  • Ságe
  • Sage is a middle-aged Taureness who practicions the ways of the Shaman, though avoids a "Full-time membership" to organisations like the Earthen Ring. She is not proud of her past, but is often forced to bear it's consequences. Her Grimtotem heratige shows it's self semi-regularly, causing her to act unlike her normal, rational self, and making her aggresive and act spontaniously. Sage recently took on the mantle of Wildmother of The Thousand Eyes, though she had lead the Eyes before in it's renegade form.
  • Sage is a middle-aged Taureness who practicions the ways of the Shaman, though avoids a "Full-time membership" to organisations like the Earthen Ring. She is not proud of her past, but is often forced to bear it's consequences. Her Grimtotem heratige shows it's self semi-regularly, causing her to act unlike her normal, rational self, and making her aggresive and act spontaniously. Sage recently took on the mantle of Wildmother of The Thousand Eyes, though she had lead the Eyes before in it's renegade form.