  • Minefield Mishap
  • Minefield Mishap is the Heroic Challenge provided by Stealth Elf and takes place in the fortress. This level is rated as being very tough. The player must dash through an area riddled with mines and enemies and recover the Royal Scepter of Nort in less than three minutes or they fail the mission. This level is difficult due to the huge number of land mines planted underground which deal 60 damage each time they are stepped on. The Troll enemies here tend to favor attacks that cause knockback, such as the Trollverines and Gun Snouts and enjoy knocking Skylanders into the mines. The level isn't terribly difficult as long as you avoid enemies rather than fighting them and watch your step.
  • Minefield Mishap is the Heroic Challenge provided by Stealth Elf and takes place in the fortress. This level is rated as being very tough. The player must dash through an area riddled with mines and enemies and recover the Royal Scepter of Nort in less than three minutes or they fail the mission. This level is difficult due to the huge number of land mines planted underground which deal 60 damage each time they are stepped on. The Troll enemies here tend to favor attacks that cause knockback, such as the Trollverines and Gun Snouts and enjoy knocking Skylanders into the mines. The level isn't terribly difficult as long as you avoid enemies rather than fighting them and watch your step. Upon completion, the Skylander gains a permanent +8 Bonus to Speed.