  • Mandalorian Wars
  • Under Revan's direction, the forces of the Republic Military were able to halt the tide of conquest. Later, they were able to begin turning the Mandalorians back, pushing them out of Republic space and forcing them on the defensive. Though both sides began to run low on resources, ships, equipment and personnel, the conflict became even more intense during the final campaign. This culminated in the trap laid by Revan at Malachor V, which saw the near-total annihilation of the Mandalorians' forces and the death of Mandalore. In the wake of the battle and subsequent surrender, the Mandalorian clans were forced to disarm themselves.
  • The Mandalorian Wars began about twenty years after the Great Sith War, by Mandalore the Ultimate. The war was between the Galactic Republic, the Mandalorians and then later on the Jedi Order.
  • The roots of the Mandalorian Wars lay buried deep in the turmoil of the Great Sith War. In 3,996 BBY, the restless Mandalorian Clans made their way to the Krath held world of Empress Teta system as they roamed far from their homeworld scouting the known galaxy for worthy foes. Mandalore the Indomitable, the Lord of the Clans, had heard rumors of the military exploits of the Krath's young commander, a fallen Jedi named Ulic Qel-Droma. On the world of Kuar, Mandalore challenged Ulic to single combat and he was defeated by the Sith Lord. After the duel, he pledged his loyalty to Qel-Droma, thereby allying the Mandalorian Clans with the Sith. Under orders from Ulic Qel-Droma and his Sith Master Exar Kun, they laid waste to countless worlds and earned the enmity of the Republic and its Jedi def
  • The Mandalorian Wars were a series of battles between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorians. The war began when the Mandalorian Clans invaded the Republic world on the Outer Rim, invading through three different corridors after stockpiling supplies and weapons through battles with other planets outside the Republic. The Republic forces were quick to respond to the threat and asked the Jedi Order for help in staving off the attacks by the Mandalorians, but the request was denied. Unsettled with the refusal of the Jedi Council, a group of Jedi lead by Revan and Malak left to take part in the war. Taking command of the Republic forces, Revan was able to turn the tide of the war against the Mandalorians with superior tactics that were said to impress Mandalore, the leader of the Mandalori
  • The Mandalorian Wars was a series of multiple simultaneous wars which culminated in a titanic conflict between the Mandalorian clans and the Old Republic. So massive and so destructive was it, that no one remembered it four thousand years later. This in itself was due to the manner of education provided by Old Republic schools, namely very little. Of course, this could have been remedied if the Senate Department of Education had paid school teachers more... and reintroduced corporal punishment in grade schools.
  • Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders
  • *
  • *Galactic Republic **Revanchists
  • *Galactic Republic *Revanchists
  • Galactic Republic * Jedi Crusaders
  • *Mandalorians **Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders **Mandalorian Knights
  • *Great Sith War *Cleansing of the Nine Houses
  • 307
  • 3960
  • 만달로리안 전쟁
  • Mandalorian Wars
  • Mandalorianische Kriege
  • Mandalorian Wars
  • 100.0
  • 3976
  • *3976 BBY, Battle of Althir *3964 BBY, Battle of Vanquo
  • Guerre Mandaloriane
  • Wojny mandaloriańskie
  • 400
  • Mandalore the Preserver
  • Cassus Fett
  • Mandalore the Ultimate
  • dbkwik:resource/lVO8pblCfpseIc4_9aAI4g==
  • Supreme Chancellor *Admiral of the Fleet *Koa Delko *Admiral Saul Karath *Admiral Noma Sommos *Admiral Jimas Veltraa *Mon Halan *General Derred Jedi Crusaders *Revan *Malak *Meetra Surik
  • *Mandalore the Ultimate† ** ** **
  • *Defense Minister Koa Delko *Supreme Commander Revan *General Malak *General Meetra Surik *Admiral of the Fleet *Admiral Jimas Veltraa† *Admiral Noma Sommos *Admiral Saul Karath
  • * * * * * * *Admiral *Admiral *Admiral † * *General
  • *Mandalore the Ultimate† *Cassus Fett *Rohlan Dyre *Dorjander Kace *Garon Borm
  • Мандалорские войны
  • , , , , Battle of Malachor V
  • *Battle of Cathar *First Battle of Onderon *Second Battle of Dxun *Second Battle of Althir *Battle of Malachor V
  • *Battle of Althir *Battle of Cathar *Battle of Vanquo *Battle of Serroco *Battle of Jebble *Mandalorian Triumph **Battle of Duro *Battle of Jaga's Cluster *Battle of Malachor V
  • 311
  • Guerres mandaloriennes
  • Galactic Republic & Jedi Crusaders victory *Death of Mandalore the Ultimate *Fragmentation & Disarmament of the Mandalorian Clans
  • */ victory **Death of **Fragmentation and disarmament of the Mandalorian clans
  • *Galactic Republic victory *Fragmentation of the Mandalorian clans
  • Mandalorialaissodat
  • Guerras Mandalorianas
  • Guerras Mandalorianas
  • Mandalorianské války
  • 1
  • The Mandalorian Wars was a series of multiple simultaneous wars which culminated in a titanic conflict between the Mandalorian clans and the Old Republic. So massive and so destructive was it, that no one remembered it four thousand years later. This in itself was due to the manner of education provided by Old Republic schools, namely very little. Of course, this could have been remedied if the Senate Department of Education had paid school teachers more... and reintroduced corporal punishment in grade schools. As for the war, it was begun when Mandalore the Sufficient attacked the worlds of Dxun and Onderon. He won. Next he launched an invasion of the Republic through three sectors, and won, after which he decided he to invite the rest of his people to join him. Under him, the Mandalorians proceeded to butcher the Republic armed forces. The war battered the Republic whose current generation of soldiers' one experience of combat had been against Neimoidians, which meant none at all. Knowing itself to be faced with PWNage of unprecedented scale, the Galactic Senate petitioned the Jedi Order for help. At the time of the petition, however, the Jedi Council had not finished its blue milk, or found its collective dentures for that matter, and so refused to listen. But one "Jedi", not part of the council, did listen: Revan. Intrigued at the idea of indiscriminate slaughter, he recruited nine-fifths of the Jedi and joined the fight. Once under Revan's leadership, the Republic's armed forces began to butcher the Mandalorians. In response the Mandalorians butchered the Republic's armed forces still more. However, Revan out butchered both of them. Revan. Won. The. War.
  • The roots of the Mandalorian Wars lay buried deep in the turmoil of the Great Sith War. In 3,996 BBY, the restless Mandalorian Clans made their way to the Krath held world of Empress Teta system as they roamed far from their homeworld scouting the known galaxy for worthy foes. Mandalore the Indomitable, the Lord of the Clans, had heard rumors of the military exploits of the Krath's young commander, a fallen Jedi named Ulic Qel-Droma. On the world of Kuar, Mandalore challenged Ulic to single combat and he was defeated by the Sith Lord. After the duel, he pledged his loyalty to Qel-Droma, thereby allying the Mandalorian Clans with the Sith. Under orders from Ulic Qel-Droma and his Sith Master Exar Kun, they laid waste to countless worlds and earned the enmity of the Republic and its Jedi defenders. In the waning days of the Great Sith War, as the Brotherhood of the Sith hovered on the very brink of defeat, the Fourth Battle of Onderon took place. The Mandalorians staged a surprise assault against the city dwellers of Iziz, but just as the tide of battle had turned in the their favor, Republic reinforcements suddenly arrived in the system. The Republic commander informed Mandalore that his master Ulic Qel-Droma had been captured and demanded the Mandalorians' immediate surrender, but Mandalore refused to concede the battle. Caught between the incoming Republic fleet and the native Beast Riders, the Mandalorian forces were devastated. Mandalore ordered a rapid retreat to Onderon's nearby moon, Dxun, believing that he could lose the Republic pursuit in its dense jungles. Unfortunately, while withdrawing, a Republic frigate fired upon his Basilisk droid mount and he crashed into the canopy far from friendly aid. Rising from the wreckage, Lord Mandalore was immediately set upon by a pack of ravenous Drexl and was devoured. Initiating a search of the moon's dangerous forests, the remaining Mandalorian Crusaders scoured the landscape for signs of their leader. In a fateful moment, one crusader stumbled across Mandalore's mask hanging, snagged in a patch of nearby foliage. In accordance with the laws of his people, he claimed the mask and became the new Mandalore, Mandalore the Ultimate, whose legacy would affect the galaxy for years to come.
  • The Mandalorian Wars were a series of battles between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorians. The war began when the Mandalorian Clans invaded the Republic world on the Outer Rim, invading through three different corridors after stockpiling supplies and weapons through battles with other planets outside the Republic. The Republic forces were quick to respond to the threat and asked the Jedi Order for help in staving off the attacks by the Mandalorians, but the request was denied. Unsettled with the refusal of the Jedi Council, a group of Jedi lead by Revan and Malak left to take part in the war. Taking command of the Republic forces, Revan was able to turn the tide of the war against the Mandalorians with superior tactics that were said to impress Mandalore, the leader of the Mandalorian Clans. The war came to an end in the Battle of Malacore V, where both Republic and Mandalorian fleets engaged in a pitched battle. The fight was won when under the orders of Revan, the Jedi Exile activated the Mass Shadow Generator, which devastated both fleets as well as the planet and lead the the defeat of the Mandalorians and an end to the war. The final battle also claimed the life of Mandalore and caused the Mandalorian Clans to scatter across the galaxy and the Outer Rim.
  • Under Revan's direction, the forces of the Republic Military were able to halt the tide of conquest. Later, they were able to begin turning the Mandalorians back, pushing them out of Republic space and forcing them on the defensive. Though both sides began to run low on resources, ships, equipment and personnel, the conflict became even more intense during the final campaign. This culminated in the trap laid by Revan at Malachor V, which saw the near-total annihilation of the Mandalorians' forces and the death of Mandalore. In the wake of the battle and subsequent surrender, the Mandalorian clans were forced to disarm themselves.
  • The Mandalorian Wars began about twenty years after the Great Sith War, by Mandalore the Ultimate. The war was between the Galactic Republic, the Mandalorians and then later on the Jedi Order.
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