  • Xendi Sabu system
  • According to Daimon Bok, his ship discovered the USS Stargazer adrift at the far edge of this system in 2364. Soon after, the Ferengi made a request to Starfleet that a rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-D be arranged. The Federation starship was ordered to this system, and, while there, ownership of the Stargazer was transferred over to the Enterprise-D by the Ferengi. (TNG: "The Battle" )
  • According to Daimon Bok, his ship discovered the USS Stargazer adrift at the far edge of this system in 2364. Soon after, the Ferengi made a request to Starfleet that a rendezvous with the USS Enterprise-D be arranged. The Federation starship was ordered to this system, and, while there, ownership of the Stargazer was transferred over to the Enterprise-D by the Ferengi. (TNG: "The Battle" )