  • tu
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • TU
  • TU
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • nimi "tu" li toki e ni: * nanpa tu * pali e tu anu mute tan wan
  • In some myths, Maui is in fact the son of the Guardian of the Underworld, Makeatutara.
  • TU stultus es. TU meus filius es. TU-rpis es.
  • Tu sei proprio tu, ed è inutile che fingi che non sia così. Hai aperto questa pagina solo per colmare il tuo ego e ora ti senti un coglione a leggere insulti su di te, anzi su di tu.
  • [ˈty] Catégorie:Flexion manquante prononciations * l., p., g. : [ˈty] 1. * tu, toi références * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, 1. * REDIRECTION Chercher "tu" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • W 171 AG kiedy Mako i Bolin spędzają noc na ulicy Ba Sing Se. Rano szukając pokarmu bracia natykają się na stragan. Mimo głodu Mako wolał nie jeść starych owoców i warzyw. Kiedy Tu usłyszał to bardzo się zdenerwował. Chłopcy zaczęli walkę. Po chwili jednak przybył ojciec Tu który stwierdził, że Mako i Bolin to kuzyni chłopaka. Później pojawiają się po zabiciu królowej. Kiedy miasto staje w płomieniach drużyna avatara ewakuuje całą rodzinę Mako i Bolina, razem z nimi.
  • «You must Die!» - Ganon sobre tu «Ai que horrrror!» - Castelo Braco sobre tu «Não veem que o pobrezinho tem problemas, indecentes!» - Senhora sensível sobre tu Tu és alguém. Alguém que anda a malgastar as horas da sua vida vendo isto enquanto podia estar a treinar os musculos para atrair gajas ou a estudar para não ir parar ó balde de massa. E depois disto de certeza que vais ó hi5 ver os teus 105 amigos. Ou então, se tiveres ainda menos vida do que eu penso, irás ver episódios do Naruto que já viste mais de 14 vezes ou então sonhar com roupas apertadas pretas e cor-de-rosa e pensar que o mundo não te compreende e ser muito «emo».
  • In 171 AG, after having spent the night on the streets of the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se, Bolin and Mako were arguing as to whether they should pull a scam and steal some fruit from a stand. They were overheard by Tu, who challenged them to steal the food while simultaneously attempting to discourage them, leaving the brothers confused. Utilizing the confusion, he jumped over the stand and pinned Mako and Bolin to the ground. Their scuffle ended at the feet of Tu's father, Chow, whom Tu immediately informed about the situation. As opposed to helping him punish the would-be fruit thieves, Chow identified Mako and Bolin as his nephews, Tu's cousins, much to everyone's surprise.
  • Tu was a creature that appeared in a fragmentary version of Tolkien's working notes for the Coming of Men, given in The Book of Lost Tales as "Gilfanon's Tale." Tolkien apparently decided not to incorporate the tale into his mythos, as it did not survive to become part of the chapter of The Silmarillion entitled "Of the Coming of Men into the West." His role later became Thu, who was later Sauron.
  • Erde
  • earth
  • Mezczyzna
  • Tu.png
  • Grün
  • Sprzedawca owocow
  • Mako, Bolin, Pabu, Yin, Chow, su familia más...
  • Hou-Ting, Dai Li,, más...
  • "La Reina Tierra"
  • Männlich
  • ziemia
  • "The Earth Queen"
  • Tu
  • Zielone
  • Negro
  • Królowa Ziemi
  • Erde
  • Desconocido
  • Obsthändler
  • Verde
  • tierra
  • Krolestwo Ziemi
  • Krolestwo Ziemi
  • Schwarz
  • Brazowe
  • *Reino Tierra *Ba Sing Se
  • 17
  • Tu
  • Earth
  • "The Earth Queen"
  • Black
  • Tu
  • Tu
  • Earth Kingdom
style walki
  • Magia Ziemi
ostatni występ
  • brak
  • Desconocido
  • *Vendedor de frutas *Habitante del sector bajo de Ba Sing Se
  • "Day of the Colossus"
  • Fruit store vendor
  • The Green, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Male
  • Vendedor de frutas
  • Masculino
  • Tu.png
wikipage disambiguates
Voz Original
voz de doblaje
  • Blanca
  • nimi "tu" li toki e ni: * nanpa tu * pali e tu anu mute tan wan
  • In some myths, Maui is in fact the son of the Guardian of the Underworld, Makeatutara.
  • TU stultus es. TU meus filius es. TU-rpis es.
  • In 171 AG, after having spent the night on the streets of the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se, Bolin and Mako were arguing as to whether they should pull a scam and steal some fruit from a stand. They were overheard by Tu, who challenged them to steal the food while simultaneously attempting to discourage them, leaving the brothers confused. Utilizing the confusion, he jumped over the stand and pinned Mako and Bolin to the ground. Their scuffle ended at the feet of Tu's father, Chow, whom Tu immediately informed about the situation. As opposed to helping him punish the would-be fruit thieves, Chow identified Mako and Bolin as his nephews, Tu's cousins, much to everyone's surprise. The brothers accompanied Chow and Tu to their home. Standing on the porch, Chow praised Bolin and Mako for their success in Republic City, to which Tu sarcastically congratulated his cousins and affirmed that he could just be as successful if provided with the same opportunities as them. Later, when the brothers asked the family about the new airbenders in Ba Sing Se, Tu told them of a rumor that the Earth Queen was locking them up and experimenting on them, resulting in him being scolded by his grandmother, Yin, for speaking negatively of their ruler. The next day, Tu managed to get two passports for his cousins to return to the Upper Ring to warn Avatar Korra. Bolin praised him as a good cousin before the whole family shared in a group hug. Sometime later, Tu was listening to a city-wide announcement by Zaheer over the radio with the rest of his family at Yin's house and was shocked to hear of the death of the Earth Queen.
  • «You must Die!» - Ganon sobre tu «Ai que horrrror!» - Castelo Braco sobre tu «Não veem que o pobrezinho tem problemas, indecentes!» - Senhora sensível sobre tu Tu és alguém. Alguém que anda a malgastar as horas da sua vida vendo isto enquanto podia estar a treinar os musculos para atrair gajas ou a estudar para não ir parar ó balde de massa. E depois disto de certeza que vais ó hi5 ver os teus 105 amigos. Ou então, se tiveres ainda menos vida do que eu penso, irás ver episódios do Naruto que já viste mais de 14 vezes ou então sonhar com roupas apertadas pretas e cor-de-rosa e pensar que o mundo não te compreende e ser muito «emo». Arranja uma namorada, sim?
  • Tu sei proprio tu, ed è inutile che fingi che non sia così. Hai aperto questa pagina solo per colmare il tuo ego e ora ti senti un coglione a leggere insulti su di te, anzi su di tu.
  • Tu was a creature that appeared in a fragmentary version of Tolkien's working notes for the Coming of Men, given in The Book of Lost Tales as "Gilfanon's Tale." Tolkien apparently decided not to incorporate the tale into his mythos, as it did not survive to become part of the chapter of The Silmarillion entitled "Of the Coming of Men into the West." Gilfanon's Tale is only a page or so long, with notes as to what happened afterwards. Tu is described as a "wizard" or "fay" who ruled the Dark-Elves of the further east of Middle-earth around Cuievenan just before the making of the Sun. One of his subjects, Nuin Father of Speech, came to a hidden valley of great loveliness and found there sleeping figures young but not children, boys and girls: the Fathers of Men. He told this to Tu, who fell into great fear of the One, and told Nuin that these were the Fathers of Men, who were to be undisturbed. Notes then tell that Nuin awoke two of the Sleepers, Ermon and Elmir, and taught them speech; that Tu and Nuin shepherded the Sleepers when they awoke with the Sun, and that Men split into factions in the years afterward. Tu grew to shun day and took to dwelling underground. A demon named Fankil, son of Melkor, arose and set Men at each other's throats, and especially against the Elves. The folk of Ermon stood with the Elves, but Tu came forth and destroyed Fankil, and was buried under falling hills. What manner of being Tu was, shall doubtless never be known, other than that he was no Elf, nor Wizard, nor any of the incarnate Maiar, but a new thing entirely, even as Bombadil and Goldberry doubtless are. He was described a great magician and a being of power, benevolent but testy, and afterwards came to have great hatred of Men for the deeds they did to his Elves. His role later became Thu, who was later Sauron.
  • [ˈty] Catégorie:Flexion manquante prononciations * l., p., g. : [ˈty] 1. * tu, toi références * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , Rei-Bèthvéder 2004Catégorie:GasconCatégorie:Gascon toulousain, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, 1. * REDIRECTION Chercher "tu" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • W 171 AG kiedy Mako i Bolin spędzają noc na ulicy Ba Sing Se. Rano szukając pokarmu bracia natykają się na stragan. Mimo głodu Mako wolał nie jeść starych owoców i warzyw. Kiedy Tu usłyszał to bardzo się zdenerwował. Chłopcy zaczęli walkę. Po chwili jednak przybył ojciec Tu który stwierdził, że Mako i Bolin to kuzyni chłopaka. Później pojawiają się po zabiciu królowej. Kiedy miasto staje w płomieniach drużyna avatara ewakuuje całą rodzinę Mako i Bolina, razem z nimi.
is Aliados of
is Freunde of
is Enemy of
is Members of
is Allies of