  • Star Clan
  • Star clan
  • The Hosigan (星眼;litteraly meaning "Star Eye") is a unique trait that each and every person who is a member of the Star clan, or at least practiced Star Clan technique share. It molds the user's pupil into the shape of a star, which grows bigger depending on the user's chakra level. It increases melee strength and the speed of the user, allowing it to move in the air at incredible speed. It also allows the user to do the move Star Palm, which can either be used as a long range attack which fires a blast of energy at the opponent, or a short-ranged attack, where the user jabs it onto the opponent.
  • The Star Clan (星の一族, Hoshi no Ichizoku; lit. "Clan of the Star") was an infamous clan of assassins which would do anything for money. Thirteen years prior to the main story of Soul Eater, they were slaughtered by DWMA due to using their power outside the rules.
  • Welcome to starclan, the heaven of cats who follow this path. This is gonna be fun. WARNING!: may contain spoilers if your not very far into the books. Starclan intro You wake up in a clearing, beneath the ggreatrock. The ground was tainted with blood, as if from a battle long ago. You see four leaders on the greatrock. But the last thing you remember was being attacked in camp, so how did you......? "Welcome" a cat on greatrock says. "I am Thunder" "Can you tell me your name?" "I'm ()" you reply. "Welcome to starclan, ()" SIGN UP THINGY!!!!!!! Name Desired rank Username in aj Gender Former clan
  • Since ancient times, the members of the clan have possessed the ability to read the flow of energy throughout the world. They are proficient spiritual users who can manifest their powers in two ways: by foretelling the future or by identifying and manipulating energy. Aside from being servants, Star Clan members scribe each priestess's activities in as much detail as possible. Records are kept and treasured in the parallel world, reminding members of their duties throughout the ages.
Alternate Title
  • Hoshizoku
Manga Debut
Display Image
  • 300
Anime Debut
  • Dissolved
  • 星の一族
  • Hoshi no Ichizoku
English Title
  • Star Clan
  • The Hosigan (星眼;litteraly meaning "Star Eye") is a unique trait that each and every person who is a member of the Star clan, or at least practiced Star Clan technique share. It molds the user's pupil into the shape of a star, which grows bigger depending on the user's chakra level. It increases melee strength and the speed of the user, allowing it to move in the air at incredible speed. It also allows the user to do the move Star Palm, which can either be used as a long range attack which fires a blast of energy at the opponent, or a short-ranged attack, where the user jabs it onto the opponent.
  • Welcome to starclan, the heaven of cats who follow this path. This is gonna be fun. WARNING!: may contain spoilers if your not very far into the books. Starclan intro You wake up in a clearing, beneath the ggreatrock. The ground was tainted with blood, as if from a battle long ago. You see four leaders on the greatrock. But the last thing you remember was being attacked in camp, so how did you......? "Welcome" a cat on greatrock says. "I am Thunder" "Can you tell me your name?" "I'm ()" you reply. "Welcome to starclan, ()" So, my user is you08484, jag me if you wanna join, nonmembers, say pets are cool! And tags are white, we give prophecies, we need the original clans though. I will say the user and if its taken. Fireclan: windclan: shadow clan: riverclan: OK, dress code.The DO'S. Fox hats, skull hats, a flower, a spike, a jammaliday scarf, silver glove thingy, worn, nm sword, other non shoe foot stuff, no wrist, and that's the dos, the don't are anything else. SIGN UP THINGY!!!!!!! Name Desired rank Username in aj Gender Former clan If you want a leader role, what role CLAN MEMBERS!!!! Moonstar, leader of starclan: Thunder star, leader of thunder clan of starclan: Shadow star: Windstar: Riverstar: Blurstar: Retail: Yellowfang: Fire star: Oc's below+ starclan clan. Updates. Yay. Yay, I created starclan 1\11\15
  • The Star Clan (星の一族, Hoshi no Ichizoku; lit. "Clan of the Star") was an infamous clan of assassins which would do anything for money. Thirteen years prior to the main story of Soul Eater, they were slaughtered by DWMA due to using their power outside the rules.
  • Since ancient times, the members of the clan have possessed the ability to read the flow of energy throughout the world. They are proficient spiritual users who can manifest their powers in two ways: by foretelling the future or by identifying and manipulating energy. Most members fall into the former category, though the practice of this ability varies on the individual. During ancient times, users were able to study magical scrolls called Akasha (概定伝承). These scrolls were authored by the White Dragon and were written in an archaic text. Members of the Star Clan were trained to decipher each scroll's contents, thus leading them to be advisors to royalty. Later generations could achieve the same results by performing divinations and fortunes or by dreaming the future. Results aren't always viewed with utter clarity, so their powers are closer to extrasensory perception rather than precognition. Those who are talented with seeing the flow of energy can manifest energy into a physical shape. They can inform a priestess of nearby defilements and treat them accordingly. Talented users can create a flower of purified energy to enhance a priestess's powers while additionally cleansing her of curses or other spiritual taints. If need be, the Star Clan members can also create a magical barrier to guard the priestess's dwelling from being attacked by malevolent spirits. Aside from being servants, Star Clan members scribe each priestess's activities in as much detail as possible. Records are kept and treasured in the parallel world, reminding members of their duties throughout the ages. They are also entrusted with protecting the Dragon Gems (龍の宝玉, Ryu no Gyoku), magical gems which are empowered with a portion of the White Dragon's blessings. These gems inform the Star Clan members of the White Dragon Priestess's arrival into their world and affirms her identity. Eight Dragon Gems are granted to the Eight Guardians. Once the men have fulfilled their duty, however, the gems leave their bodies and return to the Star Clan's safekeeping. If the situation is dire, members can perform a ceremony to summon the White Dragon Priestess to the parallel world.
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