  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • N
  • n
  • Star Wars Galaxies Server.
  • "Happy New Years! * This item is for use in the New Years event."
  • [[categoria:Codici e simboli_in_]] 1. * simbolo chimico dell'azoto.
  • An abbreviation or acronym used in party conversation as an abbreviation for need when an item is being rolled for meaning "I need this item" when observing a particular type of looting etiquette described in Need before Greed. Antonym of G (looting). See also U.
  • An abbreviation or acronym used in party conversation as an abbreviation for need when an item is being rolled for meaning "I need this item" when observing a particular type of looting etiquette described in Need before Greed. Antonym of G (looting). See also U.
  • N is an 18 year old who was the King of Team Plasma. He can talk to pokemon and has quite a few. He thinks pokemon suffer from pokeballs, but doesn't really take note that all his pokemon except Flash are in pokeballs. He was raised by pokemon. His favorite pokemon are Zekrom, Zorua, Lucario and Black Kyurem.
  • Kio estas no? La vorto "no" estas substantiviĝcaĵo el la adverbo, "ne". Kion faras no? Bone, no nas kaj no ne nas; no estas nanta. Ankaŭ, no ĉiam estas nanta, ĉiam estas ninta, kaj ĉiam estas nonta. Kia estas no? No estas na. Kiel no nas? Tiel ŝipo ekspedas kargon ŝipe, kiel no faras ne. Sed ne ne estas nure la maniero tiel kiel no faras, sed ankaŭ priskribas la frazojn kiun la vorto "ne" ekas. Frazoj kiu estas ne kontraŭdiras ion, sed frazoj kiu ne estas ne povas kontraŭdiri.
  • N is the king of Team Plasma. He possesses an ability to communicate with Pokémon, similar to Yellow's.
  • New Caledonia n00bs! No quack. Nurdle the turdle in the naburdle.
  • Das N ist einer der vielen Buchstaben des lateinischen Alphabets und wurde in diesem Satz genau 11-mal verwendet (oder auch verwandt). Apropos verwandt: Verwandt ist das N mit dem M. So wird das N z.B. bei dem Artikel den am Ende verwendet, der wiederum in Konkurrenz zu dem Artikel dem steht. Im Zuge der Dativierung gehen manche Leute sogar soweit, daß sie dem Kind(e) etwas lehren. Um den Verlust des N-s besser ertragen zu können, ersetzen sie dann aber lieber gleich das H in lehren durch ein N, aber damit es nicht zu stark übervorteilt wird, tun sie das hinter dem R. Soviel zum N. Weitere Informationen, z.B. zur Verdoppelung des N-s in N.N. nimmt die Uncyclopedia gerne eNtgegeN.
  • Do a Barrel roll!
  • Ghetsis Groupius is Natrual Gropius[N] S' FATHER!
  • N is a pilot working for the Reaper Squad.
  • N is the 14th letter of the English alphabet.
  • Noble Art 拳擊.拳術 Netball 投球
  • N (エヌ N) is a Shinigami of of the Gotei 13, and the 4th Seat of the 9th Division, serving under Captain Hajime Ryūmonki. He is a character in Bleach: Rasenhiden.
  • Na * Naga Tubo * Nagíing * Nagpadala * Nagtátanóng * Nágwas * Náis * Nakahanda * Nakahanda sa Pagsasanay * Nakalúlugód * Naka Upo * Nákaw * Nánay * Nanganganínag * Naniniwalà * Náog * Nápaka- * Napulo * Naraphil * Natákot * Navarro, Carlos * NECOPA * Negósyo * Néribiyos * New Concept of Philippine Arnis * Ng * Ngálan * Ngayón * Ngáwit * Ngiló °1 * Ngiló °2 * Ngípin * Ngúso * Nigiwí * Níngas * Ningníng * Nínong * Ninunò * Nípa * Nobenta * Noó * Noóng úna * Nóta * Numerada * Numerado °1 * Numerado °2 * Numerado °3 * Numerado Stil * Númró * Nuwébe * Nuwebe *
  • N es un monstruo. Sube la imagen en PNG o JPG para este objeto Detalles
  • N is another character made by Seth Reuben. He looks like a normal Black line and he defends earth from monsters. He is also 5 feet tall. This is made by Seth Reuben
  • SLASH'EM introduces new creatures that use the n glyph: * n nymph: * n pixie * n brownie * n quickling * n Aphrodite
  • N is the fourteenth letter in the English Alphabet.
  • N is a letter of the alphabet. A boring one, too. Previous letter: "M" Next letter: "O"
  • Natural Harmonia Gropius, or more commonly known as N, is a major antagonist of the Black and White versions. His full real name is never directly revealed in game, but his surname is (as revealed by Ghetsis between the final two battles against them) Harmonia. The name is first discovered written on N's basketball in his playroom. He is the leader (or, as said by Team Plasma members, the king) of Team Plasma. He also has the ability to understand and speak to Pokémon.
  • Serial jest dostępny w kolekcji nScreen usługi VOD, w jakości High Definition i w systemie dźwięku Dolby 5.1. Dostępna jest wersja z lektorem i napisami.Pakiet VOD kosztuje 30 zl miesiecznie i poza serialem LOST w jakości HD zawiera jeszcze: * Teraz albo nigdy * 39 i pół HD * Kryminalni HD * Medium * The Office * Desperate Housewives
  • Le N est la quatorzième lettre de l'alphabet. Elle est représentée par deux lignes verticales à ses extrémités qui sont reliées par une ligne oblique partant du sommet de la ligne gauche au pied de la ligne droite.
  • N is a character in Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. He was the proclaimed king of Team Plasma who dreams of liberating all Pokémon from their trainers. He captures Zekrom or Reshiram, depending on which version you have, and tries to get the chance to have all Pokémon liberated.
  • N was gotten on CRRP in February of 2014. This is the first incarnation of him on the board, and he uses a unique fusion of B/W and CRRP's Unova timeline in his backstory, which involved Plasma succeeding in their quest- for a little while.
  • N is the Nteenth number in the alphabet. He dislikes his job as number fourteen, and hopes to one day, move up the corporate ladder to number one, currently held by A.
  • N is a letter. It is one of the 21 consonants. It is the 14 letter of the the alphabet.
  • n serves two functions: it is both the independent variable for Sequential Functions graphing and storing the number of elements in a 1-Var Stats calculation.
  • Nとは? 【よみかた】「えぬ」または「ぬーん」 * GOLDの単位で万の略。白鯖発祥説が有力。サーバが増えるにつれ他のサーバにも使われるようになった。サーバによっては厨扱いされる。他のMMOで使っても通じないので注意。
  • N Harmonia (エヌ en japonès) és un dels antagonistes dels jocs Pokémon Negre i Blanc. Se li considera un personatge una miqueta enigmàtic, amb ideologies radicals sobre la relació entre entrenadors i Pokémon. És capaç de comprendre als Pokémon amb tan solament mirar-los.
  • Natural Armonía Gropius (Natural Harmonia Gropius en inglés, Natural Harmonia Gropius en japonés) es uno de los antagonistas de los juegos Pokémon Negro y Pokémon Blanco. Se le considera un personaje un tanto enigmático, con ideologías radicales acerca de la relación entre entrenadores y Pokémon. Es capaz de comprender a los Pokémon con tan sólo mirarlos. Es uno de tus rivales en el juego.
  • N is an award-winning freeware Macromedia Flash computer game developed by Metanet Software. It is inspired in part by Lode Runner, but features a realistic physics engine. The name is derived from "The Way of the Ninja", which is described in the background story. N features a ninja, who is the player-controlled character in the game. The challenge is navigating the level and making it to the end, while avoiding the various enemies and obstacles in your way. The game save data is saved on an automatically-created .sol file, which should usually be left unedited.
  • All'inizio del combattimento N lancia un incantesimo che gli conferisce +8000 resistenze in tutto. In ordine, per ucciderlo, bisogna aspettare che lanci Gelatina bianca (la sua apparizione cambierà e diventerà più largo). Una volta lanciata Gelatina bianca si deve piazzare una delle sue invocazioni (risurrezioni) alleate vicino a lui e dopodiché ucciderlo. Questo disattiverà il suo stato e gli permetterà di essere attaccato. Questa operazione va ripetuta fino a quando N non muore.Inoltre da notare quando acquisisce l'incantesimo fa bei danni(può oneshottare). --
  • Fehérvár Nándorral valami történt. Hogy mi, azt ő sem tudja, csak annyira emlékszik: amnéziás. Most itt ül minden kényelemmel felszerelt, budatetői kertes házában, és nem ért semmit. Családja a szekrénybe pakolva, egy nagy rakás pénz társaságában, és csupán két dolog biztos: szerettei nem emberek, a kazalnyi húszezresből pedig jó néhány évig futná pizzára. Úgy dönt, megpróbálja megtalálni önmagát, kideríteni, hogyan csöppent ebbe a helyzetbe. Váratlan segítőtársakra is talál: egyszeriben nők zsongják körül – ki a pénz miatt, ki önzetlenül, ki pusztán szeretetvágytól hajtva. Nándor elkezdi felderíteni a környező világot, tartalommal megtölteni múltjának mérhetetlen fehér foltjait. És álmokat lát. Ezek megfejtésében a pszichológus Edit asszisztál neki, és kettejük botladozó kapcsolata hamaro
  • N, labeled The Failure, is a contestant on Total Drama: Paradise Beach. N never was on life's good side. He is a triplet, and the other two triplets are complete overachievers. His sister is a smart model who gets all the guys and has a scholarship. His brother is a smart hockey player who gets all the girls and has an athletic scholarship. N, on the other hand, has never even earned his parents' love. When his brother and sister's talents were discovered, N became invisible. His parents no longer fed him or paid attention to him. N was forced to run away to his uncle's. His uncle took him in. Unfortunately, he caused N's weight gain by overfeeding him. N has tried every sport, game, and activity imaginable and has failed at everything. N signed up for Total Drama, hoping that he will succ
  • [[Plik:Berlinka na linii N na Nowodworach.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Berlinka nr tab. 445 na linii N właśnie przybyła na Nowodwory z Młocin]] N – linia tramwajowa okolicznościowa, która została uruchomiona na jeden dzień 26 lutego 2017 z okazji przedłużenia trasy tramwajowej na Nowodwory od pętli Tarchomin Kościelny do tymczasowego krańca Nowodwory. Linia kursowała w godzinach 13.00 – 18.30. Tego samego dnia przed jej uruchomieniem odbył się specjalny przejazd linii 2 po tej samej trasie.
  • N was raised by Ghetsis, the internal leader of the Seven Sages. As he grew up, he was appointed as the king and leader of Team Plasma. He is an anti-villain, being the secondary antagonist, yet a good natured person who sees Pokémon as his friends and is generally rather amicable toward the player as well. According to Concordia, "N's heart is pure and innocent." At several points during the game he appears before the player to battle.
  • The definitions on this page originally appeared on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's website. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS): Standards established by EPA that apply for outdoor air throughout the country. (See: criteria pollutants, state implementation plans, emissions trading.) National Environmental Performance Partnership Agreements: System that allows states to assume greater responsibility for environmental programs based on their relative ability to execute them. National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations: Commonly referred to as NSDWRs.
  • Antes de su debut, ganó una docena de concursos de danza nacional. Él y Leo actuaron juntos como bailarines de 2PM en el Gayo Daejeon del 2011. También fue un bailarín de respaldo para las actuaciones en directo de Brian Joo , 'Let This Die' con Leo y Ravi . Él tomó un año de descanso en la escuela secundaria para practicar el baile en Japón. Después de ser aprendiz durante 5 años y gracias a su talento en la danza, N ha sido elogiado por las tres agencias coreanas más grandes SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment y JYP Entertainment.
  • 1
  • HB-141
  • +3
imagen NB
  • Ilustración N.png
imagen N2B
  • Ilustracion de N N2 B2.png
l arm unit
  • Au-E-B08
r arm unit
  • AM/PMA-239
  • * Nieves Perpetuas * Helado de Nata * Polo * Zyklo
  • 6
  • Dark
  • Dragon
  • Fire
  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Normal
  • Psychic
  • Rock
  • Water
  • Fighting
  • Bug
  • Ground
  • Lucha
  • Steel
  • Normal
  • Agua
  • Fuego
  • Dragón
  • Planta
  • Hielo
  • Tierra
  • Psíquico
  • Siniestro
  • agua
  • fuego
  • tierra
  • planta
  • roca
  • Acero
  • Roca
  • Bicho
  • bicho
  • hielo
  • Failing
  • 5
  • 100
  • 800
  • エヌ Enu
  • Dark
  • Fire
  • Flying
  • Grass
  • Ice
  • Psychic
  • Rock
  • Water
  • Electric
  • Ghost
  • Fighting
  • Bug
  • Ground
  • Lucha
  • Poison
  • Steel
  • Fuego
  • Siniestro
  • agua
  • psíquico
  • siniestro
  • tierra
  • Volador
  • acero
  • eléctrico
  • fantasma
  • planta
  • roca
  • veneno
  • volador
  • Acero
  • Roca
  • Eléctrico
  • bicho
  • hielo
  • Not Yet Achieved
  • 38000
  • "N"
  • videojuego
  • Gastrodon BW.gif
  • Starmie BW.gif
  • Cradily BW.gif
  • Politoed BW.gif
  • Abomasnow BW.gif
  • Joltik BW.gif
  • Tentacruel BW.gif
  • Boldore BW.gif
  • Armaldo BW.gif
  • Mamoswine BW.gif
  • Froslass BW.gif
  • Cloyster BW.gif
  • Ninjask BW.gif
  • Scizor BW.gif
  • Hippowdon BW.gif
  • Arcanine BW.gif
  • Ferroseed BW.gif
  • Glaceon BW.gif
  • Kabutops BW.gif
  • Klink BW.gif
  • Lanturn BW.gif
  • Leafeon BW.gif
  • Ninetales BW.gif
  • Omastar BW.gif
  • Rapidash BW.gif
  • Rhyperior BW.gif
  • Shiftry BW.gif
  • Vanilluxe BW.gif
original upload date
  • Mar.10.2012
  • 7
  • 13
  • 22
  • 28
  • 50
  • 52
  • 70
  • 75
  • 77
  • Monstruos de Kéfriho
  • 230
  • Not Yet Revealed
Pie de Foto
  • Ilustración de N
  • 5.0
  • None
shoulder unit
  • AMAKUMO mdl.2
  • Verdict War
  • 1
  • 8
  • None known
  • Ghetsis Concordia and Athena
  • Armored Core: Verdict Day
  • Natural Armonía Gropius
  • none
  • 9
  • Team Perci
  • -
  • Red
  • 30
  • N
  • 14
Base of Operations
  • none
  • Unknown
  • Alive
  • Active
  • K.I.A.
  • Líder del Equipo Plasma
  • Líder del Ex-Equipo Plasma
  • 11
  • Mazmorra de la Mina de Kéfriho
  • Red
  • Dark Green
  • N
  • N Harmonia
  • Natural Harmonia Gropius
  • R.I.P.3/N
  • Character
  • ???
  • Shinō Academy
  • N's artwork from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
  • "I never expected to hear Pokémon say such things..."
  • 200
Unusual Features
  • Mitsudomoe pattern in both eyes
  • 8
  • 2014-12-31
  • None
  • 145.0
  • Niconico Broadcast / 0e8hTp0 Youtube Broadcast
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • エヌ
  • 311.0
  • Human
  • N
  • Wanderer
Marital Status
  • Single
  • Chris McLean, Lynetta, Perci
  • Close Range Combat
  • KOCHO mdl.1
  • ACV
  • PowderBlue; color:MediumBlue
  • Unknown
  • CB-307
  • NBWsprite.png
  • VSN.png
  • 4
  • AC pilot
BG Color
  • Unova
  • Glaceon
  • Ninetales
  • Politoed
  • Shiftry
  • Hippowdon
  • Kabutops
  • Timburr
  • Cloyster
  • Purrloin
  • Reshiram
  • Starmie
  • Mamoswine
  • Starmie
  • Tentacruel
  • Zekrom
  • Zoroark
  • Armaldo
  • Cradily
  • Froslass
  • Omastar
  • Arcanine
  • Gastrodon
  • Lanturn
  • Leafeon
  • Politoed
  • Rhyperior
  • Scizor
  • Cloyster
  • Kabutops
  • Rhyperior
  • Abomasnow
  • Armaldo
  • Rapidash
  • Glaceon
  • Klink
  • Reshiram
  • Zekrom
  • Pidove
  • Rapidash
  • Sandile
  • Tentacruel
  • Darumaka
  • Froslass
  • Zoroark
  • Abomasnow
  • Archeops
  • Gastrodon
  • Scraggy
  • Ninjask
  • Boldore
  • Leafeon
  • Ninetales
  • Omastar
  • Shiftry
  • Vanilluxe
  • Scizor
  • Lanturn
  • Ninjask
  • Arcanine
  • Hippowdon
  • Mamoswine
  • Joltik
  • Sigilyph
  • Purrloin
  • Archeops
  • Pidove
  • Klinklang
  • Ferroseed
  • Ferroseed
  • Joltik
  • Sandile
  • Cradily
  • Tympole
  • Scraggy
  • Klinklang
  • Timburr
  • Carracosta
  • Vanilluxe
  • Carracosta
  • Darumaka
  • Boldore
  • Klink
  • Sigilyph
  • Tympole
  • Failing
  • 13
  • 1990
  • Male
  • Human
  • Shinigami
  • R.I.P.3/N
Blood Type
  • B-
Japanese name
  • エヌ N
  • Masculino
  • NOWAKI mdl.2
  • Heal
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 7
  • 13
  • 22
  • 28
  • 50
  • 52
  • 70
  • 75
  • 77
  • 80
  • 82
  • Gastrodon Oeste NB.png
  • 500
  • Criaturas de Frigost
r bay unit
  • KAGIROI mdl.3
  • n
  • Star Wars Galaxies Server.
  • "Happy New Years! * This item is for use in the New Years event."
  • [[categoria:Codici e simboli_in_]] 1. * simbolo chimico dell'azoto.
  • An abbreviation or acronym used in party conversation as an abbreviation for need when an item is being rolled for meaning "I need this item" when observing a particular type of looting etiquette described in Need before Greed. Antonym of G (looting). See also U.
  • An abbreviation or acronym used in party conversation as an abbreviation for need when an item is being rolled for meaning "I need this item" when observing a particular type of looting etiquette described in Need before Greed. Antonym of G (looting). See also U.
  • N is an 18 year old who was the King of Team Plasma. He can talk to pokemon and has quite a few. He thinks pokemon suffer from pokeballs, but doesn't really take note that all his pokemon except Flash are in pokeballs. He was raised by pokemon. His favorite pokemon are Zekrom, Zorua, Lucario and Black Kyurem.
  • All'inizio del combattimento N lancia un incantesimo che gli conferisce +8000 resistenze in tutto. In ordine, per ucciderlo, bisogna aspettare che lanci Gelatina bianca (la sua apparizione cambierà e diventerà più largo). Una volta lanciata Gelatina bianca si deve piazzare una delle sue invocazioni (risurrezioni) alleate vicino a lui e dopodiché ucciderlo. Questo disattiverà il suo stato e gli permetterà di essere attaccato. Questa operazione va ripetuta fino a quando N non muore.Inoltre da notare quando acquisisce l'incantesimo fa bei danni(può oneshottare). -- - affinchè N lanci Gelatina bianca, il mob bisogna attaccarlo quando è accanto ad N [senza ucciderlo] - la vulnerabilità dura solamente dall'uccisione dell'invo fino a che non tocca N [quindi regolatevi] - togliere pm ad N gli farà riattivare la protezione [non togliete pm se lo state ammazzando] Categoria:Creature di Frigost
  • N, labeled The Failure, is a contestant on Total Drama: Paradise Beach. N never was on life's good side. He is a triplet, and the other two triplets are complete overachievers. His sister is a smart model who gets all the guys and has a scholarship. His brother is a smart hockey player who gets all the girls and has an athletic scholarship. N, on the other hand, has never even earned his parents' love. When his brother and sister's talents were discovered, N became invisible. His parents no longer fed him or paid attention to him. N was forced to run away to his uncle's. His uncle took him in. Unfortunately, he caused N's weight gain by overfeeding him. N has tried every sport, game, and activity imaginable and has failed at everything. N signed up for Total Drama, hoping that he will succeed.
  • Kio estas no? La vorto "no" estas substantiviĝcaĵo el la adverbo, "ne". Kion faras no? Bone, no nas kaj no ne nas; no estas nanta. Ankaŭ, no ĉiam estas nanta, ĉiam estas ninta, kaj ĉiam estas nonta. Kia estas no? No estas na. Kiel no nas? Tiel ŝipo ekspedas kargon ŝipe, kiel no faras ne. Sed ne ne estas nure la maniero tiel kiel no faras, sed ankaŭ priskribas la frazojn kiun la vorto "ne" ekas. Frazoj kiu estas ne kontraŭdiras ion, sed frazoj kiu ne estas ne povas kontraŭdiri.
  • N Harmonia (エヌ en japonès) és un dels antagonistes dels jocs Pokémon Negre i Blanc. Se li considera un personatge una miqueta enigmàtic, amb ideologies radicals sobre la relació entre entrenadors i Pokémon. És capaç de comprendre als Pokémon amb tan solament mirar-los. Al llarg del joc, "N" reptarà contínuament al jugador parlant de "justícia", és a dir, el que per a ell és el correcte i el que no ho és. A més es referirà als Pokémon com "amics", i buscarà d'alliberar-los del control dels humans per a així crear dos mons totalment aïllats (Blanc i Negre), però per a açò necessitarà primer trobar el poder i els mitjans necessaris. És el líder de l'Equip Plasma.
  • N is the king of Team Plasma. He possesses an ability to communicate with Pokémon, similar to Yellow's.
  • New Caledonia n00bs! No quack. Nurdle the turdle in the naburdle.
  • Das N ist einer der vielen Buchstaben des lateinischen Alphabets und wurde in diesem Satz genau 11-mal verwendet (oder auch verwandt). Apropos verwandt: Verwandt ist das N mit dem M. So wird das N z.B. bei dem Artikel den am Ende verwendet, der wiederum in Konkurrenz zu dem Artikel dem steht. Im Zuge der Dativierung gehen manche Leute sogar soweit, daß sie dem Kind(e) etwas lehren. Um den Verlust des N-s besser ertragen zu können, ersetzen sie dann aber lieber gleich das H in lehren durch ein N, aber damit es nicht zu stark übervorteilt wird, tun sie das hinter dem R. Soviel zum N. Weitere Informationen, z.B. zur Verdoppelung des N-s in N.N. nimmt die Uncyclopedia gerne eNtgegeN.
  • Do a Barrel roll!
  • Ghetsis Groupius is Natrual Gropius[N] S' FATHER!
  • Fehérvár Nándorral valami történt. Hogy mi, azt ő sem tudja, csak annyira emlékszik: amnéziás. Most itt ül minden kényelemmel felszerelt, budatetői kertes házában, és nem ért semmit. Családja a szekrénybe pakolva, egy nagy rakás pénz társaságában, és csupán két dolog biztos: szerettei nem emberek, a kazalnyi húszezresből pedig jó néhány évig futná pizzára. Úgy dönt, megpróbálja megtalálni önmagát, kideríteni, hogyan csöppent ebbe a helyzetbe. Váratlan segítőtársakra is talál: egyszeriben nők zsongják körül – ki a pénz miatt, ki önzetlenül, ki pusztán szeretetvágytól hajtva. Nándor elkezdi felderíteni a környező világot, tartalommal megtölteni múltjának mérhetetlen fehér foltjait. És álmokat lát. Ezek megfejtésében a pszichológus Edit asszisztál neki, és kettejük botladozó kapcsolata hamarosan egy idilli jövő lehetőségét is felkínálja… ám a lomhán moccanó emlékek valami sötétet vetítenek előre, sötétebbet még a magyar valóságnál is. Képes-e egy meglehetősen lökött, mégis alapvetően jószándékú pasi változtatni saját sorsán, vagy épp az egész emberiségén?
  • N is a pilot working for the Reaper Squad.
  • N is the 14th letter of the English alphabet.
  • Noble Art 拳擊.拳術 Netball 投球
  • N (エヌ N) is a Shinigami of of the Gotei 13, and the 4th Seat of the 9th Division, serving under Captain Hajime Ryūmonki. He is a character in Bleach: Rasenhiden.
  • Na * Naga Tubo * Nagíing * Nagpadala * Nagtátanóng * Nágwas * Náis * Nakahanda * Nakahanda sa Pagsasanay * Nakalúlugód * Naka Upo * Nákaw * Nánay * Nanganganínag * Naniniwalà * Náog * Nápaka- * Napulo * Naraphil * Natákot * Navarro, Carlos * NECOPA * Negósyo * Néribiyos * New Concept of Philippine Arnis * Ng * Ngálan * Ngayón * Ngáwit * Ngiló °1 * Ngiló °2 * Ngípin * Ngúso * Nigiwí * Níngas * Ningníng * Nínong * Ninunò * Nípa * Nobenta * Noó * Noóng úna * Nóta * Numerada * Numerado °1 * Numerado °2 * Numerado °3 * Numerado Stil * Númró * Nuwébe * Nuwebe *
  • The definitions on this page originally appeared on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's website. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS): Standards established by EPA that apply for outdoor air throughout the country. (See: criteria pollutants, state implementation plans, emissions trading.) National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS): Emissions standards set by EPA for an air pollutant not covered by NAAQS that may cause an increase in fatalities or in serious, irreversible, or incapacitating illness. Primary standards are designed to protect human health, secondary standards to protect public welfare (e.g. building facades, visibility, crops, and domestic animals). National Environmental Performance Partnership Agreements: System that allows states to assume greater responsibility for environmental programs based on their relative ability to execute them. National Estuary Program: A program established under the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 to develop and implement conservation and management plans for protecting estuaries and restoring and maintaining their chemical, physical, and biological integrity, as well as controlling point and nonpoint pollution sources. National Municipal Plan: A policy created in 1984 by EPA and the states in 1984 to bring all publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) into compliance with Clean Water Act requirements. National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NOHSCP/NCP): The federal regulation that guides determination of the sites to be corrected under both the Superfund program and the program to prevent or control spills into surface waters or elsewhere. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES): A provision of the Clean Water Act which prohibits discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States unless a special permit is issued by EPA, a state, or, where delegated, a tribal government on an Indian reservation. National Priorities List (NPL): EPA's list of the most serious uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for possible long-term remedial action under Superfund. The list is based primarily on the score a site receives from the Hazard Ranking System. EPA is required to update the NPL at least once a year. A site must be on the NPL to receive money from the Trust Fund for remedial action. National Response Center: The federal operations center that receives notifications of all releases of oil and hazardous substances into the environment; open 24 hours a day, is operated by the U.S. Coast Guard, which evaluates all reports and notifies the appropriate agency. National Response Team (NRT): Representatives of 13 federal agencies that, as a team, coordinate federal responses to nationally significant incidents of pollution--an oil spill, a major chemical release, or a - superfund response action--and provide advice and technical assistance to the responding agency(ies) before and during a response action. National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations: Commonly referred to as NSDWRs. Navigable Waters: Traditionally, waters sufficiently deep and wide for navigation by all, or specified vessels; such waters in the United States come under federal jurisdiction and are protected by certain provisions of the Clean Water Act. Necrosis: Death of plant or animal cells or tissues. In plants, necrosis can discolor stems or leaves or kill a plant entirely. Negotiations (Under Superfund): After potentially responsible parties are identified for a site, EPA coordinates with them to reach a settlement that will result in the PRP paying for or conducting the cleanup under EPA supervision. If negotiations fail, EPA can order the PRP to conduct the cleanup or EPA can pay for the cleanup using Superfund monies and then sue to recover the costs. Nematocide: A chemical agent which is destructive to nematodes. Nephelometric: Method of of measuring turbidity in a water sample by passing light through the sample and measuring the amount of the light that is deflected. Netting: A concept in which all emissions sources in the same area that owned or controlled by a single company are treated as one large source, thereby allowing flexibility in controlling individual sources in order to meet a single emissions standard. (See: bubble.) Neutralization: Decreasing the acidity or alkalinity of a substance by adding alkaline or acidic materials, respectively. New Source: Any stationary source built or modified after publication of final or proposed regulations that prescribe a given standard of performance. New Source Performance Standards (NSPS): Uniform national EPA air emission and water effluent standards which limit the amount of pollution allowed from new sources or from modified existing sources. New Source Review (NSR): A Clean Air Act requirement that State Implementation Plans must include a permit review that applies to the construction and operation of new and modified stationary sources in nonattainment areas to ensure attainment of national ambient air quality standards. Nitrate: A compound containing nitrogen that can exist in the atmosphere or as a dissolved gas in water and which can have harmful effects on humans and animals. Nitrates in water can cause severe illness in infants and domestic animals. A plant nutrient and inorganic fertilizer, nitrate is found in septic systems, animal feed lots, agricultural fertilizers, manure, industrial waste waters, sanitary landfills, and garbage dumps. Nitric Oxide (NO): A gas formed by combustion under high temperature and high pressure in an internal combustion engine; it is converted by sunlight and photochemical processes in ambient air to nitrogen oxide. NO is a precursor of ground-level ozone pollution, or smog.. Nitrification: The process whereby ammonia in wastewater is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by bacterial or chemical reactions. Nitrilotriacetic Acid (NTA): A compound now replacing phosphates in detergents. Nitrite: 1. An intermediate in the process of nitrification. 2. Nitrous oxide salts used in food preservation. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): The result of nitric oxide combining with oxygen in the atmosphere; major component of photochemical smog. Nitrogen Oxide (NOx): The result of photochemical reactions of nitric oxide in ambient air; major component of photochemical smog. Product of combustion from transportation and stationary sources and a major contributor to the formation of ozone in the troposphere and to acid deposition. Nitrogenous Wastes: Animal or vegetable residues that contain significant amounts of nitrogen. Nitrophenols: Synthetic organopesticides containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. No Further Remedial Action Planned: Determination made by EPA following a preliminary assessment that a site does not pose a significant risk and so requires no further activity under CERCLA. No Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL): An exposure level at which there are no statistically or biologically significant increases in the frequency or severity of adverse effects between the exposed population and its appropriate control; some effects may be produced at this level, but they are not considered as adverse, or as precurors to adverse effects. In an experiment with several NOAELs, the regulatory focus is primarily on the highest one, leading to the common usage of the term NOAEL as the highest exposure without adverse effects. No Till: Planting crops without prior seedbed preparation, into an existing cover crop, sod, or crop residues, and eliminating subsequent tillage operations. No-Observed-Effect-Level (NOEL): Exposure level at which there are no statistically or biological significant differences in the frequency or severity of any effect in the exposed or control populations. Noble Metal: Chemically inactive metal such as gold; does not corrode easily. Noise: Product-level or product-volume changes occurring during a test that are not related to a leak but may be mistaken for one. Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL): Contaminants that remain undiluted as the original bulk liquid in the subsurface, e.g. spilled oil. (See: fee product.) Non-Attainment Area: Area that does not meet one or more of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for the criteria pollutants designated in the Clean Air Act. Non-Binding Allocations of Responsibility (NBAR): A process for EPA to propose a way for potentially responsible parties to allocate costs among themselves. Non-Community Water System: A public water system that is not a community water system; e.g. the water supply at a camp site or national park. Non-Compliance Coal: Any coal that emits greater than 3.0 pounds of sulfur dioxide per million BTU when burned. Also known as high-sulfur coal. Non-Contact Cooling Water: Water used for cooling which does not come into direct contact with any raw material, product, byproduct, or waste. Non-Conventional Pollutant: Any pollutant not statutorily listed or which is poorly understood by the scientific community. Non-Degradation: An environmental policy which disallows any lowering of naturally occurring quality regardless of preestablished health standards. Non-Ferrous Metals: Nonmagnetic metals such as aluminum, lead, and copper. Products made all or in part from such metals include containers, packaging, appliances, furniture, electronic equipment and aluminum foil. Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation: 1. Radiation that does not change the structure of atoms but does heat tissue and may cause harmful biological effects. 2. Microwaves, radio waves, and low-frequency electromagnetic fields from high-voltage transmission lines. Non-Methane Hydrocarbon (NMHC): The sum of all hydrocarbon air pollutants except methane; significant precursors to ozone formation. Non-Methane Organic Gases (NMOG): The sum of all organic air pollutants. Excluding methane; they account for aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and other pollutants that are not hydrocarbons but are precursors of ozone. Non-Point Sources: Diffuse pollution sources (i.e. without a single point of origin or not introduced into a receiving stream from a specific outlet). The pollutants are generally carried off the land by storm water. Common non-point sources are agriculture, forestry, urban, mining, construction, dams, channels, land disposal, saltwater intrusion, and city streets. Non-potable: Water that is unsafe or unpalatable to drink because it contains pollutants, contaminants, minerals, or infective agents. Non-Road Emissions: Pollutants emitted by combustion engines on farm and construction equipment, gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment, and power boats and outboard motors. Non-Transient Non-Community Water System: A public water system that regularly serves at least 25 of the same non-resident persons per day for more than six months per year. Nondischarging Treatment Plant: A treatment plant that does not discharge treated wastewater into any stream or river. Most are pond systems that dispose of the total flow they receive by means of evaporation or percolation to groundwater, or facilities that dispose of their effluent by recycling or reuse (e.g. spray irrigation or groundwater discharge). Nonfriable Asbestos-Containing Materials: Any material containing more than one percent asbestos (as determined by Polarized Light Microscopy) that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Nonhazardous Industrial Waste: Industrial process waste in wastewater not considered municipal solid waste or hazardous waste under RARA. Notice of Deficiency: An EPA request to a facility owner or operator requesting additional information before a preliminary decision on a permit application can be made. Notice of Intent to Cancel: Notification sent to registrants when EPA decides to cancel registration of a product containing a pesticide. Notice of Intent to Deny: Notification by EPA of its preliminary intent to deny a permit application. Notice of Intent to Suspend: Notification sent to a pesticide registrant when EPA decides to suspend product sale and distribution because of failure to submit requested data in a timely and/or acceptable manner, or because of imminent hazard. (See: emergency suspension.) Nuclear Reactors and Support Facilities: Uranium mills, commercial power reactors, fuel reprocessing plants, and uranium enrichment facilities. Nuclear Winter: Prediction by some scientists that smoke and debris rising from massive fires of a nuclear war could block sunlight for weeks or months, cooling the earth's surface and producing climate changes that could, for example, negatively affect world agricultural and weather patterns. Nuclide: An atom characterized by the number of protons, neturons, and energy in the nucleus. Nutrient: Any substance assimilated by living things that promotes growth. The term is generally applied to nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater, but is also applied to other essential and trace elements. Nutrient Pollution: Contamination of water resources by excessive inputs of nutrients. In surface waters, excess algal production is a major concern.
  • Natural Armonía Gropius (Natural Harmonia Gropius en inglés, Natural Harmonia Gropius en japonés) es uno de los antagonistas de los juegos Pokémon Negro y Pokémon Blanco. Se le considera un personaje un tanto enigmático, con ideologías radicales acerca de la relación entre entrenadores y Pokémon. Es capaz de comprender a los Pokémon con tan sólo mirarlos. Es uno de tus rivales en el juego. Su figura está rodeada de misterio. Su nombre es todo un misterio en los videojuegos, donde en ningún momento se revela, llamándose sólo por el nombre clave N. En Pokémon Negro y Pokémon Blanco, cuando le derrotas por última vez en el Palacio de N, Ghechis le dice ¿Y tú te llamas Armonía como yo? por lo que el primer apellido es lo único que se revela de su nombre en los videojuegos. En Pokémon Negro y Blanco y Pokémon Negro 2 y Blanco 2, en la sala de juegos del palacio de N se puede leer "Armonía" al interactuar con la pelota de baloncesto. A lo largo del juego, N retará continuamente al jugador hablando de "justicia", es decir, lo que para él es lo correcto y lo que no lo es. Además se referirá a los Pokémon como "amigos", y buscará liberarlos del control de los humanos para así crear dos mundos totalmente aislados (Blanco y Negro), pero para esto necesitará primero encontrar el poder y los medios necesarios. En Pokémon Negro y Blanco es el líder del Equipo Plasma (se le ve coronado por Ghechis al inicio del juego), y en Pokémon Negro 2 y Blanco 2 se convierte en el líder del Ex-Equipo Plasma, hecho con otros miembros que dejaron la banda, para luchar contra los planes de Ghechis y el nuevo Equipo Plasma.
  • N es un monstruo. Sube la imagen en PNG o JPG para este objeto Detalles
  • N is another character made by Seth Reuben. He looks like a normal Black line and he defends earth from monsters. He is also 5 feet tall. This is made by Seth Reuben
  • SLASH'EM introduces new creatures that use the n glyph: * n nymph: * n pixie * n brownie * n quickling * n Aphrodite
  • [[Plik:Berlinka na linii N na Nowodworach.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Berlinka nr tab. 445 na linii N właśnie przybyła na Nowodwory z Młocin]] N – linia tramwajowa okolicznościowa, która została uruchomiona na jeden dzień 26 lutego 2017 z okazji przedłużenia trasy tramwajowej na Nowodwory od pętli Tarchomin Kościelny do tymczasowego krańca Nowodwory. Linię obsługiwały 3 Jazzy Duo (nry tab. 3620, 3627 i 3630) i zabytkowa berlinka nr tab. 445. Z uwagi na to, że na tymczasowym krańcu Nowodwory nie ma pętli, a jedynie przejście międzytorowe, linia mogła być obsługiwana jedynie taborem dwukierunkowym i dwustronnym, a dodatkowo zabytkowa berlinka musiała kursować solo (jadąc w jednym z kierunków musiałaby pchać wagon doczepny, co jest niedopuszczalne w ruchu z pasażerami). Linia kursowała w godzinach 13.00 – 18.30. Tego samego dnia przed jej uruchomieniem odbył się specjalny przejazd linii 2 po tej samej trasie.
  • N was raised by Ghetsis, the internal leader of the Seven Sages. As he grew up, he was appointed as the king and leader of Team Plasma. He is an anti-villain, being the secondary antagonist, yet a good natured person who sees Pokémon as his friends and is generally rather amicable toward the player as well. According to Concordia, "N's heart is pure and innocent." At several points during the game he appears before the player to battle. As a child, he was raised together with Pokémon and was isolated from humans. Ghetsis would only let N see Pokémon that had been hurt by humans. Based on the contents of his room in N's Castle, as a child he appeared to be interested in skateboarding, transportation (such as planes and trains), basketball, and darts. He also had many brand new toys. Pokémon have played with his toys, as his skateboard is covered in claw marks and scratches. It is revealed by Anthea and Concordia in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 that N was an orphan raised by Pokémon in a forest until he was taken in by Ghetsis. The Seven Sages educated him in many subjects. In Black and White, N is first seen in the game's prologue movie, in which N, clothed in special garb, is crowned by Ghetsis in the throne room of a castle. During the ceremony, as the other sages watch, N remembers his childhood spent with his Pokémon friends. The player first meets N in Accumula Town after Team Plasma's public rally and Ghetsis's speech, where he challenges the player to a Pokémon battle. He again appears outside of the Nacrene Gym, for another battle, and later at Nimbasa City, where he asks the player to talk to him while riding the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel. During this excursion, N reveals that he is the leader of Team Plasma; Ghetsis had asked him to assist him in Team Plasma's liberation of Pokémon. It is confirmed after the ride, when a group of Plasma Grunts address him as their leader, and he battles the player to allow them time to get away. He is again encountered at the Chargestone Cave, where he battles the player, and lastly, in Dragonspiral Tower, where he found ZekromB/ReshiramW for his plans. When the player challenges the Pokémon League, after beating the Elite Four, the player finds N with Alder, the Champion, arguing over the use of Pokémon as tools. When the player arrives, N summons his Castle from the earth, which attaches itself to the Pokémon League, and as he enters the Castle, he challenges the player to face him. Cheren arrives, and he and Alder ask the player to stop him. Within the castle's throne room, N tells the player that his goal is to create separate worlds for both humans and Pokémon, saying that he is willing to battle even if his Pokémon are hurt. To combat the player, he summons ZekromB/ReshiramW. As N's dragon appears, the player's Light/Dark Stone is revived into the opposing dragon, and N encourages the player to battle it. Once the dragon is caught, N will challenge the player. After N is defeated, Ghetsis appears and reveals he revived ZekromB/ReshiramW for N to use, calling him a disappointment. Team Plasma's motive for stealing Pokémon—separate worlds—is shown to be a lie. Ghetsis manipulated N and Team Plasma to ensure that he was the only person in Unova with Pokémon so that he could dominate the region. Alder and Cheren both hear this. Ghetsis battles the player in a rage, despite N's protest. After the battle, Alder and Cheren arrest Ghetsis and take him away. After the battle, N apologizes, walks to a hole to outside on edge of the throne room, lets out his legendary Pokémon, and bids a final farewell to the player. Then, after the credit-roll, an epilogue movie plays in which ZekromB/ReshiramW, with N on top, hovers above the clouds and, activating its tail's engine, accelerates away. After the player finds the other six sages for Looker, Looker says that he has heard that N was seen in a distant land with a Dragon-type Pokémon. In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, N returns to save Kyurem from Ghetsis riding Zekrom/Reshiram. When his legendary dragon is absorbed by Kyurem to transform to Black Kyurem/White Kyurem, he pleads the player to stop Ghetsis and get it back. On Route 23 on the way to Victory Road, he will give the player HM05 (Waterfall). After the player has entered the Hall of Fame, N will appear in Nimbasa City at the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel on Fridays, and N's Zoroark will appear on Victory Road, leading the player to the ruins of N's Castle, which N and the player walk around. In the throne room, N asks the player to battle him and his Zekrom/Reshiram. When the player defeats him, N reverts his dragon to its dormant state—the Dark Stone/Light Stone—and gives it to the player to summon it at Dragonspiral Tower to catch. After catching or knocking out Zekrom/Reshiram, N arrives to congratulate the player and informs that Kyurem has returned to the Giant Chasm. After Kyurem has been caught or knocked out by the player, N returns to the ruins of his castle, which now form part of Victory Road, for a rematch with different Pokémon depending on the season.
  • N is the fourteenth letter in the English Alphabet.
  • Antes de su debut, ganó una docena de concursos de danza nacional. Él y Leo actuaron juntos como bailarines de 2PM en el Gayo Daejeon del 2011. También fue un bailarín de respaldo para las actuaciones en directo de Brian Joo , 'Let This Die' con Leo y Ravi . Él tomó un año de descanso en la escuela secundaria para practicar el baile en Japón. Después de ser aprendiz durante 5 años y gracias a su talento en la danza, N ha sido elogiado por las tres agencias coreanas más grandes SM Entertainment, YG Entertainment y JYP Entertainment. Declinó 3 ofertas para entrar en Jelly Fish Entertainment y formar parte del grupo VIXX del cual él es el líder.
  • N is a letter of the alphabet. A boring one, too. Previous letter: "M" Next letter: "O"
  • N is an award-winning freeware Macromedia Flash computer game developed by Metanet Software. It is inspired in part by Lode Runner, but features a realistic physics engine. The name is derived from "The Way of the Ninja", which is described in the background story. N features a ninja, who is the player-controlled character in the game. N is composed of episodes, each featuring five levels, numbered 0 through 4. As of version 1.4, the game contains 500 levels. The goal of each level is to trigger the switch and exit through the door that it opens, before the 90-second time limit is up. Some levels have more than one exit and associated switch. The challenge is navigating the level and making it to the end, while avoiding the various enemies and obstacles in your way. Along with all of these new episodes comes a feature that adds support for your own levels, known as userlevels. There are a number of maps that are default, and given to you once you get the game. You can add maps into that database using a .txt document that comes with it. With this feature, you can play any map in the normal game mode. The game save data is saved on an automatically-created .sol file, which should usually be left unedited.
  • Natural Harmonia Gropius, or more commonly known as N, is a major antagonist of the Black and White versions. His full real name is never directly revealed in game, but his surname is (as revealed by Ghetsis between the final two battles against them) Harmonia. The name is first discovered written on N's basketball in his playroom. He is the leader (or, as said by Team Plasma members, the king) of Team Plasma. He also has the ability to understand and speak to Pokémon.
  • Serial jest dostępny w kolekcji nScreen usługi VOD, w jakości High Definition i w systemie dźwięku Dolby 5.1. Dostępna jest wersja z lektorem i napisami.Pakiet VOD kosztuje 30 zl miesiecznie i poza serialem LOST w jakości HD zawiera jeszcze: * Teraz albo nigdy * 39 i pół HD * Kryminalni HD * Medium * The Office * Desperate Housewives
  • Le N est la quatorzième lettre de l'alphabet. Elle est représentée par deux lignes verticales à ses extrémités qui sont reliées par une ligne oblique partant du sommet de la ligne gauche au pied de la ligne droite.
  • N is a character in Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. He was the proclaimed king of Team Plasma who dreams of liberating all Pokémon from their trainers. He captures Zekrom or Reshiram, depending on which version you have, and tries to get the chance to have all Pokémon liberated.
  • N was gotten on CRRP in February of 2014. This is the first incarnation of him on the board, and he uses a unique fusion of B/W and CRRP's Unova timeline in his backstory, which involved Plasma succeeding in their quest- for a little while.
  • N is the Nteenth number in the alphabet. He dislikes his job as number fourteen, and hopes to one day, move up the corporate ladder to number one, currently held by A.
  • N is a letter. It is one of the 21 consonants. It is the 14 letter of the the alphabet.
  • n serves two functions: it is both the independent variable for Sequential Functions graphing and storing the number of elements in a 1-Var Stats calculation.
  • Nとは? 【よみかた】「えぬ」または「ぬーん」 * GOLDの単位で万の略。白鯖発祥説が有力。サーバが増えるにつれ他のサーバにも使われるようになった。サーバによっては厨扱いされる。他のMMOで使っても通じないので注意。
is Allies of
is Character of
is PREV of
is Family of
is Sponsors of
is Friends of
is NEXT of
is Trainer of
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