critical Role Cast.
  • This is a Frequently Asked Questions page for Gang Garrison 2.
  • Stones is in-game currency. Runes are like points you can re-deem for things. Like upgrades, special items, etc. Oh.. you know Hybrid Creatures, going on quests, battling, waring, and oh did I mention total world domination? :o lol Play and find out. ;) The game itself is very unique and has a lot to off for the bored mind. ;) Only 2. If you have more people in your household that want to play the game that person must message me and all the mods. That way I or a mod will not freeze any of the extra accounts. Preferably yes. So to make sure it does not look like it is all by the same player. Well, I have to make sure I have the space required AND really you do not need more than two accounts.
  • This is the FAQ. It answers frequently asked, or common questions.
  • Feel free to add questions and subdivisions to this section.
  • This is a very basic FAQ and we hope to expand it with your help!
  • Until there are more frequently asked questions, the bulk of this page is devoted to an edited version of Gold Joinee Gresham's Big Shiny Guide to All Things Joinee. If you have any questions, click on 'Discussion' above, and then add a question.
  • Welcome to the FAQ. You can use the menu below to navigate between topics.
  • A: Try the Neighbors page.
  • Acronym of Frequently Asked Questions
  • Alles rund um THC erklärungen usw
  • Asegúrate también de leer las normas y ayuda
  • Below is a list of common questions.
  • Currently not and it is not in the works.
  • Często zadawane pytania:
  • Derp. To be filled out.
  • FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . --- --- --- FAQ --- --- ---. Q: What kind of 'Epic Story' is this MMORPG supposed to have? (one the Player is part of...) A: This isnt "Lord of the Rings" (and even Lord of the Rings Onlines "epic plot" is only indirectly related to the books' story). Rapture ITSELF is Epic and the Players of the MMPORPG get to see alot more of its wonders than those little excursions we made in the Solo games. The Epic story would be Rapture rising from its alleged ashes and the catastrophe that befell it. . Q: Why isn't Rapture now "a Dark Wet Tomb" ???? A: Maintenance 'Big Daddies' kept the sea out, and Rapture was well built from the start. Some Factions in Rapture weren't so insane as to not try to do some repairs, and others kept the Power and Heat systems running. More than a few of the people who went to Rapture were exceptional and they managed to keep the place alive. And there were more than a bunch of half-insane Splicers who survived . . Q: What will keep this game from Degenerating into the usual WOW type MMORPG? A: The Player Community will continuously be adding content via the Player_Created_Assets system and guidance from the Game Company people. It will also be designed from the start to be an entirely different type of game. . Q: Players creating stuff for the game ?? Won't that become a madhouse? A: Processes will be well designed particularly to avoid wasting people's time (both Players and Game Company employees). Strict clearly defined criteria for acceptance with systematic inspection/testing and quick rejection will be enforced and made plain to the people involved. Game Company employees will be the final arbiters of acceptance. . Q: Where will these Creation 'Tools' come from ? A: The Game Company will have to provide them or coordinate use of Open Source and other available tools. The final data would be proprietary to the Asset Creation System and the tools would be well integrated/combined to minimize wasted time/effort (routine tasks including validation to be done as automatic as possible). Ease-of-Use is to be maximized to make successful use available to the widest number of Players. . Q: Will Eleanor (and Delta ?) be coming back ? A: No (or maybe only in Flashbacks). But Tenenbaum will be part of the game's scenario ( the Cure for Rapture...). No doubt there will probably be mention (and history expansions) of Eleanor and Delta, as there would be for most of the familiar characters we saw/heard of previously. A great deal of Rapture's story will be elaborated upon. . Q: Seriously is this all a Pipe-Dream ? A: Most likely (for a game with even a fraction of the ideas I talk about). The features specified for this game are complicated, difficult, mostly non-existent in the Game Industry, and somewhat revolutionary. In other words, most game companies WONT risk it, and any that undertake it will have a significant/difficult task ahead of them (the first task being talking the money-people into funding it). But eventually there needs to be a way to get around all the limitations seen in the current Game Company produced MMORPGs, which leave Players starved of content and simply cannot keep most Player's interest for long.. . Q: Is Ryan still alive ? A: Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. A decision needs to be made, as it would greatly impact the MMORPG plotlines. There is still alot of mystery and hidden truths about Rapture, which the Player might learn over time. . Q: Is Rapture only the size of Disneyland (like 1/2 mile square) ? That mass of tall buildings (the Manhattan like cityscape) -- if it went on for miles wouldn't it hold alot more than 20000 people ? A: It is supposed to be bigger than 'Disneyland', and the 'out the window' views were mostly for game effect. You would hardly need a Train system or even the Bathyspheres (to traverse only a few hundred feet) if it was that small. All the levels we traverse would have to be glued side by side to fit. Not all of Rapture is buildings of the size seen in those grand views. Notice in all the game level maps we go thru how squat and sprawling the building interiors are. . Q: Will Splicers still be wearing their masks ? A: Yes they will, and probably many more variations of them (Player Creations), and new home-built ones to replace those that should have worn out by now. Ex-Splicers (NPCs and Players) probably wont, since they are no longer 'marked' by ADAM disfigurements. It is a design issue, as perhaps the 'normal' people may continue to wear them as a reminder. . Q: Was Ryans portrayal in BS1/BS2 really a Strawman meant to force an image as 'the bad guy' ? A: Ryan was largely portrayed one dimensionally, with vague mentioning of most of the actions he allegedly took, and not explaining the situations that precipitated them. Much of what you hear about him is from biased Audio Diaries. He also was shown doing illogical things - inconsistent to his Philosophy and entire Life's history. The whole "there is only one law in Rapture" thing itself is absurd as Society and City cannot operate in a state of simple anarchy, so there very well were MANY 'laws' that governed Rapture, and which Ryan largely maintained. . Q: All this detail about rebuilding things and real objects and such. Wont that be tedius or uninteresting ? A: The game detail will be increased and logical, but nowhere near 'real'. The City's repair/rebuilding is to act as a motive for game activities where you go out to find the stuff (versus just selling it all to a generic vendor). It also allows for more varied situations where the local scenery/terrain is effected by the objects within it (ex- faulty wiring) that will make for a different/changing environment (YOU finally decide to fix that wiring in your Team NPC Barracks, and maybe learn some interaction detail you can take advantage of out in the adventuring part of the world. . Q: The game's Creation Community will have all the Quests and Missions documented. Wont that allow alot of Players to cheat (it will all wind up accessible Online) ? A: The Quest system has a fundamental mechanism of variations for the Quests/Missions, so that pertinent details for applying of the same quest/mission (to different players) will use different locations, deal with a different experience along the way, have different props, opponents and loot. The Situation of when/where/who the Quest is given will also vary (will not be the same mannequin quest-giver/static detailed Quest which 100000+ other players are given verbatim, at exactly the same point in their level advancement. Many quests will vary to the Players abilities and the world circumstances/state when it is played. . Q: All this saving Splicers stuff. Wont there be any shooting any more ? A: There will still be lots of guns and weapons (including many non-lethal as you might expect). The combat will be less fatal, with more partial damage effects -- you still have to disable your opponents. There would be additional things to kill like ADAM-enhanced vermin as well. They will likely be trying to kill you. . Q: Will there be any Child Murder which tainted the original Bioshock games ? A: No. There will not be. The original lack of imagination which led to fabricated Empathy and offered a so-called "Moral Choice" employing in-game Child Murder will be corrected. . Q: Look at all this BS. Is this guy insane ? This is a 'Thought Experiment' of exploring where computer gaming could/should/needs to go. Ignoring the genre specifics, the mechanisms could be applied to most other MMORPG genres and also to the production of Single Player games. Personally, I don't think 2K would be capable, by inclination/skill/opportunity, to do anything like this and they are unlikely to release the existing games assets/rights/etc.. that a Rapture MMORPG would need. . Q: Are you insane ? How could any Game Company create such a complicated game world and all the content you mention ? A: No. The PLAYERS will create most of it (the mechanism, tools provided by the Company will wind up only being a small part of the whole). Players, in sum, have a thousand times more Time/Imagination/Will than all the employees of all the game companies put together. THAT is why it is important to make it possible for them to apply that Time/Imagination/Will to build proper games. . Q: Wont this result in alot of watered down repetitive muck, since most players have mostly seen cost-limited pablum in the MMORPG games already published. Wont these 'creators' for the most part simply stitch together some simple thing and then get bored with it ? A: That is why there is a major Collaboration element to the Asset Creation System. Non-working Garbage will be filtered out, and proper Assets will only be allowed when they meet operational standards. Simple duplication or duplication with XYZ substituted for ABC will be blocked (or perhaps reworked to automatically facilitate variations of the original). Exploiting an efficient toolset, some number of really creative Players can be turned loose and actually be able to create something the way they actually want it, with far fewer limitations and difficulties of the typical afterthought/secondary "mod'ing" that exist on even the best MMORPGs. . Q Will this Rapture have anything to do with BS:Infinite or that Columbia place ? A: Absolutely NOT. BS:Infinite is pure fantasy, with alot of addled pseudo-science, which they don't even consistently apply. The bizarre linkage they make to America 1912 (and real History of the society) is even more divergent from reason, logic and especially fact. A Splicer's fever dream would be more cohesive, and make a better story. Bioshock is science-fiction and there will be no multiverse BS, or impossible physics, and the only 'quantum' stuff will be the existing mental games certain science people propose, to try to theoretically resolve paradoxes in the other scientific theories. The Cat is Alive. . Q: Will there be a game 'Store' ?? A: No outside money will be allowed to intrude into this game. No Store, no DLC, no Pay-to-Win which pollutes other games. Future things like 3D printing of stuff from the game would be by pattern only (and paid to your local supermarket's (future) 3D printing machine). . Q: So when will this game be coming out ? A: As soon as the game industry get off their asses and moves the game technology forward in a significant way. If they don't do it, other media will surpass them for the public's attention/interest, and they will largely be out of business. --- . . .
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  • Archiverdict aims to become a standard, up-to-the-minute reference guide to research archives and their holdings. Typically, such information is exchanged via (often exclusive) word-of-mouth networks, or through fixed and less flexible media, such as printed works or mailing lists. Ideally, this wiki will help to democratize access to knowledge about archives, to sidestep restrictive measures of those who control certain archives, and to help researchers avoid duplicating discoveries.
  • This page is dedicated to all FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Warframe. __TOC__
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  • See the post I wrote about this matter here.
  • Who is Billy Bob? Answer:A redneck!
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  • Cicada 3301 is the name of either the internet puzzles, beginning in january of 2012, 2013 and 2014, or the name of its' organizers. The puzzles themselves can be followed along from their respective articles on the Main Page in the what happened section. They involve cryptographic and steganographic techniques with a theme of esoteric readings. As to the question of who's organizing and publishing these puzzles... We dont know. All we have are two documents that allegedly came from fellowship members and 3301. We have no evidence for or against their authenticity. Leaked email (sent in 2012): An excerpt from the warning pastebin in 2013: you have wondered who we are so we shall now tell you we are an international group we have no name we have no symbol we have no membership rosters we do not have a public website and we do not advertise ourselves we are a group of individuals who have proven ourselves much like you have by completing this recruitment contest and we are drawn together by common beliefs a careful reading of the texts used in the contest would have revealed some of these beliefs that tyranny and oppression of any kind must end that censorship is wrong and that privacy is an inalienable right. We are not a *hacker* group nor are we a *warez* group we do not engage in illegal activity nor do our members if you are engaged in illegal activity we ask that you cease any and all illegal activities or decline membership at this time we will not ask questions if you decline however if you lie to us we will find out. You are undoubtedly wondering what it is that we do. We are much like a *think tank*; in that our primary focus is on researching and developing techniques to aid the ideas. We advocate liberty privacy security. You have undoubtedly heard of a few of our past projects and if you choose to accept membership we are happy to have you on-board to help with future projects. there's also this unverified Warning found on pastebin (written in 2013), though it's up to each of us to decide if this has any worth at all.
  • Unter deinem Anarchy-Online Verzeichniss (normalerweise unter c:\programme\Anarchy-Online\) findest du folgende Verzeichnissstruktur: \cd-image extures\planetmap\. In dieses kopierst du die heruntergeladene Karte. Die Karte besteht aus einem Verzeichniss in welchem mindest eine .txt und eine .bin Datei existieren.
  • Frequently asked questions for "Z/X -Zillions of enemy X-" trading card game.
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  • The following is a set of Frequently Asked Questions or a FAQ. Q: What is Star Trek Online? A: Star Trek Online is an MMOG from Cryptic Studios set in the Star Trek Universe. Q: What is a MMOG? A: An MMOG is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game. These are usually MMORPGs Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. Star Trek Online contains many elements from the Role Playing Game genre, but it also includes elements like first person shooter content while on away missions. It is one of the top Free to Play MMO's available. Q: What era is the game set in? A: Star Trek Online takes place 30 years after Star Trek Nemesis, as a time of unprecedented peace in the galaxy suddenly comes to a close. Q: Will I be able to command my own ship? A: Yes, all players will be able to command a personal ship on which they are always the captain. Q: What ships will I be able to choose from? A: Cryptic has the rights to content from all five Star Trek series, so players will be able to select and customize ships from any era. Players can choose just about any ship from the series. Ships included so far feature from the following races: Federation, Andorian, Caitian, Klingon, Cardassian, Elachi, Tholian, Breen, and Romulan. Q: What races will I be able to play? A: Players using the Federation Faction will able to choose from the following races: Andorian, Bajoran, Betazoid, Bolian, Ferengi, Human, Klingon, Saurian, Tellarite, Trill, and Vulcan. Those players using the Klingon Faction will be able to choose from the following: Gorn, Klingon, Lethan, Nausicaan, and Orion. Joined Trill can be played by either faction, provided the user bought the Digital download from retailers like Steam or Direct2Drive. Liberated Borg characters are available to either faction, but only to players who purchased a Lifetime Subscription prior to February 2, 2010. Following the May 2013 Legacy of Romulus upgrade, the Romulan faction is now available to play and features the playable specias of Romulan, Reman and Alian.
  • Please check the Habitica blog and Habitica's social media for information about whether there is currently an outage: * * * For more information about what to do if there is an outage, please read Habitica Outage Instructions.My question is not answered below - what do I do? The fastest way to find an answer is often to search the wiki for a relevant keyword. For example, enter "quests" or "party" or "pets" into the search box at the top of this page. You're likely to find all the information you could want. (If you don't find it at once, you can try an advanced search.) If that fails, go to the Habitica website and click on Help -> Ask a Question. That will take you to the Habitica Help: Ask a Question Guild where there are many helpful users. Please note that it might take several minutes or longer for you to get an answer because our volunteer helpers drop in to the guild between actioning their own tasks. Searching the wiki could be faster! See also our Glossary of common terms and the wiki's Index page. * Why am I taking damage at random times during the day when I didn't click a negative habit? * All right! I have armor and a weapon. How do I kill monsters? * My character is now a ghost, a snowman, a flower, or a starfish! How do I fix it? * How do I get Quest scrolls? * What level do I have to be before I can join a quest? * How can I earn gems? * What is habit tracking? * How do I get started? * Should this task be a Habit, Daily, or To-Do? * I'm going on vacation; how can I disable my Dailies? * I've taken damage! How do I heal? * What happens when my character dies/loses all its health? * My character died when it shouldn't have! What do I do? * I can't log in anymore using Facebook. What happened to Facebook login? * How do I cancel my subscription? * The Habitica main site is completely down/I'm behind a firewall that doesn't let me get to Habitica. Is there a backup site? |-| Tasks= Questions about task management. * What is habit tracking? * Should this task be a Habit, Daily, or To-Do? * What do the task colors represent? * How do I customize a task's value? * Why am I getting a random Habit in my list? * I'm going on vacation; how can I disable my Dailies? * I'm missing some, or all, of my tasks! Where did they go? * My Dailies didn't reset! What happened? * How does Habitica know that I really did my tasks? * How do I delete a tag? * How do I delete a Challenge task? |-| The RPG= Questions about the Habitica mechanics for various character and class-related things. |-| Avatar / Settings= Questions on how to change your appearance and other configuration-related things. |-| Social and Privacy= Questions on various social conversation aspects of Habitica. * What are the Tavern Chat rules? * How do I add friends? * Parties vs Guilds: What's the difference? * How do I join a Guild? * Is there a Newbies Guild I can join? * Why join a party? * Can others see my tasks? * How can I find and/or contact someone on Habitica? * Can I make a single task list for two users? |-| Contributors= Questions about the staff, being a backer, and what you can do to help out. * Who are the Staff members? * Who are the NPCs? * How do I support Habitica? * What are the benefits of subscribing? * How do I cancel my subscription? * How can I get involved? * I found a bug. How do I submit it? * How can you keep releasing awesome content while working on bugs?
  • from November 3rd 2015
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  • Exteel is an online 3rd person shooter where players take giant customized mechs into combat to compete for supremacy against other players. The game features easily accessible gameplay and a blend of high-speed tactics and team-based strategy. The mechs are highly customizable, and can select from a large arsenal of deadly weapons. Mechs can also select special maneuvers that allow them to deliver devastating attack combinations inspired by the wildest Hong Kong cinema action.
  • This page is some questions and answers about Godzhell.
  • This FAQ is created and maintained by MechaFanboy and Bma at the Gamefaqs Board. This page is protected to avoid the proliferation of multiple versions of the FAQ. If you have a suggestion, please make it in the Discussion section. The FAQ is posted here by permission from the authors, MechaFanboy and Bma. It may be removed after it is hosted permanently on Gamefaq. FAQ version 1.0 Credit for the Guide goes to MechaFanBoy, I [Bma] simply finished off the guide for him.
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  • Freecivはクライアント/サーバーシステムを採用している。といっても、そんなの気にする必要はない。最新のバージョン使っているなら、ゲームを始めると、サーバーは自動的に立ち上がるからね。(旧いバージョンを入れている人は新しいものに乗り換えてね。) Freecivの画面が起ちあがったら、ボタンがいくつか縦に並んで出てくる。とりあえず新しいゲームの開始を押してくれ。 そしたらゲームセッティング画面にかわり、右下に開始がでるから、それを迷わず押してくれ。More Game Optionsはもう少し君が大きくなってから試してくれ、それは大人のためのものだ。 次の画面で、右下に出るOKを押せばゲームスタートだ。 ゲームをやっている途中でわからないことが出てきたら、メニューの右端にあるヘルプを押してくれ。学ばねば死あるのみだ。 それでは、新世界での君の繁栄と幸運を祈る。
  • This page is for questions pertaining to Oh My Goddess (the manga, the OAV, the TV series, or anything else). Also, feel free to ask questions related to this site in particular. If you have a question, click on the edit tab and add it below. If you have an answer to a question that's already here, please do likewise. Note to people answering questions: Feel free to answer questions that already have answers to them. If the answer is a matter of opinion (as opposed to a factual answer), then enclose it in a block and separate it from other opinions.
  • It is a mobile Card Collection Game (CCG) available on iOS and Android created by Nubee, a company situated in Tokyo, Japan. It was recently acquired by MyNet with the official new appearing in-game on January 25, 2016.
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  • Another PvP aspect in Earthrise will be guild rivalries. Guilds will be able to declare war on each other and fight for power and resources. Such wars will be prohibited in the security zones, but will not be punished in the other territories. There must be a good reason for PvP players to risk everything to make a kill.
  • The US Constitution says, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." There was a move toward impeaching Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before he resigned. Michael Mukasey is heading the same way. The current idea is to Impeach Dick Cheney First, so that he cannot succeed Bush.
  • The following is the current PokéWars! FAQ. For further information about this document, see History of the FAQ.
  • Die Reaper sind klar von den großen Alten aus dem von dem amerikanischen Schriftsteller H.P. Lovecraft erdachten Cthulhu-Mythos inspiriert. Genau wie die Reaper sind die großen Alten eine unbekannte Alien Spezies die über nahezu unbegrenzte Macht verfügt und in den Tiefen des Alls lauert. Auch die Indoktrination findet ihre Grundlage im Cthulhu-Mythos, die großen Alten sind genau wie die Reaper in der Lage Lebewesen geistig und körperlich in Husk (im Cthulhu-Mythos Fishmen oder Deep One genannt) zu verwandeln.
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  • 1. Q - What is the Academic Publishing Wiki? * A - If you are new to wiki, start here. The Academic Publishing Wiki is an online community making use of the wiki interface for peer review and publishing of articles. 2. Q - As an author, why should I use the Academic Publishing Wiki? * A - Two main advantages for authors who select wiki publishing over traditional publishing are transparency of the peer review process and the existence of flexible options for authoring living articles. 3. Q - How do I get started? * A - There are three steps in wiki publishing. You can start here. 4. Q - Where can I get more help? * A - Try the help pages and get to know the wiki publishing community.
  • One minute your character is going about their daily lives or wherever you decide to bring them from and the next they're in or around the town of Canyon Ridge. It's simple, really. Deceased characters are not allowed. For example: you could bring Sirius Black from Harry Potter from before he falls through the veil, but not after.
  • This is the place where you should put any questions that are considered to be "frequent". You can base your work in the of the Forum. I've only migrated parts of the old page () because most of those questions are already covered in Quest pages, and most of the deleted questions are not popular anymore. Scarbrowtalk 00:21, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
  • This is a legal issue so, can be confusing. These two articles (particularly the second) may be useful in clarifying the differences between trademark and copyright: * Legalities 31: Creating brand images for your client — who owns what rights? * Legalities # 29: Infringing Cartoon Characters The standard for trademark infringement is called "confusingly similar." The standard for copyright infringement is called "substantially similar." In regards to cartoon and/or comic book/strip characters, visual representation must also be taken into account. To complicate matters further, some "public domain" works may actually be "orphan works". Other links: * Welcome to the Public Domain * Superheroes: An Overview of Protecting Characters Under the Law a Copyright Law – Final Paper by Eric Green. * Copyrights of Golden-Age Comics an essay by a Golden Age affectionado formerly known as Cash Gorman. * THE PROTECTION OF FICTIONAL CHARACTERS by IVAN HOFFMAN, B.A., J.D. The Public Domain consists of works and ideas that nobody may claim as their own. The Bible can’t be copyrighted and the wheel cannot be patented. Improvements and variations CAN be protected; Firestone and Michelin are trademarked versions of the wheel and (as a hypothetical example) a Bible with the name "Jesus" printed in red or having maps of the Holy Land added can be copyrighted. In terms of print media, the public domain consists of works that existed before copyright laws (Don Quixote or the Illiad), those that are too old to be protected any more (Frankenstein and Dracula), and those whose copyrights have run out and weren’t renewed (like most of the comic book characters here). Finally, real-life historical figures are, by definition, in the public domain.
  • The Site Is this real? No. This is a collaborative writing website. What is the Foundation ? We are the last bastion of security in a world where natural laws rapidly break down. We are here to protect humanity from the things that go bump in the night, from people who wield power beyond mortal understanding. We are here to make the world a safer place. We are the holders of wonders, and the crafters of dreams. We are why the world continues. In the short form, we're a creative writing site, devoted towards horror. What does SCP stand for? "Special Containment Procedures". We generally go with "the Foundation". It also stands for the site motto: "Secure. Contain. Protect." How long has this site been around, anyway? Read this forum post and the site history essay for details. Basically, the original SCP (SCP-173) was written back in 2007, the first incarnation of this wiki (on was made in early 2008, and we moved to Wikidot in the middle of that year. Have the owners of the wiki ever considered expanding their universe to other media (television, film, podcasts, etc.)? Ugh, yes, and if we hadn't had the idea on our own, plenty of others have mentioned it to us. Licensing is an issue; we have debates about the implications of Creative Commons almost weekly now, especially now that SCP: Containment Breach is getting so big. We honestly prefer that you didn't, at least not without contacting the authors or staff. Should I join if I don't want to write an SCP? That depends on whether you want to vote, join in on the discussions, or edit existing articles. We've got some people who have been in chat for years, and still haven't bothered to join the site. We've also got huge fans who just don't want to actually get involved. You don't need to join to read the discussion threads, as they are now open for all to read. Is this a roleplaying site? No. While many writers appear to have characters, or avatars on the site, these are really just characters we've created for the various stories and articles. Although many of us share common names with these characters, that's just because those are our user-names. It's easier that way, and allows for our younger members to feel safer in anonymity. A good rule of thumb is that Dr/Agent/Whatever (Name) is the character, while (Name) is the writer. Can I roleplay anyway? Not on the main wiki. The site is out-of-character only. RPing can be done elsewhere; ask around for details. What if I just write myself as a character? You can; it's pretty common. Keep in mind that self-inserts are automatically judged negatively until the quality of the character is established. Over the top avatars are typically not thought of very well around here anymore, in spite of whatever older material you may have read. This goes double for avatars who are supposed to be funny or awesome or your idealized self. (Google "Mary Sue", or go here - warning, TVTropes link.) I have some really awesome art that I made, where can I post it? We have a really cool Visual Records site where you can upload art of your very own. The Visual Records wiki is currently in open registration, just hit Join in the sidebar to become a member. There are also SCP fuel images, if you want to contribute to those. How do I get to know the SCP foundation better? Read as many SCPs and tales as you can. Seriously, that's the easiest way. What are all those [REDACTED] and [DATA EXPUNGED] that are everywhere? They are information removed from the article, generally in order to make it scarier. While most writers know what is behind the removal, they are unwilling to tell. It's a lot worse when you have to imagine what it is. Note: Don't redact information (besides site locations) in the containment procedures. In-universe, all information in containment procedures must be available to all Foundation personnel, in case they need to contain the SCP object and these procedures are all they have. Why does the Foundation keep this SCP around? Why don't they just destroy/kill it? Well, for starters, if you've read our motto, you know SCP stands for Secure, Contain, Protect, not Destroy, Destroy, Destroy. Most of the objects and people the Foundation houses are being kept for study, which is not at all the same as sitting on death row. Why obliterate something when you have enough resources to try to discover how it works? (That said, if we destroyed everything, we wouldn't have much of a site, would we?) Why am I being asked for my password? No one on staff will ever ask you for your password. If you think that's what they're asking for, you might want to read again. Well that was oddly specific. It was, wasn't it? If you never thought we wanted your password, then that isn't aimed at you. It's an incredibly weird misunderstanding that a few people get based on offsite information. That's why you don't look for advice on how to get into this wiki on other sites, guys. Just read the Join This Site page, and the Required Reading, and you'll be fine. Is this the entire FAQ? Nope! Scroll up and click on the other tabs to read the rest.
  • - Type ::vote in-game, fill out the security code click vote on the page provided and your box's should come automatic, if not type ::voted. - Change your password by typing ::changepass in the in-game chat. If for some reason this does not work, please fill out a support ticket or contact an admin who may be able to change your password for you. If your using an Ipk client, ::changepass won't work, you need to download the Apk client Here.
  • Salve, prima di cominciare a giocare è importante conoscere le regole del gioco, del forum e i Termini e Condizioni di Utilizzo. Quindi siete invitati a prendere visione dei link sottoriportati: Regolamento di gioco Regolamento del Forum Termini e Condizioni d'utilizzo Il non rispetto delle regole può causare la sospensione dal gioco/forum per un tempo determinato o indeterminato. Thread importanti da leggere: Il chiama e i ban Manutenzione ai server In Metin2 interagirete con tanti altri giocatori, quindi nello stesso momento in cui non rispettate i regolamenti state danneggiando gli altri giocatori. Prima di cominciare a giocare leggete la sezione Protezione & Sicurezza . Buon Gioco
  • 위키아는 위키 커뮤니티로 미디어위키에서 돌아갑니다. 위키아 산하의 위키들은 모두 위키아 사(社)가 주관하고 있습니다. 누구나 자유롭게 위키아의 위키 생성 정책과 사용 계약에 따라 새로운 위키를 시작하실 수 있습니다. 위키아:소개를 참조하세요.
  • Freeciv es un sistema cliente/servidor. En la mayoría de los casos usted no tiene que preocuparse de esto, el servidor arranca automáticamente cuando empieza la partida. A menos que ejecute una versión antigua de Freeciv, lo único que tiene que hacer es ejecutar el cliente. Pulse dos veces sobre el programa civclient o escriba civclient en un terminal o línea de comandos. Ua vez ejecutado, seleccione nueva partida. Ahora puede editar las opciones de partida ( las opciones por defecto van bien para iniciados para partida individual) y pulse comenzar. Si esto no funiona seleccione empezar un escenario, elija el tipo de escenario o tutorial. A continuación elija el número de jugadores y la dificultad. Por último pulse comenzar. Una vez que la partida esta en curso puede encontrar valiosa información en el menu Ayuda. Si nunca ha jugado antes a un juego del estilo a Civilización mire el apartado “Cómo jugar” dentro del menu Ayuda. Igualmente puede cambiar opciones de la partida através de Opciones del Servidor dentro del menu Partida. Teclee /help en la línea de chat del cliente o en la línea de comandos del servidor.
  • FAQ ist ein Akronym, das gelegentlich über einem lustigen Frage-Antwort-Spielchen auftaucht, welches seinerseits einem Manual anhängt. Der Vorteil ist, dass bei diesem Quiz die Antwort gleich mitgeliefert wird. Zumindest, wenn man sich die Mühe macht, es überhaupt zu lesen anstatt gleich die Dame vom Callcenter zu beschimpfen.
  • Gehe oben links auf das Anmelde-Button gibt deine Daten ein und du bist registiert.
  • Because you should demultiplex your source files into elementary streams.
  • Jeśli w okienku Aurora log pojawia się następujący komunikat o błędzie: Invalid .set file. Cannot read TILE0/Model entry. to spróbuj następującego rozwiązania: * Utwórz nowy plik modułu: menu Module -> New Module (.adv). * Wybierz obszar: * menu View -> Utility Windows -> Resources Explorer (skrót: CTRL+R); * w oknie przeglądania zasobów (Resources Explorer) rozwiń całą gałąź: data -> Meshes -> Locations -> G31 (lub wybierz inny, dowolny obszar) Przejdź do zakładki z podglądem zawartości swojego modułu - Module Explorer (skrót: [CTRL]+[M]), a zobaczysz, że został do niego dodany zestaw o nazwie "NWN tile set files". Rozwiń gałąź tego zestawu - jest tam tylko plik g31, czyli jaskinia (bądź inny, wybrany przez Ciebie obszar). * WAŻNE! Zapisz moduł: menu Module -> Save Module. * Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na katalog Areas swojego modułu. * Wybierz New Area i wybierz dodany przed chwilą plik .SET obszaru. * Nadaj nazwę swojemu obszarowi. * Itd. Mam nadzieję, że ta wskazówka pomoże Ci bezproblemowo utworzyć nowy obszar w module.
  • This page contains a list of all common questions about Pokémon Essentials. If you couldn't find an answer to your question in the articles, check below.
  • FOnline est un mod multijoueur entièrement gratuit pour Fallout 2 développé par des russes, qui reprend également les cartes de Fallout 1 en plus que son système graphique, son moteur de jeu et son système d'évolution. Vous pouvez en savoir plus en lisant la présentation officielle de FOnline de Fallout 3 Nuclear.
  • Table of Contents: 1. Controlling (Turbo)Lifts 1. How do these turbolifts work? 2. The lift command doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? 2. Space Flying and Space Travel 1. How do I fly? 2. Why can't I seem to land? 3. Ships are so expensive! How can I get around if I don't own a ship? 3. The Force, Forcers, and Jedi 1. How do I know if my character has the Force? 2. What does it take to be a Jedi? 3. If I butter up the imms real good, will they give me a Jedi character? 4. I'm getting conflicting information about how I can get a Jedi character. Which answer is the right one? 4. Faction Questions 1. Is it safe for me to go to an opposing faction's planet? 2. Which faction should I join? 5. Skills, attribute and level Information 1. What's up with the level system here? 2. Where can I learn my skills? 3. What skills do I have? 4. The Quest System 5. Where/How can I train my attributes (stats)? 6. Communication and Interacting In-Character 1. What channels are there? 2. How do you use a comlink? 3. How can you emote on ooc? 4. How do you smile/laugh/etc when you talk? 5. I've seen some people emote without having to put their name/short description at the beginning. How do you do that? 7. About Your Health 1. Help, I have a broken leg and walking around is taking forever. What do I do? 2. What are these weird infections? 3. What other diseases are in the game should I know about? 8. Making Money 1. How can I make money on FotR? 2. How do I deliver packages? Where do I go to do that? 3. Where/how can I mine? 4. How do I open a shop? 9. Who and MUD Prompts 1. What happened to the WHO list? 2. How do I customize my prompt? 3. What is the command to customize the prompt on a spaceship? 1. Controlling (Turbo)Lifts 1. How do these turbolifts work? Most turbolifts work via the "lift" command. See "help lift" for details. You will see "A turbolift call button is attached to the wall" in the room, if there is a lift you can use with the "lift" command. 2. The lift command doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? There are other kinds of lifts scattered around the galaxy. Some require you to "push button" to call the lift and then to "push " to activate the lift. Others are voice activated. A good rule of thumb is try the lift command first. If there are buttons, use "push." If you don't see buttons, try voice commands. 2. Space Flying and Space Travels 1. How do I fly? There are several places where you can find out how to fly a spaceship. If you review the academy handbook you were given when you made your character, it will give you a crash course lesson on space travel. There is also a newbie guide on this website that explains it a little more in-depth. Lastly, "help space2" is an excellent resource on the more basic commands you can use. 2. Why can't I seem to land? Landing seems to be a delicate art that requires practice and good timing. The secret to landing is in getting within an altitude of 30 and a speed slow enough to type "land " before your ship gets too close to the surface and rockets away again. If you find yourself bouncing away, simply "course " and try again. 3. Ships are so expensive! How can I get around if I don't own a ship? 1. You could take public transportation. Some go between two planets, while the Luxury Liner Pendragon makes stops at several planets. Type "shuttles" to see what shuttles are functioning. 2. Another way of traveling is by renting a public ship. You can call for a rental by typing "taxi" while on landing pad. It will take several minutes to arrive if there isn't one already there and will cost you 200 credits. It also costs 200 credits to launch. You can only use rentals while you're a citizen, so plan accordingly. 3. The Force, Forcers, and Jedi 1. How do I know if my character has the Force? A Jedi must sense you ICly. However, beware: those who request to be sensed will be ignored. 2. What does it take to be a Jedi? Force is rolled randomly at character creation. 3. If I butter up the imms real good, will they give me a Jedi character? No. 4. I'm getting conflicting information about how I can get a Jedi character. Which answer is the right one? The ultimate answer is simply that an imm may or may not deem you worthy of having a forcer. Which answer is correct is highly dependent on the mood of the imm staff and the trustworthiness of the playerbase. 4. faction Questions 1. Is it safe for me to go to an opposing faction's planet? No, although you may be able fly through the system or orbit the planet. However, if you try to roam the planet, you will most likely find yourself under attack. 2. Which faction should I join? This is a decision that should be left completely up to you. Both sides have their own appeal, advantages, and drawbacks. Weigh your options carefully and take your time in coming to a decision. 5. Skills, attribute and level information 1. What's up with the level system here? Fate of the Republic uses an unique multi-class system that we call the profession system. Unlike other multi-class systems you may find, you won't come across any soldier-pilots or Bounty Hunter-politicians here. Using a three-tier system, you first select your profession, then specialize in your chosen field. eg, A pilot can specialize as a pirate, smuggler or ship builder, but not a bounty hunter. i. A player begins the game as a citizen. A citizen possesses skills (such as the ability fly starfighters, make simple comlinks and basic combat techniques) to help them on their way. ii. After a citizen meets certain requirements (see "help profession") they are ready choose their profession (Soldier, Engineer, Pilot, Agent, Leader). A player with a profession gains the ability to purchase skills specific to their class with Skill Points(SP), which are gained with every other level. Skills cost 4SP a piece. As an example, a soldier can purchase the ability to make more attacks per round, bash a door down and build blockades. iii. Once a player becomes experienced with the game (help speciality) they can begin the path of becoming a specialist in their chosen profession (help specialty_table). Once you gain your speciality, you may learn all the skills in your chosen specialization. This is the last tier a player may reach, the "highest level". 2. Where can I learn my skills? There are no skill trainers. You can train your skills anywhere, using the PRACTICE command. What skills do I have? 1. Type "practice" to see your current skills and their levels. If you type "slist" you will see a list of all the skills you can potentially learn, given the profession, your level in each profession, and your level caps. 2. The Quest System. Fate of the Republic offers players an unique, player driven Quest system designed to encourage player interaction and roleplay. Chosen individuals (those who have proven themselves trustworthy in the eyes of the staff ) have the ability to act as QuestMasters, assigning players various quests of their own creation. A quest can be anything from 'Go to Endor and bring back the corpse of Wicket' to 'Retrieve the Prototype Starfighter', for a pre-specified amount of quest points, which are later used to do things such as purchase Restricted Races, cloning, and auctions. While questing is not required, it is highly recommended, as quest points are typically required to buy the better parts, faster ships and more intense races. 3. Where/How can I train my attributes (stats)? i. Attributes (Stats such as strength, dexterity, etc) are trainable anywhere, using the train command. Please note that you have to have a set amount of stats to gain your profession (see "help profession) and specialty (see "help specialty"). ii. Strength determines how hard you hit, and how much weight you can carry. Dexterity helps to determine your base Armor Class (AC), how many items you can carry and how often you hit your target. Constitition literally translates directly to how much health you gain per level. You gain 1HP per level for every con point you have (21 con = 21HP per level). Wisdom affects certain interactions, especially politician based skills. Intelligence affects how quick you learn your skills. Charisma affects a myriad of different things, such as prices in stores and how often aggressive NPC's attack you. You need a certain number of INT, WIS and CHA to choose your profession and then your specialty. Do not focus on one attribute to the exclusion of the others, it is important to have a balance. 6. Communication and Interacting In-Character 1. What channels are there? See "help channels" or type "allchannels". A good rule of thumb is to simply type listen all, and remove channels as they suit you. Remember, ooc, newbiechat, ask, answer, and factionooc are all out of character channels. Gemote is usually considered OOC, however can be used IC when the proper occasion calls for it. 2. How do you use a comlink? 1. You can beep people you know by their name (if introduced to you) or by their short description to get them on the channel you are tuned to. 2. You can find out what channel you are tuned into by typing tune by itself. You can change channels by typing tune # any number between 0 – 201 3. To talk on your comlink, you can use the talk command. 4. You can also encrypt your conversation via the "encrypt" command. See "help encrypt" to learn how to use it. 3. How can you emote on ooc? Use the ooc channel as you normally would, but begin with the "@" symbol. 4. How do you smile/laugh/etc when you talk? The best way to do this is simply to use emote, using quotation marks around what you would normally be saying. However, you can smile or laugh in "say" by adding :) or :D respectively to the beginning. A space is not required. 5. I've seen some people emote without having to put their name/short description at the beginning. How do you do that? You can use to start your emote with something other than your name or short description. However, it requires your character's name to be written somewhere inside the emote. If you don't, it will place it in parentheses at the end. 7. Health 1. Help, I have a broken leg and walking around is taking forever. What do I do? Your first step should be to use "chat" and see if there are any players who can splint a broken leg. If there's no one who can help you, visit one of the medical centers or hospitals on the planet and see the doctor there. Make sure you have set "config +consent" to give the doctor or player permission to operate on you. 2. What are these weird infections? Various diseases and infections are caused by your environment, such as handling thermal detonators for example. 3. What other diseases are in the game should I know about? See "help diseases" for more details about diseases and their causes and cures. 8. Making Money 1. How can I make money on FotR? There are several ways of earning credits here. You could deliver packages, mine for precious metals, join a faction, hire your services to other players (piloting, spying, etc), open a shop and sell rare finds or engineered goods! 2. How do I deliver packages? Where do I go to do that? Most planets have a Package Delivery Center where you can request packages and deliver them to. See "help package" for details on the commands you should use. 3. Where/how can I mine? Af'El and Nar Shadda both have some extensive mines for you to search for precious metals and valuables. The mines can be dangerous as there are wild animals and the threat of cave-ins. Be certain to bring or buy plenty of light sources as the mines are dark. While in the Mines, use the "search" and "dig" commands to try to find something buried. 4. How do I open a shop? First you must find a location that allows player shops. Several planets have areas called "Freeshop" centers. These usually have empty shops that players can rent for use of keeping a vendor. See "help buyvendor" on how to obtain and place a vendor. When you want to collect the earnings of your sales, type "collect" while in the same room as your vendor. 9. Who and MUD Prompts 1. Why can't I see anyone on the WHO list? To facilitate a more in-character enviroment, the WHO command has been reworked to only show Immortals and new players. Use COMNET instead, which is it's IC equivalent. 2. How do I customize my prompt? To customize your prompt, see "help prompt" to learn the basics of changing your prompt. 3. What is the command to customize the prompt on a spaceship? See "help sprompt" to learn about customizing the ship prompt.
  • Q: Why can't I use the arrow keys to scroll through the folder collections? A: In Alpine, Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N are the default keys to navigate folder collections. To use the arrow keys for this, as was standard in Pine, go to the Configuration screen and check "Disable Save Input History". Q: Does Alpine work with local Maildir mail stores? A: The version of Alpine distributed by the University of Washington does not support local Maildir. However, patches exist to enable Alpine to support Maildir.
  • Este artículo trata de responder a las preguntas más comunes sobre WarcraftWiki. Iremos añadiendo más preguntas mientras surjan. Si tienes una duda y no está aquí, por favor, regístrate en nuestro foro y siéntete libre de preguntar lo que quieras (siempre que cumplas las normas)
  • Besonders häufige und nervige Fragen werden hier beantwortet. * Darf ich im Sand oder auf Wiese einen ganzen Bonuswurf setzen? Ja, aber es muss trotzdem die Einschränkung durch die Geländeart beachtet werden. Im Sand darf z. B. nur geschossen werden. * Darf ich im Sand oder auf Wiese einen halben Bonuswurf setzen? Nein, da ein ganzer Bonuswurf immer einem normalen Zug entspricht. D. h. im Sand muss man immer schießen, egal, was man macht * Sind Auspuffe und andere Stangen Teil der Karosserie, d. h. muss man aussetzen? Nein, alle Bonusobjekte eines Autos sind nicht Teil der Karosserie, es sei denn, Karosserie ist eine einzige Stange. * to be continued...
  • Wiki is a type of software that allows users to edit web pages. See WhatIsWiki for further details.
  • Do I need a Kindle to buy/read Kindle books? No. You can read Kindle books (purchased from Amazon's Kindle store on): iPhone/iPod Touch (iTunes link) Windows XP/Vista/7 Mac OS X Blackberry Android Linux (using WINE and the Windows Kindle for PC app) Done [Shift+Enter] Can I read books from other online stores on a Kindle? Generally, no, but it varies. Most online booksellers, including Sony and Barnes&Noble, sell their books with DRM, which prevents the book from being read on any device except ones they approve. Amazon also has DRM, but they naturally allow Kindles to read it. Likewise, books from Amazon cannot be read on Sony Readers or B&N nooks for the same reason. Some booksellers sell ebooks without any DRM at all, allowing them to be read on any device. There are also websites that maintain collections of public domain works as free downloads. The key thing to look out for is if a book you want to purchase has DRM or not. If there is no DRM, you Kindle can probably read it, although you may need to convert the file to a better format. Directory of DRM-free ebook websites Will I have whispernet coverage in (place)? Whispernet is actually just cellphone internet, so you'll be able to get coverage anywhere you could with a cellphone. Check the service maps to see if your area is covered, and ask people who have cellphones from Sprint or AT&T how their reception is. You may find that you have no coverage at home but good coverage at work, as well. The 1st Gen Kindle, DX, and US Wireless Kindle 2 all use Sprint for wireless service. This only works in the US. The International Kindle 2 and International Kindle DX, and all models in the Kindle 3 family use AT&T wireless. I don't live in a coverage area! Can I still buy Kindle books? Yes. From your computer's web browser, you can shop Amazon's Kindle Store. When buying a book, select "Transfer via Computer" from the drop-down menu under the "Buy Now!" button. A file will be downloaded to your computer. Plug your Kindle in with the USB cable that it came with, and drag the file into the Kindle's Documents folder. It will appear on your home screen after you eject the Kindle from the computer. If your Kindle is a 3rd generation device, you should also be able to connect to your home WiFi network to purchase items from the Kindle store. What are locations? Where are the page numbers? The Kindle uses locations instead of page numbers because page numbers don't make sense for text that can be reflowed. If you change the font size from the smallest to the largest, your book will suddenly have many times more pages, which makes that number useless as a reference tool. Locations always refer to the same point in the text, no matter what your current font size is. This is problematic if you need to cite a work you have on your Kindle, since page numbers are typically required for that. The best option is to paraphrase so that you don't have to list a specific page number. As best as my very limited testing shows, a location is about 150 characters. What kind of file formats can the Kindle read? Natively: .AZW (Amazon proprietary format) .TPZ (Topaz, Amazon proprietary format with embedded fonts) .MOBI Without DRM (Common ebook format) .PRC Without DRM (Common ebook format) .TXT (Plain text) .PDF (Adobe document format) With email conversion: .DOC (Word files) .DOCX* (Word 2007 files) .HTML (web pages) .PDF* (Adobe document format) .RTF (Rich Text Formatted documents) .JPEG (Picture files) .GIF (Picture files) .PNG (Picture files) .BMP (Picture files) .ZIP (Any combination of the above can be zipped and sent to Amazon to be converted in batch mode) Audio files: .MP3 .AA And .AAX (Audible) * .DOCX And .PDF are listed as experimental by Amazon. Due to the complexity and general bassackwardness of the internals of these formats, Amazon cannot and does not guarantee that the email conversion will work. Can the Kindle read PDFs? Yes! With the v2.3 Kindle update, Kindle 2s can read PDF documents natively. The Kindle DX has been able to view PDFs natively since its release. If, on your Kindle 2, a PDF is too small to view, you can use the rotation controls (found in the Aa menu) to view in landscape, or, if you have the 2.5 update, you can Pan and Zoom. Remember, PDFs, by their very nature, disallow reflowing of text. This means that you cannot change the font size. If you wish to have reflowable text, convert the book to a different Kindle-friendly format using a program on your computer or by emailing it to Amazon's conversion address with "Convert" in the subject line (no quotes). The Kindle 1 can only read PDFs through conversion. How do I convert a document to be Kindle-friendly? Documents can be converted and transferred to a Kindle-friendly format in a variety of ways. If your document isn't on the Kindle-friendly format list, then it first has to be converted. You can do this using Calibre, Stanza, or MobiPocket Creator on your computer. Then, your document needs to be moved to the Kindle. Plug your Kindle in to your computer via USB and drag the converted book files to the Kindle's Documents folder. Alternatively, you can email your document to Amazon to use their conversion engine. This is either free and the document is returned to your email, or has a fee and the document is delivered wirelessly to your Kindle. How much does it cost to have a personal document delivered to my Kindle over Whispernet? Inside the US: $0.15 / MB. Outside the US: $0.99 / MB. Any fees can be avoided by using your USB cable instead of wireless delivery. I'm travelling abroad with my Kindle? What should I know? Amazon has a Support page on this subject that you should familiarize yourself with. Note that any use of Whispernet, to get periodicals, download already-purchased books, etc., will incur extra fees. Customers who live outside of the US have higher prices on books and periodicals, but are not charged per-download fees. Also, Amazon only recognizes "In-U.S." and "Outside-U.S." when it comes to these fees. If you have a Kindle registered in the UK and travel to France, you will not be charged any extra fees. How do a buy a Kindle book as a gift for a friend? The short and unfortunate answer is, you don't. The workaround is to buy your Kindle-owning friend an Amazon Gift Card. What makes the Kindle screen so special? What is eInk? Eink is the technology used to make the Kindle screen and other competing e-readers have their paper-like appearance. The iLiad, Nook, and Sony Reader all use eInk displays made by the same manufacturer. Benefits: Does not cause eyestrain Readable in very bright sunlight Very, very low power drain Downsides: Currently grayscale only (Color version in the labs) No backlight (The screen itself is actually opaque- no light would be able to shine through. Many people clip a regular booklight onto their Kindle's cover to allow nighttime reading) Low contrast (Comparable to newsprint) My Kindle's text fades in sunlight! Is it broken?! This is a defect found commonly in all eInk devices. When exposed to sunlight (UV specifically, I think, not sure), the contrast of the letters will fade a bit. Once the page is refreshed in the shade, full contrast is restored. People have been complaining about this since the first iLiads, however, no one has reported any kind of permanant damage associated with it. Amazon considers this a manufacturing defect and will gladly send you a replacement unit if you complain about this while your Kindle is under warrenty, but the problem is so widespread that your replacement unit may exhibit the problem as well. What are the Kindle models? The Kindle models are: Kindle 1 (discontinued) Kindle 2 family: Kindle 2 (U.S. Wireless) (discontinued) Kindle 2 (International Wireless) Kindle DX (U.S. Wireless) (discontinued) Kindle DX (International Wireless) (discontinued) Kindle 3 family: Kindle DX Graphite Kindle 3 3G + WiFi (Graphite or White) Kindle 3 WiFi The differences between the families are as follows: The Kindle 1 was a blatently first generation device, with 4 shades of grayscale, a very slow refresh rate, a clunky wedge-shaped design, and a navigation by a scroll bar. It was only sold in the US, and used Sprint as its 3G wireless provider. It had 256 MB of flash memory and an SD card slot, and had a user-replacable battery, which lasted about a week of no-wireless use. The Kindle 2 family upgraded to 16 level grayscale, the 5-way joystick for navigation, and a flatter form factor. The K2 lost the SD card slot for 2GB of internal flash memory, and likewise lost the replacable battery for a larger internal battery, good for up to two weeks. The K2 family also saw the introduction of the larger DX model, and native PDF support. The 3G was provided by Sprint for the US models and by AT&T and its international partners for the International models. The Kindle 3 family updated the screen again, not in resolution or grayscale levels, but in greatly improved contrast, refresh rate, and power consumption. The battery life was increased to a month, and the internal storage was increased to 4GB. A new model was introduced that featured WiFi connectivity only. The models with 3G capability are serviced by AT&T and it's international partners. Is the Kindle fragile? What can I do to protect it? The Kindle itself can be considered fragile because the eInk is printed on a glass substrate, and any piece of glass the size of a Kindle's screen can be broken with a moderate amount of force applied the wrong way to it. The DX's screen, being larger, is more subject to this. However, people guard their Kindles jealously, so I don't hear a whole lot about broken Kindles in this regard. There are no hard numbers on other hardware failure rates, but there is some infant mortality when it comes to the eInk screens freezing up and having lines appear across them. Amazon has historically replaced these quickly and without complaint. To protect the Kindle, get a case! Seriously, get a case. GET A CASE. You have a lot of options with your cases. Some sellers: Amazon M-Edge Oberon i-nique (Tuff Luv) When I buy a book from Amazon, do I own it, rent it or have limited access to it? This is a tricky question. Books purchased from Amazon have limitations on their access. You can only read them on devices you have registered to your account, and each book has a limited number of licences, defined by the publisher (usually 6). If you download a book to a specific device, you consume a licence. Unfortunately, when you dereigster a device, it does not release any licences that device has used, so you have to call Customer Support in order to do this, and it has to be done by book. All books sold by the Kindle store are DRM-encumbered. There is a school of thought that anything (music, movies, books) sold with DRM is a rental with an undefined end date. What fair-use needs could I have that would require me to break the DRM? There are a couple of good reasons to break the DRM of a file you have purchased online. Unless otherwise stated, the act of breaking DRM is illegal under the DMCA. Backup. Yes, Amazon backs up all your purchases. But what happens when (heaven forbid) Amazon folds, or discontinues the Kindle? A DRM-free copy allows you to maintain control of your property even after the provider ceases operations. You wouldn't expect your computer to stop working just because Circuit City (where you bought it from) closed up shop. Technically, you don't need to break DRM to back up your purchases. You can download the files from the Kindle store and save them on your computer. Freedom of device. Once you break the DRM, you can read your Kindle books on a Sony or Nook or Blackberry or Droid, or any other device that isn't currently on Amazon's list. You could even print it and read it on paper! Sharing. Not with the internet at large, that's piracy and is going to drive authors into normal jobs and leave us all without good books. But share with your mom or your friend without having to have your Kindles on the same account. Just be careful that it doesn't get out of hand. Accesibility. A number of Kindle books don't allow for Text-to-Speech at the request of the publisher. If you want to get one of these books to work with TTS, you'll have to break the DRM. This last one, according to the Library of Congress, is explicitly labeled as a legal reason to break DRM, as long as there are no other commercial alternatives. How do I break the Kindle's DRM (for my own very legal, non-piracy, fair-use needs)? Remember back when iTunes music had DRM, but you could break the DRM without even leaving iTunes (if you don't mind a little lossy conversion)? The Kindle? Not quite so easy. There are a couple of scripts out there on the internet that can remove the DRM from Amazon's AZW files. Remember, AZW files are just MOBI files with a little bit of DRM on top, so when you break the DRM you are left with a normal MOBI file. Method 1 Warning: Some command line prompts, a Python install, and an actual Kindle are necessary. Method 2 This method uses Kindle for PC, so it should be accessible to everyone, but is more liable to be periodically broken by Amazon (and then fixed by its programmers). NOTE: Once you break the DRM using these methods, you will have a different file than the one you started with. The content is all the same, but the file itself is not, and your Kindle won't recognize it as such. That means that the Kindle will treat it like any other not-from-Amazon file; it won't back up your notes or marks or sync your place from device to device, nor can you download it from Amazon's servers. However, since you did actually purchase this book from Amazon, you can always re-download the DRM'd version as many times as you like. What happens if my Kindle is lost or stolen? If you Kindle is stolen, you should call Amazon Support right away to get the Kindle removed from your account. Since a Kindle requires a One-Click credit card setup, a thief could use your credit card to purchase books for the Kindle- but as soon as you deregister it by calling Customer Support or removing it yourself on the Amazon webpage, that is disabled. Also, if the theif HAS made purchases, Amazon has a 7-day no-questions-asked refund policy, so you'll be able to get your money back. Amazon does not use the IP address or E911 location feature of the Kindle to locate a lost unit without a police warrant (same policy as phone companies.) If you purchase a replacement device, all of your books will be available to be re-downloaded right away. What other ebook readers are out there? There are a number of other eInk based eReaders out on the market. A short, non-exhaustive list of the most popular: Sony Reader iRex iLiad B&N Nook Each device has it's own ups and downs, and each will have different appeals to different audiences. The important thing is that there is more than one player in this market, leading to innovation and improvement for all of them. There are a also bunch more that feature LED screens, such as the iPhone, iPad, or any number of smartphones or tablet computers. Also read this section: Do I need a Kindle to buy/read Kindle books? which are software versions of Kindle What's all this about a software update? How do I get it? The Kindle will occasionally get software/firmware updates from Amazon to a) offer new features and b) fix bugs. The Kindle will automatically update itself if you leave whispernet on and it detects an update is available- which may take a while. They generally roll out the update over the course of several weeks, offering it to only a few Kindles at a time, probably to keep their bandwidth usage under control. If you want the update right now, you can download it from Amazon's support page and install it via USB. As with almost everything else, if you have installed any third-party hacks (screensaver, unicode, etc) to your Kindle, you will be unable to install an official amazon update until you remove them. Current Kindle software: Kindle DX (v2.5) Kindle 2 (v2.5) Kindle 1 (v1.2) I bought a book by accident/I don't like it/I didn't realize it was so expensive/My cat sat on the Kindle and hit "Buy." Can I get a refund? Amazon has a seven-day, no-questions-asked return policy for books. Simply contact Customer Support by email or phone and they'll refund the book and remove it from your Kindle library. They don't ask for a reason, although it may be helpful to them if you provide it. (For example, if a book is terribly formatted, they will pass that information on to the publisher who may choose to fix it). Note that the refund is actually a refund and not store credit. Periodical subscriptions have a two-week trial period, where you can cancel it from the Manage My Kindle page before they start to charge you for it. Can I read non-English materials on a Kindle? Yes, with limitations: There are very few non-English books on the Kindle store; there is a limited selection of books in Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portugese. For books from other sources, normal .mobi files can only display ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) and ISO 8859-16 character sets. This provides support for most languages that use the roman alphabet. The Amazon .tpz (also .azw1, called Topaz) format allows for font embedding, which can be used for non-latin languages. However, the authoring tools for Topaz files are not publicly available. PDFs allow for font embedding, so any foreign-language PDF will be viewable. However, as with all PDFs, you will be unable to change the font size. There is a third-party software hack to allow for Unicode support. Even if you have a book in a non-latin character set, you will be unable to search that book using the Kindle because there is no method for non-latin input. Any notes must be made using the latin characterset as well. Is there any way to make hard-copy books previously purchased on Amazon available on my Kindle? Unfortunately, there is not. When you purchase the ebook, you are purchasing a different product. It's much like buying an album off iTunes that you already own as a CD, LP, or Cassette. I am a student. Is the Kindle a good study tool? Can I get my textbooks on it? Textbooks on the Kindle are hit-and-miss. I advise checking out the Amazon Kindle store on their website for textbooks commonly used in your major before making your decision. In general, English, Humanities, Law, and Medical students will find a lot of good stuff, while Math and CompSci majors will find less. Graduate students, who spend a lot of time reading journals and PDFs from electronic reserves will benefit the most. The Kindle is best for linear reading, so if you do a lot of flipping back and forth, the Kindle will slow you down. Note taking ability is limited and slow, so if you're a margin-writer, this may be a downside. I've always regarded margin scribbles to be sacrilegious, so it never affected me, but it seriously cramps other people's style. Also consider price: Ebook Textbooks from the Amazon store are generally (but not always) MUCH cheaper than even the paperback version from the bookstore, but you can never sell it back. You'll also never experience the dubious blessing of having all the answers written directly into the used book you bought. For further discussion, largely from a pedagogical perspective: E-books, e-textbooks: News and perspectives I have made highlights and notes on my Kindle books. Can I view them elsewhere? Yes. For books purchased from Amazon: If you view the book on any other device synced to the same account, your notes will appear and be readable in the book. Notes can only be made on the Kindle itself, for now. Go to and log in using the Amazon account that your Kindle is registered to for a record of all your notes and highlights. Each time you create a note, highlight, or bookmark, it is copied to the MyClippings.txt file on your Kindle. You can copy this file to your computer via USB and open it in any text editor to view the contents. For books from other sources, including personal documents: The MyClippings.txt file is the only way to extract notes and marks easily. Amazon does not sync, back up, or otherwise muck with books that you didn't get from them directly. What's all this about Popular Highlights? As a part of the Kindle 2.5 Software Update, Amazon is collecting information about what you have highlighted. This isn't new; what's new is that Amazon is using these highlights (and highlights only, not notes) to identify and share what people think are the most important (most commonly highlighted) passages in books. It can be turned off in Menu -> Settings I just got my new Kindle! What's the first thing I should know? Go to the home screen. Press Alt+Shift+M. Enjoy. =) AWESOME! Can the Kindle DX read password protected PDF's? No. The Kindle returns an error when a protected PDF is opened. If you want to read a protected PDF on your Kindle, you will have to remove the protection. I did this by opening the PDF in Preview (Mac OS X), inputting the password, and then Save As... PDF. The new file created is readable on the Kindle. There are also a number of utilites out there on the internet to remove PDF passwords. I want to use a Kindle to view proprietary, sensitive documents, and I don't want Amazon- or anyone else- using Whispernet to stick their nose in them. What can I do about this? Amazon does not stick their nose into personal documents: Documents not purchased directly from Amazon's Kindle store. They do not sync notes and marks to the cloud, they do not keep your place between devices (also stored in the cloud) and they do not maintain a cloud backup of the whole file. You didn't pay them any money for this file, they have no interest in paying money to maintain it for you. So, they don't. That isn't to say that they couldn't. If they can put data in and take data out on their own books, they can do so for any file on the device. And it's not only Amazon who is watching you, after all; any enterprising hacker could, in theory, snoop in on the wireless connection and view- or even change- what you've got on your device. If you or your security drones are paranoid, you can turn off Whispernet and never, ever, ever turn it on- Software updates and new books can be delivered via USB. If you're completely paranoid, you could even pop open the back and pull out the relevant bits so that you're SURE no data can be transmitted. If you're doing high-level Government work, this approach might not make it past your security folk, since anything that can be disabled can be reenabled. Your only option may be to pick up a reader that doesn't have ANY wireless capability, which means Sony Readers (not including Daily Edition), as neither the Nook nor the Kindle has a no-wireless/WiFi model, and the only iRex no-wireless/WiFi model has been discontinued. Kindle models with software version 2.5 or greater have a password lock, but there's no way to remotely wipe any model of Kindle. No security system can stand against physical access to the device. So, if you feel prone to leaving things behind on the subway, an eReader may not be a good option for you. And remember, it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. What new features can I expect in future Kindles or Kindle Software updates? Amazon has promised all sorts of features for the Kindle that are "coming soon." Of course, they have not told us how soon. When/if they ever deliver is up in the air. In any case, the features that they have said they are working on are: Giving Kindle books as gifts Audible menu navigation Color screens (this one is several years off, the technology is still in the lab) Is there a way I can choose the picture on my sleep screen? Officially, no. Really, yes. For the Kindle 2 and DX, a software hack is required, but it's easy enough to install, and just as easy to undo later. For the Kindle 1, you really only need to find the right directory and drop the pictures in there. Make sure that your images are 600x800 for the Kindle 1 and 2, and 824x1200 for the DX, or they may end up stretched, squished, or otherwise distorted. Apparently that doesn't work for firmware 2.3 and above, and I don't want to set my own series of pictures anyway. I just want to remove one of the default pictures from the built-in set. Is that possible? The built in pictures come as a set - it's all or nothing. Is there an easy way I can 'Print to my Kindle' where a file is created that is Kindle ready. The best option is to export to a filetype that can be easily reflowed. Calibre, Stanza, and MobiPocket creator can help you make your documents Kindle-ready easily. For a "one click" method that's sure to keep your tables, images, and all that in the right places, you can try making it into a PDF. If you have a Print to PDF service set up on your computer (default on Macs, it's some extra work on a PC), then you can Print to PDF in size A6 for the Kindle 2 screen. Normal sized PDF results in font choices that tend to be too small. What are some of the best features for a disabled user with limited tactile (hands) abilities? I am considering one of these for my mother who has MS and has not been able to read a paperback or hard cover book for 15 years. Are there more features that would potentially allow for more accessibility for these types of users? Does Amazon have any special considerations for the disabled such as trials of the hardware or additional features? A Kindle can be easily propped up in someone's lap, and someone with very limited manual dexterity can turn pages and navigate between books with the 5-way joystick. Searching or making notes might be too difficult, but picking a book and paging through it should be fine. Kindle 2 models can only read book text, not menus, but the Kindle 3 can read full menus aloud, so the device should be fully usable by the blind. Some books may have their TTS disabled by the publisher, but it is legal to break the DRM of an ebook in order to enable TTS. All Kindle purchasers have a 30 day window to try it out and return it for a full refund. Is there a way to have the Kindle sort books by series then title? Or group by series, and sort by where in the series individual books appear? Kindles with software version 2.5 or greater have the ability to sort their books into Collections, which are actually not folders but tags, so a book can belong to multiple collections. Will the new update roll out to International kindle users, and can I down load and install myself? It should roll out automagically to International users, but like all Kindle updates, you won't be getting it in a hurry. If you don't want to wait, get it from the Amazon Support Page. The 2.5 Kindle update is suppose to have a password lock? How do I set it? From the Home screen, hit Menu, then Settings. See Amazon's Help Page. What happens if I forget my password? When you set up your password, you can also set up a password hint. If the hint doesn't help, the Kindle displays the Amazon customer service phone number so they can remotely reset it. I have an idea/bug report/feature request for the next Kindle. Where can I send it? This is a nice example of a crowdsourced FAQ that I have highlighted on Interesting Public Waves - ContentWave (TM) Where can I find free Kindle books? Depending on location you may be able to get loads of books by just going to these addresses: But don't get carried away and select them all before you are sure you can actually get them for free! Hey I thought you said they where free!?! Well if you are from Europe for instance even the "Free" ones cost $2.30! But you may be lucky to find some really Free ones here - just keep browsing:
  • This is a list of most Frequently Asked Questions about SA:MP and CrazyBob's Cops and Robbers (CnR) in general. In this guide, GTA:SA refers to the single player elements of the game that already exist, whereas SA:MP refers to the multiplayer modification. This is still work in progress mainly because there are several items outdated.
  • Unfortunately there is not much good documentation on swapspace that is meaningful on today's hardware. As the discrepancy between ram speed and hard drive speed becomes greater each year, the old rule of 2*ramsize is just plain wrong. This was in the old days because the addr space was directly mapped into the first half of the double RAM sized swap, giving an easy translation formula; only the space >> RAM size was usuable as additional space. Since most of your ram will be filled with cache, you don't need a huge swapspace, just enough to cope with transient periods of pressure. The size should actually depend on the speed of your hard drive. On current drives I recommend about 256MB of swapspace (no matter how much ram you have). You could double it for a striped raid0 array of swapspace.
  • FAQ (Frequently Agitated Queers) is a cult of highly neurotic homosexual monks who travel the Internet with the divine belief that they can answer any question before it is asked. Unfortunately, they are fucking morons. The FAQ cult was originally created by Sir Richard Stallman in 1909 after the Bolshevik Revolution as a way to hide illegal drug and child trafficking behind a pretense of spreading valuable information to the proletariat. By taking money not only from the underworld, but also from government disinformation brokers, the FAQs were able to become very wealthy very quickly, as the rest of the USSR began to slide slowly into the tenth level of hell known as Oprah Winfrey's Ass Crack. It is important to note that at this point in the cult's history there were no pretenses of religious zealotry. They saw themselves as neo-Marxist gangsta hoods, and that was about it. George Bush is rumored to have written the bible of FAQ and is considered a NAzi.
  • Similar to Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King; DQM: Joker focuses on parties of monsters. If you have ever played the Monster Arena side-quest in the PS2 game then you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. The minor differences are, like in Dragon Quest VIII your monsters receive skills which they can apply to skills that give them techniques or stat boosts. You’re limited to a team of three however you can have up to three substitute monsters.
  • You can unlock new skills by leveling up your player. When you level up you add points to Agility, Wisdom, Intelligent, Strength and Constitution. Click on the 'skills' menu on the bottom right hand corner and you'll see how many points you need to get the skill
  • Don't have anything yet. If you have a question, post it here.
  • The Cygwin tools are ports of the popular GNU development tools for Microsoft Windows. They run thanks to the Cygwin library which provides the UNIX system calls and environment these programs expect. With these tools installed, it is possible to write Win32 console or GUI applications that make use of the standard Microsoft Win32 API and/or the Cygwin API. As a result, it is possible to easily port many significant Unix programs without the need for extensive changes to the source code. This includes configuring and building most of the available GNU software (including the packages included with the Cygwin development tools themselves). Even if the development tools are of little to no use to you, you may have interest in the many standard Unix utilities provided with the package. They can be used both from the bash shell (provided) or from the standard Windows command shell. Cygwin can be expected to run on all modern 32 bit versions of Windows, except Windows CE. This included Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 as well as XP/2003 and the WOW64 32 bit environment on released 64 bit versions of Windows. Recent releases run on XP SP3 and 2003 through 8.1 and 2012. A native 64 bit build of Cygwin has also been available since mid-2013. If your platform will run both and you are not sure which to choose, the 64 bit version is likely to be faster. Since Cygwin is a community-supported free software project, patches to provide support for other versions would be thoughtfully considered. Paid support contracts or enhancements are available through Red Hat. For information about getting a Red Hat support contract, see . Keep in mind that Cygwin can only do as much as the underlying OS supports. Because of this, Cygwin will behave differently, and exhibit different limitations, on the various versions of Windows.
  • Brian Aker spiega: Per molto tempo mi sono interrogato sulle modifiche introdotte con MySQL 4.1. Credo che ci sia una grande fetta di utenti che non li ha mai voluti e non si è mai interessata ad essi. Inoltre volevo esaminare le fondamenta di ciò che abbiamo costruito. Gli utenti vogliono dei dati sbagliati? Quanto spesso la cache delle query serve? Se tutti hanno un utente root con tutti i privilegi, perchè portarsi dietro tutto il codice dell'ACL? etc.
  • see WikiSocial Aims but basically we want to create a next generation social network based on Wikia.
  • Det finns mängder av liberaler i Sverige som inte har funnit sin hemvist i partipolitiken, men som ändå vill engagera sig för att utvecka den liberala politiken. Ett liberalt parti är ett forum för alla oss där vi kan skriva oss samman om och diskutera framtidens liberala politik. Sedan är det upp till den politiker som väljs till de beslutande församlingarna att använda politiken som finns i Ett liberalt parti på det sätt de anser lämpligt.
  • wird aus Werbemitteln finanziert. In Zukunft wird deshalb auch Werbung auf unseren Seiten auftauchen. Das ist gut so, und das ist auch nötig. Anders wäre es nicht möglich, dass wir diese großartige Gelegenheit erhalten, alles Wissenswerte über Boppard für alle kostenlos zusammenzutragen. Deshalb bitte ich auch darum, die Werbung nicht nur zu tolerieren, sondern durch fleißiges Anklicken der Werbung auch zum Erhalt dieses Projekts beizutragen.
  • Recommended: Use Google - click below on link and type searched phrase betwen quotation marks (" and "): * Lunia Wiki: - for example: "Stone of Lava" * Ijji Forum: - for example: Lunia "Stone of Lava" * MyMMMOGames Forum: - for example: Lunia "Stone of Lava" "Stone of Lava" = searched phrase Recommended: * Search items with quest, box & alchemy related info
  • FAQ is the sixteenth episode of Red vs. Blue: Season 11 and 241st episode overall. It aired on October 14th, 2013.
  • Freeciv is a client/server system. But in most cases you don't have to worry about this; the server is run automatically for you when you start a new game. So unless you're using one of the older Freeciv client programs all you have to do is run the client. Do this by double-clicking on the freeciv-gtk2 executable program or by typing freeciv-gtk2 in a terminal (in the case of the gtk2 client). Once the client starts, select start new game. Now edit your game settings (the defaults should be fine for a beginner-level single-player game) and press the start button. Once the game is started you can find information in its Help menu. If you've never played a Civilization-style game before you may want to look at the help on Strategy and Tactics. You can continue to change the game settings through the Remote Server menu item in the Options submenu of the Game menu. Type /help in the chatline (or server command line) to get more information about server commands. Detailed explanations of how to play Freeciv are also in the ./doc/README file distributed with the source code, and in the in-game help.
  • FAQ – spis odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane przez ludzi pytania. Odpowiedzi te są pisane w niezrozumiałym języku, przez co większość internautów zamiast zaglądać do FAQ, dręczy administratorów tymi samymi pytaniami. W Polsce słowo FAQ funkcjonuje jako przekleństwo. Poniżej, dla ludzi, którzy nie wiedzą o co chodzi, zamieszczamy, jako przykład, FAQ zaczerpnięty ze strony Microsoftu.
  • Det finns många stockholmare som inte har funnit sin hemvist i partipolitiken, men som har stora kunskaper om staden och som vill engagera sig för att utveckla politiken. Här kan ni påverka skrivelser innan de läggs, bidra med kloka synpunkter på remissvar, och lägga egna förslag till initiativ. Förslagen kommer sedan att behandlas i samband med att initiativens slutliga utformning görs. Vi kan inte garantera att alla förslag kommer att läggas. Däremot är det säkert att alla förslag är välkomna och kommer att läsas.
  • This is Version 1 of Warcrabs, so no one has submitted any questions about the game yet. However, we have anticipated a couple that people might ask. If you have more, send them to: What if I don’t have a ruler that measures in inches? Warcrabs was invented in America, where we use crazy but poetic measurements like “feet” and “pounds.” If you are in a country that uses a more rational system, you have three options. Convert the figures. There are about 2.5 centimeters per inch, more or less. We’re not mixing chemicals here, so you can fudge a little. Wait for America to invade your country. When our plans for global domination are complete, everyone will use English measurements. BWAH-HAH-HAH! Just go ahead and play using centimeters in place of inches. This will lead to a less acrobatic game – sort of like watching high school basketball, as opposed to the NBA – but it might work. What if I kill enough opponents to max out all my abilities (Strength 10, Dexterity 10, Endurance 10)? Won’t this mess up the balance of the game? Don’t worry. You won’t live that long, unless you are cheating. And if the game balance gets skewed, we’re sure the RogueMaster can take care of that. Can crabs drive little toy cars? If the car has an engine and a crab can fit inside, go for it. Can I invent new equipment/rules for Warcrabs? Feel free to alter, improve, or completely rewrite the game, and even release your new version to the public -- as long as your don’t make money off the game, and as long as you credit Di Mo as the author of the original game (see the Creative Commons copyright below). Do please send the author your revisions, ideas and questions at
  • What is Evolutionary Spirituality? * Main Page * Evolutionary Spirituality Theory and Practice
  • A: 1 AP for every 3 minutes (180 seconds). Q:How do I change my class? A: Go to Class and tap the button that says whatever class you want to change to. Changing classes are completely free and revertible!
  • Here are some questions and answers > The expedition is going ahead. Thanks for putting it on the website. You > mentioned having my site as the kayaking destination for echocamp, just to > let you know, I'm not running trips for people, just now I just do the trips > on my own. Just in case you were thinking about advertising that I run > trips. Not at all. echocamp is a platform for people to get things organized for themselves. Your idea is a lot like ours except we are rather anything goes. But we like to start off in climbing/backcountry skiing/kayaking which some of us are into. It is not commercial but grass-root movement. More like groupings to hook up. Like outdoor festival, if you know about it, you like to learn new area and try new routes, come and join us. Something good will happen. From my travels around the world, if there is something happening, people show up and learn about what and how and where. Eventually some of them will get into an activity like climbing or kayaking or not. We have a ski (telemark/backcountry) camp happening in March, possibly another grouping near Everest. People show up and we hook up for a climb or two.
  • If you're reading this, then you are an editor and an important part of the Browncoat Wiki! If you see a problem on one of the pages, or something that needs to be fleshed out, etc., then you can fix it! Take a look at the tutorial on the Central Wikia if you are new to editing a wiki. For further questions, a list of all help pages for this wiki can be found at . Also, an extensive list of Wikitext formatting can be found at the following link: Wikitext Examples
  • Freeciv - клиент-серверная система. Но в большинстве случаев об этом можно не беспокоиться: сервер запускается автоматически, когда вы начинаете новую игру. Поэтому, если вы не используете старые версии клиента Freeciv, достаточно запустить клиентское приложение. Сделайте это двойным щелчком на исполняемом файле freeciv-gtk2 eсли набрав freeciv-gtk2 в терминале (в случае клиента gtk2). Когда клиент стартует, выберите start new game. Установите настройки игры (настройки по умолчанию подходят для одиночной игры начинающего игрока) и нажмите кнопкуstart. FIXME не работает. Нажмите Start Scenario Game, затем выберите Руководство (очевидная стартовая страница для начинающих). Примите все умолчания. Freeciv не позволит вам начать игру и выдаст сообщение "Недостаточно человеческих игроков, игра не начнётся." However, there is no obvious way to add a human player! How am I supposed to play this game, anyway???? Когда игра начата, можно найти информацию в меню. Если вы никогда не играли в игры типа Civilization, вам может понадобиться раздел справки Playing. Вы можуте продолжать изменять настройки посредством меню в меню . Введите /help в chatline (или server command line), чтобы получить больше сведений о командах сервера. Детальное описание игры Freeciv также находится в файле , поставляемом с исходным кодом, и в онлайновом manual, доступном на этом сайте. Онлайновое руководство охватывает и клиент, и сервер, но может не полностью соответствовать вашей версии игры. Руководство доступно для скачивания. Переведено на несколько языков.
  • To put on the Keenspace site! Eventually! Put up questions that we've gotten through the OOC threads, or anything that would help explain the comic to a new reader.
  • MMORPG (줄여서 MMO)는 대중 다참여 온라인 역활 게임의 약자이다. 이들 게임은 인터넷을 통하며 같은 게임서버에 수백 수천명이 참여한다.
  • 世界地図を参考に。
  • Q. Are you involved with the games/Publishers etc? Q. How do I create a character, using the Template? A. Visit this Page please, on Creating/Editing a character.
  • NOTE: This is maintained by the DND:TA community and not by WOTC or the DND:TA Development Staff. If you want the official DND:TA FAQ please visit the link on the facebook application. This site exists to provide additional information for new users. * What happened to DND:TA? It's not on Facebook anymore. On May 27th 2010, at 11pm PST, WotC/Hasbro put an end to their "promotional" game, Dungeons and Dragons : Tiny Adventures. They left this message on the game's main page which is not accessible anymore : Dungeons & Dragons: Tiny Adventures Thank you all for participating in our promotional application of Dungeons & Dragons Tiny Adventures – it proved to be a tremendous success. Now that this promotion has run its course, you can look forward to many more great D&D experiences from both Wizards of the Coast and our partners in the future. Be sure to send your adventurer off on one last quest before the application comes down at 11 pm PST tonight. * What is a d20? It is a die used to generate numbers from 1 to 20 * My d20 is broken, I keep rolling so low No it isn’t. It all averages out in the end, trust us. More information on random number generations can be found at * My (Wizard, Cleric, Warlock, etc..) doesn't cast spells, am I missing something? No, you aren't! Initially (generation one) none of the classes have class abilities. After you retire your 3rd character (generation 3, beginning of your 4th character) you get a class ability! More info can be found here Generations * What happens when I retire? You start a new character, a new “generation” when you reach level 11. You will gain a reward, such as being able to pass ONE item onto your next character. * Immediately at 11? No, when you finish the current adventure you are on * Why did my character retire, WTF! You reached level 11, it is automatic * Here are some sweet spreadsheets you should see * (Aaron Richardson) * (David Zhong) * (Geoff Groff) * Is there a Wiki? >.> you're on it ! * Why can’t I pass on more than 1 item to my next character? Because you can’t. It would unbalance the game and it's the rules * Does my gold get passed on? No. After your 7th generation (i.e. ON your 8th character) you will be able to pass on 25% of your gold. * Why can’t I use that potion I picked up? You can only equip potions between adventures * Why do I have to wait 10,11,12 minutes between turns? Because you do. That is the nature of this game. It grows on you. Many players have it running in the background all day, often while they are at work etc. * Abbreviations There are many abbreviations used when discussing the dungeons and dragons game in general. Here are some used in this wiki: * What is Ironman? Ironman is an option you get after your 4th generation (i.e. your 5th character). You can choose to play Ironman when you create your character, but if you die after any encounter, you "die" and are forced to early retirement without having your generation increased. (In D&D TA, dying means using up all your HP until you have zero or less.) Be careful: Temporary effects to your HP (like a +CON potion) wear off immediately after the final encounter, so you will still die if your HP is less or equal to zero after the final encounter and without the temporary effect. * Is there a bonus, reward, something special for playing on Ironman mode? No. No. and No. There is a seperate scoreboard, but you recieve no extra loot, no higher items, nothing different except a place among the few, the proud the Iron Men and Iron Women of DND:TA. shouldn't that be enough ;) * What is Elite? An option at character creation for those that are 13th gen or higher. Every encounter is at a +2 difficulty. * What is Mars’d? Mars is responsible for the "Try Again" bug. He slowed down the servers for three consecutive days, usually starting around 1500*1800 Zulu each day, and slagged three of Wizard of the Coasts servers. The resultant fallout led to a mass of disgruntled players to flock to the forums for a 3-4 hour period each day to mock his name and generally sob in their own hands as the full magnitude of being "Mars'd" dawned upon them. Other instances of being "Mars'd" include finishing any adventure with a d20 average below 4.0. This is also referred to as "being Mars'd". You can find him lurking in the forums. * How do I start my second character? Go to the top of your screen and click on a hyperlink to start your second character generation * I am wearing a cursed belt, how do I take it off? You must swap it with another belt (found or bought), you can’t just take it off. This is same for all items, you can only swap equip items out for other items that are in your inventory. * I just received a second hand weapon and the game only lets me equip it into my offhand slot. How do I switch it with my rusty dagger / decrepit wand? You can't, until you get a third weapon. Which should be soon. Don't worry though, there is no offhand penalty so it doesn't really matter. * What’s the lowest average adventure role seen so far? 2.25 * Who is our community rep? Jennifer Paige, she posts with a green background. Several other ex-developers lurk in the background and post in green from time to time. * How To Play Better and Do Something Other Than Click: 1. * Go to FAQs, learn which terrains feature which stat checks. 2. * Save any and all equipment that can give you different stat bonuses. 3. * Prior to starting an adventure, read the description to see what terrains will be coming up (or go to ). Buy potions which provide bumps in the stats you will need. 4. * Pay attention to the brown in-between-encounter events to see what kind of terrain is coming up next, or alternatively, look at the aforementioned wiki. 5. * Between each encounter, go to the View Inventory page, and swap around your equipment to best take advantage of the bonuses that equipment provides. 6. 1. * You don't need to equip the HP bonus equipment until you're really hurt. You'll still get the HP bonus, but in the meantime, you can take advantage of other equipment you have that will provide stat-bonuses so hopefully you can avoid getting hit. 7. 2. * You get more of a bonus for whatever the strength of your class is, i.e. your primary attribute. Try and use that to your advantage. So if you're a Wizard, your INT will also raise your ATT and AC. You can check what your primary class attribute is by hovering your mouse over ATT and AC on your Hero page. Also, if you're choosing between a Constitution bonus, and a bonus in a stat you're unlikely to need for the terrain / non-class stat, always go with Constitution, as it also raises your HP. 8. 3. * The magic-encounters, trap-encounters, etc are a little harder to predict, but if you've got a +4 against magic item, and the description of the adventure says there's a tower you can see from the outside of the castle, but everybody in the tower denies is there ... you might want to equip your +4 against magic item. Similarly, if there's a picture of a dragon in the Adventure art, you might want to equip that +4 against dragons Wyrmguard Shield. 9. 4. * Ability bonuses only bump when you have an even number, so if your ability score is an even number, and you have a +1 bonus equipment, there's no point in using it. The same goes for if your score is an odd number, there's no point using a +2 bonus. Here's an example of when this can come into play: I have two hats, Which is better? 1. * . Helm of Heroes (+2 Wis, +5 Hp, +1 Undead) 2. * . Diadem of Acuity (+1 Int, +1 Wis) That depends on your stats for that level. The formula for bonuses is: (score - 10)/2 + level/2 = Bonus, with both parts of the sum rounded down to the nearest integer separately. This makes the bonus effectively calculated based on the number of even "scores" tabulated, from a base of 10. So let's say my 1st level character's base stats + bonuses from other equipment are 15 INT, 13 WIS, which gives me a +2 INT Bonus, and +1 WIS bonus (Remember, Bonuses only apply on even numbers). Helm of Heroes = 15 INT and 15 WIS, giving me +2 INT bonus, +2 WIS Bonus. Diadem of Acuity = 16 INT and 14 WIS, giving me +3 INT bonus, and +2 WIS bonus. So although the Diadem of Acuity isn't worth as much in the store, it's the better equipment for my level. That's only true because I have odd numbers for INT and WIS. With even numbers for INT and WIS, the Diadem of Acuity wouldn't provide me with ANY additional bonus whereas, the Helm of Heroes gives me at least a bit more on the WIS side. So the basic tip is this: When it comes to ability scores (NOT Attack, Armor Class or HP), shoot for the highest EVEN numbers you can get. This tip is level-independent, since the +1/2 level modifier is rounded separately. * Buffing Your Friends While you're waiting for your next encounter, after you've done your inventory, buff your friends. What goes around comes around. There are also buffing threads here, in which you can put your name, and also add others who are interested in buffing each other. If you add enough, you'll have yourself a guaranteed extra +2 for every encounter. Just make sure you reciprocate. * Why some people don't want to be healed? See Advanced Tactics. * What happens when I delete a character? If you delete your hero, all of her stats, items, gold, adventures, and scores will be permanently erased! You will then be able to choose a different class for your new hero. Your retired heroes will not be affected. Your new hero will get another copy of the last item you saved through retirement. If you've completed generation 7, your new hero will still start with 1/4 of the previous generation hero's gold. * Will the developers consider my ideas for new features? There have been no new features since the first team of developers left (some time in 2008). The new team has been seen debugging the app, but not adding new features. Everything is possible but don't hold your breath. * Advanced Tactics Playing short adventures: This is considered by many an exploit of the game, based on the fact that you can use your class powers each time an adventure starts. The logical result is that you should only play as short adventures as possible, and the ultimate goal is to only play for 3-4 encounters (as long as your class powers last) before quitting and changing to a new adventure. This will allow you to pick and choose encounters and maximize the 2nd class power of the Warlock class, which ensures maximum score for an encounter. This also refreshes the shop items. The reduced tactic is as follows: Let's say you have items that give you +40 HP, and your total HP without them is 40. When you die, you will be at 1/40. Now you wear the HP items and you are at 41/80 --> You can immediately start a new adventure and remove most of the +HP to your usual high success equipment, and be at ~25/65. And when you have done 3 encounters, just remove that +25, and you will automatically quit the adventure at the start of the next encounter, and can repeat the process. Even if you took damage you will be at exactly 1/40 again. This tactic only works in non-ironman.
  • oder besser gesagt... noch offene Fragen * Wohin kommen die Toten, nachdem die Totbringer sie geholt haben, schliesslich ist das unrein bin hinten gegen. * Sollte man beim Spielen von normalen Menschen nicht Unglücks/unreinheits/Tabupunkte verteilen, wenn sich einer befleckt, um das zu verdeutlichen? Kann nur durch die Reinigung der Freud/Lebensbringer abgebaut werden. * Wohin mit dem Regenwasser? Gehen die Mauern bis in die Erde (ich finde ja), dann kanns ja schlecht abfließen. Dann müsste jedoch das Abwasser irgendwie abfließen. Vielleicht doch irgend nen Abfluss. * Wie ist die Religion genauer beschaffen. Muss man Opfer bringen, Dienste leisten? Was denkt man über Ahnengeister, Naturphänomene, Himmelskörper, Erschaffungsmythen. * Gibt es bestimmte Feste die überall/regionale gefeiert werden? * gibt überregional regelungen zum heiraten, wie von einem zum anderen viertel geheiratet wird, von einem bezirk zum anderen? menschenhandel, sklaverei? Wie werden hochzeiten gefeiert? * wo leben die Gildernekinder, die Briganten, die Missionare?
  • (Information taken directly from the first page of the Traitor Game Discussion Thread.) How do I sign up? There is currently a game in progress. You must wait for the next set of sign-ups. Image:Wiki-large.png
  • Features of this site: * It's FREE * NO registration required * Anybody can edit / contribute * It's VERY useful * It has content for experienced and inexperienced toastmasters * It even has TIMING LIGHTS * It's user-friendly * It's YOURS.
  • Time travel has a lot of associated risks, the most important and oft-neglected one is that time-travel is not space-travel. If you build a stationary time machine and jump to an hour in the future, you will find yourself floating oxygen-less in the place the earth was an hour ago. Time traveling does not create "paradoxes" in the movie-sense. When jumping backwards or forwards through time, you merely jump to a previous or alternate timeline and immediately begin to deviate it simply by existing. You can go back in time and disrupt your own birth because the timeline where you were born and existed was NOT affected by you. Your jump forward again would be along the newly modified timeline.
  • There are several FAQ categories available: * FAQ general questions - General questions * FAQ installation - Questions regarding installation / configuration, system requirements, etc. * FAQ gameplay - Regular gameplay and game commands questions * FAQ troubleshooting - Questions regarding server crashes, problems, etc. * FAQ development - Questions regarding development of PvPGN, e.g. downloading the source, setting up compilers, etc.
  • Here we List out different questions asked to us by college going students, and possible and given answers.
  • OpenArena is an open-source content package for Quake III Arena licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2), effectively creating a free stand-alone game. You do not need Quake III Arena to play this game.
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