  • The Rogue's Replacement
  • The Rogue Bull was killed in "A Mesmer's Burden" quest. Until the "Rogue's Replacement" is completed, every time Lakeside County is entered, Old Mac will spawn outside the entrance to Ascalon City and move to talk to Lady Althea and demand compensation. To see their slightly amusing conversation, enter Lakeside County from Ascalon City and follow Old Mac up the hill. This quest is only available from Old Mac after this conversation takes place.
  • The Rogue Bull was killed in "A Mesmer's Burden" quest. Until the "Rogue's Replacement" is completed, every time Lakeside County is entered, Old Mac will spawn outside the entrance to Ascalon City and move to talk to Lady Althea and demand compensation. To see their slightly amusing conversation, enter Lakeside County from Ascalon City and follow Old Mac up the hill. This quest is only available from Old Mac after this conversation takes place. Old Mac will ask for a devourer egg so he can raise a devourer as a replacement pet. Get a Devourer Egg from Fadden Hathorn by completing The Egg Hunter quest and give it to Old Mac. Devourer Eggs are also available from Collector Brownlow right in front of the gate of Ascalon City or from Collector Rownan in Regent Valley.