  • Boardies
  • Oh yes, I'd bet you like me to tell you that wouldn't you? Trouble is if I tell you what a boardie is, then you'll start pretending that you're not one (and we all know you are.) Boardies are usually one or more of the following: * Newfag * Pleb * Normie * Cletus * Visiting from another 4chan board * Visiting from Reddit, Gallifrey Base, Planet Mondas, tumblr, DWSR, TARDIS Data Core or some such godawful wretched place.
  • Oh yes, I'd bet you like me to tell you that wouldn't you? Trouble is if I tell you what a boardie is, then you'll start pretending that you're not one (and we all know you are.) Boardies are usually one or more of the following: * Newfag * Pleb * Normie * Cletus * Visiting from another 4chan board * Visiting from Reddit, Gallifrey Base, Planet Mondas, tumblr, DWSR, TARDIS Data Core or some such godawful wretched place.