  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis era un planeta del Noveno Cuadrante. Cubierto de hielo, su temperatura promedio estaba en -50. Estaba localizado en la ruta Belsavis.
  • [Source] Belsavis était une planète des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure, située très proche de Senex-Juvex en Bordure Médiane. Elle était reliée à Karfeddion par une route hyperspatiale.
  • Belsavis è un pianeta situato nell'Orlo Esterno all'interno del settore Belsavis. Ricoperto di ghiaccio, ha una temperatura media di -50°. Si trova alla fine della Rotta di Belsavis. Categoria:Pianeti Categoria:Pianeti dell'Orlo Esterno Categoria:Pianeti dell'Impero Infinito
  • Belsavis is a planet in the Outer Rim, found within the Bozhnee sector. The furthest of six planets from the system's star, Belsavis is a largely-frozen wasteland. However, habitable temperate regions can be found scattered across the planet's surface, created by localized volcanic activity. Belsavis is home to the Tomb, an ancient prison now operated by the Republic. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Belsavis on Wookieepedia
  • Belsavis was the location of a secret Jedi enclave that housed many younglings after the Jedi Purge. It was led by the Ho'Din Master Plett. Callista Ming and her lover Geith protected the enclave from the Eye of Palpatine. After the Eye was no longer a threat, Plett led all the Jedi that were left and headed to secret coordinates that Nathaniel Kenobi had given them.
  • Belsavis was a planet located in the Senex-Juvex, a part of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. It was connected via hyperspace route to Karfeddion.
  • Belsavis era un planeta de los Territorios del Borde Exterior, situado dentro del sector Bozhnee. Era el sexto y más remoto planeta de su sistema estelar, Belsavis era un mundo de desiertos helados, aunque se podían encontrar regiones templadas habitables diseminadas por la superficie del planeta, creadas por la actividad volcánica de la zona.
  • At some unknown point in the past, the planet became one of the many worlds that belonged to the Rakata Infinite Empire. During that time, the Rakata made use of the world as a prison colony, where they placed many dangerous prisoners that remained trapped for the millennia. It entered an ice age around 5000 BBY. Its inhabitants dwelt in three volcanic jungle rifts. Later, during the Great Galactic War, the Republic used Belsavis’ prison, The Tomb, to confine dangerous Sith Lords and war criminals. By the beginning of the Galactic War, the resurgent Sith Empire discovered Belsavis' location from the imprisoned crime lord, Ivory, through use of a Rakata transmitter, and sought to perform a mass prison break, including freeing the imprisoned Dread Masters and discovering Rakata secrets. At t
  • *Imperio Infinito *República Galáctica *Imperio Galáctico
  • 3
  • *Hielo *Nieve *Valles tropicales
  • Superficie de hielos perpetuos, moteados de zonas volcánicas templadas
  • *Fosse tettoniche tropicali *Ghiacciai *Ghiaccio *Neve
  • *Rift Plawal *Casa de Plett *Corredor
  • *Impero Infinito *Repubblica Galattica *Impero Galattico
  • 7
  • 2
  • 0
  • *Ithorianos *Humanos *Duros *Ho'Din *Muchas especies
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • L-18
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis
  • Ice Covered
  • Small Pockets of Volcanic Temperate Zones
  • *Vite-seta *Vite-caffè
  • Belsavis_TOR_new.png
  • Белсавис
  • Белсавис/Канон
  • Belsavis
  • Belsavis-planeta.jpg
  • Belsavis/Canon
  • L-18
  • *Corridoio *Casa di Piett *Eternity Vault *La Tomba **Grotta dei Guardiani Primordiali *Placca di Plawal *Prigione di Belsavis
  • 3
  • 2
  • *Duro *Esh'ka *Ho'Din *Kintan *Ithoriani *Umani
  • 90000.0
  • 3.55968E7
  • Belsavis era un planeta del Noveno Cuadrante. Cubierto de hielo, su temperatura promedio estaba en -50. Estaba localizado en la ruta Belsavis.
  • [Source] Belsavis était une planète des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure, située très proche de Senex-Juvex en Bordure Médiane. Elle était reliée à Karfeddion par une route hyperspatiale.
  • Belsavis è un pianeta situato nell'Orlo Esterno all'interno del settore Belsavis. Ricoperto di ghiaccio, ha una temperatura media di -50°. Si trova alla fine della Rotta di Belsavis. Categoria:Pianeti Categoria:Pianeti dell'Orlo Esterno Categoria:Pianeti dell'Impero Infinito
  • Belsavis is a planet in the Outer Rim, found within the Bozhnee sector. The furthest of six planets from the system's star, Belsavis is a largely-frozen wasteland. However, habitable temperate regions can be found scattered across the planet's surface, created by localized volcanic activity. Belsavis is home to the Tomb, an ancient prison now operated by the Republic. File:WookieepediaFavicon.png For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Belsavis on Wookieepedia
  • Belsavis era un planeta de los Territorios del Borde Exterior, situado dentro del sector Bozhnee. Era el sexto y más remoto planeta de su sistema estelar, Belsavis era un mundo de desiertos helados, aunque se podían encontrar regiones templadas habitables diseminadas por la superficie del planeta, creadas por la actividad volcánica de la zona. El conocimiento de la República sobre Belsavis es anterior a la Gran Guerra Hiperespacial, pero durante siglos el planeta llamó poco la atención. Con la excepción de alguna inusual actividad volcánica, el planeta fue considerado, en todos los sentidos, un mundo común y poco interesante. Belsavis fue añadido a los mapas estelares sin más importancia que una mera curiosidad del Borde Exterior. Cincuenta años antes, mientras investigaban las fallas tropicales del planeta que parecían desafiar las capas de hielo de manera antinatural, los científicos de la República dieron con una antigua prisión construida por el Imperio Rakata. Detrás de los escudos de fuerza y los metales ultraduros estaban los más terroríficos prisioneros de la galaxia. los esfuerzos de la República en explorar y asegurar la dilapidada red de cámaras fueron truncados por una feroz especie y por unos droides prácticamente imparables. Conscientes de que sería solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que las criptas y cámaras de estasis que contenían a los peores de aquellos prisioneros fallasen, la República introdujo a sus fuerzas para mantener el complejo, y estableció una nueva prisión de la República en la intacta superficie de Belsavis. En reuniones secretas del Servicio de Información Estratégica, se decidió que esta nueva prisión, apodada como "la Tumba", se usaría solo en casos en donde los criminales fuesen considerados una amenaza externa y que por varias razones no se pudiesen ejecutar. Con el estallido de la Gran Guerra Galáctica, la población de la Tumba creció rápidamente. Se enviaron Señores Sith, mandalorianos y creaciones de la alquimia Sith. Mientras se extendían los rumores de la existencia de la Tumba, Inteligencia Imperial comenzó la búsqueda de la legendaria superprisión. A pesar de los esfuerzos de la República para mantener en secreto su ubicación, el Imperio averiguó el plan y envió fuerzas de ataque para liberar a todos los prisioneros Sith. En el breve tiempo transcurrido desde la llegada de los Imperiales, los subterráneos de la prisión se transformaron en un laberinto de batallas y caos. el Imperio se dio cuenta de que sacar de allí a sus leales de entre los violentos reclusos no sería tarea fácil, y a pesar de que la República se apresuró a restaurar el orden, la misteriosa amenaza maligna se desató desde su antigua cárcel para convertirse en algo muy real.
  • Belsavis was the location of a secret Jedi enclave that housed many younglings after the Jedi Purge. It was led by the Ho'Din Master Plett. Callista Ming and her lover Geith protected the enclave from the Eye of Palpatine. After the Eye was no longer a threat, Plett led all the Jedi that were left and headed to secret coordinates that Nathaniel Kenobi had given them.
  • At some unknown point in the past, the planet became one of the many worlds that belonged to the Rakata Infinite Empire. During that time, the Rakata made use of the world as a prison colony, where they placed many dangerous prisoners that remained trapped for the millennia. It entered an ice age around 5000 BBY. Its inhabitants dwelt in three volcanic jungle rifts. Later, during the Great Galactic War, the Republic used Belsavis’ prison, The Tomb, to confine dangerous Sith Lords and war criminals. By the beginning of the Galactic War, the resurgent Sith Empire discovered Belsavis' location from the imprisoned crime lord, Ivory, through use of a Rakata transmitter, and sought to perform a mass prison break, including freeing the imprisoned Dread Masters and discovering Rakata secrets. At the same time, the Sith Emperor dispatched Executor Krannus to destroy Belsavis, which would've sent shockwaves into hyperspace that would've destroyed adjacent systems, fulfilling the Emperor's intended galactic genocide. It was through only the intervention of the Hero of Tython was Belsavis saved. Plett's Well, was settled 88 BBY by Jedi Master Plett, and came to be called simply Plawal. The main Republic colonization of the planet occurred 20 BBY, with many plants and animals being imported from Ithor. The bounty hunter Jango Fett was once captured and imprisoned in an underground labyrinth on Belsavis. Although pursued by kretch insects, he managed to escape by figuring out the internal logic of the maze. Then in 19 BBY, Plett hid a number of Jedi younglings in Plett's Well from the Great Jedi Purge, but the Galactic Empire sent the Eye of Palpatine to bombard Plawal. Fortunately, Jedi Knights Callista Ming and Geith Eris sabotaged the Eye, but Plett and the Jedi younglings were forced to flee the planet regardless. Some of the younglings, such as Roganda Ismaren, were captured by the Inquisitorius. Around 6 BBY, the Imperial Governor stationed a few tariff police on the world to deal with increased smuggler activity. Around 0 BBY, Brathflen Corporation and other fruit-companies established domes around the world. At the time of the Battle of Hoth, Mara Jade visited the world to investigate the rumors of the Jedi fugitives.
  • Belsavis was a planet located in the Senex-Juvex, a part of the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. It was connected via hyperspace route to Karfeddion.
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