  • Nicholas John Griffin
  • Nicholas Griffin, born Llewellynnamfanwywllenig Gryffwnn, is leader of the Bri'ish Nashnull Par'ee (a remedial wing of the Conservative Party created especially for the tracksuit wearer). Birthed by the Angel of Death Dr Josef Mengele after a wartime spent experimenting with zoo-buggery, Griffin is in fact two pink Siamese twin sea lions, conjoined at the chest and rutting, with a half melted Fred Flinstone mask seloptaped over the heads.
  • Nicholas Griffin, born Llewellynnamfanwywllenig Gryffwnn, is leader of the Bri'ish Nashnull Par'ee (a remedial wing of the Conservative Party created especially for the tracksuit wearer). Birthed by the Angel of Death Dr Josef Mengele after a wartime spent experimenting with zoo-buggery, Griffin is in fact two pink Siamese twin sea lions, conjoined at the chest and rutting, with a half melted Fred Flinstone mask seloptaped over the heads. His right eyeball, Mohammed, arrived in Britain on the passport of a ChupaChup lolly it mugged at Calais. Mohammed first met Griffin when discovered raping his six year-old daughter, and now lolls about in his eye-socket living off the dole and always pointing to Mecca regardless of the direction Griffin faces.